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Old October 8, 2002, 23:37   #1
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City Planner Campaign Thread

Originally posted by Ninot
tsk tsk tsk... no neutral first post, straight to the campaigning?

I hope no one is running against you, cuz if they are, they have equal reason to start their own campaign threads and ignore this one, which is clearly dedicated to you..
Yes, you are correct. so I'll change it to:

just starting the Term V City Planner Campaign Thread

The Canidates are:

My Campaign is below this post.....

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Last edited by E_T; October 9, 2002 at 22:38.
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Old October 8, 2002, 23:52   #2
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and since i have this realestate......

Welcome One and All to the CP campaign thread! Your in for a treat, as we have 3 examplary candidates here to show their campaigning strength, and ultimately to help you decide which man is the right one for you!

Now, to begin. E_T, what might you have to say for yourself?
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Last edited by Ninot; October 9, 2002 at 00:15.
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Old October 9, 2002, 00:12   #3
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My Campaign for City Planner for Term V
moved it to here.....

Hello Apolytonia, I'm E_T and I am running for the Term V City Planner Position.

I plan to bring a lot of experiance with micromanaging Cities to help get the best Production, Trade & Growth that can be gotten from them. I hope to help 'roughshod' our cities to the point that we will come out of the Dark Ages and be the dominate power by the end of the Middle Ages. I plan to balance City needs with Needs of the SMC. I plan on working closely with the MoE & MoPW on expediting building and Infrastructure.

I hope to have Apolytonia's support with all of this and in electing me to the post.

We have a large Quantity of Cities in our great nation and I'm working on the best way to keep track of what they are all doing and help me get the best production out of them. Here is a glimpse of one of my tools that I'll be using to do my job for you.

I've been working with Togas as his Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade. I've been at several of the Turnchats, representing that department and advising the FM & President on some of our relations with our neighbors.

Originally posted by History Guy
ET...are you a Hawk or a DIA? Zeit seems to be already running for DIA, and I'm running for Hawk.
I am an Apolytonian and would like to insure that our nation is the greatest one on the planet. I kind of subcribe to both of those philosophies. Our Cities & Nation can not prosper without a strong militaty to prevent anyone else from taking our hard earned gains from us. Sometimes, military action is required, to attain all that the Great Banana has forseen to bring before us or to punish one of our neighbors, like Persia, for breaking our trust. We must also make sure that we have the best that we can give our citizens, so that they will prosper with us. That requires building the things that will make that happen.

The reactions to the announcement of my candidacy have been very good sofar.
Originally posted by adaMada
Awsome E_T! You've done great work within the Foreign Ministry department, and I'm happy to see you running for a position.
-- adaMada
Originally posted by Arnelos
This is by far the coolest news of the day

I think E_T would make an absolutely awesome City Planner (which happens to be why I tried to peer pressure him into running via PMs ). Specifically, what I noticed that I thought was the telling characteristic of a great future City Planner was his creation of the wonderful charts of foreign civ trading information and his posting of his spreadsheet(s) with that stuff.... this is precisely the type of organization and analytical work we'd expect from a competent City Planner.

So yes, this is excellent news .
Originally posted by Togas

I'd much rather you stay in the Foreign Ministry, of course. But you would do well as the City Planner.

Personally, I've come to rely on your expertise and advice, and I would like to ask that you remain with us next term.

I hope to do Apolytonia proud as the City Planner for Term V.


P.S. Nonot, I hope this is better.
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Old October 9, 2002, 00:18   #4
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To all candidates:

1. What are your views on forced assimilation, tactical feeding programs, and the dangers of a foreigners?

2. How will you balance the military and domestic needs of our land?

3. How will you run the provincial system?

4. Are you, or have you ever been a member of the Apolytonian Republican Front?

Last edited by Duddha; October 9, 2002 at 00:31.
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Old October 9, 2002, 00:54   #5
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Originally posted by Duddha
To all candidates:

1. What are your views on forced assimilation, tactical feeding programs, and the dangers of a foreigners?
I am not a racist and beleave that any foreign national who becomes part of our great nation can work just as hard as our regular citizens. Making sure that improvements to the cities will benifit all, natives & foreigners alike. When they see the light (and they will), they will become proud native citizens.

As for Tactical Feeding and Dangers of Foreigners, if you mean population reduction by starvation in a wartime situation, then that is partly a SMC function while the city is under revolt and would be my responsability after that. Yes, too many foreign nationals in a newly aquired city can have adverse effects if it 'flips' back to the opposing nation while we are still at conflict with them. Starving a City back some is benifitial only at that time. If, on the other hand, the Opponent in question is eliminated entirely, then the dangers aren't really that great any longer.

2. How will you balance the military and domestic needs of our land?
I will confer with the SMC on any military force requirements that he feels needs to be met. I will also confer with the MoPW on any Workforce needs that he has and to address any infrastructure needs that I would require from him. I will confer with the MoE on funding for rushing any improvements that are being constructed and on any improvement needs to help our economy.

I will balance these items to provide their needs and the needs of the cities, depending on what needs to be built where and where to best build it.

3. How will you run the provincial system?
The provincal system is a good idea of splitting up the planning for a large empire and should be continued. I will listen to the recommendations of Provincial Govenors and make my final desicion based on that and the needs of the nation. But remember, the nation does come first. Whether we are at War or Peace.

4. Are you, or have you ever been a member of the Apolytonian Republican Front?
I've heard of them, but I don't even have any Idea what or how they lean politically. I don't know what their Philosophies or tenents are. I beleave in a lot of things, but mostly the Banana and Apolytonia and will try to do my job to make both of those great.

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Last edited by E_T; October 9, 2002 at 01:01.
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Old October 9, 2002, 01:00   #6
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I have to agree with Duddha on the RA (Regional Administrators) deal. As I was selected to be the RA of Pina Colada (primarily for a RP deal) I have taken it upon myself to look out for the intrests of the cities placed under my stead, ie: the Pina Colada thread (right now I am dealing with the possible culture flip of Chiquita). The use of RA's will make the city planner job much easier as he can rely on a "staff" who make suggestions to the MoCP (essentially RA are Deputy Ministers).

Will you make use of existing RA's ( ) , select new ones or do away with them altogether ?

(It might be polically incorrect, but I am basing my vote entirely on this subject. Er, that is unless you all agree.)

(damn E_T posts fast...)
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Old October 9, 2002, 01:28   #7
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Originally posted by donegeal
Will you make use of existing RA's ( ) , select new ones or do away with them altogether ?
I feel that the RA's who have been doing a good job and who want to continue, will have a place in my Ministry. I'm waiting for a PM from GK about some of this, and hope to hear from him soon.

Togas has had several people whom he has relied on for Support, Information, Suggestions & Help during Turnchats. I plan relying on the RA's for the same kind of thing.

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Old October 9, 2002, 09:05   #8
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I will look at this more later, just wanted to thank E_T for saving me the trouble of creating this thread....shows good initiative...a quality needed in a minister...
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Old October 9, 2002, 10:29   #9
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To all candidates:

- Where do you stand on the "How to name cities" issue - who should do it, what names should we choose, can old cities be renamed
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Old October 9, 2002, 10:47   #10
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Originally posted by Fergus Horkan
To all candidates:

- Where do you stand on the "How to name cities" issue - who should do it, what names should we choose, can old cities be renamed
I think that this is a function of the MoIE office. You need to ask them. They have an excellent process for naming/remaning our fair cities.

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Old October 9, 2002, 15:09   #11
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-As for the naming issue, I think it's the people's role to name the cities, Anyone who wants to rename a city, or bunch of cities should propose his suggestions, the most popular ones should be polled and thus decided upon.

About the RA issue- That seems to be the Ministry's weakness, the RA aren't helping the CP enough. I intend to change that and to make sure the RA are doing their job and pointing out te needs of their regoin to the CP.

In this chance i also call the RA to PM me about any issue that needs attention in your province. As you all probably know i will be replacing GK this turn phase, and i hope this will serve as a testimony to my capabilities as a CP.
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Old October 9, 2002, 15:25   #12
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Originally posted by zeit
About the RA issue- That seems to be the Ministry's weakness, the RA aren't helping the CP enough. I intend to change that and to make sure the RA are doing their job and pointing out te needs of their regoin to the CP.
They aren't?

I'm not a member of the CP ministry myself, so I admitedly approach this topic with some ignorance (the fact that I was unaware of their failure to help enough being evidence thereof, apparently), but are they really not doing their job?
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Old October 9, 2002, 18:28   #13
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Arnelos -This was the impression i got from teh turn chat before the last one, when Apoc had to stop the chat because he had no CP orders. Later on GK complained he didn't get the orders in time from the RAs, and that he didn't have enough time to make an organized orders post.
Despite this problem, i must give credit to Shiber and GF, which is a RA himself, that pointed some micromangement issues in certain cities.
When i checked other cities, i saw that some micromanagement can give us some extra 5 gold per turn.
This task is very tedious, and obviously no CP with real things to do in his life can handle it with 100% over a large period of time, but if each RA checks his area and make sure the tiles are fully exploited (corruption and waste are also factors), this can be close or even 100%.
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Old October 9, 2002, 18:31   #14
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Arnelos - nope. So far that has been a weekness/flaw of the job. I have not been able to work on correcting the matter a lot either. My fault. However the system is also flawed in that the amount of time to review and post between saves is limited, so I do not blame them. Several have done an exelent job, and I commend them for their help and assistance. The fact that some are not doing much in assistance is/has been kept quiet by me for several resions, one of which is that I am partially to blame as I have not forced any issues.

E_T, please list all candidates in the first post. The chart you might want to consider breakin into parts as it makes that post difficult to read (scroll left, scroll right....) pain in the arse.


Major issues of CP: Please answer on what you think. If any candidate is interested in my personal opinion on these, I will happily PM them:

City Names (along with region names). This has been under the pervue of CP from 3rd term, not IE. Although much discussion about this has come out recently, please reiterate your views.

Regions and their administrators: What role do you see them as playing. The way the "law" was written, you can assign any and all functions you like to them, but you are still responsible.

Ability to coordinate with other offices. Particularly War and Public Works.

Money. How should it be decided on who gets to spend what? Are you willing to sacrifice a temple rush if it means an upgrade to a unit? In peace or war? What about a new tech purchase if it means a major city would go into disorder if the cathedral was not purchased this turn? Please post your views (and come up with your own examples as appropriate).

Importance of the City Councel (the CP group equivlent to the war acadamy, machivelian institure, area 22, etc), and how will/may it influence your decisions?

Palace relocation? I intend to start on the FP in my administration, but ignore the palace for now. Next person will be called upon to finish the FP and start the palace. Ideas, opinions, suggestions, etc?

One major problem I have had is time. It takes a lot to do this job relative to many others. What is your RL schedule like? Ability to make chats? Please note that in this term, I have often known of the exact time of the chat only hours before it starts. Next term is a whole new ball game, so it might be better or worse. How will this effect your posting of orders and your abbility to make chats (if the occur)?

Future plans. Where do you intend on taking this office? I brought about the regions, and in running out of minister names have come up with the whole city naming debate/controversy. What is your vision? Please note for me this is the most importand question of all that I have posted here.

OK. That should be enought to get you started. Lets hear that debate.....
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:

As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
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Old October 10, 2002, 12:32   #15
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bump -
with all the new toped threads, I wanted this on the first page.
Try peace first. If that does not work, then killing them is often a good solution. :evil:

As long as I could figure a way to hump myself, I would be OK with that
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Old October 10, 2002, 12:57   #16
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Originally posted by GodKing
City Names (along with region names). This has been under the pervue of CP from 3rd term, not IE. Although much discussion about this has come out recently, please reiterate your views.
I haven't found anywhere where this power was given to the CP, and appears to have NEVER been addressed by our CoL. However there is much support for the tradition of ministers naming a city as reward for serving in office. Does anyone know which ministers have NOT chosen names or have chosen ones for specific cities and are awaiting our possession of those cities?

I'm feeling the best way to handle this is to let the computer name the cities and allow each minister to name a city for each term they hold.

Exceptions would be capital cities such as Paris and cities that built Wonders. These cites shouldn't be renamed as they are testaments to our glory and conquest.
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Old October 10, 2002, 12:59   #17
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I'm sorry for not writing that much in the thread, i would have, but the time i have on the forum is spent on handling the CP's work, and this turn is pretty busy one, I have to re-affirm what GK said, the CP is a very time consuming job, as i learn it now the hard way.

The good news is i started get some help from RA's, and volunteers, the credit this time goes to donegal and Fergus Horkan, thanks guys.
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Old October 10, 2002, 13:16   #18
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To all candiates:

If elected, what would be your proposed queue on building up our inferstructure while producing new Knights for Aggie? Any structures you would plan to make standard procedure to rush if given a set gold amount per turn to do so?

(Depending upon the answers I may have follow up questions.)
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