October 9, 2002, 09:41
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Public Works Campaign Thread
To my knowledge I'm the only candidate currently running for PW. My goal is to clear and road the jungle, and leave some smaller groups of workers to improve the tiles with mines/irrigation depending on the CP's goals for each city.
Feel free to ask questions and/or make suggestions.
October 9, 2002, 12:15
Local Time: 04:08
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And how will this help you in the $mini-game?
With the debate going on about expansion/consolidation, do you think a portion of our labor force might be warranted to be under SMC direct control to provide fortifications and infrastructure for future campaigns or defenses?
Also will you change the department position to "Ministry of the Interior" or "Interior Ministry"? "Public Works" sounds like sewage managment...
October 9, 2002, 12:28
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Ghengis - how many more workers do you think you need for the important task of clearing the jungle before our GA? Or is the amount we have enough? Will you concentrate on any particular area or have small groups of workers working everywhere?
Take your time with these questions - this may require some looking at the save before a decision.
October 9, 2002, 12:53
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I agree on the name and sewage connection.
My goal is to have two stacks of "jungle corps" workers composed of OUR workers and each stack to have enough units to clear a jungle tile and build a road in one turn.
The idea is the entire stack moves onto an unimproved jungle tile on one turn. Clears and roads it the second turn, then moves to a new unimproved jungle tile the next turn.
I want them to be Egyptian because they work faster and once we have cleared all the jungle we can join them to our cities.
The slave workers (ones we have captured) will be used to mine and irrigate the roaded tiles left behind and build roads and fortifications for the SMC as I would prefer not to lose our citizen workers should something unfortunate happen in a war zone.
October 9, 2002, 13:13
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb
I want them to be Egyptian because they work faster and once we have cleared all the jungle we can join them to our cities.
The slave workers (ones we have captured) will be used to mine and irrigate the roaded tiles left behind and build roads and fortifications for the SMC as I would prefer not to lose our citizen workers should something unfortunate happen in a war zone.
Don't workers retain their "nationality?". In otherwords, if a Civ is industrious, the workers have a bonus. So if they're captured, the conquring Civ receives the bonus from the workers. I think it is also the same with citizens in a city. Ex: French citizens give you a commerce bonus, until they become assimiliated.
Otherwise, fair enoguh. Why waste units as escorts for Xerxy scum?
October 9, 2002, 16:51
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Originally posted by Mr. Orange
Don't workers retain their "nationality?". In otherwords, if a Civ is industrious, the workers have a bonus. So if they're captured, the conquring Civ receives the bonus from the workers. I think it is also the same with citizens in a city. Ex: French citizens give you a commerce bonus, until they become assimiliated.
Yes workers retain their nationality, and I believe they do give you bonuses if they are industrius (or if they are our own)...
Otherwise, fair enoguh. Why waste units as escorts for Xerxy scum?
All worker units are important nonetheless, whether they are our's or someone elses that we've captured, after all, they are still an integral part of the public works department. If the military doesn't capture those extra workers, then it's all on the shoulders of our OWN workforce, and I don't like the idea of putting too much strain on them.
Therefore, any worker that is escorted probably needs that escort unless we want to give away a free unit to whoever wants to capture them
October 9, 2002, 16:52
Local Time: 01:08
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Originally posted by Mr. Orange
Don't workers retain their "nationality?". In otherwords, if a Civ is industrious, the workers have a bonus. So if they're captured, the conquring Civ receives the bonus from the workers. I think it is also the same with citizens in a city. Ex: French citizens give you a commerce bonus, until they become assimiliated.
Yes workers retain their nationality, and I believe they do give you bonuses if they are industrius (or if they are our own)...
Otherwise, fair enoguh. Why waste units as escorts for Xerxy scum?
All worker units are important nonetheless, whether they are our's or someone elses that we've captured, after all, they are still an integral part of the public works department. If the military doesn't capture those extra workers, then it's all on the shoulders of our OWN workforce, and I don't like the idea of putting too much strain on them.
Therefore, any worker that is escorted probably needs that escort unless we want to give away a free unit to whoever wants to capture them, and why'd we want to do that?
October 9, 2002, 17:09
Local Time: 04:08
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Traights of the slaves are irrevelent for public work. All foreign slaves are twince as slow as your normal workers as every game I've played has shown.
Yes, this means that any and all German slaves we poessess are now building roads under our control as fast as they were under the control of the Germans.
And if your playing say Babylon and capture Persian slaves, these slaves are really goofing off compared to what they were doing control the control of the Persians.
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October 9, 2002, 17:10
Local Time: 01:08
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Ghengis I think you'll make a great Public Works minister
October 9, 2002, 17:12
Local Time: 01:08
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Yeah, we just won't receive any worker bonus from them whether their nation was industrial or not. That still doesn't mean they still aren't helpful to what needs to be done.
October 9, 2002, 17:51
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All worker units are important nonetheless, whether they are our's or someone elses that we've captured, after all, they are still an integral part of the public works department. If the military doesn't capture those extra workers, then it's all on the shoulders of our OWN workforce, and I don't like the idea of putting too much strain on them.
Meshelic --
I'm not in disagreement. I was thinking in terms of having an specific "military engineer corps" and in times of conflict, actively on the front lines. A la grouped with units to build roads and forts during a campagin.
Traights of the slaves are irrevelent for public work. All foreign slaves are twince as slow as your normal workers as every game I've played has shown.
Yes, this means that any and all German slaves we poessess are now building roads under our control as fast as they were under the control of the Germans.
And if your playing say Babylon and capture Persian slaves, these slaves are really goofing off compared to what they were doing control the control of the Persians.
joncnunn --
So they do retain their bonuses? It seems they do. I usually raze Persian cities becasue their work force seems faster. Maybe I just want them to be
October 9, 2002, 19:18
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Originally posted by Mr. Orange
And how will this help you in the $mini-game?
Yes, this indeed should be a primary concern to all citizens... whether the highly wealthy and ruthless landlord GhengisFarb is, in reality, running for the position of Minister of Public Works simply as a means of furthering his own fortune! We will have to watch closely to see if he is biased toward removing jungle or improving his own tiles over those of other landowners!
It may be that we simply cannot trust such an unscrupulous man at all! How can we trust this member of the landed aristocracy to fairly and impartially run the Ministry of Public Works when his conflict of interest is so amazingly obvious?
GhengisFarb will likely make a great MPW
(just, the rest of you in the $mini-game should watch him like hawks  )
October 9, 2002, 20:42
Local Time: 03:08
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YES, workers from industrious civs work twice as fast as those from non industrious civs. One of the reasons I don't want our workers on the front lines as it would speed up the work rate of our opponents. Second it woudl require less workers in the stacks to clear jungle.
October 10, 2002, 11:11
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The traight that matters is your own, not theres.
As Babylon in 1.21f I had both Zulu & Persian slaves.
They worked for me at exatly the same (slow) rate.
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October 11, 2002, 02:05
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Originally posted by joncnunn
The traight that matters is your own, not theres.
As Babylon in 1.21f I had both Zulu & Persian slaves.
They worked for me at exatly the same (slow) rate.
No, captured workers with the Industrius trait work twice as fast as captured workers without the trait.
Worked on 1..21 and 1.29.
October 11, 2002, 02:29
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb
No, captured workers with the Industrius trait work twice as fast as captured workers without the trait.
Worked on 1..21 and 1.29.
Weird. My experience has been the same as joncnunn's.
Two threads I found through the poly search engine: 1 2
October 11, 2002, 09:52
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When I played as the Zulu, the capturied Egyptian workers worked at the same rate as my Zulu workers (half their normal rate as they are industrious) and twice as fast as other workers I had captured.
Maybe it's a bug with my program, but it does work on my computer.
October 12, 2002, 00:34
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Edit: feeling much better.
Last edited by GhengisFarb™; October 12, 2002 at 05:35.
October 12, 2002, 00:40
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I am withdrawing from the PW race as I have just lost any and all interest in Civ3.
Is this a bad joke?
October 12, 2002, 01:04
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October 12, 2002, 01:38
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb
I am withdrawing from the PW race as I have just lost any and all interest in Civ3.
I'm sorry that you're pissed, and hope that you work out whatever's troubling you.
In the meanwhile, if anyone else can do/wants the job, then they should probably run pretty soon (I think OPD said elections start 2:00 GMT)... if not, I guess we start reviewing the current CoL.
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
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October 12, 2002, 05:23
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First of all this had nothing to do with anybody from the Democracy game, this had to do with some unreasonable demands and unprofessional actions concerning a leaderhead request.
Call me "Al Gore" I take back that previous statement, I'm feeling better after posting in the Civ3Demo forum already.
Last edited by GhengisFarb™; October 12, 2002 at 05:34.
October 12, 2002, 09:02
Local Time: 04:08
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Originally posted by GhengisFarb
First of all this had nothing to do with anybody from the Democracy game, this had to do with some unreasonable demands and unprofessional actions concerning a leaderhead request.
Call me "Al Gore" I take back that previous statement, I'm feeling better after posting in the Civ3Demo forum already.
Al Gore
(though wouldn't Ross Perot be a better example?)
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