October 11, 2002, 16:40
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
New Apolytonian Index
Last edited by H Tower; October 16, 2002 at 02:05.
October 13, 2002, 01:25
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Last edited by H Tower; December 11, 2002 at 01:23.
October 13, 2002, 01:26
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
History Table of Contents
[COLOR=royal blue]
A long time ago (in about 4000BC) a wandering tribe of nomads discovered a large ruin. This ruin must have been there for thousands of years and wasn’t like anything they had ever seen before. They send out their bravest men  to explore this mysterious by forest overgrown ancient city and waited both excited and afraid for their return.
10 days later their men returned, none of them were harmed, which immediately convinced them there weren’t any other tribes who lived in this ruin. The stories these brave men brought with them were even more amazing.  
The ruin was even bigger then they expected, the men told it went all the way to the sea and there were even structures in the sea. They also told about buildings, which were so high that they touched clouds much higher then any bird could fly. On some places the ground between these buildings was harder then solid rock and a transparent material, which sealed perfectly square and round holes in the walls of these buildings, couldn’t be damaged with spears or even rocks thrown at it. This was truly a miraculous ruin.
After hearing all these fantastic stories the wise men of the tribe decided to go on a second expedition inside these ruins. Accompanied by the brave men  they entered the ruins a few days later, to return safely to the tribe 40 days later.
When they returned they brought with them a large amount of strange objects, most of them were what we now call books, but back then these things had no name. There was only one problem, the wise men had no idea how to interpret these strange ideograms that filled most of the books, but they were deterred to figure it out  .
The reason they gave was even more fantastic then the stories the brave men had told after the first mission…they spoke of a building that showed them what must have happened to the ruin before it became a ruin.
It had shown them enormous armies, of more then a 1000 times 1000 men which were fighting for some reason, strange machines hovering over the land and breathing fire. Other machines flying through the sky like birds, whose droppings caused enormous explosions.
And in the end there were images of strange looking spear like objects, that were moving through the sky over enormous distances, and were they came down they caused “a mushroom of death” , incinerating everything near the explosion. Further away where there was no fire an invisible hand crushed the birds and the machines in the sky. On the ground the soldiers just fell over and never stood up again.
All this time there had been a voice that spoke words they didn’t understand , even after the third and fourth time they entered the building and saw these images and heard the voice they didn’t know what the words meant.
The wise men  were only sure about 1 thing: There must have been a very advanced civilization a long time ago and it got destroyed in a war. They called this civilization Apolytonia(because this was one word the voice had said repeatedly).

In order to be able to study the ruins and understand more about this long gone civilization the elder decided to found a village on the grasslands east of the ruins.
It was named Melfort and from now on the people would call their tribe New Apolytonia.
-Written By Historian Shade
Last edited by H Tower; October 13, 2002 at 18:10.
October 13, 2002, 01:27
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
History Table of Contents
The birth of a new empire.
So here they were ready for a new way of life , no more constantly moving around, looking for a place to stay for some months.But as always there were some people who weren’t ready to give up their nomadic way of life so they decided to keep traveling around a little longer. In order not to lose contact with the village they promised to stay in the area.
To keep the village life organized the people demanded some sort of government. Immediately an eager young man named 123John321 ,although everyone called him John, stepped forward and claimed he could lead the people out of the darkness into the light. His enthusiasm was so overwhelming no one could stand a chance against him in elections.
Of course his reign could not be an absolute one so he needed to listen to the advice he got from his cabinet of elected village elder.
After 2300 years, his reign came up on review and although the first reactions were quite positive, it almost cost him his head. 
In these 2300 years he had accomplished to explore an enormous area and had lead his exploring troops into many battles with Barbarians, all of which he was victorious. He also led a diplomatic mission to a nearby advanced tribe whom he convinced to join our tribe. They were so impressed with his military achievements they didn’t hesitate to join. (How would you react yourself when you are face to face with an invincible army and you can choose to fight them or be protected by them?)
From that day on the city of Seville became part of what everybody started to call the New Apolytonian Empire .
To make sure his troops had a place to train in, he ordered the building of barracks nearby his village palace in Melfort. There, warriors, phalanxes and even horsemen were trained in the arts of war and exploration.
In the mean while, the village elder  had been studying the books and objects they brought with them from the ruins. In order to do this more efficiently they invented the alphabet.
In their quest for knowledge and understanding they also developed a way to mimic the objects made of some kind of metal. They called it the art of bronze working and it didn’t take long before some of the enlisted men got the idea to make weapons using this technique. This allowed them to make stronger bronze helmets and shields for the defending troops that were called Phalanxes. It were also the same young men that created the art of horseback riding. This was the result of a bet, one of them was bragging he could easily fight and win from 4 warriors when seated on the back of a horse…although he lost his bet (the fourth warrior was to much ) some men started training like this and after a while they were able to fight of 4 or some of them even 5 warriors.
In spite of all these achievements there were some people who weren’t very happy  . They complained John hadn’t send out people to settle new cities in the explored land and that he hadn’t asked for more advice from his cabinet earlier in his reign.
At a certain point it got so bad that the leader of the cabinet, VP Darkness’ Edge, had to put up a referendum for the people so they could decide if John would be impeached or not.
After numerous speeches defending and attacking John and a lot of spear tossing the final result was that John just made it with 52.38%. He could continue his reign but he would have to be very careful. After his reign, when his diaries were discovered we learned he really felt bad about the situation. He described how his feelings were tossing him around between anger and total despair. He lost all faith in himself during the impeachment-referendum and didn’t really believe it when he made it eventually.
After the dust settled and he again could count on the undivided support and help of his cabinet of village elder, he continued his reign. 
-Written By Historian Shade
Last edited by H Tower; October 13, 2002 at 18:10.
October 13, 2002, 01:28
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
History Table of Contents
The second part of despot John's reign.
To make sure nothing like the last time happened he let his reign be reviewed 725 years later. During this 725-year period John again led the people in the exploration of the world around them and discovered many new lands. He even discovered 2 new ruins , although smaller in size then the one in the woods near Melfort they were big in importance . In both ruins the old and wise men of the tribe discovered new books of knowledge.  They learned from the drawings and ideograms, they already could decipher from the books from the Melfort ruin, how they could create maps of the explored territory. They also learned to mimic some of the techniques they saw on the images, using the materials they had at hand, to build temples and shrines for the gods and the ancestors, who guard and protect us in all we do.
He also encouraged, with help of the expansion minister , the people of Melfort and Seville to send out groups of brave young people to found new cities in the explored territory. Using the art of mapmaking this was now a lot easier and so 2 new cities were founded: “Cordoba” and “St.Praski”.
To make sure everybody would remember that Melfort was the most important city of all and home of the government, it was decided that it would be renamed to CAPITOL, in tradition of something the wise men, studying the ruins, had learned about the disappeared civilization.
To keep the empire in one piece John also ordered the creation of a road between CAPITOL (Melfort) and Seville and another road to connect St.Praski to Seville. These roads made it easier to travel from one city to another so problems could always be solved swiftly.
At this point the entire world the people of The New Apolytonian Empire knew was surrounded by liquid water . Except for one place where it was so cold the water was frozen solid . Because despot John wanted to explore , exploration was the one thing he really lived for, you could see his eyes glow with pride and ecstasy when he told about his expeditions with the troops, he ordered some of the bravest men to come with him and explore these icy lands. Because this would lead him to far away from CAPITOL to do his job decently the cabinet  ordered him to stay at home while those brave men did the exploration. In an attempt to make this situation bearable for despot John they also ordered the men to send in yearly reports about their progress. John agreed with this plan although it made him really sad. The day the troops left CAPITOL for the exploration of the icy lands there were 5 men needed to restrain John from following them. The following weeks there didn’t pass a day the cabinet had to send out a search party to get despot John back.
Eventually John gave in and stayed in CAPITOL and did the job a leader does. The cabinet tried to comfort him as good as they could, even a blind man could see how sad he was. Every year he was excused from his duties during the 2 weeks the messengers of the explorers returned home to CAPITOL. During these 2 weeks he was constantly talking to these messengers , day and night without getting tired or hungry he listened, asked, listened and asked again. He wanted to know every detail and almost sucked the stories right out of them. These were the days you could hear him laugh throughout the entire palace.
When his reign was reviewed in the year 975BC, there were no complaints.    Everybody was happy , except despot John . He couldn’t stand it any longer to stay at home, so far away from his troops exploring these new and unknown icy lands. Therefore he told the cabinet he wanted to step down and go join the explorers . He even had a name for a successor, but since The New Apolytonian Empire is a democratic society the cabinet insisted on elections.
So new elections were held, not only for the job of despot but also for all jobs in the cabinet. As soon as these elections were finished, John took his horse and raced after the last messenger returning to the exploring troops.
Here end's the reign of despot 123John321.
-Written By Historian Shade
Last edited by H Tower; October 13, 2002 at 18:11.
October 13, 2002, 01:29
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Main Table of Contents
The History of The Apolytonian Cabinet
The First Civ2 Democratic Game (begun February 2002)
February Cabinet
March Cabinet
April Cabinet
May Cabinet
June Cabinet
July Cabinet
The Second Civ2 Democratic Game (begun August 2002)
August Cabinet
September Cabinet
October Cabinet
November Cabinet
December Cabinet
Back to History Index
A new day, a new leader, a new empire.
When the dust settled and the votes were counted a new leader stepped into the light: Despot Hydey . His first act as new depot was simple, he sacked all his male employs and replaced them with glorious young women . He explained in a press release this was because people, who would come to him with problems, feel more at ease when addressed by a nice young girl then by a grumpy old male employ. As always, when a leader makes a wise decision, there were evil tongues that claimed otherwise. They spoke about “parties” where only the young interns were invited by despot Hydey, and about the things which happened there.
When this change was done, despot Hydey started his reign. He continued the exploration of the last part of the main continent using a troop of horsemen. One day they saw a group of huts on the horizon, Hydey who didn’t trust this situation, he had heard about troops of barbarians traveling the entire world and attacking everything that even looked like civilization, approached the village carefully. When the villagers saw the approaching horsemen, they send out a “volunteer” : to find out what Hydey wanted. After a few tense hours of discussion both parties concluded they could trust one-another. Despot Hydey was immensely surprised when the people of the village held a huge celebration that evening and they announced they would send their strongest men with him on his campaign to explore the continent.
So when the horsemen and despot Hydey left the village they were accompanied by a troop of heavily armed and very good trained men, who called themselves “Legion”.
In the mean time ex-despot John was exploring the icy lands and had submitted his reports in which he spoke about endless plains of ice and snow, about bears with white furs and sea lions with big ivory teeth. He also mentions 2 villages they found in these unforgiving lands. The first one was empty; they only found some metals worth 50G that he send with his report to Capital. The second settlement was inhabited, the men who lived there told they were explorers of a distant country and they were lost in these cold lands. Living there already for 7 years and having seen 3 out of 4 of their friends die they decided to join John’s explorers. They packed what was left of their horses and followed the pack.
Back in Capital there had been a lot of small fights in the streets and pubs lately so the mayor decided to put down some rules of conduct for the stationed men and citizens, to keep this situation from escalating. He called them “Laws” and in his enthusiasm and love for rules he even wrote a book of on how to create these “laws”, called:”Code of laws, how to create a successful law.”
At the same moment of despot Hydey’s return to Capitol, rumors about the Chinese nation building a wonder called “the pyramids” reached the Apolytonian Empire . As reaction to this and to show the strength of our young empire despot Hydey announced the foundation of a new city called: Valencia . He also ordered the construction of the first ship that the New Apolytonian Empire would build. The news of the Chinese building the pyramids had given Hydey a vision , a vision of an immense empire with many cities and tens of thousands of citizens. It would control the land, sea and sky over an aria so big that it was day in one part and night in an other.
-Written By Historian Shade
Last edited by H Tower; December 11, 2002 at 01:11.
October 13, 2002, 01:30
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
August Cabinet
President: 123John321
Vice President: Darkness Edge
City Planner: Ixnay37
Foriegn Minister: -Jrabbit
Minister of War: MrWhereItsAt
Expansion Minister: Atawa
Science/Trade Minister: H Tower
Historian: Civman2000
Government History Contents
September Cabinet
President: Hydey
Vice President: Ixnay37
City Planner: Darkness Edge
Foriegn Minister: -Jrabbit
Minister of War: cavebear
Expansion Minister: atawa
Science/Trade Minister: H Tower
Historian: shade
Government History Contents
October Cabinet
President: Cavebear
Vice President: Darkness' Edge
City Planner: Zedd
Foriegn Minister: 123john321
Minister of War: shade
Expansion Minister: atawa
Science Minister: Ixnay37
Trade Minister: MrWhereItsAt
Historian: Shade
Last edited by H Tower; October 13, 2002 at 18:11.
October 13, 2002, 18:07
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Main Table of contents
Citizens of New Apolytonia
3)Marquis de Sodaq
9)H Tower
13) Darkness' Edge
19)James Adams
27)Vlad Antlerkov
31)Messer Niccolò
32)tomcat ha
42)geoffrey arnold
46)Jan Kras
47)Baron O
(as of December 10, 2002)
Last edited by H Tower; December 11, 2002 at 00:32.
October 13, 2002, 18:54
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Main Table of Contents
Baisc Guidelines For Playing
Responsiblities of the Cabinet
Vice President
Supreme Military Commander (Minister of War)
Science Minister
Trade Minister
City Planner
Minister of Imperial Expansion
Foriegn Minister
General Cabinet Rules
Election Guidelines
Guideline for playing
President's Responsibilities
-Plays the game
-If supplied with conflicting advice/polls and there is no time/way to straighten this out, the Prez makes the final decisions.
-If the matter is urgent enough (eg imminent invasion/loos of capital city), the Prez is expected to seek help from Ministers/the Public and NOT go it alone.
-Should post a turn-by-turn account of their play (nothing too detailed, just major troop movements, conquests etc, Wonder/technology news...)
-Gets to name cities
Guideline for playing
Vice-President's Responsibilities
-Posts nomination thread
-Posts election polls
-Becomes Minister if that Minister is absent for 24hr
-Becomes Prez in event of abdication - holds position until next elections
Guideline for playing
Supreme Military Commander's (Minister of War) Responsibilities
-Military polls
-Exploration (shared with Minister of Imperial Expansion)
Guideline for playing
Science Minister's Responsiblities
-Setting science rate (in conjunction with Trade Advisor)
-Tech targets (main and secondary for just in case situations where we can't go for the one we want)
-should be for a tree of several techs so we don't have to stop every time we get one.
Guideline for playing
Trade Minister's Responsibilities
-All uses of caravans (Wonders, trade with ourselves/others, rushing other things)
-Setting tax rate (in conjunction with Science Advisor)
Guideline for playing
City Planner's Responsibilities
-What to do with workers and when to build them
-Build queues. When polling on possible build queues, the Minister decides the most important ones for himself (in consultation with public/Council if necessary) and poll only on these important ones
-Unhappiness Issues
-Terrain Development
Guideline for playing
Minister of Imperial Expansion Minister
-Where to build cities
-Exploration (shared with Minister of War)
Guideline for playing
Foriegn Minister's Responsibilities
-All foreign affairs, use of diplomats/spies and government change
Guideline for playing
Historian's Responsibilities
-Writes a narrative of all that happens during a term (see -Jrabbit's excellent ones for a good indicator of what you are to do) with excessive smilies (important! :doitnow: ) and must be prepared to be contacted for news to put on the Apolyton Civ2 news site (has happened twice)
Guideline for playing
General Cabinet Rules
-Each person may hold 1 post at a time.
-Cabinet gets the save.
-Absolutely NO play to be done by any but the Prez
-NOBODY is allowed to check the map by cheating or playing into the future for an advantage
-NO reloading for favourable outcomes of huts, battles etc.
Guideline for playing
-Elections end of every month.
-Each citizen may be in the Cabinet for four terms in a row only - need a responsibility-free month before they can run again. The only exception is if there is no other candidate for a position in an election - this should be considered last resort material
-Self Nominations OK
-Once elected (polls close and Cabinet names are posted in High Council thread by the Prez) Ministers must PM their emails to the Prez
Guideline for playing
-Anyone can be a member of Apolytonia.
-All are allowed (and encouraged  ) to vote on polls
-Any concerns should be posted or PMed to Ministers - this IS a Democratic game!
Last edited by H Tower; October 16, 2002 at 02:08.
November 4, 2002, 22:05
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
February Cabinet
President: Marquis de Sodaq
Vice-president: Shaka Naldur
Science Advisor: Gramphos
Foreign Advisor: adamsj
Millitary Advisor: Shade
Trade Advisor: El Awrence
City Planner: kassiopeia
Impirial Expansion: Frank Johnson
Historian: Albert B.
Last edited by H Tower; November 6, 2002 at 18:45.
November 4, 2002, 22:05
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
March Cabinet
President: Shaka Naldur
Vice-president: MBloomIII
Science Advisor: Gramphos
Foreign Advisor: adamsj
Millitary Advisor: Shade
Trade Advisor: El Awrence
City Planner: kassiopeia
Impirial Expansion: Frank Johnson
Historian: Albert B
Last edited by H Tower; November 6, 2002 at 18:44.
November 4, 2002, 22:07
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
April Cabinet
President: Shade
Vice-president: Shaka Naldur.
Science Advisor: MBloomIII
Foreign Advisor: Hydey
Millitary Advisor: Marquis de Sodaq
Trade Advisor: El Awrence
City Planner: cavebear
Imperial Expansion: Steelehc
Historian: Jrabbit
Last edited by H Tower; November 6, 2002 at 18:43.
November 4, 2002, 22:08
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
May Cabinet
President: cavebear
Vice president: MrWhereItsAt
Science Advisor: ixnay37
Foreign Advisor: adamsj
Military Advisor: Marquis de Sodaq
Trade Advisor: shade
City Planner: Shadowlord
Imperial Expansion: CannonFodder
Historian: -Jrabbit
Last edited by H Tower; November 6, 2002 at 18:42.
November 4, 2002, 22:09
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
June Cabinet
President: cavebear
Vice president: civman2000
Science Advisor: ixnay37
Foreign Advisor: Hydey
Military Advisor: MrWhereItsAt
Trade Advisor: timmy2tone69
City Planner: Bear **
Imperial Expansion: CannonFodder
Historian: -Jrabbit
**Bear resigned on June 13. atawa became the City Planner effective June 15
Last edited by H Tower; November 6, 2002 at 18:38.
November 4, 2002, 22:10
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
July Cabinet
President: MrWhereItsAt
Vice-president: 123john321
Science Advisor: H Tower
Foreign Advisor: Hydey
Minister of War: Shade
Minister of Trade: Matticus
City Planner: atawa
Historian: cavebear
Last edited by H Tower; November 6, 2002 at 18:40.
November 6, 2002, 18:08
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
History Table of Contents
Notes from the fuzzy edges of prehistory are scant, but traditional lore states that on or about 23 Jan 02, adamsj brought forth his conception of a Democratic Apolytonia, wherein the ppl would throw off their shackles of barbarism and anarchy, coming together in a harmonious world of shared ideas and community wisdom. The deity MarkG looked down upon this and saw that it was good, and on the third day, he caused to be created The Forum and bequested it to adamsj and any ppl who might follow him out of the wilderness.
The radical idea of Democracy was then communicated to the ppl for their consideration through the magic of Posting. The ppl learned of the idea and, looking about at their pathetic existence of hut-foraging and fishing, of living in fear of the raging hordes, they saw the It Was Good.
adamsj, true to the spirit of his noble idea, encouraged the participation of all an lo, many came forth from the wilderness.  Some ppl came forth from Civ3, and many from Civ2, both SP and MP. Still others came from Civfanatics.
Quoth adamsj, "Send us your curious  , your bored  and notorious  , your peacekeepers  , your troublemakers  yearning to breathe free. All we accept to this new way of life, to this new path -- to the Democratic Game!"
Ideas were tested through a newfangled concept called The Poll, a common thread through which all members of society could express their opinions  , and the Post, wherein individual citizens could have their voices heard, persuading other ppl  to align with their thoughts and ideas. The first of these polls revealed The Version, in which the combined wisdom of 21 ppl determined that the nation would play Civ2 MGE -- the architecture of the world as we know it today. The gods looked down and saw both the The Post and The Poll and said that they were good.
To attain the heady dream of adamsj and make it real, the ppl needed leaders, a select few who would hear the ppl’s will and impose it on a cruel and inhospitable world. And so it came to pass that on 06 Feb 02 were The Elections. Using The Poll, the ppl chose from among them a leadership to bring them forth from the darkness. And the will of the ppl was heard, and heard well.
The election of 4000 BC
February 2002
United Apolyton High Council
President - Marquis de Sodaq
Vice President - Shaka Naldur
Science Advisor - Gramphos
Foreign Advisor - adamsj
Military Advisor - shade
Trade Advisor - El Awrence
City Planner - kassiopeia
Imperial Expansion - Frank Johnson
Historian - Albert B
And thus began The Game...
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
Last edited by H Tower; November 6, 2002 at 18:41.
November 6, 2002, 18:11
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Chapter II -- The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
Part One
...and so it was that ppl found themselves united to a single purpose, to survive and thrive in an inhospitable world. They gathered among them their meager knowledge. Some of this was real, the rest mere rumor  or lore.
They knew it to be a cruel  world, where only a Deity could truly thrive. Barbarous tribes  roamed the planet in raging hordes  . And yet the size of the world was Normal, and rumored to contain other Civs, perhaps as many as six more, all striving to progress, to learn, to tame the wilderness. It was known that all would compete for fruits of the earth, which were sadly limited. The special benefits of plentiful game, of precious minerals, of fertile fields & des fruits de mer were there for the taking -- but only to the swift of knee  , the wise of beard  , the clever of mind  and the strong of arm.
And so their first President, Marquis de Sodaq, gathered the ppl and spake unto them, saying, "We need in this early time your talents, your knowledge and your lore. Give unto the nation what ye know, that we may all learn and prosper by it."
And lo, it was revealed that the ppl had indeed some knowledge of the world, creating a technical library in the oral tradition  . Of course there was irrigation and mining, and the ability to build crude roads through difficult terrain. These were expected. Exultant was the President then,  when learned he that also among the ppl was found knowledge of the Alphabet, which he knew was the first step toward Writing.  So too was contributed a Code of Laws, by which an orderly society and a glimmer of future organization might be imagined.  And finally, there was Pottery, by which knowledge could be made vessels of clay for many uses.
President Marquis de Sodaq wept tears of joy at this good fortune, knowing the ideas of adamsj were already bearing the ripe fruit of knowlege, a powerful force in this difficult world. He said unto his ppl,  "Let us now look about us at the land, to find a spot on which to build a great Capital, a village which, I promise you, will one day grow to house your children’s children’s children, providing all with safety and security. In it we shall build great Wonders  and train our citizens unto a variety of skills. Let us find a position of great resource and call it our own!"

-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:11
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Back to History Table of Contents
Chapter II -- The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
Part One
...and so it was that ppl found themselves united to a single purpose, to survive and thrive in an inhospitable world. They gathered among them their meager knowledge. Some of this was real, the rest mere rumor  or lore.
They knew it to be a cruel  world, where only a Deity could truly thrive. Barbarous tribes  roamed the planet in raging hordes  . And yet the size of the world was Normal, and rumored to contain other Civs, perhaps as many as six more, all striving to progress, to learn, to tame the wilderness. It was known that all would compete for fruits of the earth, which were sadly limited. The special benefits of plentiful game, of precious minerals, of fertile fields & des fruits de mer were there for the taking -- but only to the swift of knee  , the wise of beard  , the clever of mind  and the strong of arm.
And so their first President, Marquis de Sodaq, gathered the ppl and spake unto them, saying, "We need in this early time your talents, your knowledge and your lore. Give unto the nation what ye know, that we may all learn and prosper by it."
And lo, it was revealed that the ppl had indeed some knowledge of the world, creating a technical library in the oral tradition  . Of course there was irrigation and mining, and the ability to build crude roads through difficult terrain. These were expected. Exultant was the President then,  when learned he that also among the ppl was found knowledge of the Alphabet, which he knew was the first step toward Writing.  So too was contributed a Code of Laws, by which an orderly society and a glimmer of future organization might be imagined.  And finally, there was Pottery, by which knowledge could be made vessels of clay for many uses.
President Marquis de Sodaq wept tears of joy at this good fortune, knowing the ideas of adamsj were already bearing the ripe fruit of knowlege, a powerful force in this difficult world. He said unto his ppl,  "Let us now look about us at the land, to find a spot on which to build a great Capital, a village which, I promise you, will one day grow to house your children’s children’s children, providing all with safety and security. In it we shall build great Wonders  and train our citizens unto a variety of skills. Let us find a position of great resource and call it our own!"

-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:13
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Back to history Table of contents
Chapter II -- The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
Part 2 -- The Years 4000 BC - 2400 BC
And the ppl looked about them, led by their two designated specialsts, called Settlers.  They found the sea with its plentiful fish, the forest with its game, and the grasslands and plains. And they set themselves down among these things  and built their meager homes. The greatest of these was reserved for their leaders  , that they might gather in solitude to plan, to create their polls, and to discuss great strategems for the common good.
With the skills of their first Settler, the first city was founded. The city of Apolyton. To feed the city, the Fish were exploited. To protect it, a Warrior was trained.
And so went forth the second settler, to learn more of their world. In 3900 BC found he a crude Hut, and being of curious mind,  he entered, finding there a skilled Archer,  whose rare skills were enlisted to the common good of the ppl.
Years passed. Progress was steady, but necessarily slow. Small triumphs built on early successes. In 3750 BC was devised a respectful and holy method of interment, called Ceremonial Burial. While some sniggered  at the seemingly unnecessary pomp, the wise men knew  that it would lead to greater things.
The ppl were fruitful and multiplied in kind.  Marquis de Sodaq smiled and knew the time had come to expand and, in 3700 BC was founded the nation’s second city, which he humbly named... Sodaq.
Soon was spotted another hut. Reached by a faithful Warrior in 3500 BC, bravely  he entered and was astonished  by the knowledge found therein. Indeed, what he found was the long-rumored and sacred Warrior Code, which would help the ppl of Apolyton tame the wilderness and fend off the barbarous hordes they were sure to encounter along the way.
For generations then, did wise men think,  for they knew that their President was, in many ways, little more than a Despot,  albeit an enlightened one who ruled by the ppl’s will. Still, it was thought that a better way might be devised,  one which would allow greater flexibility in the disposition of resources, the arrows of research, the cost of government  and, lo, the happiness of the ppl.
Long did they ponder, long did they study. The spoke among themselves,  they implored the gods,  they consulted the lore of their forebears  . And so it was thought to create a Monarchy, refined from Depotism yet still malleable to the will of the ppl. In due course was the idea  brought to the President, who knew at once that It Was Good.  In the year of Oedo 3100 BC was it decreed and agreed by all that the office of the President should be so.
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:15
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Chapter II, Part 3
The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
The idea  of a Monarchy was so new, so radical, that it caused a revolt  among the ppl, whose world again would change. But, true to the prophesy of Oedo, the revolt was short-lived, and in 3050 BC, President Marquis de Sodaq  was crowned the first King of United Apolyton.
History becomes sketchy at this point, as the ppl settled  into their lives. Sciences were studied,  fields were sowed and reaped, great harvests of fish were pulled from the seas. The government took polls, the ppl spoke, and progress was made.
After a suitable initial period of exploration, le Marquis thought it wise  to create room for future growth. And thus, in 2650 BC, a third city of United Apolyton is founded -- Paha Sapa. The ppl wonder at its name.
By 2400 BC, another nascent city was built. This one was called Fishy -- named, no doubt, in tribute  to the nation's humble origins. About the same time, excited wise men  called an a special session of the High Council to announce that, after centuries of study and self-discipline  , they had finally discovered the secrets of Bronze Working, a technology that promised  a greater defense for the homeland and all its cities. There was great rejoicing.
With a seer’s vision of the future,  the President and High Council (after a suitable period of  celebration), decided to send forth the wise men on another quest for knowledge. The esteemed Minister of Science, Gramphos, addressed them.

"We know now that we live in a watery world," he said. "In fact, our great nation rests on but a modest island in a great sea. This knowledge should inform our studies and direct our minds. Our cities grow and the ppl multiply.  Let us create a body of scientific knowledge that will help us to go forth.  Let the world make room for United Apolyton!"
With both determination  and resignation  did the wise men return to their labors. Inspired by the thoughts of Gramphos, by 2150 BC the wise men discover  a concept they called Map Making. With this came the idea for large boats, adaptable to the arts of exploration, of transportation, and of war.. Plans are drawn. Specialists are set to work,  designing and building the first of these crude boats.
"What shall we call these floating carts?" the workers wondered.
And lo, from the wise men  came a ready answer. "They shall be called Triremes."

"What means this word Trireme?" asked one of the workers.
Smiling down at the worker, the head wise man  said, "It is from the language of the ancient Romans. It is a word of two parts. First is 'Tri' meaning 'Three,' and 'Remus' meaning 'Oar.' As you see, our design has three banks of oars on each side, to be manned by many manly men. Truly, we shall rule the waves!"
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:17
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Chapter II -- Part 4
The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
In due course, the first sailors  were trained to set forth away from the island  of Apolytonia, bravely determined  to explore uncharted waters. Before they departed, Foreign Advisor adamsj and Miltary Advisor shade offered words of wise counsel.
"Go forth," quoth adamsj, "remembering always to stay within sight of land."
Shade advises, "Verily, it is said: Only fools doth go where brave men fear to sail."
Meanwhile, the wise men continued their studies.  Many ideas were examined and discarded. Finally, in 1700 BC, they announced to the High Council their concept for a new technology called Currency.  Unlike Currants from the farmers and Curry from the kitchens, it was found to be inedible.  And yet, the wise men insisted that it would someday  prove useful. The High Council takes the matter under advisement.
Fortunately, the explorations of the seafaring triremes prove more successful.  By 1500 BC, the island north of Apolytonia has been reached. A hut is discovered and entered.  Inside are found a huddled band of nomads, more than eager  to join the obviously advanced and intrepid explorers.
The North Island proves bountiful and, in 1400 BC, the cities of Ten Zuiden and Walvis Baai are settled.there. The High Council rejoices at the news, knowing that in growth there is power.  Historian AlbertB  expresses his relief that a civilization without writing is a civilization that doesn't have to worry about spelling. Meanwhile, the intrepid trireme sets sail to explore the nearby western island.
Reaching the western island, another "first contact" situation arises.  Already founded there is a city, inhabited by an "advanced" tribe. However, having seen the wonders of United Apolyton from afar, this tribe begs to join our democratic ways, promising eternal loyalty and devotion  in return. After a suitable period of consideration, their city (called, oddly, "Rivertown") is welcomed into the nation in 1350 BC.
Soon thereafter, perhaps inspired by our expansion to other islands, the wise men excitedly announce that they have now mastered the advanced scientific concept of Trade!  City Planner kassiopeia and Imperial Expansion Advisor Frank Johnson meet in 1300 BC to discuss the ramifications  and agree that the time has come to awaken Trade Advisor El Lawrence from hibernation. Ironically, Historian Albert B  falls asleep.
It is known and, in some quarters, feared  that the President’s first term of office is nearing its end. It has been a time of discovery and growth.  United Apolyton is held in high esteem by all, yet there is trepidation  in the face of change. To allay their fears, President de Sodaq calls a town meeting, attended by all -- the High Council, the wise men, and the ppl.

"Fear not, my ppl," says President de Sodaq. "Just as I was not truly known to you as we set upon this jouney of democracy, so too will be your future.  I declare that the next election shall go forth as scheduled, and that a new leader shall emerge  to guide us to an even greater future." At this point, some say, a curious smile  appeared on the face of Vice President Shaka Naldur
In his "lame duck" turn as President, Marquis de Sodaq was determined to add one final triumph to his legacy.  In 975 BC, his wish was granted, as the wise men -- finally -- report that they have figured out what to do with the Alphabet skills they have toyed with for the past 3,000 years.  Writing is discovered, promising a new era of knowledge and diplomacy.
Foreign Advisor adamsj immediately volunteers to remain in his present office, energized by the thought of "finally having something to do." Inspired,  the rest of the High Council also agrees to a second term, if the new President will have them. In their excitement, they fail to notice AlbertB, perhaps the one council member who could benefit the most from this new technology, still asleep in his chamber.
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:20
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Chapter II -- Part 5
The Reign of Marquis de Sodaq
Leaving that issue for his successor,  President Marquis de Sodaq gathers his meager personal belongings, along with a few insignificant souvenirs of office (the leather chair  , a case of wine  left over from last year’s Day of Adams-J celebration, and some assorted campaign gifts  from High Council members and right-minded  citizens).
Making his final State of the Democracy speech,  Sodaq notes the vast progress attained by United Apolyton. Growing from anarchic roots to now inhabit three islands, the population has exploded.  The wise men have become better scientists with each discovery, as each new technology suggest a path to further progress. The list of known sciences now includes:
Alphabet -- Bronze Working -- Ceremonial Burial -- Code of Laws -- Currency
Map Making -- Monarchy -- Pottery -- Trade -- Warrior Code -- Writing
President Marquis de Sodaq thanks the ppl for their indulgence and expresses his wish that the next President continue to rule with the will of the ppl foremost in his mind, tempered to wisdom by the advice  of the High Council. The Marquis rambles on about the joy of leadership and the need for humility  amid the grandeur of his reign  :rolleys: until Vice President Shaka Naldur jabs him in the ribs.
Le Marquis, realizing that his time has come and gone,  accepts a stylus from the Vice President, and dips it in a thick gooseberry paste. He then signs his resignation papers, commenting wryly that "The stylus, perhaps one day, may be mightier indeed than the sword or pike." The High Council bursts into laughter.
Town criers are dispatched to all cities,  announcing the end of the Era de Sodaq and the opening of polls for the new election. The result is minor panic  in the streets. Men search their souls  for bravery in the face of the unknown. Women burst into tears  , wailing in the streets. Dogs howl at the moon.  Historian AlbertB sleeps.
So ends the Era de Sodaq.
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:21
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The Short Reign of Shaka Naldur
975 - 375 BC -- Part One
Elections were held for the second administration, with three ppl  running for President -LaFayette, MBloomIII, and Vice President Shaka Naldur. Shaka Naldur also promised to start work on some vaguely defined "building of wonderfulness" to increase the prestige  of our growing nation. Likewise, expansion was advocated, with a commitment to creating new cities on the nearby islands. But above all, he promised to listen to the wishes of the citizenry.  This ambitious approach impressed the ppl, who perhaps did not realize the amount of work such undertakings would require of them. The other candidates campaigned but little, perhaps feeling their reputations would stand them in good stead.
When the dust had settled, the ppl had spoken as with one voice. "We want Shaka Naldur!" exclaimed over 60% of them -- a veritable landslide.  MBloomIII narrowly won the runner-up position, for which he earned the post of Vice President  . La Fayette  finished a close third, but alas received squat for his efforts. A gracious loser, he seceded from active participation the Democracy Game community, choosing instead to retire to his estate and concentrate his considerable abilities on succession gaming. Alas, La Fayette, we hardly knew ye!
The ppl seemed most pleased overall with the previous administration, with most of the High Council returning through the magic of unopposed elections.  Only the Foreign Advisor post was contested, with the legendary adamsj being re-elected over his competition, Citizen Matticus. The High Council for the second term includes:
Science Advisor - Gramphos
Foreign Advisor -- adamsj
Military Advisor - shade
Trade Advisor - El Lawrence
City Planner - kassiopeia
Imperial Expansion Advisor - Frank Johnson
Historian - AlbertB (who won in his sleep)
Among his campaign promises, President Shaka Naldur had advocated the discovery of horseback riding to speed exploration, aid in contacting other civilizations, and search for huts. He also promised a balance between technology and military, and to build infrastructure such as roads and irrigation systems.
...and so came the month of March. Talking to the nation,  President Shaka Naldur thanked all the voters and announced the results of the early post-election polls. The ppl have urged continued exploration, which meant more contact with other civilizations, and clearly agree that Monarchy should remain our form of government. To ensure an adequate military presence, a long-term goal of Monotheism was tentatively established. The advanced development committee  among the Wise Men were duly informed and promised to point their researches in this direction.
At this point, the President retired to the palace and set about executing his, er, the ppl’s plans.  Triremes, manned by brave warriors, were sent out into the world.  Over the next 300 years, far did they travel and much did they learn. Reports were dispatched of their progress, and Shaka maintained a steady hand on the tiller of society’s progress. Speaking to the nation in 675 BC, a jubilant President Shaka informed the ppl that our explorations had indeed revealed much.
Our brave warriors succeeded in making First Contact with two strange and foreign civilizations, the Romans, led by Caesar  , and the Indians, followers of the quizzically calm and stoic Gandhi.  Working with Foreign Minister adamsj, Shaka managed to gain an exchange of knowledge with these strange ppl. First, he kept his campaign promise by gaining the advanced technology of Horseback Riding from the Romans in exchange of the little-used art of Writing.  From the Indians we negotiated the long-desired ability to do Iron Working in exchange for the technology of Trade.
Details of these advanced technologies were quickly disseminated to the Wise Men. After much discussion, it was decided that the course of greatest wisdom would be to begin immediate study of an advanced form of government - The Republic.
It was El Awrence who spoke next. "Behold, my friends, the results of our first trade route. We have begun the flow of fresh gold into our kingdom!"  And there was great rejoicing.  Indeed, most of the High Council immediately retired to their chambers, plotting how their departments would each spend this unexpected lucre.  A new respect for the previously-ignored trade ministry quickly grew. And the Wise Men too rejoiced, as their efforts at research were advanced through the constructive application of outside influences.
Also during this period were built roads to connect all the cities of the nation’s home island, with surrounding lands cultivated to feed the ever-growing populace. Reports from the exploration of surrounding islands include notes on several proposed new city locations. Several new settlements have been established on nearby uninhabited islands. But now, Shaka feels, is the time for bold action.
The President posts a poll proposing a settlement on the same island as Rome and India, thus providing a military presence and a remote base for trade. The ppl vote overwhelmingly - 93 % -- in favor of this new city. Imperial Expansion Minister Frank Johnson asks for volunteers  among the ppl to boldly go where only our triremes have gone before - to seek out a new life amid the foreigners and there to settle under the flag of Apolytonia.
The ppl mull it over.  Finally, some volunteers come forth.  They are trained quickly onto the ways of diplomacy  and defense. While carrying the laurel wreath of peace, the brave settlers know that to live as strangers between two other civilizations will be a perilous life.  Indeed, their expedition is outfitted with  armaments. The President promises them a commitment to "rushbuilding" a state-of-the-art defensive system. The brave settlers know not whether to be encouraged or frightened at their prospects.
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:24
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The Short Reign of Shaka Naldur
975 to 375 BC -- Part Two
Before departing on their perilous mission to foreign lands, the settlers thought it best  to seek an audience with the Wise Men, seeking any wisdom that might provide them guidance in troubled times. The advice the reap is "Go forth, brave Settlers! Just watch your backs!" They are not encouraged.  But then, before they leave, two of the Wise Men distribute gifts of good luck among the travelers.  From the first, each receives a tinderbox.
"In times of trouble, dear travelers, you will always need fire, to drive away the beasts of the forests, and to warm you against the chill nights. A stout tinderbox is the best of friends and a solver of problems in such troubled times. Learn to use it well" The settlers accepted these gratefully.
And there was more.  Another of the Wise Men came to them, giving each citizen a small bag containing dried leaves, sweet-smelling and slightly sticky.  "Behold, travelers! When the darkness is at its worst, when all appears lost, my friends, from these humble plants shall you take courage.  They will suffice to fuel your fires, of course.. But these leaves are not for kindling! Behold!"
With that, the wise man struck a spark and, drawing a flow of air across the rank leaves, started them smoldering.. "Breathe deep of these special fires  and your cares will fade, your fears become laughter,  and the night will be as day. " A smile curled across the Wise Man’s lips.  "Use the herb sparingly, and speak of it to no man. Now go forth!"
And go forth they did, traveling across the sea to the northwest, where they found the city of Citadel.
By this time, President Shaka is a bit frustrated.  Having already kept his primary campaign promises and, getting little input from his ministers, his postings began to betray a bit of stress.  "Start new trade routes?" he asks. Then, "Ministers, now it is your turn."  Then, "Just ask for whatever you want." With no immediate response, Naldur begins to show the strain, threatening to take the lash to the High Council :banned: if they do not do some polls and suggest the proper courses of action for their areas of expertise.
Then, silence. Ominous silence from the Office of the President.  A day passes. Then two. As the ministerial responses begin to trickle in and plans for the next actions of the empire begin to form, so too the rumors have begun.
 "Where is the President?" begins one discussion. Soon, the conversation takes on a more paranoid tone. :His last post was five days ago." "When will the vice take over?" "Who should I send the next orders?" ..hoping for our first military coup. The library is mysteriously inundated with requests for the book "Revolution for Dummies."  : Questions rage. The ppl are, understandably, alarmed.
Leaderless, the High Council flounders, its members talking amongst themselves,  each hoping desperately for a scrap of information that will unlock the door to their unknown future, a future that looks increasingly dark and treacherous.. Finally, amid the speculation, City Planner kassiopeia is heard, whispering fiercely to the rest of the High council, "Sssh! The Prez is back!"
Walking slowly, head down, his massive right hand massaging his furrowed brow, President Shaka Naldur approaches the podium at the head of the legislative chambers. The High Council looks to their beloved President expectantly.  The room falls silent.
Shaka Naldur speaks: 
"As some of you may be aware, in recent days I have faced some crises of a personal nature. It is most unfortunate that I have not been able to continue my governance at the same pace we maintained but a week prior. Worse yet, Vice President MBloomIII has been sent on a delicate foreign trade mission at this same time. Thus, the United Minds of Apolyton have been effectively leaderless during this time." He draws a breath. "For this I must apologize to you, and to the ppl."
"And lo, that is not all, for, try as I might, I cannot will my personal problems to bide their time. Indeed, it is troubling to me that, as the man with the greatest power in all Apolytonia, perhaps in all the world, I can be brought low by such seeming trifles. And so I come to you tonight with a heavy heart."
The President paused. He drew forth a great silver quill and a scroll of papyrus. "In the short time of our nation’s existence, we have grown quickly. We have managed well. But, truth be told, we could not predict the course of future events. And thus, the events of today must be as they will be."
Science advisor Gramphos stepped forward. "Speak not to us in riddles, o great one!" he implored.  "We know not whereof you speak, and seek only the succor of your leaderly wisdom. Speak plainly to us!"
Shaka Naldur gave a wan smile and nodded his head. "Very well, sir. For you are right. The ppl elected us and deserve our best service. I must say, however, with great regret, that I no longer have such service to give." The Council froze. "Speak plainly, you say? Very well. Now hear this:

"As President of the United Minds of Apolyton, I, Shaka Naldur, can no longer execute my oath of office. Effective immediately, I must, with great regret, renounce my oath of office and secede the Presidency to my trusted Vice President, MBloomIII." With that, President Shaka Naldur dipped his pen in the pot of gooseberry ink, flourished his signature onto the scroll. The High Council gasped as one.
"I am leaving a written compendium of our goals and plans for MBloomIII. When he returns, the nation will return to normal. But for now, I must away!"
And with that, Citizen Shaka Naldur set his resignation scroll on the Council’s conference table, picked up his hat, and strode briskly out of the room, leaving behind a sense of apprehension and doubt.
Thus ended the glorious yet tragic reign of Shaka Naldur, second President of Apolytonia.
For the first time in over 3,000 years, the nation was without a leader.
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:25
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The Reign of MBloomIII
375 BC to 200 AD -- Part One
...and so it came to pass that the beloved  President of the Ppl Shaka Naldur, was forced to retire  from his life of public service. Vice President MBloomIII, having been out of town on a diplomatic mission, returned with his retinue and was astonished  at the news. Immediately, the ppl demanded a speech.
"My fellow Apolytonians," said the new Prez, desperately trying to assimilate the situation. "I’m honoured to be your third president... Thank you for the support. Now let’s get started."
In fact, MBloom took a short respite  to learn more of our situation. He instructed  the Ministers to go forth and take some polls to learn more of what our ppl want, pledging to act with the interests of the ppl foremost in his mind.
Now aware of the fragility of the ppl’s elective government, Military Advisor Shade  suggested that perhaps the High Council should have access to the savegame files, the better to maintain continuity of leadership, and to aid the Ministers in developing plans for their various departmental missions. A poll was posted and over 70% of the ppl were in agreement.
With this safeguard in place, President MBloomIII addressed the masses, calling for firm direction from the High Council in matters such as city improvements, defense, and utilization of workers. Former President Marquis de Sodaq offered guidance,  noting that specific "next moves" should be combined with general preferences in each area, with the President responsible for responding to the unexpected (such as barbarian attacks) as best he could. Gameplay would stop when a point was reached at which decisions needed to be made, but the ppl’s voice had not yet been heard. MBloomIII thanks the Marquis for sharing in his wisdom by appointing him  as Vice President for the remainder of the term.
Having received reports from the High Council, MBloomIII set about his first round of gameplay, starting in 350 BC. With an empire of ten  far-flung cities, worker deployment was altered to slow growth (which might otherwise encourage revolution in the provinces), and increased the emphasis on trade and production.  In a further effort to maintain order, taxes were dropped to 10% and luxuries increased from zero to 20%. This permitted the re-deployment of several warriors as units of exploration while encouraging a general atmosphere of contentment.
By 325 BC, a warrior exploring in the southeast meets an Egyptian settler. Emissaries speak  and an exchange of technologies is agreed. Apolytonian wise men and city Planner Kassiopeia are overjoyed  to learn the arts of Construction and Masonry. To cement the relationship, MBloomIII decides to make a gift of Monarchy to Egypt and is rewarded with a worshipful attitude that enables an exchange of world maps.  We learn that the Egyptians have four cities on a substantial continent to our south, extending all the way to the polar region. We also learn that they are in the midst of constructing Marco Polo’s Embassy as a headquarters for their diplomatic corps. Trade Advisor El Lawrence immediately suggests a trade mission.
Exploration continued for the next 100 years, with trade caravans being built and new cities being discovered on the Roman/Indian continent. One explorer, on the Egyptian continent, bravely and confidently enters a hut in 225 BC, only to be surrounded by barbarian horsemen. The nation mourns this tragic loss.  The Indians, at odds with the Romans, respectfully ask that we form an alliance with them against their enemy. MBloomIII respectfully  declines.
Seeing that diplomatic relations will be increasingly important as our world expands, Diplomats are trained, the first one boarding a trireme off New Castellon in 175 BC. Soon thereafter, our first Marketplace  is built, in the capital city of Sodaq. Rivertown produces a Settler, which is put to work building roads to connect the growing empire of Apolytonia.
In 100 BC, rumors on the street are heard.  They speak of another large project, a "colossal" statue alleged to be under construction, this time in the legendary land of Carthage.  The ppl wonder aloud,  "If Apolytonia is really as wonderful as our leaders suggest, why do we not think to construct such wonders of the world?" MBloomIII also wonders, and calls a High Council session  to discuss matters.
In a bold stroke, Military Advisor Shade  recommends the construction of what is called a "strategic city" on the Roman-Indian continent. While it is clear that such an action may well e considered  inflammatory, it is hoped that such an outpost city will help us better monitor the unstable relations between these civs while perhaps enabling greater use  of our trade caravans. The expedition set up to found this proposed city is to contain diplomats and a defensive phalanx. Diplomats establish embassies with India and Egypt by 75 BC, and report that the Egyptians have established the world’s first "University."
In 50 BC, a caravan is completed in Walvis Beii and our  task force departs Apolyton by trireme in order to establish a new city amid the Indians and Romans. Our high priests bless the mission as best they can.
Wise men report that they have discovered a new form of government, one in which the ppl would actual elect their representatives directly.  They call this novel concept The Republic and return to their studies, this time working toward a new religious idea that they tentatively call "Polytheism."
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:28
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The Reign of MBloomIII
375 BC to 200 AD -- Part Two
By the year 1 AD, our landing party was in sight of Rome, approaching the southern Indian continent. Native activity around the proposed build site delays our planned andfall until 60 AD, with our new city, called Citadel, being established by 80 AD. Several Roman military units patrol the city radius.  They do not seem pleased with our presence, so defenses are hurriedly built. The Romans ask for us to join their campaign against India. Determined to remain neutral, MBloomIII respectfully declines  and negotiations end. In 120 AD, continuing Roman movement within the Citadel city limits results in the rushed training of another phalanx unit.  24-hour defensive watches are established.
Meanwhile, our exploring warriors in the south have encountered an American explorer. He demands we give them  the secret of Trade. Our emissary respectfully  declines, and the Americans declare war on Apolytonia.  The American explorer departs before we can "reason" with him. MBloomIII redirects our warrior there toward other explorations, as the Americans are clearly insane. In 180 AD, they sail past a huge city called Washington.
By 200 AD, the new city of Ormond was established south of Nova Hispania, making 15 Apolytonian cities in all. One of them, Balsindia, successfully repels a barbarian attack  on horseback.  Reports arrive noting that our ships have encountered the Babylonian civilization. located far, far away.
By this time, the ppl have developed a certain nationalistic pride. Concerned citiizens submit their ideas for an official flag, and a poll is posted featuring 14 varied designs. The civic-minded, creative citizens who particpated included Mercator, ixnay37, Kassiopeia, ColdWizard, and steelehc. The winner, by a single vote,  becomes The Official Flag of Apolytonia, designed by ColdWizard.  Long may she fly!
Taking time to consider what he calls "the big picture," the President again calls a meeting of the High Council. Maps of all known parts of the world are shared with the group. A concerned citizens’ group  informs the Council that, overall, despite their best efforts, the Apolytonian nation was barely above average.  Scientific research was going slowly, and there never seemed to be enough settlers to found all the cities that Imperial Expansion Advisor Frank Johnson was suggesting.  It was also noted that Apolytonia was the only civilization in the known world that did not have a "Wonder of the World."  Foreign Minister adamsj requested that embassies be established with all known civs.  MBloomIII responded that, while this was a worthy goal, the ppl seemed to want everything all at once -- a strong military, diplomatic relations, trade, and Wonders. "Quite simply," said the Prez, "it is not all possible."
The ministers suggest another round of city and worker adjustments to encourage more contentment  among the ppl, including the rehoming of units that were far from their bases. It is also agreed that the nation would benefit from having a Wonder.  More caravan construction was ordered.
MBloomII continued his  speech. "The time has come, my friends, for this President to retire.  For while I feel the nation has been well served by my leadership, the ppl deserve an elected leader. Candidates are needed for all High Council positions as well. The polls will open by week’s end!"
And with that, President MBloomIII packed up his meager belongings and retired  to his modest  estate on the outskirts of the capital. There, he continued his service to Apolyton by establishing and coaching of the nation’s first football team. The MBloomIII Era was over.
-Written by Historian -JRabbit
November 6, 2002, 18:30
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History Beyond 200 AD - Historian Cavebear Takes Pen in Hand
A cloaked figure slips silently among the busy clerks and officials in the official house of Government. At the other wing of the building is the private residences of the elected leaders. In this wing are the office areas. He entered using access panels known only to himself and some few previous occupants. Yet these areas were unfamiliar to him. Before, people had come to him, now he cautiously entered rooms used by those people, for the first time. The fascination was in moving about unnoticed, something impossible previously. He smiled, and entered a small room off the main Library. Glancing about quickly, he could see it was empty, and that it had been so for some time.
Books and documents littered the desk and all the surfaces that could hold them. Picking one up at random, he read "The Attack on Elephantine: Economic and Military Considerations". Another read: "The Establishment of Citadel: Measurable Factors of Aggression Vs Homeland Development". Stunned, he realized he was in the abandoned office of the Venerable -Jrabbit, Historian of older times, and last of the line. Carefully sorting through the piles of dust-covered published reports (the far smaller body of information laying around him), he considered what to do with this trove of information and documentation. He glanced at the door; there were so many other rooms to be examined out of curiosity. But there was something compelling about this one.
"Ah well, one must make choices after all", he muttered to himself, "and this ancient project, maintained through all the years, deserves a completion". Outside, in the hallways, he heard great cries of joy. The Carthaginians had fallen, the last enemy was defeated. He stared at the door betwixt they and he; the boundary of the future and the past. He contemplated that. On a table was a hat with "Official Historian" inked onto it. He placed it on his head. "Doesn't fit well", he murmured, "but well enough". With a sardonic smile, he sat at the desk, arranged a piece of parchment before him, and began to write:
"In the year 1826, I, Cavebear, inscribe these words. Here is the history of our world from 200 AD and beyond, as well as I can determine the events"
-Written by Historian Cavebear
November 6, 2002, 18:31
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
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200 AD - I find the earliest accounts  of the ancient leader "shade" marked by the ancient icon of  . At this time, our civilization exists on only several islands and we have discovered 4 other civs. It is a difficult time. New cities start with difficulty and unrest "you probably also see the unhappy city of kIndalia(it started out with a BLACK face now a temple is being rushbuild and 3 units already could make it a red one)", he declared back then. Apparently, these difficulties remained for many years as our growing civ contends with lack of luxuries and resources.  Still, these brave leaders and the Citizens pressed forward, determined to overcome all obstacles. But even then, expansion and mere survival lead all concerns.
420 AD - Shade is still the Leader, and is in command of the situation. More cities have struggled with unhappiness problems, but adjustments are made.  Shade sells the City Walls of one city to complete construction of a Lighthouse (the better to traverse the dangerous and dark oceans, and to speed to Triremes on their brave new adventures), establishes garrisons of troops in another to enforce martial law, etc. It is clear that our ancestors faced hard times and great challenges. In spite of that, outpost cities to challenge the local dominance of the other civs are established. Citadel remains an example of bravery and assertiveness to all.
840 AD - President shade has been in power a long time and it seems to have gone to his head: "(ppl can't do anything then falling in love with me)", he says, officially. Still, we were a Monarchy back then, and such statements of power are to be expected (and may even have been essential at the time, given the lack of socio-political awareness of the People). However, the advancement of our Civ has continued. Michelangelo's Chapel has been built, and happiness from this event spreads throughout the empire (for so it was at the time).
Unhappiness problems virtually cease overnight and a new sense of cooperativeness and contentment abound.  Moneyed merchants dare to travel the wilderness areas between secure cities with little fear of Barbarians and even young comely maidens may dance in the unsecured fields unmolested! Some old-timers rue the passing of routine lootings and pillagings, but they are slowly overcome by the rising tide of security and happiness in the home islands. Shade may be the despot King, but he makes the Caravans run on time and the People are secure in their persons.
Technology research has reached a new level (only 11 turns per new tech), and there is much promise for the future. The People seem to hail King shade with true and unforced respect and adulation. Even in this primitive time, a Wonder of the World (Leonardo's Workshop) is being planned. Wise Men assure the People that new knowledge can be gained to upgrade existing military units to more talented ones through this practical training ground.
1100 AD - King shade has advanced our Civ over the years.  He leaves his duties, successfully, to his successor, to "pursue other interests. The Apolytonia now has a tech research rate of only 9 turns, it has 19 thriving cities, 368 gold pieces  , and it is first among known civs in population, manufactured goods, and land area. He leaves the People 2 Great Wonders, Michelangelo's Chapel and the Lighthouse. The People all hail King shade for a job well done.
However, it turns out that "other interests" means becoming Minister of Trade shade! Wise men of the day write that it is very difficult to put aside power either in whole or in part. Some anonymous cynics  even suggest that former King shade wants to enrich himself through this position  . Other stalwart supporters deny this scurrilous accusation, pointing out that, as King, shade could have had all the riches he desired  .
-Written by Historian Cavebear
November 6, 2002, 18:33
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
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Ah, now we come to my own time in the events of Apolytonia's success in this world. I can write of these events with much more confidence, though it was with little confidence that I started. I was elected to be President in the year 1100 AD. Trade Advisor shade had suggested a plan of attack on Elephantine, and the idea was well supported by the People. I, however, was dismayed and surprised. Where I thought I was arriving to lead our civ to a technological and scientific advancement, to culminate on our sending a space ship to Alpha Centuri, based on production and WLTxD, I was thrust into the actions of a common warlord.
Still, such reversals of expectations occur in the natural course of governance, so I made it my business to conduct my term in accordance with the desires of the People. Far be it from me (I decided) to deny the will of the People I desired to lead out of Monarchy to some more enlightened form of Government. While I personally desired Democracy, the People wanted Communism, the better to conquer our enemies.
1100 AD - From here, we began to conquer the world. Based on the initial brilliant concept of former King shade to take Adam's by taking Elephantine from the Egyptians, we, as one People, set our course on taking this world, rather than a far star. Seeing the possibilities, I went forth with a whole heart. But I was not accustomed to military matters and warring. Being that this is the history, it ought to be writen either mythically or realistically. I favor the latter.
Opening the 1100 AD file for the first time, and having military action as my first priority, I was like King Arthur facing Gwenivierre. To wit, I quailed and quaked, shivered and shaked. I did not want to pursue this militaristic plan. My experience had been that attacking takes overwhelming forces (that I did did think we had). Yet follow it I must, so I bravely went forth. With shaking digit, I pressed the "enter" key to start my first session as Leader.
The attack on Elephantine went well and (to my surprise) we took the city! Then what? Well, we had to protect what we took, so that meant taking Heliopolis. At that point, I had a Civ-revelation, truly worthy of celebration: "Focussed forces locally overwhelm and negate greater but dispersed military advantages". With blood in my eyes, I went forth to enjoy military action for the first time.
From there, we began to build an army of units beyond what our enemy civs could offer. We spent years in construction of them, yet also kept our tech research high (
In the year 1510, we become a perfect communist society, where all contributed according to their talents and took only what they needed for daily life. This accelerated our tech research and increased the happiness of the Citizens. Looking back on that time, it is then that we truly became unstoppable. It was not obvious then, but it is now. The acquisition of the Statue of Liberty, which allowed Communism, essentially put us beyond the reach of any of the other civs. They could not catch up in any terms. Our tech rate dropped from 9 turns to 5, for example, and all unhappiness problems vanished for a time.
Around 1600, we were building Ironclads. The world, we knew by then, was of islands and coastal cities. The Ironclads could wreak havok of such cities, and we eventually built a fleet of 16 of the deadly ships.
1640 AD - I am re-elected President. I assume that means I fulfilling my duties, but it also means there is more work to be done!
Minister of War Sodaq suggested to attack Thebes, and I considered it as a matter of getting to a spot with maximum force as quickly as possible. To that end, I established a city on a pennisula only for the purpose allowing ships to pass through and shorten theis voyage. We took Heliopolis, we took Thebes. We attacked the annoying Americans, who had been stealthily supporting the Egyptians. In that year, we took Helioplolis from the Egyptians, and we prepared to make a sudden move on other Egyptian/American cities.
By this time, I was utterly into the war idea, and found that I had no difficulty whatsoever in arranging offensive campaigns. I had already been waging defensive wars against the Barbarians, and the principles were the same. I became like the Klingons "War is Glorious". LOL!
1750 AD - The year the attacks began. We had been building our forced locally around the Egyptians/Americans, while still supporting outpost cities near the Romans and Indians, and still trading goods and building Wonders. At this point, we had Lighthouse, Leonardo's, Adam Smith's, Michelangelo's, Magellan's, and SoL. We were building up our forces and techs for a final strike at the Egyptians and Americans, while still harrassing the Babs, Indians, and Carths wherever possible to weaken them. The Vet Ironclad fleet is very formidable!
1778 AD - In one turn, we obliterate the Egyptians, Romans, and Americans! It is not like we arranged it that way, just that, when stretched to the limit, our forces are able to accomplish this deed. The Citizens are ecstatic, and go completely nuts with symbols of patriotism and material happiness. Statues are built of President cavebear, and of the Ministers. Motivation is the highest ever recorde among the people!
1800 AD - We are attacking the Indians, probing the Babylonian borders, and reducing Carthaginian cities. The Inbdians will fall first, I suspect. By 1806, Delhi (capital) and Madras have been taken from the Indians. We have spies and Cavalry units aimes at the others. There is a possibility that the Carths will gain techs and gold to fight us from their relatively isolated situation, but it is not too likely.
1812 AD - I turn over my office to a worthy successor. MrWhereItsAt has shown he has the coordination skills, the posting skills, and the abaility to create consensus anong varied Citizens. I have no doubt he will lead us all to final success..
The fimnal assault on the Carths is undertaken. The nearest cities and the colonial cities are taken easily. We are so far beyond the Carths, that they cannot even begin to fight us with any success. Still, the job has to be done, and Premier MWIA does a perfect job of it, ending in the obliteration of the final enemy civ. Congratulations to all!
A silent cloaked figure slips quietly through a doorway carrying a manuscript in his hands. Two weeks hiding in the room of the Historians has goven him sufficient information to make some sense of the events of the past, but the story is only as complete as information allows. It is sufficient, though, he hopes, as he heads off to the printer who has promised food and shelter for the research and relollections.
-Written by Historian Cavebear
November 6, 2002, 18:35
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
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The book, published under the obvious pen-name of one "Cave Banana"  was a publishing success unlike any ever known throughout the history of Apolytonia. Within a week of release the first run was completely sold out. The next run went in 3 days, the third; sold out before it even reached the shelves.
The nation had progressed far since then: vehicles that ran on formerly useless fossil fuels had been invented and were sweeping the land in a new craze - the diverse and educated people of Apolyonia had resources to spare on such luxuries. A mission to land on the planet's moon had succeeded using a bullet shaped craft fired from an enormous cannon. In short, the people of Apolytonia were advanced, educated and thus highly cynical
Despite the modern attitude, the release of what came to be known simply as "The Book of Our Story" was taken to heart by every Apolytonian - be they Carthaginian, Roman or Founder in descent. The prose delighted,  the heroics titillated,  the morals educated  Within a few months it was estimated that 90% of all homes had a copy, and 75% of the populace had their own personal copy.
Finally the nation had a full history, added to the surviving early toils of the (now canonized) Saint -Jrabbit, and a full identity. The identity of the mystery writer who penetrated  the Government residence was much debated, and a whole literary field grew up around books of the theories on who it was.
Some accused the Premier MrWhereItsAt of finally letting office get to his head with the defeat of Carthage, and releasing the memoirs that shed him in such a great light.  Others believed -Jrabbit had risen from the mists of time to finish that which he had started, and a small cult even claimed to see him in visions, surrounded by the nubile young 'uns he so adored  Others still surmised that Hydey, Foreign Minister at the time of Carthage's defeat, decided to one-up everyone by releasing a book that would become legendary - and everyone wondered how exactly the ad for his planetwide network of dress-up Spy uniform outlets got into the book.
Whoever the author, they faded into mythical status as one who contributed a most extraordinary document to the nation - wherever you are, whoever you were, the author will restate again that the planet owes you gratitude for a job flawlessly well done.
Hail to "Cave Banana"!
-Written by Historian MrWhereItsAt
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