December 11, 2002, 01:07
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
November Cabinet
President: Hydey
Vice President: Ixnay37 (Darkness' Edge declined the position)
Trade Minister: cavebear
Foreign Minister: 123john321
City Planner: zedd
Imperial Expansion Minister: atomant
Minister of War: dinodoc (Appointed 11/18/02 - 11/30/02)
Science Minister: -JRabbit
Historian: (Vacant)
December 11, 2002, 01:09
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
Government History Contents
December Cabinet
President: Darkness' Edge (resigned 10/12/02 Cavebear gains presidency 10/12/02)
Vice President: Cavebear (Became Vacant on 10/12/02 when Cavebear became President)
Minister of War: Dinodoc
Foriegn Minister: H Tower
Science Minister: -JRabbit
Minister of Imperial Expansion: Earwicker
Trade Minister: (Vacant)
City Planner: (Vacant)
Historian: (Vacant)
December 11, 2002, 01:15
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
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The Despot is gone, long live the King.
The construction of what was to be the first ship of the New Apolytonian empire took many years. Many prototypes were build before the wise men and craftsmen succeeded in creating an almost seaworthy vessel . Many brave men gave their lives testing these prototypes and they now have a grave somewhere deep under the surface of the sea . During these decades of building and testing prototypes a massive amount of data was collected and from this data the wise men concluded 2 things: The trireme (this was the name they had invented for this vessel) had to stay close to shore. And there was a 50% chance it would sink when caught in a storm, which almost every time happened when it was far away from the coast. Whenever the trireme ended so far from the coast the people on board couldn’t see it anymore, they got so frightened they just petrified and were unable to move. They could just sit there and glare into the void. Others were more lucky and jumped overboard just to drown in the ocean. You might find this strange to call them lucky but if you had seen those who got rescued, you’d have the same opinion. Those who got rescued never became normal again. 1 out of ten died within a month because they simply refused to eat, they could just sit and glare. 8 out of ten got a relatively normal life after a few years of extensive help, i.e. as long as they stayed in small rooms and narrow streets , but the moment the accidentally ended up in the middle of the market square they just stopped moving and started crying and screaming as if they feared the void around them would swallow them and they would just disappear into thin air. Because it almost always happened on the market square the wise men called this “agoraphobia”.
Only 1 out of ten rescued men seemed untouched by the events and it were these men who formed the first troop of elite soldiers who sailed the seas. 
In the following 100 years Despot Hydey ordered the foundation of 2 new cities: Salamanca and Barcelona. Because the Empire started to become to big for one man to govern : the wise men developed a new way of governing called Monarchy.
In the mean time ex-despot John is still exploring the polar area. In the year 400BC he and his men suddenly discover fresh green planes . Just the sight of all that green overjoyed them , after the many years of perfect white snow and ice. It was this joy that forced some of the men to settle in this new green land (although the beautiful young women of a nearby village might also have had something to do with it)… they called their city Valladolid.
In the year 350BC they wise men decide they have waited long enough and start a revolution so they can finally crown Hydey King. Until then Hydey always claimed this was to much honor for his person , but now they would just force it on him. He had to take up his responsibility.
It took the wise men 25 years to convince the entire population Hydey was the perfect choice for a King.
It was in the 3th month of the year 325BC the coronation took place. The entire ceremony took 7 days and afterward there was a party that went on for an entire month. Everybody was happy and celebrating…and the beginning of the year 324BC became known for its baby boom. During the entire celebration King Hydey stayed in his room, he said the party was for the people and he had no right to intrude, luckily there were some young women who kept him company so he hadn’t had to be alone the entire time . Outside there was an almost constant shouting: “LONG LIVE THE KING”.
-Written by Historian Shade
December 11, 2002, 01:18
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 6,135
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Long Live Bureaucracy.
Still overwhelmed with joy, caused by his coronation , and impressed by the never-ending stream of positive exploration reports from Despot John and his troops, King Hydey decides he should follow the example of his predecessor and lead an exploration team himself. So the next trireme that set sail into the unknown (although everybody knew it was heading for the coasts of the newly discovered island Northwest of the main Apolytonian continent) was carrying our beloved King. The Gods must have smiled upon this mission, the trireme never encountered any bad weather and it was as if the winds were forced to blow in the perfect direction. This caused the trireme to arrive 1month ahead of schedule at the landing place on the new island.
While maneuvering along the coast of this new continent, the troops aboard the trireme saw something that looked like a little village . Hydey being on his first mission so far away from home wanted to approach the natives with the utmost caution … to be blunt: ”He didn’t want to get himself killed immediately.”
After the appropriate precautions were taken, King Hydey and some elite bodyguards entered the village for a diplomatic meeting with the village-elder. The meeting took a full week and many speeches:sleep: :sleep: were given … eventually thanks to his supreme eloquence and the idea of fame and glory for all soldiers of the New Apolytonian Empire, Hydey convinced the village-elder to send a group of their bravest young men with him to explore the world.
In the year 200BC some bored bureaucrats decided they wanted to know exactly how many people lived in the New Apolytonian Empire and because they themselves really hadn’t anything important to do, they started counting the population by going from door to door and town to town just counting the people one by one.
It took them almost 25 years, but when they finished they were held in the highest regard by their fellow bureaucrats and given the bureaucratic purple badge of endurance. They had counted 200.000 people in the entire empire with an error of 3725.
Although this was an enormous accomplishment the bureaucrats weren’t really satisfied with their result. This was because during their counting efforts many people died of old age and many babies were born. They wanted a way to keep track of the all the people, who are alive. Some of them suggested memorizing the names of the living but this had some practical problems; although they were bureaucrats there was still a little part of them which was human and this part had the bad habit of forgetting or mixing up names. In search for a better method one of them had the brilliant idea of using the strange ideograms, the wise men invented and called alphabet, to represent the names of the people. Every ideogram got connected with a sound and so names got represented with a group of ideograms in a specific order. While playing around with them like this they expanded the use of them to the words they spoke . At first it was used as a game called silent dialogue (for obvious reasons) but after a while they started using them for more and more different tasks. E.g. they used a piece of papyrus with some words so they remembered important meetings, or just to tell their fellow bureaucrats where they were at that moment.
It didn’t take long before their “invention”, called WRITING, became known to the rest of the Empire.
A few years later 2 pieces of disturbing news arrived in Capitol. Some travelers told about a colossal statue named Colossus, build by an unknown tribe; the Celts, which was to resemble their greatest and biggest warrior. Even more disturbing news came from the apolytonian city Barcelona, guards reported they had seen a Japanese trireme passing by multiple times. 
In the year 100BC King Hydey decides to found a stronghold, on the newly discovered Northwest Island, called Saragossa, because of the enormous quantities of seaweed found in the nearby ocean.
In the mean time the tension kept growing in the city of Barcelona and what was feared eventually happened, the Japanese trireme attacked. Luckily our Phalanxes had been training to be prepared for this day and they were victorious, they sunk the trireme even before the Japanese troops could come to shore.
Because troops, especially the explorers, couldn’t always get rewarded with tradegoods for their actions (because of a lack of trade goods or they had no place to trade them), King Hydey created a new kind of payment: CURRENCY. It were round pieces of metal which were light to carry and easy to exchange. It was an innovation the soldiers embraced immediately; they just got tired of dragging around the cows they got paid for their efforts. (Sometimes it got so bad they looked more like cattle drivers then soldiers.)
-Written by Historian Shade
May 25, 2004, 19:30
Local Time: 04:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Canada CST
Posts: 4,204
We arn't supposed to post in this thread (it used to be stickied), but I thought I would bump it for the benefit of Bloody Monk and others who may be interested. The majority of it is from preious Demo Games, but it does include info on the rules of the game (hopefully not outdated  )
The past is history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.
May 26, 2004, 09:34
Local Time: 21:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
Posts: 10,157
cavebear can always split our posts from the thread, Sparrow, that is some of the awesome power of the mod powers....
I just had to say how exhilirating it was to read some of that - the first DG was a helluva fun time, even if I exploited the excellent situation everyone else worked towards by becoming Premier when the outcome was certain...
/me wonders if we will be able to do some similar writings....
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