October 12, 2002, 18:08
Local Time: 09:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: soon to be a major religion
Posts: 2,845
it went pretty. we had some attacks by worms which we all won!  we have expanded our roadnetwork and most bases are connect now! we finished the Weather Paradigm and started on the HGP in New apolyton. tacticus Academy and Concordia has been build and both have a former rushed. i forgot to rehome the escorts but i will do that as soon as possible. we found yet another unity rover and we pod a lot of pods, many fell thru gates and landed some place far off. but it we got some Ec. and another AA that is currently (without escort) moving to NS
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
Last edited by DeathByTheSword; October 13, 2002 at 06:10.
October 12, 2002, 18:09
Local Time: 11:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Bubblewrap
Posts: 2,032
Chatlog time!!!
<ManiaDIE> Let's start...
<DBTS^COM> i am all for it!
<DBTS^COM> ok?
<DRTKG> one thing before we start
<DBTS^COM> what?
<ManiaDIE> Do we have any build orders? :-(
<DRTKG> is the next one going to be on poly?
<DBTS^COM> i dont know yet is ok by me works good now
<DBTS^COM> mania no we dont but we will fnd something
<DBTS^COM> i am finishing 2158 now
<DBTS^COM> ok?
<Lemmy^DEI> k
<ManiaDIE> I'd like to request the word.
<DRTKG> NA: Finish WP, net node, back to cp/escort
<DRTKG> TBIBTU: cp + escort, SP (definetly VW!!) replacement former?, cp/escort
<DRTKG> UNPD: cp+escort (2x) -then- a net node
<DRTKG> Antioch: finish skirmisher, cp + escort (2x)
<DRTKG> NS: cp+ escort (2x), get ready for next SP
<DRTKG> build orders :)
<DBTS^COM> ok SW of antioch what kind of terraforming?
<DBTS^COM> mania?
<ManiaDIE> What will we do with the UNPD former. I had a request for Pande in the orders thread
<DBTS^COM> build road to new base
<ManiaDIE> ok
<DBTS^COM> UNPD is terraformed enough
<DRTKG> i agree
<ManiaDIE> I agree
<Lemmy^DEI> agreed
<DBTS^COM> ok first thing Terraforming NE of antioch what to do forest?
<ManiaDIE> Isn't there already a forest?
<DRTKG> yes there is
<DRTKG> road
<ManiaDIE> road then?
<ManiaDIE> :b:
<DBTS^COM> i mean SE sorry
<DBTS^COM> NE is building road
<ManiaDIE> SE in the fungus?
<DRTKG> that's where the former is?
<DRTKG> SE is rainy/flat?
<ManiaDIE> I wouldn't defungus.
<DRTKG> no, rainy/rolling?
<DBTS^COM> no very green tile rolley rainy
<DBTS^COM> i say forest on the rainy/rolling
<ManiaDIE> But why defungus when we have other rolling&rainy tiles?
<DRTKG> road to TBIBTU. we have a monolith, no need to forest now
<DBTS^COM> it isnt fungus people
<ManiaDIE> sorry
<DBTS^COM> SE antioch no fungus rainy/rolling forest?
<ManiaDIE> was thinking SW...
<DBTS^COM> ok forest vote now
* ManiaDIE 2
<Lemmy^DEI> remind me...1=yes?
<DBTS^COM> lemmy yes
<DRTKG> 1errr yes lemmy
* Lemmy^DEI 3
<DBTS^COM> ok this isnt working what then?
<ManiaDIE> I say build road and immediately move east to continue roadbuilding to TBIBTU
<DBTS^COM> road?
<DRTKG> no we can't road to TBIBTU yet
<ManiaDIE> once the worm is gone
<DRTKG> no road in fungus until centauri empathy :(
<DBTS^COM> ok i will do that but can i build a forest after the road?
* ManiaDIE 2
<DRTKG> i say road south to new base
<ManiaDIE> Also ok to me - safer
<DBTS^COM> that is coming from UNPD
<DRTKG> yes
<DBTS^COM> ok then road to new base vote
<ManiaDIE> then we have a spare road. :)
<DBTS^COM> ok doing it
* ManiaDIE 1
<DBTS^COM> rover fel thru a gate and is besides a pod
<Lemmy^DEI> rover goes south
<DRTKG> again?
<DRTKG> another gate?
<ManiaDIE> coordinates?
<DBTS^COM> yes
<Lemmy^DEI> oh...
<DBTS^COM> 16.108
<ManiaDIE> searching the map...
<DBTS^COM> most souther point of fresh water sea
<ManiaDIE> We Didn't move much
<Lemmy^DEI> it is north of it's previous position?
<Lemmy^DEI> NW maybe?
<ManiaDIE> clockwise around the Freshwater you mean?
<DBTS^COM> it first went south pop a pod and then go to N/E of first position
<DBTS^COM> say still go east and pop a pod next to him
<Lemmy^DEI> yes pop!!
<ManiaDIE> :)
<DBTS^COM> yet another rover! :party:
<Lemmy^DEI> :dance:
<ManiaDIE> Brilliant!
*** TKG^DoR has joined #smacdg
<Lemmy^DEI> hmm...choices, choices...
<DBTS^COM> which way will that go to?
<TKG^DoR> my computer fuqued up
<DBTS^COM> we have another rover
<DBTS^COM> where to send it?
* TKG^DoR crisis! there are 2 of me!
<ManiaDIE> Lemmy?
<Lemmy^DEI> ok, one rover south to follow the green line
*** TKG^DoR has left #smacdg
<ManiaDIE> Dl :dance: ;)
<DBTS^COM> and the other?
<DBTS^COM> meet up with the western scout?
*** TKG^DoR has joined #smacdg
*** DRTKG has quit IRC (Ping timeout: no data for 241 seconds)
<ManiaDIE> I'll ban DRTKG
<Lemmy^DEI> uhm...could it go east of the FW sea to the morth?
<Lemmy^DEI> *north
<TKG^DoR> thank you
*** TKG^DoR is now known as DGTKG
<DBTS^COM> ok i send it north
<DGTKG> synopsis?
<DBTS^COM> ending turn 2159
<DBTS^COM> tkg what?
<ManiaDIE> Worm update?
<DBTS^COM> ok worm moved to farm near TBIBTU attack?
<DBTS^COM> with normal scout
<DGTKG> synopsis(sp)=summary
<ManiaDIE> yes!
<Lemmy^DEI> worm in fungus?
<Lemmy^DEI> what are the odds?
<DBTS^COM> nothing missed we got a new rover and worm his next to TBIBTU
<DBTS^COM> 3 to 2
<DBTS^COM> it is 100%
* DGTKG 1 attack worm
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<DBTS^COM> i will attack?
* ManiaDIE 1
<ManiaDIE> :party:
<ManiaDIE> ?
<Lemmy^DEI> we didn't win yet....
<DBTS^COM> won +1 power 6
<Lemmy^DEI> w00t!!
<ManiaDIE> Anticipating ;)
<ManiaDIE> :party: :D
<DGTKG> what's the scout's morale?
<DBTS^COM> scout is 60% and +1 morale
<DGTKG> hardened?
<Lemmy^DEI> think so
<DBTS^COM> discp
<ManiaDIE> And what is TBIBTU building now?
<DBTS^COM> another CP but we just build one what to build now?
<ManiaDIE> Are the UNPD workers still placed ok after this worm attack?
<DGTKG> where's maki's list?
<ManiaDIE> I'd build a former replacement
<DBTS^COM> former?
<DGTKG> NA: Finish WP, net node, back to cp/escort
<DGTKG> TBIBTU: cp + escort, SP (definetly VW!!) replacement former?, cp/escort
<DGTKG> UNPD: cp+escort (2x) -then- a net node
<DGTKG> Antioch: finish skirmisher, cp + escort (2x)
<DBTS^COM> UNPD build scout
<DGTKG> NS: cp+ escort (2x), get ready for next SP
<DBTS^COM> ok we stick to this?
<ManiaDIE> :(
<Lemmy^DEI> next is escort then?
<DGTKG> i say send the current scout, then build new one
<DGTKG> so we can leave earlier
<DBTS^COM> no garrison the wounded scout can go with it and take a detour to the monolith
<ManiaDIE> scout/former/cp/scout then or scout/cp/scout?
<DBTS^COM> i say the 2
<DGTKG> scout/SP according to the list
<Lemmy^DEI> how long would a SP take?
<ManiaDIE> We should build SPs in our mineral bases, not nutrient bases as TBIBTU
<DBTS^COM> 40 turns
<DBTS^COM> then former?
<Lemmy^DEI> 40 is too long IMO
<ManiaDIE> NA & NS = SP
<DBTS^COM> ok former
<DBTS^COM> former?
<DGTKG> after scout?
* DGTKG 1 former after scout
<DBTS^COM> yes
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<ManiaDIE> scout/former 1
<DBTS^COM> west scout found nutrients in pod
<DGTKG> coo
<ManiaDIE> coordinates
<DBTS^COM> and moving other scouts
<DBTS^COM> 9.103
<DBTS^COM> nothing happend with them
<DBTS^COM> ending turn?
<DGTKG> kl
<ManiaDIE> Good for a next base
<Lemmy^DEI> k
<ManiaDIE> o
<DBTS^COM> :eek: western scout fell thru gate and landed around 15 north of TBIBTU
<DGTKG> :eek:
<ManiaDIE> great
<ManiaDIE> :rolleyes:
<DGTKG> cool, but yet :eek:
<Lemmy^DEI> *sgih*
<DGTKG> oh well, explore north then :D
<DBTS^COM> i cant help it :(
<ManiaDIE> there are serious spacetime distortions here
* Lemmy^DEI sighs...how am i suppposed to plan anything with all these gates :mad:
<DGTKG> :lol:
<DBTS^COM> but rover is next to old postition wester scout so he can take over that job
<ManiaDIE> :b:
<DBTS^COM> and i say let the scout just scout up north
<DGTKG> meh, ok
<Lemmy^DEI> yep, what dbts said :b:
<ManiaDIE> I would send it south
<ManiaDIE> but DBTS sounds ok too
<Lemmy^DEI> another rover is going there
<DGTKG> nice fertile rainy tiles north, and i heard there's some ridge of some kind :conspire:
<DBTS^COM> ok doing it
<ManiaDIE> didn't the scout already land on the ridge?
<DBTS^COM> :mad: you are not going to believe that southern scout....gate
<DGTKG> :lol: yet :madban:
<ManiaDIE> coordinates
<Lemmy^DEI> errr...? :dizzy:
<DBTS^COM> 28.110
<DGTKG> there which is where?
<ManiaDIE> so we didn't move much again
<DGTKG> minus the "there"
<DBTS^COM> is it 15 SE from NS
<DGTKG> ok....
<DGTKG> explore east then?
<DBTS^COM> send it NE?
<Lemmy^DEI> what scout is where?
<DBTS^COM> the south scout
<ManiaDIE> I don't follow anymore - you guys decide :)
<DBTS^COM> is 15 SE from NS
<DBTS^COM> ok wait
<Lemmy^DEI> ah yes, continue east
<DBTS^COM> i can move the scouts/rover still like lemmy wants only some jobchanges ok?
<ManiaDIE> whatever
<Lemmy^DEI> ok
* ManiaDIE takes another Hive Stuff
<DGTKG> whatever you say, i'm lost
<DBTS^COM> ok UNPD and NA connected with roads!
<ManiaDIE> :dance:
* DGTKG tries a "black stuff"
<DGTKG> i mean
<DGTKG> yay! :cute:
<Lemmy^DEI> yay, faster Pizza Delivery :Party
<DGTKG> :lol:
<DBTS^COM> what to do now with the former road to TBIBTU?
<DGTKG> yes
<DGTKG> errr 1
<ManiaDIE> 1
* Lemmy^DEI 1
<DGTKG> that, or road to suez
<ManiaDIE> that would be the second one right?
<DBTS^COM> oad to NS is allready on his way
<DGTKG> oh, ok then :)
<ManiaDIE> I'd still fo to TBIBTU - some terraformation is urgently needed there
<DBTS^COM> ending 2162 scout nothing imported killed a worm and a rover is now +2 morale
<Lemmy^DEI> excellent
<ManiaDIE> :b:
<DGTKG> :zzz:
<DGTKG> what?
<DGTKG> err good
<DGTKG> :cute:
<DBTS^COM> ok 2163 saw a worm move into NWNW from antioch
<DBTS^COM> just let it be?
<Lemmy^DEI> for now, i say yes
<DGTKG> is it near formers?
<ManiaDIE> :scared:
<Lemmy^DEI> the cp there is escorted?
<DGTKG> ok, let it come close to our bases, then kill it
<DBTS^COM> i can attack antioch in 2 turns
<DGTKG> or we can attack it in 1 turn :evilgrin:
<DBTS^COM> but i can attack from fungus does that matter?
<DBTS^COM> ok let is be then
<DGTKG> nahhh we get a +25% base defense bonus :)
<ManiaDIE> no
<ManiaDIE> i think
<DBTS^COM> ok building new base SWSW of westmonolith what is the name?
<DGTKG> concordia
<Lemmy^DEI> Lemmy's Laboratory :D
<DGTKG> i think
<Lemmy^DEI> j/k
<ManiaDIE> Concordia 1 :D
<DGTKG> i mean UN Research Complex :cute:
<DBTS^COM> concordia it is then
<ManiaDIE> I will move to this base
<DBTS^COM> rushing former?
<DGTKG> at concordia?
<ManiaDIE> sure
<ManiaDIE> 25 ec?
<DBTS^COM> yes
<Lemmy^DEI> yes
<DGTKG> sure
<ManiaDIE> is the scout rehomed?
<ManiaDIE> .
<DGTKG> DBTS-> it's supposed to be Tacticus Academy
<ManiaDIE> :cry: ;)
<DGTKG> concordia is next
<DBTS^COM> working on it next base will be called that killed 3 worms with scouts
<ManiaDIE> They discovered it... :D
<DGTKG> 3? :eek:
<DGTKG> good
<DBTS^COM> got 60 ec
<DGTKG> :Party:
<DBTS^COM> moved everything and ending2163
<DGTKG> how long till industrial economics?
<DBTS^COM> ok wait alot happened let me speak
<DBTS^COM> after that questions
<DGTKG> ok
<ManiaDIE> :eager:
*** DGTKG is now known as DRTKG
<Lemmy^DEI> :expect:
<DRTKG> i just noticed i was DGTKG *hits self on head*
<ManiaDIE> :expect:
<DBTS^COM> worm attack antioch and lost worm move next to former near NS and we build first prototype concordia build former and TBIBTU build scout
<DBTS^COM> thats all
<ManiaDIE> don't get your sentences
<DRTKG> so, the worm died?
<DBTS^COM> so worm attack antioch and we won
<ManiaDIE> punctuation
<DBTS^COM> yes
<Lemmy^DEI> yay, we got a prototype
<DRTKG> yes, punctuation is helpful
<DBTS^COM> shall do next time
<DRTKG> and :Party:@proto
<DBTS^COM> worm attack antioch and lost. worm move next to former near NS. and we build first prototype. concordia build former. and TBIBTU build scout
<DBTS^COM> this better? :D
<DRTKG> yes.
<Lemmy^DEI> much
<DRTKG> protect the NS former
<ManiaDIE> very much
<ManiaDIE> how?
<Lemmy^DEI> protect or move that former
<DBTS^COM> what to do with the prototype and what to build in antioch
<DRTKG> NA: Finish WP, net node, back to cp/escort
<DRTKG> TBIBTU: cp + escort, SP (definetly VW!!) replacement former?, cp/escort
<DRTKG> UNPD: cp+escort (2x) -then- a net node
<DRTKG> Antioch: finish skirmisher, cp + escort (2x)
<DRTKG> NS: cp+ escort (2x), get ready for next SP
<DRTKG> antioch, cp+escort :)
<ManiaDIE> And in tacitus acad
<Lemmy^DEI> cp sounds good
<Lemmy^DEI> rec tanks?
<ManiaDIE> :( 2
<DRTKG> tact acad-> tanks
<DBTS^COM> tanks?
* Lemmy^DEI 1 on tanks
<DRTKG> antioch->pod/scout
<ManiaDIE> how much turns until growth of tac ac?
<DRTKG> vote: tanks in tact acad?
* ManiaDIE 3 -> CP
<DRTKG> there's no room over there
<Lemmy^DEI> what were we building in UNPD?
<Lemmy^DEI> CP?
<DBTS^COM> yes
* ManiaDIE 3 -> former then
<ManiaDIE> but I will lose this vote :)
<DRTKG> we already have a former
<ManiaDIE> I know :)
<Lemmy^DEI> it will cost support :(
<DRTKG> no need for 2 yet
<Lemmy^DEI> Tac Ac is still small
<ManiaDIE> But we need more roads and formers south
<DRTKG> DBTS->how long till research breakthrough??
<DRTKG> dbts??????
*** Blink1828 has joined #smacdg
<Lemmy^DEI> TacAc got monolith, right? then 2 forests are enough for a while
<Blink1828> anyone have 8 mile soundtrack in mp3s
<ManiaDIE> Hi unknown citizen
<Lemmy^DEI> err...
<DBTS^COM> i will look
<DRTKG> uh
<ManiaDIE> we have better technology in Alpha Centauri
*** Blink1828 has left #smacdg
<DRTKG> :relief:
<Lemmy^DEI> :lol:
<ManiaDIE> that got rid of him :D
<DRTKG> :lol:
<Lemmy^DEI> was he even from the smacdg?
<ManiaDIE> no I guess
<DBTS^COM> 8 turns
<DRTKG> nope :scared:
<Lemmy^DEI> probably a spy from Miriam
<DRTKG> :scared:
<DBTS^COM> ok so what are my orders for former in TA?
<DRTKG> frankychan sent him
<ManiaDIE> Morgan if he sells mp3
<DRTKG> forest SE?
<Lemmy^DEI> yes, forest towards the south
<ManiaDIE> where?
<ManiaDIE> not following
<DRTKG> tact acad
<DBTS^COM> forest south?
<ManiaDIE> SE is fungus right?
<DRTKG> SE is fungus?
<DBTS^COM> yes
<DRTKG> oh, then S
<DBTS^COM> so S forest?
<DRTKG> forest/road S
<ManiaDIE> I would build the forest on the road we have to UNPD
<DRTKG> there isn't one yet
<DRTKG> this is tact acad
<ManiaDIE> I see
* Lemmy^DEI 1 forest/road
<ManiaDIE> Then let the UNPD and TacAc former road&forest to each other
<DBTS^COM> ok working on it
<ManiaDIE> 1
* ManiaDIE pours away his Hive Stuff
<ManiaDIE> and wonders why everyone is so silent
<DBTS^COM> ok a rover found forestpod 20 south of TC!
<DRTKG> good
<Lemmy^DEI> :b:
<DBTS^COM> on the water side of the west ocean
<ManiaDIE> TC? :confused:
<Lemmy^DEI> TacAc
<DRTKG> tact acad
<DBTS^COM> what to do with protorover?
<Lemmy^DEI> no idea...
<DRTKG> worm patrol?
<DBTS^COM> hold it?
<ManiaDIE> escort the next Antioch pod?
<Lemmy^DEI> worm patrol sounds nice...or escort
<DBTS^COM> ok for that
<ManiaDIE> and rehome it there
<DBTS^COM> escort
<DRTKG> do we have a pod yet?
<Lemmy^DEI> patrol till cp is done? then escort
<DBTS^COM> no building a pod
<ManiaDIE> I think we still have some unexplored terrain west of Antioch
<ManiaDIE> could keep it busy for a while
<DRTKG> explore that then
<DBTS^COM> i can explor that and then escort
<DRTKG> ok
<Lemmy^DEI> ok
<DRTKG> 1@what dbts said
<DBTS^COM> ending 2164
<ManiaDIE> going well
<DBTS^COM> miriam Merchant building....and gaians builind HGP
<ManiaDIE> what was our next SP? HGP or VW?
<DRTKG> no tech for VW yet
<Lemmy^DEI> ow
<ManiaDIE> UoP is building that :(
<Lemmy^DEI> bugger...we need a SP dammit :doitnow!: ;)
<DBTS^COM> found an alien artifact near NS send it to there?
<DRTKG> go for HGP
<ManiaDIE> I think we'll miss HGP and VW
<DBTS^COM> whit which base start building then?
<DRTKG> HGP and rush it with artifact
<Lemmy^DEI> what about WP?
<DRTKG> the one with the most minerals!
<Lemmy^DEI> that would be NA?
<DRTKG> the F4 screen says
<ManiaDIE> I would build it in NS after CP/scout
<DBTS^COM> ns in 29 turns and it get help from an alien artifact soon
<DRTKG> ok, do that!!!!
<Lemmy^DEI> what happened to the Weather Paradigm?
<ManiaDIE> but what is it building now, Suez?
<DRTKG> yeah, how long?
<DBTS^COM> build we would need to abandon the cp building there now. lemmy almost finished 2 turns
<ManiaDIE> no abandoning!
<ManiaDIE> I'd say
<DBTS^COM> NS is building CP
<ManiaDIE> CP/scout/SP?
<DRTKG> rush the CP, then build the HGP
<Lemmy^DEI> then NA could continue with HGP also
<ManiaDIE> ??
<DBTS^COM> ok what to do?
<Lemmy^DEI> NA is building WP, done in 2 turns, after that HGP
* DBTS^COM 1 lemmy
* ManiaDIE says stop the turnchat after WP completion
* DBTS^COM mania
<DRTKG> 1@both
<DBTS^COM> 1@both :D
<DRTKG> :dizzy:
* Lemmy^DEI 1 on everything :)
<ManiaDIE> don't get everything
<DRTKG> i have to go soon anyways. thanksgiving :expect:
<DBTS^COM> i will do it all end then end it after WP done
<Lemmy^DEI> :
<DBTS^COM> WP build ending now
<ManiaDIE> :.
<DRTKG> :dance:
<Lemmy^DEI> |:.
<DRTKG> the WP!!!!!!!
<DBTS^COM> ending end posting the sav as soons as possible
Without any slapping :cute:
<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
October 12, 2002, 19:33
Local Time: 20:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 942
Erm...why do we have two new bases named Concordia, and no base named Tacticus Academy?
The CNN is going to have some fun with this.
October 12, 2002, 19:40
Local Time: 11:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Gent, Belgium
Posts: 10,712
Because everyone thought Concordia was such a great name.
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
October 12, 2002, 19:49
Local Time: 20:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 942
Originally posted by Maniac
Because everyone thought Concordia was such a great name.
obviously not the citizens who voted in tacticus academy ahead of it
*starts working on the headlines for this weeks CNN*
"Commissioner goes on drunken binge: gives two new bases same name"
October 12, 2002, 20:09
Local Time: 06:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 4,783
New Apolyton:
This Base is Belong to Us:
UN Pizza Delivery:
New Suez:
Tacticus Academy
Southern Exploration:
Eastern Exploration
Northen Exploration:
Central territory
Eastern Territory
Northern Territory
South-western territory
Research Progress:
Tech List
F4 screen
F5 screen
Faction Dominance
Who's who?
Last edited by Method; October 12, 2002 at 20:40.
October 13, 2002, 05:51
Local Time: 09:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: soon to be a major religion
Posts: 2,845
about those naming bases it is all maniac fault!  he came with the name concordia. but is the first base still named concordia? because i will change it ofcourse but i was tired it was 0.00 for me then
Welcome to the DBTSverse!
God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us
October 13, 2002, 08:57
Local Time: 11:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Gent, Belgium
Posts: 10,712
Now now. Don't blame everything on me.  TKG first suggested the name. I only happily agreed:
DBTS^COM> ok building new base SWSW of westmonolith what is the name?
DGTKG> concordia
Lemmy^DEI> Lemmy's Laboratory 
DGTKG> i think
Lemmy^DEI> j/k
ManiaDIE> Concordia 1 
DGTKG> i mean UN Research Complex 
DBTS^COM> concordia it is then
ManiaDIE> I will move to this base
DBTS^COM> rushing former?
DGTKG> at concordia?
ManiaDIE> sure
ManiaDIE> 25 ec?
Lemmy^DEI> yes
DGTKG> sure
ManiaDIE> is the scout rehomed?
ManiaDIE> .
DGTKG> DBTS-> it's supposed to be Tacticus Academy
DGTKG> concordia is next
DBTS^COM> working on it next base will be called that killed 3 worms with scouts
ManiaDIE> They discovered it...
Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)
October 13, 2002, 12:11
Local Time: 06:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 4,783
that's what i thought but i found out later, and reported it was wrong. you just didn't change it dbts
October 13, 2002, 15:29
Local Time: 21:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
Posts: 10,157
Any chance we can beef up the Science for a little so we can build an SP OTHER than the HGP? I guess we won't have much of a chance at the VW, but ANYthing is better than the HGP.
October 13, 2002, 15:40
Local Time: 06:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 4,783
merchant exchange is the only other one i think
October 13, 2002, 15:46
Local Time: 21:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: That's DR WhereItsAt...
Posts: 10,157
Yeah it looks like we can get that for sure (assuming someone else doesn't build it soon), since we get the tech in 5 turns. If we don't need to waste minerals on the HGP, I will vote for that option anytime! ME could be OK for us anyway....
October 13, 2002, 15:48
Local Time: 06:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 4,783
the tech for ME is industrial base, and miriam's already started it
October 13, 2002, 16:27
Local Time: 10:17
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Moo Like In Moomin
Posts: 1,579
Nice shooting, as always, TKG. Solid effort you put into that!
Anyhow, us missing all the SP goodies is bad. Shouldn't the tech director sit down and plot out a few directional polls for a couple of SP that we can still get? Even if we don't have crawlers, the fact that our talents are so superior to the opposition will mean we'll be able to squeeze more minerals outta the terrain...
"The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
"I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.
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