Originally posted by J Bytheway
Also, it would presumably take quite some time to run the trigger. Would this be a matter of seconds, minutes, or what?
Of course it is also a matter of map size.
On my computer (Win98, Athlon 1333, 256 Ram), the good improve code of GoodMod need on a gigantic map 7 - 8 seconds to improve all the goods, (creating a temprory fort tile improvement, creating the main good improvement and removing the temporary tile improvement, on maximum good settings), Peter made a version of my code with an terraforming componet, he said it was a little bit slow. On an ultra gigantic map my code needs something like 28 seconds. There should be four times of the goods number on a ultra gigantic map than on a gigantic map, I think you have to modify more tiles on a gigantic map then you have goods on a ultra gigantic map. So my estimation is that it is a question of minutes even on my computer, of course you know more after a trial.