1: I was just playing a game and I was playing on the world map, and I got like the half world (easy

) and I got to so that I can build Modern Armor but I dint find any aluminium in the whole world (isnt the resc. suposed to be able to be found when you get a tech tech that needs it??) But when I like 50 turns later builds the Manhattan Project, I found it everywhere.... why was it like that??
2: When I installed civ 3 when I got it the first time, I was able to change the resoulution and some other stuff in a file, but I cant find that anymore, what was that file?
3: Will there be support for allied victory in the Play the World Expansion set, cause I hate to play civ2 with my friend cause hes always so damn good

and we need that allied victory in muliplay