Yes, playing on a pangea map is a definite exploit. But so is playing on a small map, playing without other scientific civs, etc...

The value of OCC is it forces you to examine aspects of the game you would miss while smashing everything in your path.
This is the first game a civ (zulu) has really focused on the SS. I think it might have something to do with expansionist attribute - they even went for space flight over sythetic fibers!
From past experience I know the most effective way to deal with island civs is take out their capitol in an ROP rape. There are a few time periods where you have nothing to build except a useless wonder (sun tzu, hoover), those are great times to build an army. But I generally don't build extra units until the industrial age, since the extra upkeep might ruin my go-for-broke jump into that age. If the global research rate is slower you can build an even bigger army than I did - the large map forced me to take out an easier target than the capitol.
Techs definitely get cheaper the more you research. They also get cheaper as more civs learn them, so a sudden drop in research time from 10 to 5 turns is very depressing.

But at least you can buy it for less than full price and try again one level higher.
I don't go for printing press because I want Astronomy ASAP. I often prebuild Sistine Chapel to 75%, then switch most of my shield producers to the ocean to hold it until I finish or buy Astronomy (error-proofing wonder races is another way to waste shields when you have nothing to build). So my middle age goals are astronomy, metallurgy, military tradition. I have not failed to get military tradition on a standard map, and I can get metallurgy if I'm lucky. I was shocked at how fast they were grabbed up on the large map.
The industrial ages are easy, Medicine and Scientific Method for sure. Electricity and Sanitation are often possible too, then radio. The modern ages seem to vary with the attributes of the top civs, I will need a lot more games to figure out a general strategy. But if you played the industrial well you have a large treasury to bail you out.
Edit: If you want to build a serious army, look for a start position with very little ocean and some hills. Your goal is 41 total shields with mines/railroad. When you add factory/hydro you can build artillery in 1 turn, tanks in 1 turn mobilized, and MA in 1 turn mobilized with nuke plant.