October 17, 2002, 07:38
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Do your politics influence your game?
Just curious, after getting into a few political discussions in these forums I started to notice that my personal political feelings are similar to my game strategies. I always take the peaceful route avoiding war at all costs. I prefer Democracy, I almost never raze cities and I think I used a nuke once and I felt guilty afterwards. Now this might mean I take the game to seriously, but I was wondering if other people had the same experience.
Any warmongering, nuke tossing lovers of George W. out there?  Please understand I didn't start this thread to have heated political discussion, there are plenty more good threads for that, just for curiosity, so don't take offense George lovers.
P.S. this is my first thread, hope I chose the right forum.
October 17, 2002, 07:45
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My political feelings do not influence directly my game strategies. I don't like war, and I tend to emphasize the peaceful growth of my civ, but those are basically general trends that nurture my game style, not rigid paradigms. If I have to use a nuke or if I have to backstab my opponent, I'll do it, no guilty afterwards.
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
October 17, 2002, 07:50
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Re: Do your politics influence your game?
no... not at all...
allthough i concider myself a builder, i'll fight a war if i urgently need a resource or an oponent is getting too powerful. also, i don't care who the enemy is. even if i have more sympathies for that civ in real life... in the game it doesn't matter.
however, in real life i'm pacifistic and against any kind of unnessecary violence.
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October 17, 2002, 07:56
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In my case, no. I play the game as a game by the rules of the game. For example, I usually build a peaceful, defensive, cultural empire, who only goes to war when someone else starts it or has a resource I really want. These are not necessarily my personal political or personal leanings (they aren't)
October 17, 2002, 07:57
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Hmmm... interesting point....
For me it depends on whome I am playing. I tend to alter the politics when I'm playing to the characters of the civs. My personal historical motives rule more of my game then my personal political motives.
However, when PTW comes out and we all play multiplayer, I might just try playing as me. It would probably help during diplomacy sessions.
Oh, and welcome to the forum, gsmoove!
October 17, 2002, 08:11
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I hate politics full stop so I guess not influenced,Im usually the builder but I will take space resources etc from others if necessary, have used nukes if ive been attacked with them so usually stockpile 5 or 6 just in case.
Not sure if having nukes acts as a deterrant to others though but thats why I have the.
If Im strong enough Ill go to war on a bully nation or get as many others as possible to cease trading with them to weaken them financially.
Once I played as Rome with ROP with Japan and completly surrounded there territory with units to stop the babylonians from crushing there last 2 cities.The babs were a little annoyed with me but decided not argue with my MA.
On one other occasion I gave a city in my borders to Egypt just before the Aztecs wiped out there last city to save them,later I invaded the Aztecs and liberated some Egyptian cities and reinstated Cleopatra in her former capital.Unfortunatly she sneak attacked me later so I took back my city and let the Aztecs finish her off for good.
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October 17, 2002, 09:03
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Hmmm, 5 posts, thats not bad. 4 people who say their game isn't influenced yet play a fairly peaceful game. When I got on this forum I was suprised by all the warmongers out there. Its obvious people get different things out of this game, I for one tried domination a few times but found it boring, partly because the AI uses such pitiful strategy.
I'm not completely against war, even starting them if I need to, I just tend to shy away from long wars and outright conquering and I prefer being sneaky. I like when there are powerful AIs to negotiate with and tend to lose interest when everyone starts disappearing. I do hate nukes though and I'll usually expend alot of effort trying to stop other civs from getting them if I have the chance.
But Chrisius, Man! You take the cake. Any warmongers out there?
October 17, 2002, 09:23
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Generally, I play to make my civ the better possible, thus I consider peace, technology, advancement, acceptance of other civs, etc.
But if I'm not in the mood of really playing "my" civ, I may just play to wreck havoc... Like suddenly nuking the greatest opponent cities around amd raze them
October 17, 2002, 09:56
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Well, I like to be a peacefull builder, and expand my empire without wars. With the time, I've learned that a strong military force is needed to secure my way of play the game, but I try keep it as a secure force, and not as an invasion army.
I do this as much as possible, but the game situations, sometimes, goes to some point that is impossible to avoid a war, and if the war is with someone that have somthing I want (land, resources, luxuries), then I will not lose this chance of 'improve' my empire.
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October 17, 2002, 10:10
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My whole game evolves around the preparation for the next war. However i NEVER backstab,Nuke or abandon someone. You have supposedly given your word!!. This more reflects my personal character than my political beliefs.
I am a right-winger in politics, if anyone cares.
October 17, 2002, 11:12
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No, not at all.
I consider myself a nice guy with compassion and respect for other people, but at Civ I am a real bastard  My Civ personality is more like a mixture between Emperor Nero and Saddam Hussein.
"Where I come from, we don't fraternize with the enemy - how about yourself?"
Civ2 Military Advisor
October 17, 2002, 11:14
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 a right-winger who is always preparing for war and considers morality important.. then of course I will backstab from time to time(although I hate to) and I'm a left-winger so maybe I should stop this train of thought  .
You're probably right, its not politics so much as your own personality which has the most influence on the game, although I'm sure personality also has an influence on your politics.
October 17, 2002, 11:47
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abso-friggin-lutely, my politics affect my game. so do past experiences within the game. examples:
- all pollution must be cleaned up immediately.
- shoot for ecology (after computers and rocketry) so i can build mass transit centers right away (uh... and i'm on the way to MA)
- no coal plants, ever. it's either hoover dam, or if i don't get it, the non polluting plants.
- i usually unintentionally have a "wildlife preserve" somewhere in my empire. this is just a couple squares of forest, unrailroaded.  this generally happens when i have some plains squares that aren't within any city limits. i just forest and road them, and it looks cool. i always forest any tundra/plains/grassland squares i'm not using. it looks better if you DON'T build roads and just leave it totally wild, but you need access to those squares in case of pollution.
- i like to get every cultural/happiness improvement in my cities. i don't like my people to have to live in some podunk little town with no fun.
the quest for knowledge:
- after my period of tech whoring has come to an end and i can do my own research, every town gets libraries, universities and research labs. i like to have a super science city, too.
- i don't hesitate to spread the word to the unedumacated civs, if they can pay for it.  unless the research is something that provides a wonder or better unit, it's traded equally.
truth, justice and honesty:
- nope, i don't backstab other civs.
- no nukes, except for experimental purposes. or, hypothetically, if i had enough money and resources to build enough nukes to take out the entire WORLD, enough units to destroy all improvements and take and raze their cities, and enough workers to clean up all that pollution. i am DYING to try this - eliminate the other civs and make the world a paradise for MY civ, with my main empire as the center of the world and little "vacation spot" cities here and there (in luxury/resource areas).
- i try to stay on good terms with everybody, and rarely engage in trade embargos.
- beating up the bully. if one civ starts messing with my little friends, i'll call them out.
- i've recently decided that persia must die in every game. they're ALWAYS a problem, and, well, i'm the solution.
- one of my new favorite things to do is to embrace other civs' culture into my own. in other words, not raze cities, but show the citizens there "the light" and have a sort of melting pot of a civ. i like to make captured workers join my cities instead of using them as slaves. i've recently been contacting the other civs, buying their workers and adding them to my population.
aesthetically pleasingness (?):
- not really "politics" persay, but one of my policies is to try to make my empire as nice looking as i can. i don't sacrifice growth or production, but i like to have, say, farms on the outskirts and mines closer to my cities (i pretend they're suburbs).
ok, sorry for the long post. i'm done! i think i get WAY too into this game.  but this is something i've thought about a lot.
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
October 17, 2002, 12:39
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Re: Do your politics influence your game?
Originally posted by gsmoove23
Just curious, after getting into a few political discussions in these forums I started to notice that my personal political feelings are similar to my game strategies. I always take the peaceful route avoiding war at all costs. I prefer Democracy, I almost never raze cities and I think I used a nuke once and I felt guilty afterwards. Now this might mean I take the game to seriously, but I was wondering if other people had the same experience.
Any warmongering, nuke tossing lovers of George W. out there? Please understand I didn't start this thread to have heated political discussion, there are plenty more good threads for that, just for curiosity, so don't take offense George lovers.
P.S. this is my first thread, hope I chose the right forum.
Well gsmoove, if you had to guess whether or not my politics influence my game, what would you say?
Seriously, yes they do, although I never really thought about it until you created this thread. Let me break it down for ya:
1. I get VERY annoyed at the non-environmentalist philosophy of the AI. Damn it, I'm sick of cleaning up their mess, and I'm sick of them nuking the entire world into desertification. I will anything necessary to stop the AI from using nukes. Since I tend to share the same political ideology IRL WRT the environment, I guess I play the same way.
2. I am a warmonger, probably one of the biggest out there. But not for the sake of warmongering. If the AI backstabs me in ANY way, or if they pull that cheesy land-grabbing routine near me, they're finito. Plus, Civs that stay in Communism for the sake of war irk me, so I keel them too.  Yeah I'd be like that IRL too I guess. Not Pinky and the Brain, but not a conciliatory type guy either.
3. I NEVER backstab the AI, not unless it gives good reason to. Like if they attack one of the AIs I'm trying to nurse, if they've backstabbed me before, or a variety of other reasons. IRL, your word is only as good as you make it, that's my philosophy.
So I guess my personality does come out in Civ, although I never really gave it much thought until now.
October 17, 2002, 13:10
Local Time: 09:29
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My politics definitely affected my game when I first started playing Civ3 which wasn't too long ago - 2 months maybe. I was playing at the chieftain level - trying to avoid wars, building culture, being friendly and environmentally conscious (I would even feel guilty about cutting down forests for those extra shields) - then when I started playing at the higher levels it became harder and harder to avoid wars. In one warlord game a couple of weeks ago I got to the modern age and won a space race which was what I wanted but I saved the game before actually winning just so I could try the different types of victories. I got the UN one and then I figured I'd go for a domination one so I started using nukes. I had a couple of dozen ICBMs - was TOTALLY horrified and guilt-ridden once I used the first one then everyone declared war on me - I started launching the others and it became...a lot of FUN!
Now I actually play different types of games depending on my mood. Sometimes I want to just play a relaxed game so I setup one where I'll hopefully be able to do more building than fighting. Sometimes I'll go for the huge map with lots of civs though to be honest CONSTANT fighting gets on my nerves. I like to be able to build some things other than military units.
It's funny how even though it's just a game it can really be disconcerting to find yourself doing stuff you normally wouldn't do in a million years.
October 17, 2002, 13:53
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i meant to add that i, too, feel guilty when i declare war needlessly or use nukes. i like a good war, but i bring myself to randomly call somebody out. in my current game i have NEVER been at war with any of the other civs. i had a lot of flood plains and did a good job of early REXing, so no territory wars, and i just haven't needed to go to war for any other reason. no one has even tried any border violations (not since i set up the "roadblock"  ), and when i violate THEIR borders, they ring me up and politely request that i leave.  but i need to kill the persians, and SOON, and i need a reason!
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
October 17, 2002, 13:55
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Bella Hella your more whacko than I am but I agree with you Persia are a pain in the ass and deserve to be put to the sword,Im going to try that intergration idea of yours sounds like a real laugh.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 17, 2002, 14:03
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Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Bella Hella your more whacko than I am but I agree with you Persia are a pain in the ass and deserve to be put to the sword,Im going to try that intergration idea of yours sounds like a real laugh.
well, i'm a chick - i take things more personally!!
drones to the left of me, spartans to the right - here i am, stuck in the middle with yang
October 17, 2002, 14:09
Local Time: 09:29
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 Traelin, I'm glad you stopped by and I think your the first warmonger here! Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to be exactly what I expected  . You're right about the AI though, with its constant warfare, infighting and pollution. If they don't know how to live on the planet peacefully they deserve to be wiped off the planet forcefully
Bella, I'm sorry for the Persians in your game, I wonder do you have a special fate planned for the slaves you capture or do you just blame the leaders? I know what you mean about the beautifying the cities. I absolutely hate putting railroads everywhere but I still do.
October 17, 2002, 14:28
Local Time: 10:29
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Talking about politics there was a sketch I saw years ago on the Alexae Sayle Show where he said that voting in an election was as futile as sticking your head in a bucket of something nasty.
The next scene was a man standing on his hands with his head in a bucket,it was black and white and made to look like an old photo and Alexae says "weve always been staunch creosote in our family in fact my grandfather stood with his head a bucket of coaltar for thirty years"
Then it skips to an exit poll outside a polling station in an election where the choices are Creosote,Whitewash,Horseshit or used engine oil,anyway this bloke comes out dripping in whitewash and the girl with the microphone gets him in front of the camera and asks which way he voted,he says to her in a very British middle class snooty way "young lady thats between me and the bucket"
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
October 17, 2002, 15:07
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Only logic, ok maybe an ocassional tantrum.
October 17, 2002, 15:48
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Personally I am a left-winger in real life, against all forms of violence and abusements. In the game I am a peacekeeper-most of time, conquering when I need a resource or when I feel like "expanding a city or two", exploiting my land to the last square mile and bargaining hard with the AI. I despise excessive warmongering, prefering precision attacks and rarely using nukes, unless I am a victim of a nuclear attack myself. I have come to the conclusion that this is the opinion of using nukes most players have.
PtW will level warmongering. Massive alliances will be formed to face the one with most ICBM missiles and greater potential to conquer his neightbours, or even the world (and monopolize resources!  )
October 17, 2002, 16:14
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No. Not in the slightest.
IRL I'm a moderate, perhaps a tad to the left, and I am certainly no "hawk."
In CivIII, I like to have the largest, happiest, richest, smartest and most wonderous empire on the planet. I also like to play Monarch or Emperor levels. Therefore, I am a psychotic warmongering bastard. Oh, I forgot genocidal (late in the game, core AI cities w/o wonders I want go bye-bye). I attack people because they're there. I view AI units as training tools and potential GL-generating battles. I view AI cities as... my cities, just not yet. I usually act "honorably" in the sense that I do not break deals, but not always (if I think I can wipe out my neighbors before making overseas contact, on boy does the fit hit the shan). I rarely see the modern age.
I'm a builder at heart who has discovered the Power of the Dark Side, and can't go back.
The one thing I won't do is use nukes. I hate nukes. This goes back to CivII. The AI has always been nuke-happy, and they just HAVE to screw up the world with them. I hate that, because then I have to clean it up. It was worse in CivII, because global warming was actually painful, but it still sucks in CivIII. Happily, since my games are usually decided by the Industrial Age, I haven't had to deal with it much.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
October 17, 2002, 18:22
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Arrian, you crack me up.
My answer?
Any early nearby AI civ above a 5 on the STCOMOM? Crush, kill, maim, destroy.
Every shield, every piece of gold, every bit of research that AI civs generate... MINE! MINE! MINE!
Their military units... equivalent to the training dummies that recruits bayonet in boot camp. WAIT, that recruit just became a 5 star general!!
Nukes... if the pay-off is good enough, sure, what the heck.
My empire... productive, happy, educated, clean, orderly.
Singapore at home, and Russia everywhere else (best analogy I could think of). Those are my "Civ3 politics" and have nothing whatsoever to do with RL.
The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
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October 17, 2002, 18:46
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Athitis, watch out for those allies, they may do as they do in real life and back stab you.
October 17, 2002, 18:57
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Ha ha I'm a big wussy but I really hope to have all you "Nation builders" as my neighbors in multi-player!
And that's how I play too usually, building and peace, but strong military for defense only. However there are sometimes exceptions. I usually play as America and, well the Iroquois... Nothing against them but... Manifest Destiny... ya know.
Once the Zulu attacked me, unprovoked, as they always do early in the game. I had swordsmen so I was able to reduce them to one city with an alliance with England and then I felt so bad for them that I gave them my island, which was halfway across the world, before England took their last city. They hated me all the way into the modern age and voted against me in the UN!!!!
OOoooh I hate the Zulus
I'm never as merciful with them anymore.
I've increased my medication and I am now able to experience pleasure... especially when my Legions march on Berlin and capture the Great Wall! >:-)
October 17, 2002, 19:35
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Haha, I am the true imperialist in Civ 3. Nothing better that exploiting, I mean, educated and civilizing the smaller nations of the world. I always leave the world a better place for me, and to hell with those other guys. If they want a clean, safe world, they should do so themselves. I never the Manhattan Project, and only build nukes if someone else builds the MP. I enforce a severe Pax Teutonica/Romana (depending on how I feel). If there is some pointless little war I sell weapons to both sides. If there is a valuable resource, I grab as many as I can and sell it to only a few nations. I like to have about 3-5 oils, and sell it to one other nation. I keep my own country clean, but the other countries can clean up after themselves. I only get involved (invade) defensively, although I define "defensively" as I see fit, i.e. to defend German business, we must seize the Chinese stockpiles of silk to, uh, prevent them from flooding the market, right.
The world runs my way, and whenever some little hell-hole like Babylon, Zululand, or Russia starts to act impudent, I squash them with my Modern Armor, which they defend against with riflemen. Ha ha.
BTW I hate Xerxes, I kill him no matter what.
October 17, 2002, 20:19
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I am a complete phsyco in my games. Nukes? Sure, why not? especially if those are cities far away and unwanted by me. I am like the AI; I can hold a grudge a very long time, until I can take it out on them with nukes. Sometimes I refrain from conquering some civs that are at a distance from me just so they can experiance a more painful death by nukes. Plus, the desert takes care of my worries of them rebuilding!
If I am in a foul mood I nuke their capital and then raze it 
I'm going to rub some stakes on my face and pour beer on my chest while I listen Guns'nRoses welcome to the jungle and watch porno. Lesbian porno.
Supercitzen Pekka
October 17, 2002, 20:29
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I like to culture bomb, but when there is something at stake I am always ready to attack and destroy. So don't get in between my cities and the only source of iron around or a good pinch point. I generally go with large numbers and pull back once the objective is achieved. Then I build for the next one. I often raze foreign cities (or starve them) just because of all the good strategic locations I've lost through post bellum culture flips. So - I guess Warmonger by necessity, but not necessarily warmongering.
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October 17, 2002, 20:32
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Just a quick question, but how would you peaceful builders and diplomats deal with King of the Apes in MP?
I've increased my medication and I am now able to experience pleasure... especially when my Legions march on Berlin and capture the Great Wall! >:-)
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