October 18, 2002, 06:52
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Idea for making the AI stronger
Question for our moders out here:
Normal situation in a game:
You encounter 1 or 2 civ's.
What do you do: You unify them
An idea I had last night (no, not a dream):
Is it possible (via SLIC):
To keep track of the number of civ's/cities conquered by the human? If so to put this number in relation to how other civ's are reacting towards the human? So that at the end it would be a positive/negative modifier? (This only in the case, if the civ would have not been completly destroyed before encountering the next one, if so, no modifier)
And another idea: If the human player started early warmongering, that the AI will battle the human more and maybe join together against us (the human players)
Might not make the AI so much stronger, but it might help?
Another question: Is it possible (or has it been done yet) to make the maximum number of cities per government-type mapsize-related? (i.e. small = 6, HUGEEEE = 15)
Thanks in advance
PS: Haven't tried the mods yet, but will do so over the weekend
October 18, 2002, 12:07
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Re: Idea for making the AI stronger
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
To keep track of the number of civ's/cities conquered by the human? If so to put this number in relation to how other civ's are reacting towards the human? So that at the end it would be a positive/negative modifier?
And another idea: If the human player started early warmongering, that the AI will battle the human more and maybe join together against us (the human players) 
Might not make the AI so much stronger, but it might help?
These both are already a part of the Frenzy code - this is in Cradle, and (I believe) SAP and GoodMod in some form.
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
Another question: Is it possible (or has it been done yet) to make the maximum number of cities per government-type mapsize-related? (i.e. small = 6, HUGEEEE = 15)
Not done via SLIC, but by editing the numbers in govern.txt - then manually switching the file based on the type of game you are playing.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
October 18, 2002, 12:50
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Re: Re: Idea for making the AI stronger
Originally posted by hexagonian
These both are already a part of the Frenzy code - this is in Cradle, and (I believe) SAP and GoodMod in some form.
There is indeed the Cradle version of frenzy in GoodMod, I just did a minor modification so that it will work eith the default game.
Originally posted by hexagonian
Not done via SLIC, but by editing the numbers in govern.txt - then manually switching the file based on the type of game you are playing.
Yes this is the only way, to make for every map size an own ModSwapper option, I have already five options in it. One gigantic map for ApolytonPack option, that will be one, one normal for ApolytonPack that would be four more, one normal for CityMod2 that would be another 4 more options. Then there two options for MedPack2 one for small maps and one for big maps that would be again 4 more options. So summa summarum I would have to put into GoodMod 13 ModSwapper options and finnally I would have to test them all how long this does, therefore I actual preferre the MedPack2 sollution, two govern.txt's, one for small maps and one for big maps. Of course you can do the options mass on your own.
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October 21, 2002, 03:14
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I (by now) haven't played with SLIC yet and I have not yet read the docu's for it. Could somebody do me the favour and (if possible) explain how to create the mod-setting for changing the govern.txt?
The reason why I am asking is I do not want to change to many files, I might forget it  (if I need to go back again..)
For the other subject: I thought I might have had an idea
But another thing: For changing tech's you need to have an embassy, might it not be better to just make it related to a certain tech ? Might help getting the AI-stronger. Earlier tech-exchange........
At least I haven't seen this possibility in SAP (just playing it in the moment, nearly got crushed and just playing 3 level  I like it  and Martin gooooooooood job for the translation)
Also another question for our moders (might have been asked already, if so sorry):
Can you change the language version of CTP2?
October 21, 2002, 13:30
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Originally posted by Gilgamensch
I (by now) haven't played with SLIC yet and I have not yet read the docu's for it. Could somebody do me the favour and (if possible) explain how to create the mod-setting for changing the govern.txt?
If you just want to make the city limit depending on the map size then there is no need for slic you just need to change the govern.txt of your mod, the best thing would be to set up four options in ModSwapper for every mod its own. If you like to make this mod for ApolytonPack then you have to modify the govern.txt. The best thing is first to copy this file and rename it to XXX_govern.txt where XXX_ a prefix of your choice is, for example the prefix of all the files of the ApolytonPack files is APOL_.
Now search in the govern.txt for the line:
Change the value behind it to something you think is apropiate for the according map size.
Finally you have to create a new ModSwapper option, that is also easy just find the file APOL_gamefile.txt. Make a copy and replace the APOL_ prefix by a prefix of your choice. Then open this file. The gamefile.txt's contain a list of files that CTP2 uses. Find there the line govern.txt and add your prefix in front of it. Finally go to the botom of the file and edit the text there in the above the APOL_newsprite entry. This line contains the text that appears in ModSwapper.
At the end you have to repeat this procedure for every map size you whish to support.
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
The reason why I am asking is I do not want to change to many files, I might forget it (if I need to go back again..)
That is one advantage of ModSwapper you don't have to worry to forget which files you altered, because of the unique prefix you added to the files you have edited.
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
But another thing: For changing tech's you need to have an embassy, might it not be better to just make it related to a certain tech ? Might help getting the AI-stronger. Earlier tech-exchange........
If I remember correctly one feature of Diplomod is the automated embassy creation, actual it happened more between AIs then between human and AI, but it didn't help actual, but Peter's NewDiplomod is promissing respective this way but unfortunatly not finished.
Fine you like the translation.  So you are using a German version of CTP2.
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
Can you change the language version of CTP2?
Of course you can change the language version of CTP2, it is just a question of replacing string files or just modifying one file so that CTP2 searches the language files in another folder, of course the other folder sould contain the right files, so what language version do you need for CTP2?
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October 22, 2002, 02:20
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As you have guessed right, I am using in the moment the German version of CTP2, but because of this wonderful site  (do I get points for it??????) it might be easier to change to English (to remember more easy the right unit-name/tech/wonder..... (espacially with the 'hopefully' upcoming democracy game {PARTICIPATE!!!!!!!!!!!}  )
Actually: Can you do it via modswapper as well (changing between languages???????) , sounds at least like?
I think I gonna try your suggestion tonight.
And again: thanks for the support.
October 22, 2002, 13:47
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Originally posted by Gilgamensch
(do I get points for it??????)
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
it might be easier to change to English (to remember more easy the right unit-name/tech/wonder.....
Actual this is not the reason, also in the German version all the stuff has the right name, it is only in German. Ok, ok at some places the translation could be better, for instance I wouldn't translate Great Library with Lexikothek, whenever I find the place where you find the acording strings then I will correct this. The main reason why it is easier to turn your CTP2 into an English version is that here are a lot more people who can give you the English files then files of any other language version.
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
Actually: Can you do it via modswapper as well (changing between languages???????) , sounds at least like?
It can't be done with ModSwapper althouth it would be just a few lines of code to add to ModSwapper to have this feature. Basically you have just to modify the civpath.txt in your ..\ctp2_program\ctp\ folder. Just open it with an editor of your choice e.g. notepad and replace the fourth line with something else for instance replace german with english. That will make the game to search for the language files in the folder ..\ctp2_data\english\gamedata\ instead in the folder ..\ctp2_data\german\gamedata\
I am shure someone here can give you the English files, maybe we should upload them to the Apolyton directory, with readme how to install them.
Ok lets go on for the installation once you modified your civpath.txt of course with backking it up before. You have to fill the new english folder with the files. Fill the folder I mentioned above with the string files and copy all the other folders and included files to your new English folder so that the subdirectory structure in the end is the same like in the original german folder. Now you have just to swap the civpath.txt to change the language of your CTP2.
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October 23, 2002, 05:12
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That's not good  I thought I will receive a free gift..........
Martin: As I will be still playing (in between) the German version, I'll let you know about more 'typos'  Should I just send you an e-mail?
What will be the easiest way to get the English files, should I open a new threat or just hope that somebody will have a look at this one and will post here????????
Sounds like you are using also only the German version  .....
October 23, 2002, 12:07
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Originally posted by Gilgamensch
Martin: As I will be still playing (in between) the German version, I'll let you know about more 'typos' Should I just send you an e-mail?
Post, PM, Email whatever you want.
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
What will be the easiest way to get the English files, should I open a new threat or just hope that somebody will have a look at this one and will post here????????
I am shure someone will post them here or give you a link where you can download. The Immortal Wombat posted these files some time ago. So you could do a forum search, too.
Originally posted by Gilgamensch
Sounds like you are using also only the German version .....
Yes, therefore GoodMod is also in German the same thing applies to CityMod2, and the ApolytonPack as most parts of the strings that needed translation where already part of CityMod2, the main work was to create the APOL_str_loc.txt actual it was a tedious work.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
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