Originally posted by Gunter
1) Every bobmbard units have lethal bombard vs land and sea but ironclad. If I bombard someone I should be able to kill him.
Unfair to the AI, because I've never seen it to use artillery on the offense.
I gave only lethal sea bombardment to arty units, because it's the only way for land units to kill ships.
Lethal land bombardment is only available for bombers in my mod to give them an advantage compared to the much cheaper artillery.
Originally posted by Gunter
2) I have inserted few new units ( Airtransport,Apache..) and increased a lot modern naval units attack/defense and movement by 1 ( Doubled modern nuclear sub attack/def, raised bombard of stealth bomber to 24,battleship to 24/18
If you are looking for a LOT of excellent new unit graphics, go to
The NucSub has to be improved, Aegis Cruiser, too IMHO (bombard range 3 and strength more than the Battleship to simulate missiles, I still have to see, what the AI does with this)
I increased the movement rate of most ships even more. Unchanged for the galley, +1 for the caravel, +2 for galleon and frigate and so on.
Originally posted by Gunter
3) Reduced corruption of comunism to nuisance/minimal
Makes Communism quite powerful, I guess!
I inserted some more government types (City states, Theocracy, Absolutism, Fascism and Corporate Republic).
Industrial and Modern Age Wormongers (AI and me) prefer my Absolutism (some kind of upgraded monarchy with lesser corruption, more free units per city and a few more little tweaks) to Communism.
Originally posted by Gunter
4) almost doubled appearance ratio of all strategical resources,I can't tolerate an equilibrate game since only one civ has uranium or coal,and then it wins the game easily,IMHO is too unbalanced. In this way I do not grant everyone resources but at least they are less difficult to find.
I personally like to lack a resource. It gives me a reason to go to war

and makes the game much more interesting!