October 24, 2002, 13:02
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: As cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an eel.
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New New Transactions(to fit labor demands in Termina)
Sell 3 food @ $1 min (6 eaten)
Sell 6 Commerce through Shoppe @ $1 min
Sell 4 Books Through Bookstore @ $1 min
Sell 7 Commerce @ $1 min
Buy 4 shields @ D/S
Hire 3 Labor from Gaia @ $130 Max
Hire 3 Labor from Termina @ 130 max
Hire 3 Labor in Tassagrad @ $130 Max
Hire 3 labor from Apolyton @ 130 max
Work 3 Gaia labor and 3 shields in Gaia to build bindery
Work 3 Apolyton labor using 3 half shields to build Shoppe in Apolyton
Work 3 Tassagrad labor using 1 half shield and 2 shield to build an eatery
2 Termina labor work 2 shield in paper press
1 termina labor and 2 vassal work 3 shield in lumber mill
4 vassals work 4 paper in bindery making books
October 24, 2002, 13:47
Local Time: 04:45
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Posts: 8,619
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
11)Kloreep (8 food, 5 shields, 6 commerce)
I produce 9 commerce:
006 Apolyton NW11 (mined bonus grass rd): 2 Commerce (road, Republic)
020 Tassagrad SW (mined grass rd): 2 Commerce (road, Republic)
Timeline wsw - (grass rd river): 3 Commerce (road, river, Republic)
Timeline nw2 - (grass river): 2 Commerce (river, republic)
How do I have 5 shields? Have my Timeline tiles been mined recently? (I haven't been paying attention to that like I probably should.)
October 24, 2002, 14:15
Local Time: 03:45
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Posts: 11,289
Originally posted by Kloreep
I produce 9 commerce:
006 Apolyton NW11 (mined bonus grass rd): 2 Commerce (road, Republic)
020 Tassagrad SW (mined grass rd): 2 Commerce (road, Republic)
Timeline wsw - (grass rd river): 3 Commerce (road, river, Republic)
Timeline nw2 - (grass river): 2 Commerce (river, republic)
How do I have 5 shields? Have my Timeline tiles been mined recently? (I haven't been paying attention to that like I probably should.)
I musthave copied Timeline wsw wrong, and I missed a new road built last turn.
Apolyton nw2 (2 food, 2 shields, and 2 commerce)
Tassagrad SW (2 food, 1 shield, and 2 commerce)
Timeline wsw (3 food and 3 commerce) - irrigated
Timeline nw2 (2 food and 3 commerce) - is currently being mined
Total Production: 9 food, 3 shields, and 10 commerce)
October 24, 2002, 17:14
Local Time: 04:45
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Posts: 8,619
More stuff? Woohoo! Thanks Ghenghis.
New Orders:
Estate of Kloreep
Turn #: 013
Holdings: 006 Apolyton NW11 (mined bonus grass rd)
020 Tassagrad SW (mined grass rd)
Timeline wsw - (grass rd irr river)
Timeline nw2 - (grass river)
Stockpile: 0 food, 1 shield, 0 commerce
Vassals: 4 Persian
Production this turn: 9 food, 3 shields, 10 commerce
Cash: $820
Debt: $0
Buildings: Shoppe in Apolyton
Storehouse on Estate
Bakery in Timeline
Lumber Mill (Timeline wsw)
Administered by: Kloreep
Proposed Deals:
2 Food eaten by vassals
Sell 3 food @ $40 minimum
Sell 10 commerce @ $20 minimum (7 through shoppe, 3 on normal market)
Bid $1250 on V, Gaia E
Hire 2 labor from Termina @ $100 max
Hire 6 labor from Timeline @ $100 max
Use 3 vassals and 1 labor from Timeline to convert 4 shields to 8 halfshields in my Lumber Mill
Use 2 Termina labor and 1 vassal to build a Retail Business (Shoppe) in Termina using 3 half-shields
Use 3 labor in Timeline to build a Retail Business (Shoppe) using 3 half-shields
Use 2 labor in Timeline to convert 4 food to 8 snacks in Bakery |
Edit: Accidentally repeated the hire labor lines.
October 24, 2002, 19:13
Local Time: 01:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 570
C) $1000 Timeline NE (2 food, 2 commerce)
I bid $1000
E) $750 Gaia wnw (1 food, 2 commerce)
I bid $750
October 24, 2002, 19:13
Local Time: 09:45
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Posts: 269
12 Food (13-1 eaten by those rascally vassals)
2 shields
7 commerce
Sell 12 Food at D/S
Buy 6 Shields at D/S
Sell 7 commerce at D/S
Hire 6 labor from Gaia
Use 3 Labor and 2 Vassals to build Brewery on Gaia NW
Use 3 Labor to build Shoppe in Gaia
(If I don't get all the labor I wanted the Brewery takes priority over the Shoppe)
Proud member of the Hawk Party.
October 24, 2002, 19:17
Local Time: 01:45
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Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 570
Lord Dude's Holdings
Turn #: 13
Holdings: 010 Termina NE (mined grass rd), Termina NNW Higher (irrigated grass w/ river rd), Gotham W (jungle w/ river), Gotham NW (jungle w/ river), Chartres wnw -Jungle w/ road, Chartres W -Jungle w/ road, Chartres S -Jungle w/ road, Timeline nne, Timeline SE
Stockpile: 0 food, 0 shields, 0 commerce
Cash: $1054
Debt: -$0
Administered by: Duddha
Production this turn: 15 food, 4 shield, 20 commerce
Proposed Deals:
Sell 15 of 15 food @ d/s
Sell 20 of 20 commerce @ d/s
Sell 4 of 4 shields @ d/s
October 24, 2002, 19:18
Local Time: 01:45
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Posts: 570
Q) $750 Gaia nne (1 food, 2 commerce)
I bid $750
October 24, 2002, 20:53
Local Time: 05:45
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Posts: 2,015
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
There aren't any horses, that's the racetrack I built last turn. I told you a long time ago you should build a racetrack on that tile since its in 3 different cities' radii.
The icons are what people have built, the stack of lumber is a Lumber Mill, the paper is a Paper Mill, the scroll is a Bindery, the racehorse is a Racetrack, and the barrel is a Brewery.
The only horses in the current market all come from nye and I've offered to pay the bonuses for anyone who buys them from nye.
Another good site for a racetrack is adaMada's tile between Termina and Apolyton. It would use the combined pop of both to generate proceeds.
accept my apologies
October 24, 2002, 21:05
Local Time: 05:45
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Posts: 2,015
Estate of jdd2007
Turn: 13
Tiles: Several
Adm by: jdd2007
Cash: $3000+
Debt: $0
Production: 12 food, 1 shields, 15 commerce
sell 12 food @ min. $1
sell 15 commerce @ min. $2
i want to build a storehouse and any other structures that will give me $$$ in the long run. GF, if you tell me exactly what to do and where, i will pay you $200.
October 24, 2002, 21:54
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 11,289
Originally posted by jdd2007
i want to build a storehouse and any other structures that will give me $$$ in the long run. GF, if you tell me exactly what to do and where, i will pay you $200.
What I do is look at what cities have the most available labor and try to decide what would be useful there. I didn't build a tavern in Timeline or Gaia as I didn't have Breweries that could service them and I would rather build them wher I am the exclusive supplier so I can fleece the city for all its worth.
After turn 15 try to get a tile with wine as you can sell that anywhere in the market, it doesn't have to be in a radius like a brewery. (Cities that are connected by railroads count as one single alchohol market though)
On turn 16 it would be smart to get tiles near large cities and be those cities sole Brewery. Then the only thing you have to worry about is someone with wine trying to steal some of your market.
Try to build a shoppe or eatery and an Inn in the same city. The Inn will increase the bonus to 100% and affect all retail businesses you own in that city. (notice I build shoppes AND taverns AND inns in the same cities)
Don't be afraid to bid HIGH for vassals and/or labor because the bonus lasts forever and you only have to buy the labor to build a shoppe, etc. once. When we get more vassals bid whatever it takes to get them.
The three tiles on the image below are in Timeline and Opiadom's radius so those would be the best places to build things. We won't be able to use Opiadom's labor for another three turns though. AdaMada already has a Brewery for Timeline so you would have to compete for that market but you would have Opiadom all to yourself. A racetrack would be a good idea if we can get the players to buy horses.
October 25, 2002, 21:48
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 11,289
Labor Market
Apolyton Available Labor: 7
GhengisFarb is hiring 2 labor @ $150 max
UnOrthOdOx is hiring 3 labor @ $130 max
Termina Available Labor: 6
GhengisFarb is hiring 1 labor @ $150 max
Kloreep is hiring 2 labor @ $130 max
UnOrthOdOx is hiring 3 labor @ $100 max
Tassagrad Available Labor: 8
GhengisFarb is hiring 3 labor @ $150 max
UnOrthOdOx is hiring 3 labor @ $130 max
BHQ Available Labor: 7
GhengisFarb is hiring 1 labor @ $150 max
Gotham Available Labor: 6
GhengisFarb is hiring 6 labor @ $150 max
Chartres Available Labor: 2
GhengisFarb is hiring 2 labor @ $150 max
Timeline Available Labor: 8
adaMada is hiring 1 labor @ $100 max
GhengisFarb is hiring 1 labor @ $150 max
Kloreep is hiring 6 labor @ $100 max
Gaia Available Labor: 10
GhengisFarb is hiring 2 labor @ $150 max
Jonny is hiring 1 labor @ $150 max
UnOrthOdOx is hiring 3 labor @ $100 max
=OttomusCeasar= is hiring 6 labor
Land Auction
A) $1000 Chartres NE (2 food, 2 commerce)
...Jonny bid $1500
C) $1000 Timeline NE (2 food, 2 commerce)
...Duddha bid $1000
E) $750 Gaia wnw (1 food, 2 commerce)
...Duddha bid $750
O) $1250 Gaia N (2 food, 3 commerce)
Q) $750 Gaia nne (1 food, 2 commerce)
...Duddha bid $750
S) $1500 Gaia SE (2 food, 1 shield, 3 commerce)
V) $1250 Gaia E (2 food, 1 shield, 2 commerce)
...Kloreep bid $1250
October 26, 2002, 05:18
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of naught
Posts: 21,300
GF, I believe there has been an error...
Turn 12 results.
notyoueither bought tile R for $1500 (Loan)
notyoueither bought tile U for $2000
notyoueither sold 3 food @ $72
notyoueither sold 6 food @ $72 (Through Eatery)
.....(Eatery bonus 6 X $36 (50% of $72))
notyoueither sold 4 shields @ $69
notyoueither sold 2 horse @ $97 (Through Shoppe)
notyoueither sold 4 commerce @ $97 (Through Shoppe)
.....(Shoppe bonus 4 X $48 (50% of $97))
.....(Horse bonus 2 X $29 (30% of $97))
..........Total Income for Turn = -$28 (Cash $903, Debt $1500)
216 food
432 food
216 bonus
276 shields
194 horse >>>>>>> 2
388 commerce >>>> 4
288 bonus >>>>>>> 6 (not 4)
58 horse bonus
2068 income
-2000 land paid for
931 cash start
1500 debt for land not paid for |
House Julian
Turn 12.
"The Mustang Ranch" - 001, Apolyton N, Grass w Horse 2/0/2
- 002, Apolyton NE, Grass 2/2/1
"The Back 40" - xxx, Gotham N, Jungle w river 1/0/1
- xxx, Chartres NW, Grass 2/2/1
- xxx, Chartres N, 1/0/0
- xxx, Chartres NNE, Jungle w river 1/0/1
Eatery in Apolyton "Mustang Sally's"
Shoppe in Apolyton "Blessings of Ceres Fine Goods"
Stkp: 0 food 0 shields 0 commerce
Prod: 9 food 4 shields 4+2H commerce
Vassal: 1 Persian
Cash: $931
Debt: 0
6 Food @ DS through Eatery
3 Food @ DS
4 Shield @ DS
4+2H Comm @ DS through Shoppe
None |
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
October 26, 2002, 05:24
Local Time: 03:45
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Location: of naught
Posts: 21,300
House Julian
Turn 13.
"The Mustang Ranch" - 001, Apolyton N, Grass w Horse 2/0/2
- 002, Apolyton NE, Grass 2/2/1
"The Back 40" - xxx, Gotham N, Jungle w river 1/0/1
- xxx, Chartres NW, Grass 2/2/1
- xxx, Chartres N, 1/0/0
- xxx, Chartres NNE, Jungle w river 1/0/1
"Land needing Name" - xxx, Gaia NE, Grass w river 3/0/2
- xxx, Gaia NE2, Grass w river & Dye 3/0/4
Eatery in Apolyton "Mustang Sally's"
Shoppe in Apolyton "Blessings of Ceres Fine Goods"
Stkp: 0 food 0 shields 0 commerce
Prod: 15 food 4 shields 11 commerce
3 H
4 D
Vassal: 1 Persian
Cash: $999
Debt: $1500
6 Food @ DS through Eatery
9 Food @ DS
2 Shield @ DS
6 Comm @ DS through Shoppe
5 Comm @ DS
3 Horse @ DS
4 Dyes @ DS
Shoppe in Timeline 2 Shield +1 Labourer +1 Vassal
Hire 1 labour from Timeline @ $100 max |
Pay off debt.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
October 26, 2002, 06:44
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 11,289
Originally posted by notyoueither
GF, I believe there has been an error...
Turn 12 results.
notyoueither bought tile R for $1500 (Loan)
notyoueither bought tile U for $2000
notyoueither sold 3 food @ $72
notyoueither sold 6 food @ $72 (Through Eatery)
.....(Eatery bonus 6 X $36 (50% of $72))
notyoueither sold 4 shields @ $69
notyoueither sold 2 horse @ $97 (Through Shoppe)
notyoueither sold 4 commerce @ $97 (Through Shoppe)
.....(Shoppe bonus 4 X $48 (50% of $97))
.....(Horse bonus 2 X $29 (30% of $97))
..........Total Income for Turn = -$28 (Cash $903, Debt $1500)
So are yousaying there should be a shoppe bonus on 6 not 4 or did I miss something else?
Last edited by GhengisFarb™; October 26, 2002 at 18:32.
October 26, 2002, 14:51
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of naught
Posts: 21,300
No other problems I saw. It was late though.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
October 26, 2002, 15:34
Local Time: 04:45
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Location: "The Iron" Stadium, Ubergorsk, Apolytonia (C3DG)
Posts: 1,848
NYE, are you selling any of your horses? (Think you made some offer once, but can't find it now)
Ghengis: Have there been any bids on that one horse you offered yet? Would you be willing to accept the fee at the END of this turn (after profits come in), or do we need to have the cash on hand?
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton
October 26, 2002, 15:42
Local Time: 03:45
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Posts: 21,300
Yup. 3 horses for sale at DS plus horse bonus.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
October 26, 2002, 17:57
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 11,289
Originally posted by adaMada
NYE, are you selling any of your horses? (Think you made some offer once, but can't find it now)
Ghengis: Have there been any bids on that one horse you offered yet? Would you be willing to accept the fee at the END of this turn (after profits come in), or do we need to have the cash on hand?
Nope, I want the money upfront to insure I remain impartial, as I will be rolling the "speed" of the horses.
Originally posted by notyoueither
Yup. 3 horses for sale at DS plus horse bonus.
Remember that I have offered to pay the Horse AND shoppe bonus if anyone buys his horses and announces they will race them on my racetrack next turn.
October 26, 2002, 18:12
Local Time: 04:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: "The Iron" Stadium, Ubergorsk, Apolytonia (C3DG)
Posts: 1,848
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
Nope, I want the money upfront to insure I remain impartial, as I will be rolling the "speed" of the horses.
Remember that I have offered to pay the Horse AND shoppe bonus if anyone buys his horses and announces they will race them on my racetrack next turn.
Fair enough. I'll go ahead and announce my intent to join in some way for the set of races after this one, then, but won't be doing it this time (want to gather a bit of money and get myself onto solid ground first). Good luck to everyone who enters, though.
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton
October 26, 2002, 18:31
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 11,289
Land Auction
A) $1000 Chartres NE (2 food, 2 commerce)
...Jonny bid $1500
C) $1000 Timeline NE (2 food, 2 commerce)
...Duddha bid $1000
E) $750 Gaia wnw (1 food, 2 commerce)
...Duddha bid $750
O) $1250 Gaia N (2 food, 3 commerce)
Q) $750 Gaia nne (1 food, 2 commerce)
...Duddha bid $750
S) $1500 Gaia SE (2 food, 1 shield, 3 commerce)
V) $1250 Gaia E (2 food, 1 shield, 2 commerce)
...Kloreep bid $1250
Here's what I came up with for completed transactions:
Apolyton Available Labor: 7
D:S 5/7 = $71
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Apolyton @ $71
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Apolyton @ $71
Termina Available Labor: 6
D:S 6/6 = $100
GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Termina @ $100
Kloreep hired 2 labor in Termina @ $100
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Termina @ $100
Tassagrad Available Labor: 8
D:S 6/8 = $75
GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $75
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $75
BHQ Available Labor: 7
D:S 2/7 = $29
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in BHQ @ $29
Gotham Available Labor: 6
D:S 6/6 = $100
GhengisFarb hired 6 labor in Gotham @ $100
Chartres Available Labor: 2
D:S 2/2 = $100
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Chartres @ $100
Timeline Available Labor: 8
D:S 8/8 = $100
adaMada hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $100
Kloreep hired 6 labor in Timeline @ $100
notyoueither was unable to hire labor in Timeline due to labor shortage
Gaia Available Labor: 10
D:S 10/10 = $100
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $100
Jonny hired 1 labor in Gaia @ $100
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Gaia @ $100
=OttomusCeasar= hired 4 labor in Gaia @ $100
Same as Timeline. Next time I will use the correct D/S price so be warned.
adaMada hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Apolyton @ $71
GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Termina @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $75
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in BHQ @ $29
GhengisFarb hired 6 labor in Gotham @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Chartres @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $100
Jonny hired 1 labor in Gaia @ $100
Kloreep hired 2 labor in Termina @ $100
Kloreep hired 6 labor in Timeline @ $100
notyoueither hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $100
=OttomusCeasar= hired 4 labor in Gaia @ $100
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Apolyton @ $71
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Termina @ $100
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $75
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Gaia @ $100
Food demand: 108
Food supplied: 22
Food sold: 112
D:S = 108/(22+112)134 = 81%
End price = $81
adamada sold 4 food @ $81
Captain sold 2 food @ $81
Duddha sold 15 food @ $81
GhengisFarb sold 16 food @ $81 (through Tavern(Inn))
GhengisFarb sold 19 food @ $81
GhengisFarb failed to sell 4 food due to lack of demand
jdd2007 sold 12 food @ $81
Jonny sold 5 food @ $81
Kloreep sold 3 food @ $81
notyoueither sold 6 food @ $81 (through Eatery)
notyoueither sold 9 food @ $81
=OttomusCeasar= sold 12 food @ $81
Randolph sold 2 food @ $81
UnOrthOdOx sold 3 food @ $81
Shields demand: 57
Shields supplied: 67
Shields sold: 14 Shields bought: 10
D:S = 67(57+10)/81(67+14) = 81.71%
End price = $82
Captain sold 1 shield @ $82
Duddha sold 4 shields @ $82
GhengisFarb sold 6 shields @ $82
Jonny sold 2 shields @ $82 (Through Hardware Store)
notyoueither sold 2 shields @ $82
=OttomusCeasar= bought 4 shields @ $82
UnOrthOdOx bought 4 shields @ $82
Commerce demand: 432
Commerce supplied: 36
Commerce sold: 162
D:S = 432/198(36 + 162) = 109.09
End price = $109
adaMada sold 4 commerce @ $109
Captain sold 3 commerce @ $109
Duddha sold 20 commerce @ $109
GhengisFarb sold 12 Dye @ $109 (Through Shoppes(Inn))
GhengisFarb sold 24 commerce @ $109 (Through Shoppes(Inn)
GhengisFarb sold 20 commerce @ $109
jdd2007 sold 15 commerce @ $109
Jonny sold 9 commerce @ $109 (Shoppe in Gaia)
Kloreep sold 6 commerce @ $109 Shoppe(Marketplace) * 6 is the max unless the Shoppe is upgraded to a Chain of Shoppes (Costs 2 Shields/Labor)
Kloreep sold 3 commerce @ $109
notyoueither sold 6 commerce @ $109 (Through Shoppe)
notyoueither sold 5 commerce @ $109
notyoueither sold 3 Horses @ $109
notyoueither sold 4 Dyes @ $109
=OttomusCeasar= sold 7 commerce @ $109
Randolph sold 3 commerce @ $109
Randolph received a gift horse from UnOrthOdOx
UnOrthOdOx bought 1 Horse @ $109
UnOrthOdOx sold 6 commerce @ $109 (Through Shoppes(Marketplace))
UnOrthOdOx sold 7 commerce @ $109
UnOrthOdOx sold 4 books @ $164 (150% of D/S) (Through Book Store)
{Ale, Beer, Rum, and Wine} Base price $100
Apolyton Market: 14 demanded, 2 sold...14/2 = $700
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Apolyton @ $700 (Through Tavern(Inn))
Termina Market: 12 demanded, 2 sold...12/2 = $600
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Termina @ $600 (Through Tavern(Inn))
Tassagrad Market: 16 demanded, 2 sold...16/2 = $800
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Tassagrad @ $800 (Through Tavern(Inn))
BHQ Market: 14 demanded, 1 sold...14/2 = $700
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in BHQ @ $700 ((Through Tavern(Inn))
Gotham Market: 12 demanded, none sold
Chartres Market: 2 demanded, none sold
Timeline Market: 16 demanded, none sold
Gaia Market: 20 demanded, none sold
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Apolyton @ $700 (Through Tavern(Inn))
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Termina @ $600 (Through Tavern(Inn))
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Tassagrad @ $800 (Through Tavern(Inn))
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in BHQ @ $800 ((Through Tavern(Inn))
Total Incomes
adaMada hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $100
adamada sold 4 food @ $81
adaMada sold 4 commerce @ $109
adaMada used 1 Timeline labor and 2 vassals to complete BREWERY on Timeline nnw
..........Total Income for Turn = $660 (Cash $414, Debt $0) *Paid off all Government Debt
adaMada FINISHED BREWERY on Timeline nnw
..........Total Income for Turn = $0 (Cash $412, Debt $1000)
Captain sold 2 food @ $81
Captain sold 1 shield @ $82
Captain sold 3 commerce @ $109
..........Total Income for Turn =$571 (Cash $2850, Debt $0)
civman2000 received $175 rent from GhengisFarb
..........Total Income for Turn =$175 (Cash $1100, Debt $0)
Darkness' Edge
..........Total Income for Turn =$0 (Cash $0, Debt $400)
Duddha bought tile C for $1000
Duddha bought tile E for $750
Duddha bought tile Q for $750
Duddha sold 15 food @ $81
Duddha sold 4 shields @ $82
Duddha sold 20 commerce @ $109
..........Total Income for Turn = $1223 (Cash $2277, Debt $0)
..........Total Income for Turn = $0 (Cash $395, Debt $750)
..........Noble (Cash $405 in Royal Treasury)
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Apolyton @ $71
GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Termina @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $75
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in BHQ @ $29
GhengisFarb hired 6 labor in Gotham @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Chartres @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 1 labor in Timeline @ $100
GhengisFarb hired 2 labor in Gaia @ $100
GhengisFarb sold 16 food @ $81 (through Tavern(Inn))
.....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 16 X $81 (100% of $81))
GhengisFarb sold 19 food @ $81
GhengisFarb failed to sell 4 food due to lack of demand
GhengisFarb sold 6 shields @ $82
GhengisFarb sold 12 Dye @ $109 (Through Shoppes(Inn))
.....(Shoppe(Inn) bonus 12 X $109 (100% of $109))
.....(Dye bonus 12 X $33 (30% of $109))
GhengisFarb sold 24 commerce @ $109 (Through Shoppes(Inn)
.....(Shoppe(Inn) bonus 24 X $109 (100% of $109))
GhengisFarb sold 20 commerce @ $109
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Apolyton @ $700 (Through Tavern(Inn))
.....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 2 X $700 (100% of $700))
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Termina @ $600 (Through Tavern(Inn))
.....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 2 X $600 (100% of $600))
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in Tassagrad @ $800 (Through Tavern(Inn))
.....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 2 X $800 (100% of $800))
GhengisFarb sold 2 ale in BHQ @ $700 ((Through Tavern(Inn))
.....(Tavern(Inn) bonus 2 X $700 (100% of $700))
GhengisFarb used 1 labor from Chartres and 4 labor from Gotham to build Brewery
on tile Gotham wsw
GhengisFarb used 2 Gotham labor and 1 vassal to build Shoppe in Gotham
GhengisFarb used 1 Gaia labor and 2 vassals to build Specialty Shoppe in Gaia
GhengisFarb used 1 Chartres labor and 1 vassal to build Tavern in Chartres
GhengisFarb used 1 Apolyton labor to operate Inn in Apolyton
GhengisFarb used 1 BHQ labor to operate Inn in BHQ
GhengisFarb used 1 Tassagrad labor to operate Inn in Tassagrad
GhengisFarb used 1 Termina labor to operate Inn in Termina
GhengisFarb used 1 Timeline labor to operate Inn in Timeline
GhengisFarb used 1 Gaia labor to operate Inn in Gaia
GhengisFarb used 1 Apolyton labor to convert 2 food into 2 Ale in Duff's Brewery (Apolyton nnw)
GhengisFarb used 1 BHQ labor to convert 2 food into 2 Ale in Ghengis Brewing Company
GhengisFarb used 2 Tassagrad labor to convert 4 food into 4 Ale in Duff's Brewery
GhengisFarb paid civman2000 $175 rent
GhengisFarb paid rendelnep $175 rent
GhengisFarb paid 1 Horse bonus @ $33 (30% of $109))
..........Total Income for Turn = $23,843 (Cash=$37,353 Debt=$0)
BREWERY in "Jungundy" - 015 Termina NE3 Duff Brewery
BREWERY on "Ghengis Mountain" - BHQ N Ghengis Brewing Company
BREWERY on tile Apolyton nnw Duff Brewery - East Expansion
RACETRACK on tile Tassagrad nnw
GhengisFarb FINISHED BREWERY on tile Gotham wsw
GhengisFarb FINISHED SHOPPE in Gotham
GhengisFarb BUILT 2 of 3 on a TAVERN in Chartres
jdd2007 sold 12 food @ $81
jdd2007 sold 15 commerce @ $109
..........Total Income for Turn = $2607 (Cash $5613, Debt $0)
Jonny bought tile A for $1500
Jonny hired 1 labor in Gaia @ $100
Jonny used 1 labor from Gaia and 2 vassals to build a retail business (Eatery) in Gaia
Jonny sold 5 food @ $81
Jonny sold 2 shields @ $82 (Through Hardware Store)
.....(Hardware Store bonus 2 X $41 (50% of $82))
Jonny sold 3 commerce @ $109
Jonny sold 6 commerce @ $109 (Shoppe in Gaia)
.....(Shoppe bonus 6 X $55 (50% of $109))
..........Total Income for Turn = $362 (Cash $2298, Debt $0)
Kloreep bought tile V for $1250
Kloreep hired 2 labor in Termina @ $100
Kloreep hired 6 labor in Timeline @ $100
Kloreep sold 3 food @ $81
Kloreep sold 6 commerce @ $109 Shoppe(Marketplace)
.....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $82 (75% of $97))
* 6 is the max unless the Shoppe is upgraded to a Chain of Shoppes (Costs 2 Shields/Labor)
Kloreep sold 3 commerce @ $109
Kloreep used 3 vassals and 1 labor in Timeline to convert 4 shields to 8 halfshields in Lumber Mill on Timeline wsw
Kloreep used 2 labor in Termina and 1 vassal to build a Retail Business (Shoppe) using 3 half-shields
Kloreep used 3 labor in Timeline to build a Retail Business (Shoppe) using 3 half-shields
Kloreep used 2 labor in Timeline to convert 4 food to 8 snacks in Bakery
..........Total Income for Turn = -$334 (Cash $486, Debt $0)
LUMBERMILL on Timeline wsw
Kloreep FINISHED Shoppe in Termina
Kloreep FINISHED Shoppe in Timeline
..........Noble (Cash $545 in Royal Treasury)
..........Total Income for Turn = $0 (Cash $1858, Debt $0)
notyoueither was unable to hire labor in Timeline due to labor shortage
notyoueither sold 6 food @ $81 Eatery(Marketplace)
.....(Eatery(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $61 (75% of $81))
notyoueither sold 9 food @ $81
notyoueither sold 2 shields @ $82
notyoueither sold 6 commerce @ $109 (Through Shoppe)
.....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $82 (75% of $109))
notyoueither sold 5 commerce @ $109
notyoueither sold 3 Horses @ $109
.....(Horse bonus 3 X $33 (30% of $109))
notyoueither sold 4 Dyes @ $109
.....(Dye bonus 4 X $33 (30% of $109))
notyoueither used 1 vassal to build Shoppe in Timeline
..........Total Income for Turn = $4430 (Cash $3929, Debt $0) *Paid off all Government Debt
notyoueither BUILT 1 of 3 of a Shoppe in Timeline
=OttomusCeasar= hired 4 labor in Gaia @ $100
=OttomusCeasar= sold 12 food @ $81
=OttomusCeasar= bought 4 shields @ $82
=OttomusCeasar= sold 7 commerce @ $109
=OttomusCeasar= used 3 Labor and 2 Vassals to build Brewery on Gaia NW
=OttomusCeasar= used 1 Labor to build Shoppe in Gaia
..........Total Income for Turn = $1011 (Cash $1824, Debt $2000)
=OttomusCeasar= FINISHED BREWERY on Gaia NW
=OttomusCeasar= BUILT 1 of 3 on a SHOPPE in Gaia
Randolph sold 2 food @ $81
Randolph sold 3 commerce @ $109
Randolph received a gift horse from UnOrthOdOx
..........Total Income for Turn =$489 (Cash $489, Debt $1500)
rendelnep received $175 rent from GhengisFarb
..........Total Income for Turn =$175 (Cash $875, Debt $0)
..........Noble (Cash $153 in Royal Treasury)
..........Noble (Cash $405 in Royal Treasury)
..........Total Income for Turn =$0 (Cash $240, Debt $775)
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Apolyton @ $71
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Termina @ $100
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Tassagrad @ $75
UnOrthOdOx hired 3 labor in Gaia @ $100
UnOrthOdOx sold 3 food @ $81
UnOrthOdOx bought 4 shields @ $82
UnOrthOdOx bought 1 Horse @ $109
UnOrthOdOx gifted 1 Horse to Randolph
UnOrthOdOx sold 6 commerce @ $109 (Through Shoppes(Marketplace))
.....(Shoppe(Marketplace) bonus 6 X $82 (75% of $109))
UnOrthOdOx sold 7 commerce @ $109
UnOrthOdOx sold 4 books @ $164 (150% of D/S) (Through Book Store)
.....(Book Store bonus 4 X $123 (75% of $164))
.....(Unmet subDemand bonus 4 X $82 (50% of $164))
UnOrthOdOx used 3 Gaia labor to build Bindery in Gaia
UnOrthOdOx used 3 Apolyton labor to build Shoppe in Apolyton
UnOrthOdOx used 3 Tassagrad labor to build an Eatery in Tassagrad
2 Termina labor work 2 shield in paper press
1 termina labor and 2 vassal work 3 shield in lumber mill
4 vassals work 4 paper in bindery making books
..........Total Income for Turn = $2,228 (Cash $3177, Debt $0)
UnOrthOdOx FINISHED a Bindery in Gaia
UnOrthOdOx FINISHED a Shoppe in Apolyton
UnOrthOdOx FINISHED an Eatery in Tassagrad
Anyone notice any mistakes/corrections?
Discontinued.....(Mind you I still keep track so don't think about fudging your inventory.)
Franses has built 4 of ? on a building in a city/estate.
COMMERCIAL HOLDINGS (Active during this session)
APOLYTON (Marketplace)
notyoueither owns a Eatery(Marketplace) in Apolyton
GhengisFarb owns a Tavern(Inn) in Apolyton
GhengisFarb owns a Shoppe(Inn) in Apolyton
Kloreep owns a Shoppe(Marketplace) in Apolyton
notyoueither owns a Shoppe(Marketplace) in Apolyton
UnOrthOdOx FINISHED a Shoppe in Apolyton
GhengisFarb owns a Inn in Apolyton
GhengisFarb owns a Tavern(Inn) in BHQ
GhengisFarb owns a Shoppe(Inn) in BHQ
GhengisFarb owns a Inn in BHQ
GhengisFarb owns a Tavern(Inn) in Tassagrad
UnOrthOdOx FINISHED an Eatery in Tassagrad
GhengisFarb owns a Shoppe(Inn) in Tassagrad
GhengisFarb owns an Inn in Tassagrad
TERMINA (Marketplace)
Epistax owns a Tavern? in Termina
GhengisFarb owns a Tavern(Inn) in Termina
GhengisFarb owns a Shoppe(Inn) in Termina
Nimitz owns a Shoppe(Marketplace) in Termina
UnOrthOdOx owns a Shoppe(Marketplace) in Termina
Kloreep FINISHED Shoppe in Termina
GhengisFarb owns an Inn in Termina
TIMELINE (Marketplace)
GhengisFarb owns a Shoppe(Inn) in Timeline
Kloreep FINISHED Shoppe in Timeline
notyoueither BUILT 1 of 3 of a Shoppe in Timeline
Kloreep owns a Bakery in Timeline
GhengisFarb owns an Inn in Timeline
Jonny FINISHED Eatery in Gaia
GhengisFarb owns a Shoppe(Inn) in Gaia
GhengisFarb FINISHED Dye Shoppe(Inn) in Gaia
Jonny owns a Shoppe in Gaia
Jonny owns a Hardware Store in Gaia
=OttomusCeasar= BUILT 1 of 3 on a SHOPPE in Gaia
UnOrthOdOx owns a Book Store in Gaia
GhengisFarb owns an Inn in Gaia
UnOrthOdOx FINISHED a Bindery in Gaia
GhengisFarb FINISHED Shoppe in Gotham
GhengisFarb BUILT 2 of 3 on a TAVERN in Chartres
adaMada FINISHED Brewery on Timeline nnw
GhengisFarb owns a Storehouse on tile 026 BHQ N (mountain)
GhengisFarb owns a Brewery on tile Termina ene "Duff Brewery - West"
GhengisFarb owns a Brewery on tile BHQ N "Ghengis Mountain"
GhengisFarb owns a Brewery on tile Apolyton nnw "Duff Brewery - East"
GhengisFarb FINISHED BREWERY on tile Gotham wsw
GhengisFarb owns a Racetrack on tile Tassagrad nnw "Ghengis Gardens"
Kloreep owns a Storehouse on tile 006 Apolyton NW11 (mined grass rd)
Kloreep owns a Lumber Mill on Timeline wsw
=OttimusCeasar= owns a Storehouse on tile 022 Tassagrad NW (jungle)
=OttomusCeasar= FINISHED BREWERY on Gaia NW
UnOrthOdOx owns a Lumber Mill on 013 Termina NE1
UnOrthOdOx owns a Paper Press on 013 Termina NE1
UnOrthOdOx owns a Bindery on 013 Termina NE1
UnOrthOdOx owns a Storehouse on 013 Termina NE1
Last edited by GhengisFarb™; October 27, 2002 at 20:49.
October 26, 2002, 20:31
Local Time: 04:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: "The Iron" Stadium, Ubergorsk, Apolytonia (C3DG)
Posts: 1,848
Dunno if it's gonna matter or not (probably not), since Ghengis made a decision that seemed to be fair, especially considering that NYE wouldn't have gotten the labor), but in Timeline, my max bid was actually $130... Didn't bother to correct it before since it didn't seem to matter, but just in case it does now...
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton
October 27, 2002, 01:06
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 21,300
You hired 1 ada? You got 1, right?
8 available. 8 hired. Cost $100.
I can't see a problem and was scratching my head over the note in GF's results.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
October 27, 2002, 01:09
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 11,289
Originally posted by notyoueither
You hired 1 ada? You got 1, right?
8 available. 8 hired. Cost $100.
I can't see a problem and was scratching my head over the note in GF's results.
Kloreep altered his post on the front page, and I discovered it by pure accident. The alteration cleared up the over demand.
October 27, 2002, 01:38
Local Time: 04:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 8,619
Timeline Labor
Looks like I'm causing a lot of trouble this session, sorry. I also want to state that the only alteration I made was an addition to my two provious posts when I posted a whole new set of orders, saying there was a new set of orders posted, and that the labor change I made (which was in its own new post as it should have been) was in those new orders.
If you read my original set of orders, you'll see I originally wanted to hire 3 labor in Termina; however, Unortho and Ghengis' labor requests combined were 4 labor in Termina, 1 over the 6 pop in the city. Since having 4 vassals allows me some flexibility with my labor, I switched around orders and hired only two labor in Termina, and one more in Timeline (which still had several free laborers at the time). So, I tried to hire 6 labor in Timeline, as my post on the first page, and my second set of orders (which I made because I had better production than I realized), state. Someone is short one labor in Timeline.
October 27, 2002, 01:47
Local Time: 04:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: The DoD
Posts: 8,619
Also, I had ten commerce to sell. (And sorry about the shoppe error; I had forgotten there was a limit of 6 without an expansion.) But I know it would be a real pain to recalculate all the commerce, so I'll stockpile it.
October 27, 2002, 02:13
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 11,289
Originally posted by Kloreep
Also, I had ten commerce to sell. (And sorry about the shoppe error; I had forgotten there was a limit of 6 without an expansion.) But I know it would be a real pain to recalculate all the commerce, so I'll stockpile it.
notyoueither is still sitting on his 3rd horse from last turn.
Found the glitch. Kloreep had hired 2 labor from Termina, but I had followed orders for 3 labor. Once I took that 3rd labor I saw where the 6th Timeline laborer went.
Notyoueither didn't get any labor but I went ahead and allowed his vassal to build 1 shield on his retail business since the local authorities didn't notice is all the labor confusion.
Timeline is going to be a VERY competitive labor market with a Bakery, Lumbermill, Brewery, and Inn needing labor every turn.
October 27, 2002, 09:21
Local Time: 04:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: "The Iron" Stadium, Ubergorsk, Apolytonia (C3DG)
Posts: 1,848
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
Timeline is going to be a VERY competitive labor market with a Bakery, Lumbermill, Brewery, and Inn needing labor every turn.
Quite likely -- which is why I'm very glad I got those vassals . Looks like they'll well be worth the one food per turn.
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton
October 27, 2002, 09:27
Local Time: 04:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: "The Iron" Stadium, Ubergorsk, Apolytonia (C3DG)
Posts: 1,848
Originally posted by notyoueither
You hired 1 ada? You got 1, right?
I think the issue is over, but just in case -- yep, only one for me .
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton
October 27, 2002, 22:38
Local Time: 03:45
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 11,289
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