November 22, 2002, 16:23
Local Time: 09:54
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Any ideas what to call my new citys i have captured.
please say some actual names that sound like city or county names.
nothing like "fight the power"
November 22, 2002, 19:59
Local Time: 05:54
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The screenshots look good, BIG improvement, but exactly what civ are you playing? Germans, Babs, or another? Helps to know when suggesting city names.
* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
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November 22, 2002, 20:01
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oh, Britain, by Default its England but i changed it to Britain, and used 'king David' as my name!
I might change the British leaderhead to Churchhill soon!
November 22, 2002, 21:12
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ok, My Attacking armada (was once a convoy) has gone all the way to the upper south east part of the American coastline and has descovered that the American army is large, but out of date, meny citys are gaurded by musketmen. Meny attacks are launched using swordmen.
I have decided to try and take one more island (i have now taken 2) with the last of my Expiditionary force fleet-105 (first war, fleet 05)
After 4000years of peace (equal the starwars republic!) It seems that my civ is very capable at handling an invasion!
Japan, France, and Egypt are getting close to each other!
France has managed to surround Japan so war is expected! Their boarders arn't much larger than the last picture! Who do you think i should side with if war breaks out?
November 22, 2002, 21:27
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
Any ideas what to call my new citys i have captured.
please say some actual names that sound like city or county names.
Dunkirk, Tarranto, Anzio, Nimegien, Arnhem  Give me a day and I'll come up with more. How many do you need?
November 22, 2002, 21:29
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With my last Cavalry unit to have full health (4hp vet), i managed to take the island (1city island) of San Diego.
This is just a turn from when i managed to take the island of Kansas, Which inclueds Kansas citys and Richmond.
Just after i did this i managed to save my Armada that is out there from a death of Frigates, the American navy has came very concentrated into that area and i jus had one of my 3 fleets there (i infact had my smallest one). They managed to seriusly damage a Galleon (1hp left) and destroy a man'o'war.
Mean while on Mainropa (centre largest continunt) Japan has managed to take alot of the French citys that were cutting it off, i'm leaving them to their own buisiness for the mean while!
Italy is still waging its war Against America, Italy is even smaller than me, yet is still fighting over some islands and is on the offensive!
November 22, 2002, 21:30
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lol, i need 4. But Dunkirk isn't suitable, i managed to keep my foothold!
November 22, 2002, 21:37
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Desert of Kansas.
Bless the fallen, Estimated deaths:
1small monkey
November 22, 2002, 21:39
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Sorry, but you left yourself open for this - "And what of Arnhem?"
November 22, 2002, 21:40
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Well done with the pics!
November 22, 2002, 21:40
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yeah, but Arnhem is for airborne infantry!
And i use them alot once i have them!
November 23, 2002, 01:17
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Since you are english I would recomend cities that are english, the ones proposed are either French, Italian, or Dutch. Do you need to rename them, is it important to you? If it is I will submit a small list in my next post. Good thing you held on to the foothold, if you had lost it then Dieppe would have been more appropriate
* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
* There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.
November 25, 2002, 01:15
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How about Gibralatar? Calais? or Halifax (in Canada) all were sort of British strongholds in someone elses backyard.
Are the Chinese in? If you grab a city near them, call it Singapore!
Lot's a luck!
Good, Bad, I'm the one with the Gun- Army of Darkness
November 29, 2002, 21:41
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1565 - ad
A few years ago the British experimental intelligance was formed, after a few years of secret research they were ready to send spys into other countrys. But the first try failed when a spy was caught trying to get into Egypt.
After a year, another try was made, but it also resulted in failure. Egypt declared war!
Egyption Cavalry started an attack on Exeter and burned it to the ground, during the war a new fuel source called 'oil' was descovered. Britain had none of this, but some had been noted to be next to Exeter when it was still there.
In 1565, 3 settlers were dispatched to the northern militery port of Liverpool. An escort of Cavalry and infantry were set up to take them through the hostile terrortories.
Its pritty much vital that i try to get the oil now, if i wait i'll have no good units that need oil, and i'll have a really hard time getting it!
1600 - ad
Landing begins, 2 settlers were left on the boats for safety. No Egyption forces can be seen, but we'll probubly find some 'soon' (wink wink, nudge nudge).
New Exeter is formed, rest of settlers disembark boats.
Professors at Oxford university have been studying the current and recent diplomatic, political, geographical, and resource sharing and have declared this stage to be a World war. Every nation has been sucked into this, inclueding the Ancient city clans, inclueding Russia (1 island city), Greece (same), and china (2 citys, on is on an island). Rough sides:
Side one:
Side two:
Great Egypt
China (Friendly with America).
But this isn't really a true 'world war', we arn't trying to tipe each other out, we just have some personal goals, mine is to build up a sizable colony of citys around that oil spot, and Egypts is to stop me before we sign a peace treaty!
The Admrilty has ordered all of the Defense ships gaurding the english waters to come back to port, suspicions of new vessels and training for the crews have not been comfermed, but the Unionist state parliment has been outraged.
To comferm our beleifs that the British government has NO conspiricys, 4 of the leading members of the parliment who want the ships to be sent back to their defensive dutys were found dead in the Themes.
Peace has been made for the Britons for all cept China. Storys and pictures coming back from the front show the British Light Infantry being out numbered, But Armed with the new Maxum Machine gun they were easily wiping out anybody who showed their head. But of course, lots of good storys, are often drounded out by a few bad ones. Storys of the odd Egyption Cavalryman being missed by the Machineguns and falling onto an infantryman with the business end of his rifle fixed bayonet, hitting the eye, or groun!
Story like these led to a massive reveiw of the Royal Merchant Navy, transportation had to be quickened, or we at least had to get more men into the front at a time. So Militery spending had to be increased in transports, and one thing an Admril hates the moast is having a slow clunking transporter following him around as he trys to take out a battleships or sub.
Last edited by HazieDaVampire; November 30, 2002 at 12:05.
November 30, 2002, 18:39
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Story like these led to a massive reveiw of the Royal Merchant Navy, transportation had to be quickened, or we at least had to get more men into the front at a time. So Militery spending had to be increased in transports, and one thing an Admril hates the moast is having a slow clunking transporter following him around as he trys to take out a battleships or sub.
Your Admirals are quite correct. If you were to learn the principals of flight, you would be able to build a network of airports and transport mass quantities of troops directly to the battle zone quickly and efficiently.
December 2, 2002, 18:41
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A Naval battle between America, and Egypt is unfolding in the French gulf, and the part of the North Sea that joins to the Gulf.
The Americans and Egyptions are still using Frigates, while my navy has been upgrading to Transporters and Destroyers, soon to begin battlesships (4 turns). I expect we will have a heavy anti Egyption Campaign soon, and expect a firstperson/Narrative story about the soldiers.
1754 ad
Almost at war, but the oil spot i had near Exeter has disapeared, it must of been pritty shallow! So the nearest one i can get at is around a Japanese city that also has Rubber, i might end up finishing Japan off.
Most of my army is on that continent now, and new tanks and on the way in transporters and the first shipment has just hit the shaws near Cambridge.
In the mean time i have a deal with France to give me oil, but it requires me to give them a new tech ever 20 turns and i get oil, a bit of money (about 1k) and a luxury!
Mean while France and Egypt are at war, its not a real stailmate, but the French do apear to make ground (its actualy my land that the front line is on) Then they pull back and some egyption infantry move in!
1756 ad
The Northern front that we plan to have against Egypt will have to become self surficiant, the whole supply line requires us to either go more than halfway around the world and that means past America, which isn't to friendly anyways. Or take the transporters over what i have worked out to be a 200mile section of the Egyption coast line.
To leave off the preasure on this northern front, and airwar will be started against Egypt over the English channel (I've always wanted an air war over the English Channel) After a while Paratroopers and Marines will land on the shaw, and then tanks and infantry will follow them in. The northern front will also have a Marine regiment at its disposal, these will be used to land on the southern side of the cut off, bottleneck of Egyption Ocupied Greece, i'll then give these citys back to Greece, i'm not planning on being unfriendly with them! I'm a nice guy!
In one of my older games Germany, France, and Zululand has a big war, Germany was hit real bad but somhow made a come back, when the war was over i was giving Germany 100gpt for free, since they were in a real bad shape. That and i was gunna invade the Zulus soon and they are pritty big and i'd need Germanys help!
War in Japan finishes and i did wipe them out! Two new Airbases on the West coast of Britain have been Created, called Ipswich and Southern Run.
Aircover in the northern Front will more likley be sketchy and rationed before any carriers can be designed (4turns research) built and go on their way.
Because of my mod changed the sea is full of Destroyers, and Battleships are more like they are in real life, rare and usualy are at the centre of a fleet with a vengance or hot target to defend such as a Carrier or island city by its self.
France has taken over a city that is on a bottle neck, and have ocupied some forts that fill up the one square pass to the minor block of egyption citys. So like i planned anyway, a beach landing on the west coast of the continent will help my liborate them citys, and then give them back to Greece.
"With our friends, France, we have been planning an invasion of the Facist Egyptions. Currently they have a United city States Government, but they often change to Fundamentalist and cleanse their empire of anyone different. They have oppressed the Greek people who now live in fear of invasion on a small island, some are imprisoned in citys.
"With the way technology is going at the moment, i beleave we will soon have weapons to great to control, and we will all be in iminent danger of death from an enemy we cannot even see who is to far away for us to know of them, we must act now and prevent the Egyption Empire growing to big to control."
British forces beat French to the Egyption city of Kahun, and take it!
bombers destroy coastal installations and navals docks on the east coast of Egypt.
Royal Marines Train on the East coast of Britain.
British troops just after finishing off the last of the Japanese.
Last edited by HazieDaVampire; December 2, 2002 at 18:59.
December 3, 2002, 10:14
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Nice photo montage
December 3, 2002, 12:04
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My Modern Army is a go! Hehe!
Whats people think of my being nice to greece thing?
December 3, 2002, 19:19
Local Time: 05:54
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 on your recent posts, it is a real improvement.
Using Greece as a client state is good thinking, now finnish off the foolish Egyptians!
Great job with the use of the photographs, really embellishes the story. Could we get an updated map, perhaps?
* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
* There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.
December 3, 2002, 20:16
Local Time: 04:54
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
My Modern Army is a go! Hehe!
Whats people think of my being nice to greece thing?
That's alright for a while. Let me say this: Tomorow, I will not cause escessive heat or pain to come to grease - it's my day off. But rest assured that come Thursday morning I will: Heat grease to 350 degrees F, throw potatoes into grease, throw fish and other crustations into grease and serve grease to many individuals to eat.
December 4, 2002, 12:32
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Client? I'm gessing thats somthing like france in WW2?
December 5, 2002, 08:30
Local Time: 05:54
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
Client? I'm gessing thats somthing like france in WW2?
I guess that France could be seen as a client state in WW2 but it is usually a state that is somewhat underdeveloped or backwaters. With the client state you help build them up in hopes of having a reliable ally for taking on the big dogs. Korea was a client state for the US in the Cold War.
* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
* There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.
December 5, 2002, 12:29
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anyways, the American navy has been landing troops into the old Greek land, and taken some of the citys from the Egyptions, so they only have 2 more ex-greek citys left! My transporters going at their fastest but they probubly won't make it!
Anyway, if they don't it won't be a wasted trip, they can still help create a second front! Since the Northern front has come to an end for my forces, since the french took over the citys on the bottlenecks and my forces cant get past without declaring war on the French!
December 5, 2002, 19:35
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
the french took over the citys on the bottlenecks and my forces cant get past without declaring war on the French!
I recommend you burn Joan at the stake. Haven’t seen a map in a while so it’s hard to determine your strategic position but; you’re English man! You’re supposed to be at war with the French!
December 6, 2002, 12:12
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yeah, i keep on saying that, but they're twice the size of me!
It was different with America, they're on an island and have a sucky navy, so i could attack any island and not come up against the might of their army.
working on the map now!
December 6, 2002, 12:58
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here it is, the political map.
December 6, 2002, 16:17
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A Lone soldier loads ammo into a spitfire at its station in Ipswich and a small land rover (For you Americans, just think of a WW2 jeep, but bigger).
The Soldier turns his head,
Guy in Car "Hey, you!"
Soldier "Yeah!"
Guy in car "You name David Brown?"
Soldier "That's me!"
Guy "Your wanted in the command office, i have no idea why!"
Brown pushes in the rest of the ammo belt into the machine gun and jumps off the wing of the spitfire and gets in the jeep.
Brown walks into an office, salutes the officer who salutes back and brown takes off his hat.
Brown "Sir, you sent for me?"
Lt "Yes, it turns out you've been hunting since you were a boy."
Brown "Yes sir, i was a terribly good shot!"
Lt "Yes, thats why we sent for you. We're making a new Infantry unit, we're looking for the best men we can find."
Brown "Well sir, i know how to fire a gun, but i'm not one for fighting or war sir."
Lt "The Whole of Britain isn't one for fighting, we had four thousand years of peace, we had to learn how to fight in a very short time when the Americans decided to pick on us!"
Brown "I know sir, but you can tell i'm even worse when i signed up to be Jonny on the Spot, I just run around filling the fighters and bombers full of ammo."
Lt "Yes, i see, but we need all the men we can get who are good at fighting. Those on the Northern front have to be resource full, they need to keep everything working and in order. Those invading will have supplys and infastructure fixing and keeping things running. So we can concentrate on having good men doing the fighting!
Brown "But sir!"
Lt "I'm Sorry David, but we need you, you have no power now, your joining the army!"
Just after David went into Training, the plans for invasion were drawn up. Two Primary Target citys, and 2 secondary citys that would be taken over next, or if the Primary was destroyed or two well defended. With a large marine force, and a large tank force the only veichles that could be built quickly were Aircraft, so a massive expansion of the Airborne Infantry were being trained up and David was chosen to join them.
The Plane flys through the sky, wings cutting the clouds. Through the Cargo door a troop looks out.
Troop "Boy it looks nice out there!"
Troop2 "Stick your head out and see how long it holds onto your bloody neck! Then tell me how nice its out there!"
Sargent "Be Quite you two, now does anybody want a fag?"
Troop2 "No thanks sir, i prefer women!"
Sargent "Shut up!"
Troop "You PREFER, women?"
Troop2 "Ok ok, i only accept women!"
Brown "How long to the DZ Sir?"
Sargent "I don't know, just wait for the red light!"
The Red light comes on
Troop2 "That was quick!"
Sargent "Ok, stand up!"
Brown turns around and looks at the man behind him, "When its my turn, push me out of that door!"
Troop "You scared?"
Brown "Just do it!"
Sargent "Ok, check!"
The Troops check each others gear!
"1, check""2 check""3 check""4 check"
Green light comes on and the first person jumps out, then the second, third, forth, Then the sixth pushes David out of the door, then jumps out his self!
Brown "oh god....
....oh god oh god oh god....
....oooooohhhhhh god!....
David hits the ground, pulls his chute down to the ground and gets out his weapon. A LeEnfield rifle with a sniper scope. He runs into some nearby bushes!
Brown "Ok, we were heading west, so that means the bulk of my squad is to my west, with three or four to my east."
Brown sneaks off to the west looking for men. As he sneaks on he looks to his right, then to his left. (Sound of twig snaping), Brown spins round and breaths heavely, "is anybody there?" he wispers. Then he stands up strait and thinks its just his mind playing tricks. He carrys on sneaking west and feals a cold ring on the back of his neck 'click' goes the gun as the soldiers cocks it....
Brown takes a breath and closes his eyes.
Brown grabs the gun and pushes it away from his head, spins round and pulls out his revolver and sticks it in the face of the Soldier.
"Wow there cow boy!" says the soldier.
Brown "**** lee! I could of killed you!"
Lee "And i could of killed you"
Brown "Come on!"
The Two paratroopers sneak along.
"lester!" is wispered from a bush!"
"SQUARE!" say Davie and Lee as they spin round look at the bush, 5 other troops imerge from the bush.
Sargent "Come on, any of yous got explosives?"
Lee "i got loads, grenades or Plastic?"
Sargent "Hand them grenades out and keep the plastic, we found a hidden rail line to the north, the Airforce and Navy must of missed it!"
The troops start sliding through some bushes till Brown trips over a bit of metal.
Brown "Is this the line?" laughs Brown!
Sargent "Yes actualy, it is, the Egyptions knew we were coming so they made some hidden infistructure so we'd have a hard time cutting off the re-enforcements to the citys!
More tomorrow, and maby tonight peeps! Cya!
December 8, 2002, 14:47
Local Time: 09:54
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Sargent "Ok, lee, stick that plastics in the joints on the track."
"What type of detonator we using?" Asks lee as he lays down the explosives.
Sargent "We scored a time table from some greek slave we found to the north, he says that there's a station not to far from here called Diamond Hall, it says theirs one coming any minutes, so set up a plunger.
The Men clear the small area while lee sets up his explosives, Brown and Lee get the wire and dig it into the plastic and unrole it as they run-low into some cover. "Sarg, it's all set up, get into this ditch!" says Lee as he puts his helmet on.
All the men run down to the ditch and listen for the train. Some of the troops fidle with their magazines waiting for the train.
chu chu chu chu chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu CHu CHu CHu CHu CHu CHU CHU CHU CHU. The train flys past them "DO IT NOW" Shouts the Sargent.
The explosion blows off the coal car and the Engin de-rails, at begins to tilt to its right and turns its self to the left, it then goes into a violent spin and goes off a hill. The rest of the train cars hit the coal car depre and slow down. A Transport cart full of tanks comes up right next to group of soldiers.
Troop1 "****!"
Sargent "Open fire!"
A group of men jump from their tanks while doing maintinence.
Lee pulls out his pistol and shoots one, Brown stairs at the soldier as he takes a round in the face. Lee looks at him and grabs hold of his backpack and drags him along.
One of the Paras grabs hold of his Bren and begins opening fire.
Troop2 "Here sir!"
The Sargent grabs the teliphone from his back.
Sargent "HQ! we're breaking our radio silence, we're under attack from a Tank column. They're stuck on a train but theirs still far to meny men for us to take out!"
Radio "Roger that, who is this?"
Sargent "This is Sargent Walback, we're to the north of El-Amarna. We need some airsupport!"
Radio "Roger that, we have a bomber wing thats about to drop bombs on a railroad, we'll diver them!"
Sargent "We're on that railroad, we destroyed it with Explosives!
Lee Drags Brown up a hill and turns around to fire his Thompson. "GOD DAMN IT BROWN! FIRE YOUR DAMN WEAPON!" shouts Lee. "I cant, i havn't shot a person before!" replys Brown. "Neither have I" says Lee as he turns around an Emptys a few rounds into the Tank commander whos running up the hill with a pistol.
Troop1 "Yes sir!"
"Brown! Fire that damn weapon!" Shouts the Sargent as he waves his hand in the air!
Lee pulls out his pistol and shouts at Brown "FIRE YOUR DAMN WEAPON, OR I'LL SHOOT YOU! DO IT NOW!"
Brown turns around and lyes on the ground looking through his sight. "FIRE!" shouts Lee. Brown looks through his sight and sees a man carrying some shells to a tank, the man pulls them up on top of the tank, he sits down and sticks his feet in the hatch. Just as he pushes himself in Brown fires his rifle and blows a hole in his neck.
"THATS BETTER!" shouts Lee.
Brown and Lee jump up and start running as the Sargent and the Radioman catch up to them! They all dive behind a bush as a roar of Bombers go overhead.
The bombs go off and take out the train and the men! A wall of dust, dirt and smoke hit the men.
"Where the hell is that damn soldier, i told him to get off the line" Asks Sarg!
December 8, 2002, 19:33
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I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
December 9, 2002, 11:52
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thats gives me an idea! Anybody know if its possible to make a unit able to get rid of Forest and jungle squares? We could make a bomber armed with Agent Orange!
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