December 14, 2002, 13:13
Local Time: 09:54
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Militants force way into houses of parliment and carl for reform of the current union system.
One of the British battleships of the 3rd Navy have engaged a damaged elite Egyption Battleship, the Navy has given details explaining that the Battleship used radar to detect the battleship, headed towards it, fired some shots using long range artillary methods then engaged! The British Battleship was unharmed!
The British anti-imperialist quest has turned its ittention towards America, the Americans are expanding at an incredible rate, there navy is getting larger and the British Underground militery planning authority is already coming up with directives, such as rationed naval use, keeping the Fleets in well defended citys and only letting the dogs of war loose when a plan of action has been dreamed up, and thought out.
hehe, three, thats right, three in a row succesful bombing runs! MAKE THAT FOUR!
Militants drasticly change the government system and rename is "United states".
The 3rd fleets draws near its new targets of Buto and Heiraconpolis.
The Citys of Central pass (Area of land that was once the north front, owned by Britain) is now very self serficiant. Capital Gloucester is the home of the Forbidden Palace. The citys are now building them selves up and Exeter is almost finished its Transporter that will carry tanks to the southwestern front!
The Militery planners were getting worried that re-enforcements wouldn't be able to get to the Western front fast enough, so the front was moved to an easyer closer target now named the Southwestern front! 13marines, 2 infantry and a tank company will be the invading party, and quite a few tank companys will come from the central pass and assist!
ah shite! Game crashed!
December 16, 2002, 15:59
Local Time: 09:54
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well i did exactly the same thing again!
It apears everything is pre-organized, my combat stuff was exactly the same as last time!
Well the new Southwestern front has taken off! A shipment of tanks is on its way to help the marines! We'll get to Thebes soon! We mite even be able to cut off its roads soon!
December 19, 2002, 14:21
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Future Predictions!
(i always like to predict whats going to happen, i like to see if i am correct!)
Ok, its simple! I'm expecting a coldwar between France and America, me probubly being on Frances side, since i havn't had a fight with them!
Either that or france and America bully me!
And i'm not gonig down without a fight!
most of my games result in a massive stockpile of nukes that will wipe out all of the main enemy citys!
It'll probubly kill all of their nukes too!
And feedback people?
December 20, 2002, 16:09
Local Time: 09:54
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General Lance Corbit has been awarded for a great beach invasion of Abydos.
A whole Marine Regiment was unloaded onto the beaches roughly 10minutes after 4 Battleships pounded the city and its defenses.
(imagen a scene like SPR but with totaly battered bunkers!)
The Tanks of 105th-Armor hit the beaches at Avaris ready for a new offensives.
Air bombing of Pi-Ramesses was stoped after a contigent of American forces was spotted to its north.
The Captain of the Carrier doing the bombing (Names not given because of security reasons) has released a statement "Why should we waste British ordinance on a target that will soon be held by the Americans, we only just get by on the current inventory!"
A recent study of Americas air and naval/air operations show that America has more carriers than Britain, but alot less aircraft.
Americas biggest airial campaign was launched from two carriers and an airbase on Ephesus when the Americans started the northwestern front. It started with massive bombardment of Swazi and then an invasion by marines. The Marines held Swazi for a while but were then pushed back off, a slightly small bombardment of Byblos where Marines once again invaded and then headed north to retake Swazi. The Northwestern front has made no more progress and mearly resulted in the taking of two already small citys and reducing them to a starving populas of Egyptions being pushed around by bored American marines.
Heliopolis has fallen to British Tanks of the 105th Armor, British battleships and medium/heavy bombers launched from Carriers codenamed Alpha and Bravo bombed the city killing infantry and the tanks marched in killing off some Gurilla Bowmen and riflemen.
international Census came about this year, Britain has the second biggest population, but the world biggest land area!
Britain has a population of 36,011,000 people who consume 756megatons of food. Britain takes up 93,800 square miles. Sadly the literacy rate is 70% of the population, this is the 4th best in the world, but is still nothing to be proud of.
The New unionist government claims this is because of the war and the harder we all work to make better tanks, aircraft, bullets and rifles the quicker it will be over. The governments current general approval rating is 71% of the population.
Britain doesn't have any citys in the Top 5 cities list. The Italians currently have 3 citys. The Capital rome is 1st, Veil is 4th, and Viroconium is 5th, but currently the people of the city are suffering a lack of food.
Britains enemy Egypt has its Capital at 3rd place, its been remarked as Amazing that a city soon to become a front line is so high! Currently the city is just 20miles from the new frontline created by the invasion by the marines, but is 120miles from the real frontline behind the beachhead!
Asyut Falls, a splinter regiment (Group of squads and platoons joined together after the chaos of the beach landings, meny from regiments badly damaged and to small to operate as a regiment) took the city after some bombardment from carrier alpha and Bravo.
All 4 fronts are now beginning to join together, and the Capital thebes is within striking distance, 4 platoons of the 105th are now being sent strait towards it, they are now out of the reach of aircover. Britain and America are now racing to get this city and its riches. Carrier alpha is now moving around the southcoast with its escort so that the bombers are in range of Thebes.
**American terror bombarding has resulted in the seizing of Giza.**
The frontline has now moved 100miles north north/west and is 20miles off Thebes, this is because a British combined arms operations against Elephantine has been sucessful. British armor attacked from the south by land, and marines did a beach landing! The ground around Thebes is now beginning to fill up with British and American tanks.
Tanks being dropped off by transport into Elephantine are now inrange of the city and can attack, battleships have been scrambling across the coastline trying to get in range to bombard the city.
A charge by tanks recruited from Capital Gloucester has failed, its now the chacne for the 105th who are now in range!
News in that the attack by the 105th has been canceled, one of the platoons suffered a malfunction in their direction finding equipment and went in the wrong direction (i pressed the wrong button), the radio message didn't get to all of the platoons and one platoon still attacked suffering major dammage, but they survived.
Marine squads have been drafted in to help with a seconded charge soon.
**Special report**
Egyption forces have been spotted retreating north from memphis, they've left the battered city in ruins with no defense, the egyption only have two last citys left that arn't in imminent danger: Hiobane (1) and Bapedi (1), but even Bapedi is coming under airial bombardment from American carriers.

The Capital of Egypt has fallen to British forces, a massive tank, and marine combined operation helped secure the city, but resisters are on mass and lots of tanks and marine troops will be needed to help the city.
British 'reprizals' have been to lower the amount of food going into the city so that the resisters give up or disipate into surrounding citys where they can be controlled easily.
Thebes has now been droped from the top5 cities in the world, and all below 3rd have moved up one, York is now 5th.
British militery has called to a end of the fighting and will no longer be pushing on any more, troops are now being ordered to report to their local bank and loot as much as possible ASAP before law and order within the militery is restored! Go get'em boys!
Last edited by HazieDaVampire; December 22, 2002 at 12:38.
December 20, 2002, 17:43
Local Time: 04:54
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"Why should we waste British ordinance on a target that will soon be held by the Americans, we only just get by on the current inventory!"
The reason you should continue to bomb is to eliminate improvements in the city and reduce it's population so when the other civ takes it over it is useless to that civ for some time.  (At least the thumbs dont have those stupid hats.)
December 21, 2002, 08:23
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i forgot to add that the americans lost 1 marine and 2 tanks attacking that city. That's quite a bit of the American militery machine thats on this part of the world!
I've managed to get peace, with a big bag of money, and alot of gpt, this way i can let the Americans take on the rest of the egyptions and i mite change back to a better government, i'm falling behind on research but i've finaly got research stations so it should speed back up!
December 21, 2002, 08:37
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Heres my lovely new map!
Thebes is the marked city (has Lat and Long line crossing over it!)
December 21, 2002, 12:04
Local Time: 09:54
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oh, and as you can see the Northwestern front did begin to make some ground, but only after i'd taken a sizeable amount of Egyption citys that are creating the units used in the defense of Egypt.
ADDED AT 17:16hours
America got peace with Egypt too, as soon as i can i'm gunna storm them two citys and take them!
I'm changing governments, i'm gunna change to capitalism, no WW and lots of money for research!
I'm fortifying units on my boarders with France!
But i have an idea
I'm gunna use the dukes of nukes! Tacticle nuclear missiles!
Last edited by HazieDaVampire; December 21, 2002 at 13:22.
December 21, 2002, 14:44
Local Time: 09:54
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oh crap! America declared war! They destroyed a carrier and a transporter full of units, plus a nuke sub and the odd destroyer and launched missiles at North Falklands.
Heres the sav for anybody who wants to look, i'm gunna take a break from civ3 now!
December 22, 2002, 08:18
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Heres the next few updates, and by god it action packed!
North Falkalnds comes under air attack!
Both island are invaded
Tank Battle unfolds south west of Memphis, British tanks are succesful so far, but those involved in fight are either lucky or damaged!
Tanks attack Pi-Ramesses, Americans slightly damaged but Britain loses two tank platoons.
(Way i see it is, one tank is a platoon, 2 is an attack group, 3 is a company, 6+ is a regiment, 12+ is two regiments)
The City of 'Falklands' on the north falklands island falls to America paratroopers droped by transporter. They burn it to the ground. (My rage level is hitting a 4:6)
The city of 'South Falklands' on the south falklands island has fallen, American burn it to the ground. (Rage level is now 6:4)
North Falklands has fallen, the Americans kept it, the proud soldiers of the Royal gaurd defended it well! It took 4 paratrooper platoons and a tank platoon to defeat them! They live on forever in our memory!
British cruise missiles and artillary sink the battleship escort of the carrier thats harming the British coastline, the Carrier its self has only 1hp left, and we have a shot at it too!.....

......and we....HIT THE BASTARD! thats a few F-15s down the drink!
Aircraft damage battleships around North Falklands, destroyer takes out one limping battleship and another dies at the hands of our other Battleship. 3 American battleships come and finaly kill the limping battle group.
The Battle for the British Channel is unfolding, Two British battleships (I think of one unit as a battleship and its sister ship, so in my eyes there 4 battleships) are coming from the south, 3 American battleships are in the north, and a Carrier battlegroup (at least 1 carrier, battleship, and 2 destroyers) is heading towards the Americans from the north mouth of the Channel. We have them surrounded, they can only escape to the northwest where our bombers will get at them, and if they can make it north west they end up in the French Gulf and get stuck!
AI Turn:
The foolish American battleships are carrying on there terror campaign of boming british citys!
British carrier HMS York launched naval bombers armed with new exerset missiles to attack a battle group of 4 (thats 2 units) American battleships, the attack was quick with no casultys on the British side.
British negotiations with the French to gain extra technologys have failed, the British government is planning on saving money to buy these rather than pay for the research here in Britain.
British nuclear submarine attacks last remaining battleship in the north half of the British Channel.
We lose a nuclear sub to a battleship thats defending a carrier on the American west coast.
2 American transporters spotted off the south/east coast of Britain, Carriers destroyers and battleships are scrambled, aircraft are being directed to defend the citys near expected landing grounds.
Pi-Ramesses falls to British tanks, it took only 2 platoons with 4 artillary cover, only 1 of the artillary was successful!
We also liberated 797gold from it! That'll go towards the "Help get us some kick ass tanks" fund.
An advancing tank platoon spotted some battleships on the east coast of Ye Old Egypt, bombers from HMS York are being scrambled to intercept before they get out of range our into the protecting of the nearby city!
The bombers managed to kill them quickly!
America still refuses to answer my phone calls.
Last edited by HazieDaVampire; December 22, 2002 at 12:48.
December 22, 2002, 11:04
Local Time: 09:54
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America still refuses to answer my phone calls.
love the story, just read it all 
more mappage please though
December 22, 2002, 11:13
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i'm guessing thats a typo for "just reading it all" ?
They'res no difference to the map, the odd citys has disapeared! I'll load it up after the big land battle thats about to take place! Nearly got modern armor!
December 22, 2002, 14:16
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read, as in the past tense :P
December 22, 2002, 16:49
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oh, sorry, i for some reason have a strange speech and language impediment, i find usualy easy words hard, and the long complicated ones easyer!
December 22, 2002, 17:26
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American aircraft have been bombing the east coast of Britain, a carrier force is being assembled to stop the bombing of sunderland.
I got peace, but i'm still preparing for war, should the Americans or indeed the french try anything i'll be ready to do a swift attack!
I'm increasing airforce and naval funding (I'm building a load of battleships and aircraft) and giving the British mainland a missile defense system (cruise missiles all around the place, should sombody launch an attack we fire a load at'em!
I now have modern armor, i've upgraded most of my tanks, a few are still in need of upgrade!
I was watching the TV, and i just heard the sound of a light fighter plane coming from my speakers! I think it was the sound from the fighter unit! hmm, very strange!
An airforce of the World
The British Airforce at the beginning on the Egyption war was somthing to be proud of, the first airforce in the world that could speed up an offensive and increase the chance of survival for our troops. Soon the British found that their advanced airforce that could prevent an invasion anywhere in the world was out numbered, the americans had a new Eagle jet that was very versitile and could easily destroy tanks and other aircraft. The Americans took at shot at their war with Britain, they saw a chance and jumped at it:
A British carrier with its battleship escort was heading on a peaceful mission towards the northern pass, en route it passed through the American grand fleet that hadn't moved since its terror bombardment of the Egyption coastal citys. Coming the other way was an un-escorted transporter full of tanks ready to replenish any combat loses in the regiments, these men were desendants of the Northern pass colonials. These men are the first casultys, an American battleship engages and wipes them out, the carrier and its escort are surrounded and eliminated.
The Two other British carriers had been around the French coast, expecting them to be the next people to declare a war. One of these carriers was on the south east coast of Britain on a defensive roal, the other on the south east coast of France, ready to pounce should the French declare war. The American Navy and Naval airforce had begun a risky attack, using subs to supprise attack British supply operations in the British Channel the British had increased battleship and destroyer presence in the channel. From the north came an American carrier, its 1 Battleship escort, and some random battleship movement moving into the channel. From the south, two British battleships were meeting up to head north, from the southeast came Carrier Alpha and from the Northeast came Carrier Charlie, fully loaded with 2 Jet Fighter squadrons and 6 Bomber squadrons and its large battleship escort. On the East coast of Ye Old Egypt, an artillary battery was forming.
As the American Carrier came to the centre of the Channel, the artillary battery opened fire, damaged the battleship, then the carrier. As the British carrier group from the north closed in and the battlegroup from the south the American Carrier and its escort spins round to get to the saftey of a nearby American battlegroup at the north of the channel. But then the Artillary opened up again, taking out the battleship and damaging the carrier, with only one round each, the guns loaded, got the latest range and direction data and opened up hitting the carrier right in its magazine and fuel cargo. It sank like a brick!
Now the carrier had been taken out the American battlegroup was near, it had a choice, get out of the British carriers range, or fight it out with the carrier group. The Captains decided, neither, they would carry on as if nothing happened, staying put and bombarding both the British controled Ye old Egypt coastline, and the British coastline. The Bombers came in and wiped out 3 Battleships. This proved that the aircraft had more use, then the east coast of Britain came under fire, the carriers were to far away, when they finaly got there to help, Sunderland was under heavy damage and a peace treaty had been signed by both parts. The Race to build up the British navy, armor, and Airforce was on. For a quick line of defense, a missile system would be set up intercept any attacking ships.
The Island nations of Italy and India have signed a mutual protection pact, the first in the game! Sombody finaly trusts sombody else!
I noticed this again, but the first time i noticed it i forgot to mension it. I did some recon missions before America declared war and destroyed my carrier and them spots i can see are still there! This a bug?
Anybody who hates reading is gunna love this post!
December 23, 2002, 00:39
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wasn't watching these threads before but i really enjoy those stories/accounts/recaps/you have lots of time on your hands, but good work
I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.
December 23, 2002, 16:16
Local Time: 09:54
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i did quite a few in the last game, but they were only one or two paragraphs and where a quarter of the size of that last one!
December 23, 2002, 16:48
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ok, when it gets to about this point in the game, i begin to plan my next one, and i've just been to see 'The Two Towers' and i've decided to give a bit of fanatsy to this game!
I need some city names for a Dark Lands civ, you could give me a better civ name too!
I also need some for a good civ, i'm thinking along the lines of wise elves maby.
January 3, 2003, 15:19
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ok, sorry that i havn't updated in a long time, got some new games for x-mas!
Is anybody actualy reading this?
Sombody please reply or i'll just stop posting!
Turns out that my civ is the richest, well, not the government but the people are. And by the top5 citys list the Italian and Indians citys are the best places to live! They both support each other militeraly so they're sort of acting as one civ, thats if they can actualy trust each other.
I think the americans have some kind of plan, they've taken one of my citys with a propaganda and stolen my plans!
British Government begins to debate Americas true intentions, Secret plans are being drawn up to prevent American invasion. Nuclear weapons are being created by the Americans and French, British research centres are drawing up plans for their own missiles.
The Missile Defense system is now operating at 80% expected proformance. Radar is being used to track any ships in British national waters. British light aircraft are being used to recon areas that the radar cant see.
The Evil Americans have declared war after the British government refused to give in to demands for our maps and access to our gold resources.
Luckly British MBTanks are ready to strike against multiple American colony citys on Euroasia continent (Central large continent).
Byblos Falls to the first wave of British armor, the city is home to Universal suffrage and has a large bank full of 1154gold.
The British government is discussing weather a purdging order should be put over the world wonder.
Byblos has much historical meaning to the Americans, its the first major over seas city that they have captured and held through a whole war. But this came to pass because of American terror bombing, this is when the Americans bomb citys of even no militery meaning. This was probubly because of the first time they took a major city (Swazi) The Marines were quickly kicked off into the water.
Swazi Falls to Two waves of British Armor, This has even more gold, 1168!
Giza comes under attack from Armor but holds out.
Airial naval battle unfolds in the south sea (Sea to the east of Britain), American aircraft have been pounding the coast from carriers, not knowing of the British carrier to their north that has retaliated with major strikes, the carrier only has a battleship as escort, and i expect it to die this turn.
British bombers reconed the area where the carrier was expected to be and found it first time, bombers then bombed the escorting battleships to put their guns and magazines out of action, they then turned onto the carrier, while bombing the carrier the battleships guns came back on-line so the bombers have changed their target to the battleships once again but have missed, it looks like it'll be next turn!
Abydos falls, the people were tricked into changing sides by an American propoganda campaign. The Citys vaults had 1182gold, this war seems very profetable (Well, i have changed to capitalist government!).
Artillary and aircraft in Elephantine have been attacking the American fleet around the Italian island of Lugdunum. The Aircraft destroyed two ELITE (YAY!) battleships and a Destroyer.
3 more citys and the Americans no longer have a ground presence here and if they try to invade the British mainland they'll come up against out missile defense system which will probubly kill the transporters and their escort in one turn, and if the local missiles don't manage it i can pull missiles from other places and keep on attacking!
January 4, 2003, 00:05
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January 4, 2003, 09:40
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Mpondo has been captured by, guess what! British armor, we "Liberated" a stonking 1215gold. The Biggest catch this game, and i think the biggest i have ever had!
I now have enough citys to donate to greece, but i feel that i shall be holding onto them a little longer!
The American carrier in the south sea has turned round and is heading back to port in America, HMS Invincible has also turned its nose to give chase, more (if any) news about that later!
WOW! THE MASSIVE AIRBASE OF PORTLAND HAS JUST BEEN CAPTURED, AND IN ITS VAULTS, 1230GOLD! That beats my record again! The Coffers now have 10,0924gold.
looks like we lost that carrier but we found an elite destroyer, opening fire! Bah, just out of range, i'll do some more searching! Found out that Dallas is in range, so i'm gunna start bombing!
Damn fighter took out my second wave, oh well, Mainland USa is a target we arn't aiming for this war, but we'll get at it soon enough, after taking the Falklands we're trying to kick them off ever bit of soil they shouldn't have, inclueding Russia, In fact i'm gunna start drawing up an original Terrortory map to show yous how every thing was!
Americans lose a transporter west of Elephantine, i have no idea what the units inside will of been for, but they were either planing an invasion of the south west or it was a retreating force from another city, they did seem to be defended real weakly for citys that were taken only 20 or so turns ago and are right next to me who the americans seem to be making a habit of declaring war against!
American bombers in Giza have been bombing the British Ye Old Egyption infastructure, rather than attacking the tanks that about to take the city, looks like the American airforce is about to shrink in size, alot!
Ok, i got a spy into America and he has found out, that thanks to the Giza battle, the Americans now have no bombers left.
AI turn,
India declared war on America, lol
The Italians gave honor to their MPP and have also declared war! India truely are the winners in this game, they found sombody who would actualy help them against the most powerful enemy in the game!
The Americans have a much bigger defensive army compared to me, but i have a much large offensive army!
AI turn
I've just realized that now that italy and India have joined this conflict i have the whole of the Italian navy sitting right on top of the American fleet thats been causing problems, now a beach landing of the American 1square island of Ephesus is now possible!
Minneapolis is captured and gives us a stonking 1328gold, that beats the record doesn't it?
Ephesus is the only city left around here that the Americans have any buisiness with, and with this being a war, i'm guna kick them out of here, i'm going to try and get a transporter into striking distance of it full of marines.
One of Americas limping carriers was finaly finished off by the bombers sent to look for it, it was destroyed just north of the italian island of Lugdunum, the American presence here is shrinking. I think i'll call this, the Battle for Ephesus 2, since its gunna be the last i take, and America doesn't seem to be able to make a counter offensive other than to try and bomb me!
AI turn
Americans take Swazi thanks to damn propoganda campaign! They won't have it for long!
Italian war ships have been spotted off the west coast of Ye Old Egypt, its looks like we've defeated them. Fighters and bombers still search for american battleships that are still in range but they're keeping out of our way now, the American
Swazi is only defended by a riflemen, so i'm gunna get in it, rush a libary, and a temple and maby a Courthouse, and then try to take Ephesus with propoganda, if i cant then i'll just use marines and eliminate the American thread, there's still some nice land on Ye Old egypt that has no ctys cuz the Americans razed loads!
First tacticle nuke is built, the British government is planning on sneaking it up to the American capital, and nuking! could you people please give me some advice on weather or not i should do this?
January 4, 2003, 10:04
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Does anyone else have nukes? Can you beat them without using nukes? If yes to either question, build more nukes and get ICBM's.
January 4, 2003, 10:08
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America has 4, but i dunno where they have them! I'll pull my sub back!
I got a few more coming soon! I cant beat America just yet, but i can keep them off these two continents and prevent them from doing a full on invasion.
Whenever i get a peace treaty with America i think of it more as a cease fire!
January 4, 2003, 15:44
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does using a nuke mean the AI will retaliate with nukes and/or will use them from now on in the game? I'd recommend once they're ready for peace, nuke them during your turn (obviously) and then get peace.
I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.
January 4, 2003, 16:03
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i got a nuke at the south pole ready to for me to dive the order for the sub to head north towards washington DC.
I only have 3 or 4 nuclear subs! And i got a few nukes now, 4 to 7. Oh well heres my notes on the up dating! Figure that i mite aswell post them if i'm already posting somthing!
The French city of Pithom has sworen Alliegance to me. It has a population of 660,000 people. (Thats 11 to me and you!)
American war ship spotted on the east coast of mainland Britain, the missile defence goes to full alert but is told to wait for the Airforce to do their dammage, we don't want to waste them valuable missiles this early.
The Admirlty has decided that it shall take some shots at it instead, and they did, they've taken it out. Airforce ordered to do more reconing of that overal area for earlyer warning of American war ships.
The Italian city of Hispalis has been captured by the Americans, a large invasion force is on the eastern side of the island, unluckly its out of our aircover but the Italian navy and airforce it doing all it can.
The Invasion force consists mostly of Modern Armor, mech infantry, and paratroopers.
January 4, 2003, 18:02
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My spy tells me that America has finished 5 spaceship parts, and has 2 in progress, i have 1 complete and 6 in progress, but they're nearly done anyways, i've gunna focus all of my research and tech trading on these key techs!
Meeting in Coventry
Secret Service base
Prime minister (PM) "Good evening Gentalmen. Aha, General Wick, nice to see you could make it here. I hear that the bombing has been intense!"
General Wick "Ha, more on the Americans side than on ours, just as i was getting in the plane i got news that our Italian friends have sunk an American carrier, the bombing will be nothing for some time!"
General Canterbury "General Wick, of what Chapter are you?"
Wick "Royal Greek Artillary" he huffs
Canterbury "Haha, you were supposed to liberate greece but you didn't make it in time and now the french have the land and refuse to hand it over!"
Wick "No, we had been there from some time, the marines took to long to get there to help us invade"
PM "Please men, this isn't what we are here to discuss"
Supreme Commander Anderson "Then what are we here for?"
PM "We are here to discuss the possible invasion of America, now i know it very early but these modern wars go at a very quick speed, a chance can apear and sombody has to decide weither or not we should strike at it. Most of them will ask their superiors and by the time the messages get around the chance is gone, we should make these decisions before we actualy have to, it will make the strike quicker and less expected.
Commander Leipzig "First question, vhere should ve attack, the north or the south? You British say your mission is to free the captured nations, Russia is to the north, but your soldier are better at open field varfare. The Mountains in the north will not be good for your troops, i would advise invading from the south, take the Americans key citys first and the citys in the mountains vill be lacking industry so much ve can just take them very easily!"
Wick "He's got a point"
PM "Canterbury, you and your missile command have anything to say?"
Canterbury "I beleave we could use these new nuclear weapons to nock these key citys out of action before the front line gets anywhere near them!"
Anderson "I would add somthing for the navy, but at the moment its so small"
PM "But its placed very well, we've managed to use everything we have to prevent an invasion and to create our own, please, tell us of your plan or ideas."
Anderson "Well, we could use our navy to bombard the citys around the coast slightly behind the American side of the front line, this will weaken the defenses around the coastline where we can go forward faster, this will mean those American forces in the centre will end up being surrounded."
PM "This still leaves the north/south invasion question well open! We have options, invaded the south and take out the key citys first and the last ones will be a walk over. Or nuke the south ones and invaded the weakly defended northern ones to get a foot hold."
Anderson "Its the first option, nuking the citys may not keep the enemy at bay, its like kicking sombody in the balls, he'll get up again slightly injured. We shouldn't hurt him for a while, we should bite them off so they never grow back."
PM "errrmmmm, thankyou for your 'explicit' discription. But you are correct, we shall invade from the south, but i'm not ruling out the use of nuclear weapons. Wick, your plane is waiting, we need you to take Ephesus. Comander Anderson, you go with him, we need you to help with the defense of Italy! I beleave Heir Leipzig can handle the defense of the British homeland. Leipzig, if you fail at this Britain won't try to free that German land for a very long time!"
January 4, 2003, 19:14
Local Time: 04:54
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Micco, FL
Posts: 811
If you are going to use nukes, use them all and nuke them all; otherwise it may come back to bite you and Mr. Anderson on the balls.
January 4, 2003, 19:59
Local Time: 09:54
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: The British Empire
Posts: 1,105
GOOD GOD, THEIRS 2 AMERICAN CARRIERS IN THE AREA NOW! i THINK THATS THE WHOLE OF THE FLEET! I'll check with my spy to see howmeny carriers the Americans actualy have.
Luckly those italians managed to kill off one of the carrier escorts so its an open target!
Aha! My spy tells me that after meny major defeats the Americans only have 2 carriers, and they are sitting there within my Naval airforce grasp, i now also know that i cannon use my nuclear weapons, because the Americans have 2 ICBMS that i KNOW they will easly use against me!
I'll see how much it costs to steel the Americans plans safely, then i can find out where these nuclear weapons are!
Damn, they have Fundamentalist government. Since its ran by madmen, only they know what they are going to do next!
Which side you think i am? Good or Evil? I know i'm scheming to use nukes, But i'm also trying to Free those citys that have been taking, i only keep the citys of those civs that took over the others earlyer. But i'll probubly sell them later too. But South America, South Egypt, and Northern france are mine!
January 4, 2003, 20:16
Local Time: 04:54
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Micco, FL
Posts: 811
Which side you think i am? Good or Evil?
Neither, both. The end goal is to win...
January 4, 2003, 20:41
Local Time: 09:54
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: The British Empire
Posts: 1,105
i got 11385gold yet they still won't sell me Super Conductors!
And the Italians are begining to win the fighting on their mainland!
I've been trying to give them extra aircover but the Americans have to meny fighters nocking around and my bombers are no match for them!
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