January 9, 2003, 13:54
Local Time: 09:54
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civ3 keeps on freezing just as its about to be my turn! Dammit, its just after my SAM hits a bomber flying over my city!
I can still see animations, like the fireworks from We love the King day!
January 9, 2003, 19:31
Local Time: 09:54
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Nuclear war happens, America lies in a wasteland of its own filth, 17 American citys lie in the fallout of nuclear war. The 17citys would of been 16 had a targetting computer not accidentaly target Philadelphia rather than Detroit.
The British didn't want to target the old Russian citys but some of these had became a massive part of the American machine.
Britain knew that India had nuclear weapons and was willing to use them, so we also targeted Delhi. Sorry!
Sadley 5 out of the 19 British Mainland citys came to nuclear waste when India (first AI to have turn) launched a nuclear missile at York, and America hit Dover first (Why?) then london, Liverpool and Newcastle.
London is in total disarray with no defenders at all.
One of my nuclear subs is up against 3 American nuclear subs and a battleship, i mite be able to out run them cuz i can move 5 they can only move 4, but the battleship can also move 5 so it can keep up with me!
AI Turn
MASSIVE American invasion fleet/convoy spotted at the south of Italy, resources are now being used to rebuild mainland defenses, bombard western America, and prevent the invasion of Middle Earth (Well it is the middle continent!).
January 11, 2003, 12:12
Local Time: 09:54
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yous still reading this?
Look'in at the Histograph, i'm now beating America at the points, and Americas power score has gone down! They've went from twice as powerful as me, to me being twice as powerful as them, france isn't much worse than me too! lol!
Plans for invasion are being prepared, we're going in! Landing zones and phases are named as:
Phase 1
Kansas City and Hybradad on the South Falklands island, Memembers of the Royalmarines will make a beach landing, we'll then build all the cultural thingys, then an airport.
Phase 2
The Paras will then be droped in to the countryside around Novgorod to help secure landing zones for Armored teams. The Fight will then move on with two teams, Team1 will head northwest and take the Heavely Dammaged LA (Los Angeles (Only added that cuz i've said LA to Americans and they have no idea what i'm talking about!)), team2 Will move on to the none dammaged largish city of Cleveland. Team1 should be able to easily move on to the Heavly dammaged Dallas, and team 2 will be able to take Cincinnati.
Team 1 will have lots of Aircover and will be able to Radio in airstrikes to cause maximum dammage to the targets that need to be dammaged, Team 2 will have aircover all the way to Cleveland, the Carrier mite be able to move in closer to the captured lands and mite be able to provide it up to Cincinnati, but then team2 will be on its own, team two will be larger to compensate for this.
Phase 3 and beond will be made later when we need it!
Ok, oh, hold on, hmmm, just noticed somthing, totaly forgotten what i was going to say before i noticed this! Americas mannaged to take Neapolis, its a small (or it is small now!) citys of 2, I've just noticed, i think romes been hit by a nuke, all the grass tiles round it are now plains, lets see if i can trade worldmaps! Yep, its been nuked, and see has Ravenna. Anyways, the americans have invaded right in the middle of the Italian mega central zone thingy (You know, the highly developed area around your Capital, its always developed cuz you've been doing it since 4000bc, or is it 3000bc!?).
one indian battleship managed to nock out all of my carriers escort fleet except for one real dammaged battleship,
other than that nothings happened thats major!
and i nuked Washington again! (Shouldn't it be called Washington DC? Since Britain has a city/town/place called Washington, i should know, i live right next to it!)
AI turn (The bit where i choose what to build next, and them little annoying culture flips take place!)
Chairman, the people of Tsingtao have risen up in revolt and pledged allegiance to the French!
However, the french government refuses to acknowledge their claim! Thus we have regained control of Tsingtao!
anyways, why would the AI do a thing like that? The AI usualy doesn't give a toss about Stratagy and trys to take every city it can!
January 11, 2003, 12:28
Local Time: 03:54
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"and i nuked Washington again! (Shouldn't it be called Washington DC? Since Britain has a city/town/place called Washington, i should know, i live right next to it!)"
New Washington?
I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.
January 11, 2003, 21:32
Local Time: 09:54
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Sunderland is now flooded by Militery personal, Carrier Bravo got dammaged and has most of its escort destroyed so i'm pulling it back for repairs.
Sunderlands full of tanks but only 1 transporter, 2 more are on the way!
When we looks at combat on the American Continent it will probubly consist of bursts with long periods where we don't get any re-enforcements and little offense, but when we do the offense we'll do it hard!
All techs researched! Well, and traded for!
The Invasion force codenamed Aiwi (American1Wave1) has set sailfrom Sunderland, the croud waved as the Carrier, its massive battleship escort, and the hundereds of transporters holding the men and tanks slowly sailed from the harbor, Expectations in this war are high new Aircover tactics, and the tried and tested Terror bombardment are to be exicuted. We're not scared to use Terror bombardment against the Americans, they've used it plenty of times when the British have saved the Ordinence for cutting off the re-enforcements.
All American non-captured citys are to be wiped from the map, all the Russian ones are to be captured and given back to the Russians, but maby not, they did declare war after i nuked america real good, i didn't want to nuke India either, but they had an ICBM and i knew they'd use it!
Changed the plans a little, the Navy and airforce will clear a landing zone on the small island, then the units will land there, they will then fight, once the island has been captured we'll invade the mainland, i'm taking this island because i know the americans can use it to pound my beachhead, so i'll take them, if i build an airport i can send in them paras and they should help prevent any units trying to come in and intercept my invasion force!
Then i can wipe out them citys on the island and use my beachhead, can be bothered to waste units to defend the city, if i leave it un-defended they'll recapture it and then use it as they would had i not taken it. So i'll just raze the city!
January 14, 2003, 10:42
Local Time: 10:54
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Bring a settler with you so you can have a city that don't flip back immidiately
Don't eat the yellow snow.
January 14, 2003, 12:40
Local Time: 09:54
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Yeah, it'll come with the 2nd wave, i'm gunna be razing loads of citys, and i'll bring my own Settlers!
January 20, 2003, 12:14
Local Time: 09:54
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Sorry for the lack of updates, had lots of recording and stuff you do!
Battles at sea havn't being going well globaly, but i have a large naval presence in the south sea. The invasion force is 160miles off the coast of Hyberabad. but the carrier group already there has already been heavly dammaged!
Invasion begins, no troops have hit the landing grounds yet, but bombardment has begun. Troops will either hit the ground next turn, or the turn after, depending on how much dammage the next bombardment does!
Hyberabad falls to Royal Marines, we got 1410gold for taking it!
Our militery now dwarfs the American
Troops landed on mainland America, with little artillary, and an outnumbered defense force the Americans now stand very little chance!
Kansas City has been destroyed, we liberated 1405gold!
British Marines launch an attack the southern most city (i cant see its name!), they heavely dammaged the defenders but only 1 squad made it back off the beach.
January 22, 2003, 10:20
Local Time: 09:54
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British armor catches the American General Sherman. At the city of Novgorod (that city i couldn't see earlyer!).
WTF, i think the french just attacked me without declaring war!
Everybody seemed to declare war on france, except me, and then tons of french units started pooring over the boarders, they destroyed two or three citys and the great libary along with it!
I took Cleveland, its a large citys to the south that i didn't bother nuking, and i got a wopping 2234gold for my trouble!
took LA, its only size one, haha, but i got 1500gold, this comes out of the American bank account right? Razed it!
Attacked Cincinnati, but with little success!
Killed French army with a mix or MA and Radar Artillary.
Launched a nuke at paris, and some other french city thats not to far off the front line.
WOW, just noticed the sun, its gone a real odd colour, never gotten this far! Its like yellowy in the middle, and orange on the outer rim. Hmmmmmmm, soon we mite have a nice desert planet! haha!
January 23, 2003, 13:37
Local Time: 09:54
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Got the Great Leader Edward in the northern pass, i got it from a MA vs Bowman combat, lol. Whats so great about killing some men armed with bows when you have 3inch thick armor plating?
That city i nuked, it was called Umtata, i got 378gold for my troubles, because i just took it! I ain't gunna raze it, yet! I'm just trying to convince the french to give me peace, i have no idea why they attacked me, or is it one of them after game end bugs?
War against France:
As you will of seen in the old maps, the northern pass is surrounded by a French boarder. I was expecting to lose alot of land should a war between france begin, but france has decided to give very little effence, i still have the weakly defended Ye Old Japanese citys that the French could of easily taken, i mite even be able to take as much of the citys on this continent, as what the French have as their homeland!
Also, found this very funny, the Mighty Americans now have a very small army, my militery advisor now says "compared to these guys, We have a strong army" Which i find funny!
Americans also have an army of 29workers, who have cleaned up most of the nuclear fallout! I'm still cleaning up mine, its taking a while, managed to refine my system to speed it up!
Mite like to know that the Americans have over 100k of gold too! Thats why i keep on getting dump loads of money! Taking American citys is funding my economy!
Global warming is changing 6 squares a turn! And i'm still building up my nuclear arsenal, America has none, France has 3 tacticle nukes, india mite have 1.
America is throwing Marines at me, they have 25, so offensive resistance should stop soon, at the moment they've just been getting next to my citys and my airforce on the carriers has been taking them all out real fast, the first wave will seen be healed of battledammage!
MY Spy Sabotaged the production in washington, they were producing missile defence, this is the second time i stoped them building it! Haha, sorry, didn't report it the first time around!
America just moved 6 workers passed the front line, they are escorted with 4 marines, so i'm gunna artillary bombard them, and then attack, i'll take'em, then i'll decide to kill'em off, or keep them, since i'm gunna need some railroads to transport men to the front line when the line moves forward. Combats been super slow, cuz i'm waiting for the Marines to all die, then i'll move forward, don't want a stack of 5 marines to take a city behind the line, cuz it just causes me some chaos, which i never like!
ok, somthing else caurght my attention and i forgot to attack the workers, but i did some more bombardment and instead of having a heavly dammaged escort, they had none, my armor to marched into them and wipped them up! They're mine! Now i have to get them back to the city, its 2 squares away! (40mile)
HA! I mannaged to capture another 6 workers, i have 12 american workers, add that to the others i have stolen and thats.....15! haha!
Ok, don't want them taking them workers back, so want to give them more problems to cope with, so i attacked Cincinnati. I took it and got 1616gold. Its surrounded by AegasCruisars, so i mite not keep it for long (Meaning: If they start a bombardment campaign, my naval airforce comes round, and i raze this city!)
I made an army of Modern Armor, its being lead by Edward. I used it to take the city of Busiris, i mite keep it, i'm gunna do a small reveiw, its right on top of exeter, and in the way of Capital Glouster.
Ya, got rid of it, it had nothing of use, only improvement was a barracks cuz of the Sun Tzun wonder.
Got peace with France!
Little Article now!
Northern Pass
The North Pass was formed in 1605, when the first city of New Exeter was created in memory of the former British Naval Outpost 'Exeter', Created by the British in an Earlyer war Against Egypt. Despret for new lands to conquer, Britain found the battle dammaged Northern Pass, where France and China had been fighting the Advancing armys of Egypt. Britain rounded up some settlers and put them on boats to set sail.
The North Pass Now has its own Army, Navy, and Airforce, all of them are small and require assistance from the main British forces as a whole. Its even begun its own Defensive Tacticle nuclear missile system, and has a smaller version of the British Homelands Missile Defense. Its also in a good posistion to be a staging point for an invasion of France.
Aswell as militeraly, it also relys on the Empire for financial backing to hurry production of project.
January 23, 2003, 18:39
Local Time: 09:54
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: The British Empire
Posts: 1,105
Little more feedback people, can you talk a little more without me asking please? pleeeeaaaaase!
Haha, been getting all those workers and sticking them in citys to help with production when i stop curruption, and i've been sticking them on ships to transport them places, i mite send them to the South Falklands island to help with the terraform!
AI Turn (The part where you get messages and can build stuff!)
I finaly get to build Heroic Epic, and Militery Academy!
3rd shipment of troops came in today, at the exact same time as our Elite Armor (Cream of the crop, Elite from the invasion, hmmmm, i'll name them, Falklands Armor, aka 'FA'.) attacked and took the city of St. Louis, and i got 1542gold! Very nice, and it only took one squad (Attacked twice) to take the city! I was expecting it to take a few of my unit, i ordered 5 to move!
Britain does have a slave trade, but its only those workers captured during an offense, those trying to rebuild the dammaged infrastructure that my bombers and battleships had been pounding to prevent re-enforcements coming at the gods speed that railways create.
Well, anyways, these American slaves have been sent to the British mainland to help with the repairs from the nukes, these workers were being used to help clean up the polution first, and then terraform some improvements for their homeland, but now they do it for me! Muhahahahaha!
AI turn -
Good god! The Americans, cut off from oil, are building hords of marines, and they're counter attacking St. Louis, just when i thort this party started, the yanks come in with their....
....hhhmmmm, what do Americans make that spoil partys? OH yeah, Marines!
OH god, far to meny, i ain't losing them vauable elite units to a marine charge! I'm pulling out! I'll abandon the city, set up some semtex, C4, a nuke! ANUKE! thats it! I'll nuke the area, i'll take out a bomb load (see what i did there?)!
MUHAHAHAHAAAA! I KILLED A **** LOADS (some of you mite see what i did that (See what i did there too?)), but Italy and China declared war!
Airforce has been hunting down the little bastards that survived, and its moved to the east coast now too!
Dallas falls to Vetren Modern armor, it was harder than St. Louis. Hey, it has a Russian Citizen, wow, these guys still Exist, i mite turn this island into a new Russia!
The offensive is now getting into the rich part of America, most of it has been nuked and meny tiles turned to desert, but they have airports, this means Paras can be droped behind lines and cause lots of problems, its a strat i have used before, and it does work, but this will be the largest operation of this kind i have tried!
January 23, 2003, 18:54
Local Time: 04:54
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Location: Micco, FL
Posts: 811
Nag, nag, nag!  Sorry, been busy. Playing six Civ3 PBEM's and one on my own, it takes up some time.
How about a screenie, where did you nuke them?
January 23, 2003, 19:02
Local Time: 09:54
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but you have been reading this right?
January 23, 2003, 19:06
Local Time: 04:54
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Of course.
January 24, 2003, 05:30
Local Time: 10:54
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Could you post a minimap so we can see your progress?
Don't eat the yellow snow.
January 24, 2003, 12:07
Local Time: 09:54
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Here it, nice chumk of America without any citys now. I nuked on the far east chunk of it, the Americans don't have any oil, so they have LOADs of marines, i also modded marines to have more attack too!
January 24, 2003, 12:08
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Here, i forgot to upload the damn thing!
January 25, 2003, 19:38
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I'm gunna quit this game now, i'll acheive it under another name and quickly make the new map!
Yous think i should take a pick in the edittor and post it, or not memorize it! I usualy don't memorize them, but yous mite want to see it!
January 29, 2003, 13:22
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Ok, yous want me to start posing about my Current game?
January 30, 2003, 09:12
Local Time: 05:54
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Originally posted by HazieDaVampire
Ok, yous want me to start posing about my Current game?
Please do Hazie, just use a different thread for the new game.
* A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
* If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
* The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
* There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.
January 30, 2003, 10:35
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Post a link to the thread here if you would please.
Mad Bomber, as a libertarian I can say that there is a measure of truth in your sig.
January 30, 2003, 12:40
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