Directives of the Apolytonian Labor General
(Public Works)
For Example, if the city was Timeline, the Green tile would be "Timeline wnw", and the blue tile would be "Timeline S".
Worker(s) in red represent Apolytonian (Egyptian) Workers which work twice as fast as Foreign Nationals.
770 AD
Worker in Ubergorsk move E, then E, then E
Worker in Chiquita moves S
780 AD
2 Workers ne2 of Termina move SE, then SE, then S
Persian worker two tiles N of Termina clears jungle {complete}
3 Foreign workers two tiles N of Termina build road {complete}
Worker two tiles N of Termina moves SE, then SE, then E
4 Foreign workers two tiles N of Termina mine {2 turns}
Jungle Corps I
12 Workers 2 tiles SW of BHQ clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers 2 tiles SW of BHQ build road {complete}
3 Foreign worker S of BHQ build road {complete}
3 Foreign workers NE of Tassagrad build road {complete}
Worker in BHQ moves SW, then S, then SW
Worker in Loveshack moves E, then E, then SE
Worker 2 tiles N of Willsbury moves S, then clears jungle {2 turns}
Worker NW of Willsbury moves NE, then clears jungle {2 turns}
Worker NW of Port of Malignance moves E, then NE, then NE {2 turns}
2 Foreign workers N of Timeline move SE, then SE, then S
2 Persian workers W of Contaginon move NE, then E, then E
3 Foreign workers SE of Arbela move W. then W, then mine {2 turns}
Persian worker 2 tiles E of Ghengistown moves S, then W, then W
Worker S of Chiquita buids road {2 turns}
Frenchie SE of Port Rouge moves W
Worker SE of Port Rouge moves S, then SW, then SW
3 Frenchies se2 of Jerusalem move NE, then N, then N
Worker se2 of Jerusalem moves NE then mines {9 turns}
2 Workers N of Boomtown build mine {2 turns}
Worker NW of Shiberport moves NW then irrigates {2 turns}
Worker NW of Whelsh Coast builds road {3 turns}
3 Workers N of Willsbury clear jungle {1 turn}
790 AD
2 Workers NW of Apolyton build road {complete}
2 Foreign workers 2 tile N of Termina mine {complete}
6 Foreign workers 2 tile N of Termina move E, then NE, then NE
Jungle Corps I
14 Workers 2 tiles SW of BHQ move SW
Worker NW of Tassagrad clears jungle {12 turns}
Worker SW of Tassagrad moves E
3 Foreign workers NE of Tassagrad move N, then mine{2 turns}
3 Foreign worker S of BHQ mine {complete}
6 Foreign workers ne2 of Tassagrad mine {complete}
1 Foreign worker ne2 of Tassagrad moves S, then E, then SE
1 Foreign worker S of Ghengistwon moves SW then irrigates {complete}
1 Foreign worker ssw of Ghengistwon moves NE, then E, then irrigates {4 turns}
Worker NW of Willsbury moves W
6 Workers N of Willsbury move N, then N, then NW
6 Workers N of Willsbury mine {complete}
2 Foreign workers ene of Contaginon mine {3 turns}
4 Frenchies nnw of Jerusalem mine {2 turns}
Worker SW of Jerusalem mines {4 turns}
2 Foreign workers nnw of Gotham move E, then E, then E
Worker NW of Ubergorsk moves SE, then E, then E
Worker W of Boomtown moves N, then irrigates {2 turns}
Worker SW of Hole in the Wall moves S, then E
800 AD
2 Workers NW of Apolyton build mine {2 turns}
Worker SE of Tassagrad builds road {2 turns}
Jungle Corps I
12 Workers 2 tiles NW of Tassagrad clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers 2 tiles NW of Tassagrad build road {complete}
2 Foreign workers 2 tiles N of Termina move SE, then E, then NE
6 Foreign workers NE of Chartres build mine {complete}
2 Foreign workers N of NHQ build mine {9 turns}
6 Foreign workers S of BHQ move S, then build mine {complete}
6 Foreign workers ne2 of Loveshack move NW, then W
Worker in Oak Ridge moves S, then S, then S
6 Workers 2 tiles SW of Antioch clear jungle {2 turns}
Persian worker ssw of Ghengistown moves NE, then E, then irrigates {2 turns}
Worker ene of Willsbury builds road {2 turns}
3 Workers N of Willsbury move SE, then SE, then build mine {complete}
2 Persian workers wsw of Arbela move SW, then SW, then build mine {1 turn}
Persian worker wsw of Arbela moves E, then SE
Worker wnw of Port of Malignance moves E, then E, then E
Babylonian worker NW of Ubergorsk moves SE, then E, then E
Worker S of Chiquita moves NW
Worker wsw of San Cortes moves NE
2 Workers N of Boomtown move E
Worker in Boomtown moves SW, then S, then irrigates
Worker sse of Boomtown moves W then irrigates {complete}
Worker sse of Hole in the Wall builds road {3 turns}
810 AD
Worker NW of Tassagrad clears jungle
Foreign workers NW of Tassagrad clears jungle {5 turns}
Jungle Corps I
14 Workers 2 tiles NW of Tassagrad move SW
6 Foreign workers NE of Chartres move NW, then N, then build mine {complete}
3 Frenchies nnw of Jerusalem build road {complete}
3 Frenchies nnw of Jerusalem moves SW then irrigates {4 turns}
Worker E of Loveshack moves E, then SE, then SE
6 Foreign workers nnw of Loveshack clear jungle{4 turns}
Worker SW of Willsbury builds mine
2 Workers E of WIllsbury move W, then SW, then build mine {complete}
1 Worker E of WIllsbury moves W, then W, then NW
4 Foreign workers ene of Contaginon move SW
2 Foreign workers S of Arbela build mine {6 turns}
Babylonian worker 2 tiles E of Ubergorsk moves S then mines {6 turns}
6 Foreign workers NE of Tassagrad move NW, then NW, then build mine {complete}
Worker 2 tiles S of Neon Uber City moves SW
2 Workers ssw of Boomtown move N, then N, then NW
2 Workers ne2 of Boomtown build mine {3 turns}
Worker NW of Whelsh Coast builds mine {6 turns}
Worker in Seeberg moves NW, then N, then builds road {2 turns}
Worker SW of Chiquita builds road {2 turns}
Worker W of San Cortes builds mine {6 turns}
820 AD
2 Workers NW of Apolyton move N, then N, then N
Worker SE of Tassagrad moves NW, then NW, then clears jungle {3 turns}
Jungle Corps I
12 Workers wnw of Tassagrad clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers wnw of Tassagrad build road {complete}
6 Foreign workers sw2 of BHQ move SW, then build mine {complete}
2 Workers sw2 of Antioch build road {complete}
2 Workers sw2 of Antioch irrigate {complete}
2 Workers sw2 of Antioch move SE, then irrigate {complete}
2 Foreign workers se2 of Ghengistown move W, then NW
2 Workers wnw of Willsbury move SW, then SW, then clear jungle
3 Workers SW of Willsbury move W, then W, then clear jungle {3 turns}
Worker in Ubergorsk moves E, then E, then E
Worker nnw of Seeberg builds road {2 turns}
3 Frenchies nnw of Jerusalem move SW then irrigate {complete}
Frenchie nw2 of Jerusalem moves N, then mines [6 turns}
6 Foreign workers 2 tiles N of Chartres move S, then W, then W
2 Workers 2 tiles S of Neon Uber City move N, then irrigate {complete}
Worker wnw of Boomtown builds road {2 turns}
4 Foreign workers E of Contaginon build mine {5 turns}