October 28, 2002, 11:44
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Sim City 3000 PBF
Sim City 3000 Play by Forum
Okay I had to do it, its just that time of the year! Im looking for about 4-5 other people interested.
The way it works:
We each take turns playing mayor, after our turn we post the save file for the next person. Each turn will last about 10 years. blahblahblah, yatayata, and so on and so forth. Anyone interested?
if so post here and say "I", I'll get it started after I come home from school.
Last edited by Space05us; October 28, 2002 at 13:25.
October 28, 2002, 12:12
Local Time: 10:57
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Sounds like fun, im in
October 28, 2002, 12:44
Local Time: 10:57
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My game preferences are,
City size - Medium, for a decent save game size.
Difficulty - Medium
Disasters - On
Start date - 1900
Land type - 1st one
Trees - 1st one
Buildings - American
Map - Mountain in middle with coast at one side.
I have World Edition (SC3K Unlimited) so some of these options might not be available in the first SC3K. I think we should play 20 years each or something like that too. This is, of course, if more ppl sign up
October 28, 2002, 13:22
Local Time: 21:57
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good point, a year limit would be best I just dont think too well in the morning. the number of years can be decided upon later though.
October 28, 2002, 20:51
Local Time: 21:57
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I think my skills. here it is though...
October 29, 2002, 02:52
Local Time: 10:57
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Um, dont you wanna wait for more people? Okay well ill play my turn.
October 29, 2002, 07:01
Local Time: 10:57
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Okay here it is. We've already had the earthquake of 1912 and the Toxic cloud of 1917 that nearly destroyed our Casino  Only minor damage though.
Try to expand towards the coast and build all the crap polluting stuff on the NE side. I dont think we should sell our water or power either because sometimes the deal breaks off and we lose bags of cash.
October 29, 2002, 08:32
Local Time: 11:57
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Sounds like fun, though I think I should wait for SC4, since I don't have the game installed...and I don't want to bother doing it, since I know I'll quickly get tired of the game, since I know that all the annoying parts of the game has been changed in SC4...
But the day SC4 will be released, we should proberbly start a new...ehmmm... PBF....game....
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October 29, 2002, 08:38
Local Time: 10:57
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Yeah ill be up for that too. I agree theres some annoying things in SC3K, but thats why i joined a game like this, because its more interesting and fun with more people playing, if only to see all the mistakes they make  You should join ADG
I think we should call it Sim City Succession (SCS) game too.
October 29, 2002, 08:43
Local Time: 11:57
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I might join later (If there's still room, or another game starts...), but I'm just not in the mood to play SC3K at the moment...
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October 29, 2002, 10:48
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I can't get SC3000 (original) to run on my new system. It installs, but just won't run.
I'd be interested in SC4 shared management at a later date provided the save game files can squeeze down 56k modems
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
October 29, 2002, 11:00
Local Time: 21:57
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ADG is just a horrible mayor and doesnt want to be embarassed. thats okay, we understand...cough... 
I think we should call it Sim City Succession (SCS) game too.
ahhhh, but PBF is so much more original. Besides I like poking fun at the people who do "PBEM" Civ games when theyre actually posting it on the forum
okay time for me to go be Mayor. I'll try to post the Improved city before I go to school
October 29, 2002, 11:12
Local Time: 11:57
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Originally posted by Space05us
ADG is just a horrible mayor and doesnt want to be embarassed. thats okay, we understand...cough... 
Damn, how'd you know
No really, I'm a terrible mayor...but you'll see just HOW terrible it is, when SC4 is released
And to be hornest...I always play on easy (or is it very easy, it's called..?), without disasters...and even there, I have a hard time getting started..
But in the last games I play, I try to play on a hard level (Used to play on chieftain in Civ(1+2), but now I'm playing the (little) harder levels...
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October 29, 2002, 11:19
Local Time: 10:57
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I generally just play medium because it gives a little challenge without taking ages to get started. On hard level you have to get garbage deals (sometimes power), max security prison and then it takes about 10-15 years to pay off all the loans, then it plays normally again besides the more frequent disasters too but im not sure.
Grumbold, you using XP or somethin? And what happens exactly?
October 29, 2002, 11:57
Local Time: 21:57
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thats okay I always play at easy 
difficulty level from my expeience only changes the amount of starting money. also Im not going to be able to post the city before school, you'll just have to wait about 8 hours
and in civ I normaly play chieftain, even though Im capable of playing Diety. all the difficulty level changes in civ is how much the computer cheats. (theres no such thing as AI)
October 29, 2002, 12:27
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Originally posted by Maquiladora
Grumbold, you using XP or somethin? And what happens exactly?
The new box is XP but the same now happens on my old '98 setup (which used to run it fine.)
It autoplays on insertion and installs fine. When you then click the icon to run the game the mouse pointer gets an hourglass, the CD spins briefly then just stops. No erro message, no splash screen, just leaves you staring at the desktop. I've been blaming out of date CD protection software vs. modern DVD-rom drives (one of the newish bits of kit I put in my old box before retiring it) but without any actual proof
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
October 29, 2002, 12:48
Local Time: 10:57
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Hmm it could well be the DVD drive, but ive also had exactly the same problem where it just wouldnt even try to start the game. It turned out mine was a graphic driver problem (tnt2).
You could try using a no-cd patch to rule out the dodgy DVD drive. I think its obvious you own the game so if you dont know where to get one just say and ill tell you where in a PM or somethin.
October 29, 2002, 14:55
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I tried a couple of alleged no-CD cracks but they didn't seem to do anything (the CD light still came on) but then there weren't many cracks for the UK version. Both machines have modern graphics cards (Voodoo 5500, Geforce 4400Ti) so their drivers may be the cause I suppose.
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
October 29, 2002, 22:18
Local Time: 21:57
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The UNHOLY Earthquake of 1924 left me quite pennieless, it did little damage (you'll see when you play) but it severed the road to the city we had the deal with, and the road, pipes, and powerlines to the fedral prison. Also it occured right after I took out a $10000 loan and built a new powerplant and an incinerator. It had a HUGE economic impact on the city, lucky I had just enough money to repair the roads, powerlines, and pipes to the prison before the next year, so I had enough money to reapair the damages to the rest of the city. I also built a 2nd incinerator in 1928, which shows how well off we are economicaly, they are both operating at max capacity so I would assume that the landfills are still recieving some garbage. There is a fudge load of pollution, thanks to your industrial expansion methods Im sure  . Theres an EFF load of traffic, even though I placed a few bus stops and enacted the mass transit ordinances. Industry demanded rail connections in 1929....what else...I built a castle on the mountain and wrote my name in water
here it is...
p.s. we have a new garbage deak with one of the other cities.
October 30, 2002, 06:02
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Pretty good 10 years for the city of Apolytonia, all quiet apart from the Tornado way out in the ocean in the mid 1930's and things were very successful.
Made plenty of cash, converted our whole waste disposal to incinerators (so i de-zoned the old 1st landfill) and our water source is now completely running on pumps, rather than those polluted water towers you placed in the middle of our industrial sector for some reason.
I found out that generally if a bus stop isnt getting more than 100 or so passengers a month its best to 'doze it down for upkeep costs.
Theres also a large flat piece of land just NE of the mountain in the middle. I was thinking we could slap down a load of industry and have a nice railway running round it and back to the edge of our low density homes. Take a look anyway.
October 30, 2002, 06:08
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Oh yeah and i 'dozed down your castle because i kept getting messages about faulty water connections and such like.  Put a pump and a windmill next to it when you build it again.
October 30, 2002, 09:51
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tear down my castle will you...
October 30, 2002, 11:12
Local Time: 21:57
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Here is your updated city sir. You'll need to replace the power plants very soon, at least the older ones. I suggest using the Oil Power Plants instead of the Coal Power Plants, as they are less polluting and we now have the funds we need for them. roughly $10000 surplus each year. I built yet another incinerator, cant wait for recylcing centers, or the incinerators that generate electricity. I created a railroad, there are a few stations in highly populated areas. Doh! I just realized I forogt to connect to a neighbor, you may want to do that I already have the rail in place all you have to do is say "Over there boys!" and build the actual connection. ummm. lets see what else....oh yeah I built a water treatment facility, the gyser park, we recieved the university (i havent placed it yet), and a golf course (havent placed it yet either (saving it for my castle)
October 30, 2002, 13:34
Local Time: 10:57
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I replaced the one oldest power plant and relocated 2 more in the north corner. I used coal again (even though we have gas) i think oil is almost as polluting as coal and it costs alot more per MegaHz a month. Gas is alright but costs alot too for now. Didnt build much new buildings, just a nice shiny new commercial area by the bay with the new marinas
Fixed a couple of other stuff, like all those power lines u keep putting right next to residential buildings  They only need to be within 5 tiles of a zone or building. I also moved the water pumps you put next to the landfill because it was getting polluted. Apart from that it all went well. We might be able to build right to the top of the mountain
Oh yeah i built the University too.
October 30, 2002, 20:54
Local Time: 21:57
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I meant gas 
Okay Im going to go fix your mistakes now.
October 30, 2002, 22:46
Local Time: 21:57
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We had three disasters; a harmless earthquake, a harmless fire, and a harmless alien invasion (guess where it came into the city from)
I replaced one of the coal power plants with 2 gas plants, a month before nuclear power became available.  go figure. SO I demolished all power plants and built 2 Nuc Plants.
I built an airport which gave our economy quite the boost, a few thousand simoleans a year extra. It more than paid for itself. I also built the *gasp* $125,000 theme park, which boosted our approval rating I guess as now every July 1st is kiss the mayor day. I also expanded a little, very incredibly little, but the other changes I made were quite significant if I do say so myself.
October 31, 2002, 05:22
Local Time: 10:57
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The city is becoming quite easily self-sufficient now. I didnt have any disasters for the first time too. Plopped down a few commercial and residential and completed construction around the bay, looks great
The sims keep badgering me for a stadium so its sitting there ready to be built $75,000 i think. I also built the Research Facility, Army Base and a farm! Our commerce is beginning to easily out number the industry now so we're making plenty of dosh.
Thats about it, dont build any of those power lines please  lol
Oh yeah i made a small section of subway to get started near the lake area with the rail to subway connection.
October 31, 2002, 05:38
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thats the old save file. I need the newone
October 31, 2002, 06:04
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October 31, 2002, 17:59
Local Time: 21:57
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the new gigamall and the new stadium are right next to each other. I chose to expand up rather than out this time. I built a seaport, and a highway (a short one to start with) also expanded the subway a little, built another power plant, and 2 recycling centers. ummmmmmmmm...... and I built some more power lines
oh yea I rebuilt my castle too

party at the castle!!!!!
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