October 30, 2002, 20:37
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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You explained that the game production cycle is longer than patch discovery and solving...
it's called "support of a company that respects itself and it's customers"
Mike, longer fixes explanations next time
October 30, 2002, 20:45
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PTW and patch 1.29
I have civ 3 installed and plan to install PTW tomorrow. The 1.29 patch and for that matter no patch have been installed because I just put the Civ 3 on a new computer. My question is do I need to download the 1.29 patch or does PTW have it included?
October 30, 2002, 20:47
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Originally posted by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS
You guys read way too much into this. At one point, with both Mass Regicide and Regicide enabled, if you lost a king on the first turn of the game, you got the popup saying "Congratulations! You've Won" and then the game crashed. It's not nearly as dumb as the readme makes it sound.
Funny comment. Programmers are often unable to write coherently. They can create complicated code (not flawlessly but pretty good), however, most could not write a competent business letter. Firaxis is one of the worst companies for Readme files. You almost NEVER know what the hell they are talking about until you play and find out for yourselves.
October 30, 2002, 20:48
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PTW includes 1.29 for the original Civ3, or so I've heard.
BTW, yes I did play one to the bitter end while testing. So there Uber, you can sleep well knowing 'your' testers are doing their jobs.
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October 30, 2002, 20:53
Firaxis Games
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Originally posted by Demerzel
pity that half the things the twenty odd testers brought up were either their problems caused by tjheir own ignorance(RTFM), questioning the unit data or were their suggestions for improvements. still they caught a lot of things we'd not have found otherwise.
Hmm.... no comment.
Mike Breitkreutz
October 30, 2002, 20:53
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October 30, 2002, 20:55
Firaxis Games
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Originally posted by jimmytrick
Funny comment. Programmers are often unable to write coherently. They can create complicated code (not flawlessly but pretty good), however, most could not write a competent business letter. Firaxis is one of the worst companies for Readme files. You almost NEVER know what the hell they are talking about until you play and find out for yourselves.
We (programmers) do not write the readme files...
However, the readme files are created from programmer code updates that are written for programmers, by programmers. I keep telling the producers that the contents of the readme shouldn't be taken verbatim from our code updates but I think that's just their way of trying to tell us to be more descriptive (so they don't have to write as much).
If I was more concerned about what was in the readme, I'd make them far more descriptive (but then I wouldn't have as much time to make updates for the readme....).
Mike Breitkreutz
Last edited by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS; October 30, 2002 at 21:01.
October 30, 2002, 21:00
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Originally posted by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS
Originally posted by Demerzel
pity that half the things the twenty odd testers brought up were either their problems caused by tjheir own ignorance(RTFM), questioning the unit data or were their suggestions for improvements. still they caught a lot of things we'd not have found otherwise.
Mike Beer
Hmm.... no comment.
That's not how things were at all, we never dared question your impeccable unit data.
October 30, 2002, 21:09
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Oh really? Sometimes it seemed a bit like a game design group, rather than a play testers group.
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October 30, 2002, 21:19
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Originally posted by Amadan
Will never visit GameSpy, as Multiplayer is something I will not use.
Your loss...
Christianity is the belief in a cosmic Jewish zombie who can give us eternal life if we symbolically eat his flesh and blood and telepathically tell him that we accept him as our lord and master so he can remove an evil force present in all humanity because a woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from an apple tree.
October 30, 2002, 21:24
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Originally posted by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS
We (programmers) do not write the readme files...
However, the readme files are created from programmer code updates that are written for programmers, by programmers. I keep telling the producers that the contents of the readme shouldn't be taken verbatim from our code updates but I think that's just their way of trying to tell us to be more descriptive (so they don't have to write as much).
If I was more concerned about what was in the readme, I'd make them far more descriptive (but then I wouldn't have as much time to make updates for the readme....).
Oh, it sounds even more disfunctional than I thought.
The programers can't write in anything but programmer speak, which the producers can't read. So what we get is like a Greek translation of Hebrew produced by the Chinese.
October 31, 2002, 02:34
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Originally posted by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS
Originally posted by Demerzel
pity that half the things the twenty odd testers brought up were either their problems caused by tjheir own ignorance(RTFM), questioning the unit data or were their suggestions for improvements. still they caught a lot of things we'd not have found otherwise.
Hmm.... no comment.
not that there were any bugs in my code natch!
the worst/most comical time was when the only functioning water cooler in the office was in the testing room and you had to sneak in past the testers to get a drink. one of my colleagues would disappear for half a day at a time when they'd catch him cup in hand.
October 31, 2002, 10:37
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I previously said that I wouldnt buy PtW on its release date, because my disgruntlement with some aspects of CIV3. Over the last few days though, the excitement has built up and I've been wondering whether I should pick up PtW anyway.
Lo and behold I look at the forums and PtW is out! AND NEEDS A PATCH.
I'll wait. I can be patient
October 31, 2002, 10:54
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SOSDD I see...
Originally posted by Adm.Naismith
As you like, sir: here in Italy we had few weeks ago some thousand cars (an old model) recalled to the factory - the assistance points - to have a free repair of an old problem that can cause trouble to the passenger. Some years ago, my TV was inspected and a component replaced free because the manufactured discovered it was defective...
Hrm, and here I thought that's what the FREE PATCHES were for, to fix a problem that had been discovered??
Unlike a car, which can be taken in to any number of local auto repair shops, it's a little harder to compile master code and burn a new CD when the distribution centers are few and far between...
And for all those who complain about a patch right out of the gate, Blizzard does it all the time and tet I still hear how great their games are, so what's the problem now? A last minute patch means they kept working to find and correct bugs even after the code was "locked" to be sent to the duplication center.
October 31, 2002, 11:19
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The Problem Now Is...
....That much of the game is still unplayable. That is a huge problem. Every single attempt at joining a game online causes it to crash and I can never see more than 3 games when searching for them. From my understanding this is a common problem. This is, of course, after installing the patch.
October 31, 2002, 19:31
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" B****, B****, B****, why is that all i'm hearing?
If the game is so stupid as you claim, simply wait it out and for Firaxis to fix it, instead, you come on here and B**** about it.
In the time you spent here, you could be trying new things on Single player PTW.
Sheesh, a little patiance for game designers would be a bit nice considering they're rushing to meat consumer demands and make a profite at the same time. JUST GIVE THEM A BREAK.
I know I probbaly pissed a few people off by replying  , but it really is annoying seeing only complaints about it, sheesh, just don't play it then.
October 31, 2002, 20:22
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If the game is so stupid as you claim, simply wait it out and for Firaxis to fix it, instead, you come on here and B**** about it.
In the time you spent here, you could be trying new things on Single player PTW.
Sheesh, a little patiance for game designers would be a bit nice considering they're rushing to meat consumer demands and make a profite at the same time. JUST GIVE THEM A BREAK.
I know I probbaly pissed a few people off by replying , but it really is annoying seeing only complaints about it, sheesh, just don't play it then.
October 31, 2002, 20:28
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Um, Right
Ok, not "stupid" but "unplayable". And I dont know about anyone else but I didn't "just come here" I have writen the company. This assumption stuff is not working out for you.
You said, "In the time you spent here, you could be trying new things on Single player PTW."
...No, I bought it mainly for MP. You bought it for SP improvements. Don't put your stuff on us.
You said..."Sheesh, a little patiance for game designers would be a bit nice considering they're rushing to meat consumer demands and make a profite at the same time. JUST GIVE THEM A BREAK."
...No, I expect a working game. In No way is that unreasonable. How is it that you think it is?
You said, "I know I probbaly pissed a few people off by replying , but it really is annoying seeing only complaints about it, sheesh, just don't play it then."
You actually post that our posts are bothering you but you can't understand that a game that we paid over $30 for, and does not work, is not bothersome and that somehow we should just accept this? Stop being childish and try understanding that this is highly disapointing.
October 31, 2002, 21:30
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Beware Throwers of Sticks and stones
Well i am at 1120Ad playing Carthagians really enjoy it no complains love the new units and like the editor one point makes me very happy and now confused at the same time the abillity to name units boy i was soo excited but now im pulling out my hair to make up new names and my floor is littered with books and maps for idea got to love it feels like im really going on conquest... kudos to fraxis and i dont mind the DL just kinda big im lazy with my 56k dial up
October 31, 2002, 21:38
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I'm glad its working for you. I just wish I could report the same. sniff sniff
November 1, 2002, 02:32
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Originally posted by MarkG
Demerzel, whatever
we're only arguing cause we dont have the game yet anyway
You mean to say, you don't get send a free copy???
After all the publicity you make for this (and other) games!!!!
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
November 1, 2002, 15:31
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Wait a minute! I have to check Microsoft for another security update!
Wait! Another update from Microsoft!
Wait! Some day some OS will actually be an OS.
Wait! I think another one is coming out from Microsoft!
Wait! I do multi-player, but I do not know what computer I have, or OS, like CivIII having to use the Windows 2000 bink file with Windows 98SE for Civ III.
Wait, another security update from Microsoft!
There I have two minutes for multi-player, while I wait for another security critical update from Microsoft!
Wait! I think its critical!
November 1, 2002, 16:08
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My first post here.
I am a big Civ fan since Civ1 dos version.
I thought CIvNet was Ok.
I preordered PTW andwas so
excited about it. I have been trying
all the time to play a multiplayer but no luck yet.
This really saddens me.
November 1, 2002, 19:37
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Originally posted by MarkG
* Removed Explore action from Cruise Missiles.
Didn't we use a missile/airplane that explored for Ben Laden's facial attributes before releasing its missile?! Leave the exploration feature in Cruise Missile. It is a future technology! A feature/bug......
November 1, 2002, 22:18
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Is there only 1 scenario in PTW?
Sounds like this is true..
It seems to be the World war2 scenario, but where has the Japanese scenario gone? or was that dropped.
November 1, 2002, 22:34
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I'm a programmer, (not for firaxis though  ) and even I don't understand some of my notes i make , especially handwritten notes for comments on ideas and bug fixes.
November 1, 2002, 23:15
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I see a Japan in my list of scenarios. There are lots of files there, too many to even look at right now.
November 4, 2002, 17:59
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A lot of the scenarios are just maps, or rule changes I think. Only a few use the new units, and there are ones that use the new terrain without any rule changes.
They also included Marla's map, but w/out CPT or that added ship for island civs. I was surprised not to see ixnay's Years of Rice and Salt, though. It was a pretty good scenario. It also would've done well using the new civs (hint hint. Is there an update in the works?  )
My only gripe is that PtW didn't come packaged with pediaicons for the new unit packs (WW2, Japan). I guess we'll make due with the improparly coloured/sized ones in units32.pcx for the pedia.
All in all, though,
November 5, 2002, 10:24
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Originally posted by Switch
My only gripe is that PtW didn't come packaged with pediaicons for the new unit packs (WW2, Japan). I guess we'll make due with the improparly coloured/sized ones in units32.pcx for the pedia.
All in all, though,
That, and I was surprised that a fan-made unit section wasn't included.
The true nature of a man is shown by what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
November 5, 2002, 14:20
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Originally posted by Amadan
That, and I was surprised that a fan-made unit section wasn't included.
There may have been some copy right issues involved.
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