It’s time to fulfill an electoral promise, so I present TBHGTPFTT, or more specifically The Big Huge General Terraformation Poll For Term Three. (seven days, multichoice

Let’s explain:
The Big Huge
This poll exists out of no less than four parts.
Part one, click
here, about what to do with rainy terrain.
Part two, click
here, about what to do with moisty tiles.
Part three, this one, about rocky terrain.
Part four, click
here, about several matters such as arid & sea terrain, and fungus.
General Terraformation Poll
I would like to draw your attention to the word “general”. I know of course the answer on the question “What to terraform?” is “It depends.”, but that information isn’t quite useful for running this directorate in a democratic way. What I ask you is what terraformation you would
most likely use on what terrain
under normal circumstances. When you answer this question, I won’t need to poll every terraforming action of every former this term. I’ll only need to poll about special squares, about base locations and where to focus our terraforming powers. Also the bureaucracy involved with this directorate will be reduced to a workable level, and I won’t need to resign out of desperation as Pandemoniak did.
For Term Three
That’s right. I will use the results of this poll for the entire month. I’m sure you wouldn’t like to answer the same questions over and over every week.
the questions of this part:
1) What terraformation should we perform on rocky terrain on which boreholes can be constructed?
Plant Fungus
Ignore it
Level it when underlying terrain is rainy
Level it when underlying terrain is moisty
Level it when underlying terrain is arid
2) What terraformation should we perform on rocky terrain on which boreholes can’t be constructed?
Plant Fungus
Ignore it
Level it when underlying terrain is rainy
Level it when underlying terrain is moisty
Level it when underlying terrain is arid