How to play with more than 16 civs?
Is anyone know if there is any way to play civ3 v1.29f with more than 16 civs?
I added in the editor some new civs, and I'd like to play with about 20 civs in huge map.
In the start a new game menu, I can select my new civs. But, in the opponents panel, there are only 15 comboboxes, which means that I can actually play against only 15 civs from the available list.
I found in the editor a spineditbox that specifies the maximum number of civs that are available for a given map. But, it doesn't let me enter ant value higher than 16.
Is there is any way to hack this value? I saw somewhere that someone hacked the value for the number of cities required to support an army, and set it to -1 (default value is 4) - allowing to build armies as many as you can.
Thanks in advance for assistance.