November 6, 2002, 08:07
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Hmmm I guess I musta missed that. Oh well. I'm not so new anymore so I don't know why I didn't know that.
What should our design be for our team icon?
November 6, 2002, 08:15
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We need to decided on a name first. Do we really want to be 'Trash Trip's Ass'???
Anyway, here's a very quick effort from me, in case we keep the name we have now.
15x19 pixel gifs don't leave much room for creativity.
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
November 6, 2002, 08:27
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new members
13 would be nice
November 6, 2002, 08:29
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I wanna join!
November 6, 2002, 09:35
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We definately need seperate forums. Talking 'bout UU, traits, strategie, icon and general all in the same thread, becomes eugh  . Not to say unproductive
I'm still an anarchist at hart, so
IMO, military is one of the weakest traits in MP
Religious =very good
commercial= very good
scientific= arguably the strongest (both culture and science), and I wouldn't underestimate the power of culture in mp
expansionist= a gamble and very map depended
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
November 6, 2002, 09:48
Local Time: 12:08
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It seems I forgot about industrious 
Again, very powerfull
Who of our team has allready had experience on PTW mp?
btw: this team suddenly became alot more popular once I joined up
* Alva's ego/confidence just skyrocketted through the roof, enjoys it for a minute, then plunges back in reality
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
November 6, 2002, 13:09
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Hey guys- is there any way i can join as well?
The mix up of new and veteran members with all sorts of views on how to play the game looks prospecting.
I wanted to join Arnelos' realpolitik team but the team didn't materialize, as you probably know...
So, please?, pretty please?
Save the rainforests!
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November 6, 2002, 14:43
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It would probably be a good plan to try and arrange a time to meet up in a chatroom ('poly's would do) to talk things over in Real Time.
We've got a lot to work out:
1) how will the team be structured? (if at all)
2) what Civ will we play?
3) will we change our name? if so, what to?
prolly some other stuff too.
we wouldn't all have to make it, but as long as there were 4-6 of us we could make some progress and bring some preliminary decisions back here for votes (or whatever).
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
November 6, 2002, 22:56
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I'd like to see Zeit accepted on this team, he'd make us proud.
November 6, 2002, 23:02
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I think it's ok(not certain though), but if any others want to join, from now on it's a team decision.
So for the moment we are closed 
(if you do wanne join, just post here, and we get back to you ASAP  )
chamonix: 11
and Zeit makes 12, doesn't he?
so maybe 1 more?? guys??
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
November 6, 2002, 23:06
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one more sounds good to me.
November 6, 2002, 23:48
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chamonix and zeit added. Yes, need 1 more for an odd number. We are odd, are we not?
Very glad to see everyone taking ownership of the team. Don't wait for me people, I can follow as well as lead...
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
November 7, 2002, 05:26
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I can handle a position on a new Gazette for our team, as well as press releases to other countries (which could serve as propoganda if I'm Foreign Minister)  .
We need one more player. I'm sure he/she will turn up before too long. If not, we can have the President (or whatever we decide to call him) be the tying vote, with 11 votes originally before the President votes. He should be the last one to vote in my opinion, on any issue. But that is debatable as well.
Also, what kind of government structure do we want? A democratic form where we elect leaders for every ministerial position or a fuedal like the roleplay team? or a socialist government with 3-4 main power-sharing leaders who poll the remaining citizens for official duties? or a totalitarian government with President appointed-only ministers? or what else? any ideas? I'm open to all...
November 7, 2002, 05:41
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How about each member joins the schools.
Economist, Tactician, Diplomat. Each school runs itself on a consensus basis (that generally means majority tries to win over minority into agreement).
Each school has a leader. Those are the ministers. One from the Tacticians is The Leader. He is the fourth leader. He or she decides disputes when consensus is not possible. He or she plays the game for the most part, supported by a second.
The weakness might be if we have all people of one bent over all others. That's just my idea of the evening. Others may be better.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
November 7, 2002, 05:56
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I would hope that anything we try to do will run parallel with the advancement of our civ, and hope that we do not bicker with each other over minute details. Although I'm sure we can all expect differences between each other, though in some form or another, be it little or (hopefully not) bigger.
so notyoueither you are kind of going along with my socialist idea of 3-4 'leaders' who each control a portion of government, voted there by the people (although that's democratic....regardless) who pertain to a certain classification amongst those groups like technician/diplomat/economist... correct?
like: of the 3-5 people who say they are economists at heart, maybe those 3-5 people vote a leader to represent the economists, which would deal with the economy and science.
and 3-5 with leanings towards 'technician' can vote for a leader who will plan city sites and appoint those who can handle building queue's....
and 3-5 with leanings towards diplomacy may elect a leader who will represent the government both as ambassador to seperate nations and another person to act as official government spokesman "ie Propoganda Minister"...
November 7, 2002, 06:01
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but that doesn't even really cover a commander for the military.
We definetely need a main leader, whether we call him President, King, Emperor whatever...and it would be a cautious and necessary move on our part to have someone be "backup" like a Vice Prez who can fill in just in case the main man can't fulfill his duties sometimes.
We need those who can run the city construction, worker orders, building queue's and etc.
We need those who can run a functional military.
We need those who can run in an ambassador-like stance as either foreign minister or ambassador or whatever we call it.
We need those who can deal with handling our economy and our science.
Of course some of us may cross over into different 'genre's' of public service, but that is just a testament to the many talents possessed by the members of this group.
November 7, 2002, 06:05
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yeah. Trying to see if we need to sort ourtselves out along those sorts of lines.
Except, the Economists should control the cities and building. The tacticians are the school of war. Blood and thunder, that sort of stuff.
Not sure if it will be suitable. Just seemed to be one path. It's sort of how Amerinds in the Pacific North west organised themselves.
1 tribe did something well and paid attention to that, another did another thing. And so on.
I think we might find ourselves with 13 generals and no builders or diplomats.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
November 7, 2002, 06:12
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Unfortunately you are probably right, and I know we will need equality among all ranks. However, our main strengths SHOULD go with how we try to position ourselves in our government. I'm no good at the economy, so why would the team vote me as an Economic Minister? I hope the don't because that would be detrimental to our goals. what i'm trying to say is that those who have certain skills in particular areas should focus on what we're good at. it's just a matter of how many technicians or economist or militariasts we have on our team...
which i hope is equal, but just playing a single-player game against the AI should lend enough skills in a certain area to at least be able to handle a single term (or more) in a field one of us may not be confident in.
November 7, 2002, 06:16
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And I'm totally confident we will be victorious in this game. We have the skills, and we have basically a pretty moderate team, which means we can focus equally on military and builder strength and probably not bump heads too much.
November 7, 2002, 06:29
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I agree. This is a very well rounded team.
We will sort ourselves out. I think FP had a good idea. Can we all IRC this weekend?
Would have to be late in NA / early in Europe for me. Or afternoon here, late there. I think 2pm MST is about 10pm GMT.
I would be available Sat or Sun afternoon NA / evening Europe. Thurs, Fri, Sat, or Sun late night NA / morning Europe.
I think the afternoon NA / evening Europe is best for most of the NA residents. People in the EST zone would find morning in Europe as being pretty late.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
November 7, 2002, 15:04
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Re: Who wants...
Originally posted by notyoueither
Nuclear Master
Sir Ralph
No thats looking like a good team.
I havn't got the game and won't be around much but please let me stay in this team, please.
Also I call for NYE for 1st pres or "actual player of the game" as he appears to be the only one with enough experience of PTW.
Are we having fun yet?
November 7, 2002, 15:10
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there might be a few surprises on the way 
(member-wise  )
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
November 7, 2002, 17:41
Local Time: 10:08
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::enters in chains and leg-irons::
My buddy Stoo (FP) got in touch with me where I've been slaving away in the Candle'Bre forums and said that there might be room for one more in this game?
The list of published books grows . If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out , head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence ." Help support Candle'Bre , a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project .
November 7, 2002, 17:44
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You see, sometimes in life, it's not what you know, but who you know.
I might not know much about Civ3 myself, but I know a man who does....
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
November 7, 2002, 17:50
Local Time: 10:08
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 Thanks for the welcome, Mate!
Even if you guys decide you don't need an extra member, here's one quick recommendation:
Given the nature of this particular beast, you might want to steer clear of the Aztec in this game. A completely awesome faction, but the team MUST be firmly committed to early and frequent warfare to make them shine. Also, you can't be afraid of taking what, with any other faction, would appear horrendous losses to accomplish your goals.
The list of published books grows . If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out , head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence ." Help support Candle'Bre , a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project .
November 7, 2002, 18:37
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Something wicked this way comes....
Hi ya Vel. Good to have you along.
/Edit. OK. That's 13. Future members should be approved by the team. Let us know if you want to join. We will get back to you ASAP.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
Last edited by notyoueither; November 7, 2002 at 18:51.
November 7, 2002, 19:17
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Should we cap our member list now that we have 13?
November 8, 2002, 06:16
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I'll take that as a yes.
We've got the team civ and team name decision in other thread's, so lets discuss how we are going to structure ourselves here. One leader with appointed ministers, one elected leader with elected ministers, 3 or 4 or 5 elected citizens who decide amongst themselves who runs what, or how shall it be? we all must decide somehow, and hopefully sooner than later.
other than notyoueither, FrustratedPoet, alva848 and randolph there hasn't been much input from the rest of the members. We need ideas guys, anything will do. Whether you think it's a great idea or a dumb idea, lets have it so we can decide.
November 8, 2002, 08:14
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
Local Time: 11:08
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Welcome Vel (or should I say "Vel come"?  )
Now that has become an awesome team, the world will see. And 13 is a gooood number!
Btw, Meshelic:
other than notyoueither, FrustratedPoet, alva848 and randolph there hasn't been much input from the rest of the members. We need ideas guys, anything will do. Whether you think it's a great idea or a dumb idea, lets have it so we can decide.
I watch these threads carefully and if there's really something to say, I do. I just don't like to  . Ok, sometimes I do... like now.
November 8, 2002, 11:05
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Thanks for the acceptance guys, i hope i'll make you proud, or at least won't put you to shame...
About the current issues- we should find some solution for a private forum or something like that, but for now we'll have to settle with this cosey little thread.
About the civ- a pragmatic team like our should take the Babs, or India- cheap temples we go a long way on Emperor difficulty, and commercial and scientific are the best IMO. I would have said Greeks if it wasn't for early and unplanned GA risk.
The best system should be president with several elected ministers, but we should also agree that every member who wants to can have some "official" position- like deputy minister or something like that.
We need a president, someone who commands our glorious armies, a FAM and someone who controls the cities/workers/budget.
Besides those in game roles, we should also have someone who reports on the forum and deals with information security,
who would also be an official spokesman (or someone else, but as a serious faction we ought to have one!) that deals with other teams on the board.
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