This is a thread to provide people who are new to Democracy Games with some basic info on what it is and where to find important info.
Since we're just getting started, many questions can't be answered yet, so the list we be short for now. Of course, if you have any additional questions that you would like to add, or if you would like to submit an alternate answer to an existing question, either PM me or post below.
This FAQ is based on similar threads of the C3DG and ACDG. Credit and thanks go in particular to MarkG and TKG for providing the foundation for this FAQ.
1. What is a Democracy Game?
In the CtP2 Democracy Game (CtP2DG), the whole community plays the same game, and the same Civ. Many people decide commonly what we should do next. Nobody has the same absolute power as a player has when playing CtP2 alone.
This is called "Democracy" Game because we all participate, and we all give input on how we want the game to be played. For example, nobody has the power to declare war to America, it needs a vote. If a majority of citizens want war with America, than war is declared.
2. Who plays the game?
Technically, this is a single player game. Only one player gets to play the game physically: the President (elected every [to be determined]). Everyone can access his savegame. Nobody is allowed to "play ahead" on this savegame, meaning acting before the president actually does it on his own computer.
But the President has to obey the Ministers (also elected every [to be determined]) who give precise orders each turn. Each Minister is specialized in a specific field: military, economy, foreign policy, etc [exact Minister posts to be determined].
The Ministers often consult the people via polls on what policy they should promote. When they poll the people, Ministers have to follow the poll, or risk losing all credibility.
The people can also express their views whenever they want and start their own polls to force the Ministers to follow the policy they desire.
3. What are the rules?
A DG is a game, and thus it has rules. These rules are called the "Constitution". The Constitution can be modified by a 2/3 vote whenever an amendment is felt needed. The rules of the Constitution (as well as other Laws) are enforces by the Court, a group of players who have been elected for this purpose. If the rules are broken, the Court can punish offenders as it sees fit.
4. Can I form (political) parties?
In a Democracy, you can't hinder people who think the same to unite. So if you want to, you can start your own policial party, or join existing ones (if they exist). Just post the new party's goals and policies, and (hopefully) people will join.
5. How do I join this Democracy Game?
You must register yourself in the
CivGroups feature (see link at the top of this page to join the CtP2DG). If you don't do this, you won't be able to vote and other rights may also be restricted (the feature is currently still under development). Once you've done that, you're a Citizen.
6. Why would I join by entering the CivGroup if I can just post and vote as it is?
Because in the not-too-distant future, voting and/or posting in this forum will no longer be possible for people who are not a member of the CivGroup. Also, since some of the rules in the Constitution require that a certain portion of the population is involved in certain events, it's important to keep track of the size of the population. The CivGroup is the easiest way to do this.
7. What do I have to do if I join?
All you have to do is just vote in polls and express your views in the forum whenever you think it's good. If you want to, you can join a party, run for President, volunteer to write a news paper, or do all sorts of interesting things. But none of this is compulsory, you can spend as few or as much time on this Democracy Game as you want.
8. Do I have to own a copy of CtP2 to be able to play?
No, you don't. As long as you don't run for office of President or Minister, you can probably join without owning the game. You may not have the necessary knowledge to vote in some of the polls but you'll probably manage just fine hanging around as a Citizen.
9. What settings is the game played on?
We're just getting started so this hasn't been officially decided yet. Join us now and vote in the many polls in this forum to help us decide!
10. Who moderates this forum?
Locutus is the official mod for this Democracy Games. If there are any issues regarding topping/untopping, opening/closing, editing or deleting threads, you can contact Locutus about such issues, as well as about any other Apolyton- or CtP2-related issues (if he can't answer them, he can at least tell you who