These Orders ARE FINAL, I just hope they are right
General stuff:
In the Orders, WF refers to Work force allocation/placement. See this image:
For further explanation on this, see
this post.
If during the turnchat, any workers that finish tasks that would benifit Production, Trade or Food (in that order of priority, with corruption/waste in mind) increase in a city (cleared jungle, mine or road built, etc.), please change WF allocation to fit the situation. Please, also keep in mind, that some cities are having to maintain a delicate balance between growth & time of build completions. We will be rushing things somewhat, but Some items I don't want to have to rush too soon (because of impending Disorder because a city grew too fast).
Also, If we get a technology at anytime, check for any build changes from WC to Knights that might have happened and change it back.
Approved Budget for Rushes:
From last turns orders:
Rush Cathedral in New York, 820 AD (216)
Rush Courthouse in Willsbury, 820 AD (112)
Total: 328 Lytons
New York - Cathedral for 220L in 820AD (turn 5). Next Phase of Flip ‘em off. Subtract 8/Turn.
Willsbury - Court for 92L in 820AD (turn 5). Subtract 20/turn.
Will be 16 Lytons under budget
turn 1: Muncie (92) & Bacteria (112) for a total of 204L.
turn 2: Antioch (148) & Shiberport (168) for a total of 316L.
turn 3: Welsh Coast(184) & Tarsus (192) for a total of 376L.
turn 4: Thebes (160) & Hole in the Wall (212) for a total of 372L.
turn 5: Ghengistown (168) & Napoleton (220) for a total of 388L.
Lyons - Worker on turn 0 for 28L, subtract 4 LPT. Settler after 1 turn build for 116L, subtract 4 LPT.
Macross City - Market for 40L on turn 3 (850AD). Will waste 8 sheilds of not rushed.
Chartes - Library for 48L on turn 4. Will waste 4 shields if not rushed.
Loveshack - Library for 68L on turn 4 - Will waste 1 shield if not rushed.
Until the War has been completed, please wait until the end of the turn to rush any Improvements. This is to safeguard the allocated budget moneys as a turn by turn CP Emergency fund. If things are normal the Rush will proceed as planned, if not the money might be used for other things at the discretion of the MoCP & the President.
If captured, do the following for these cities:
Dijon - Build Temple, Add Court-Wealth-Wrk-Lib to Q. WF TBD
Besancon - Build Worker, Add Settler to Q. WF TBD
Tours - Build Worker, Add Settler to Q. If Pop > 3, set to starve down to size 3.
Grenobie - Build Worker, Add Settler to Q. If Pop > 3, set to starve down to size 3.
Avignon - Build Worker, Add Settler t Q, If Pop > 3, set to starve down to size 3.
Turn 0 (820AD)
Current built/Queue Changes:
Chartres - Change Wealth to Cathedral.
Seeberg - Add Musket to Q.
Ubergorsk - Delete Worker from Q#2, Add Aqueduct to Q.
Loveshack - Add Cathedral to Q.
Amiens - Change build to Settler, Q will be Empty.
Sell Harbor for 10L. Sell Barracks for 5L.
Thebes - Change Spearman in Q#4 to WC. <--------Can’t find WC on list
New York - Change Court in Q#3 to Worker, Change Worker in Q#2 to Court.
Oakridge - Add Market to Q.
Boomtown - Add Court to Q.
Muncie - Delete Worker in Q#2, Add Bank to Q. <--changed, look at WF too.
Here It Is - Add Bank to Q.
Del Monte - Add Musket to Q.
Apolyton - Add University to Q.
Banana HQ - Change Bank to Harbor in Q#4, Add Bank to Q.
Contagion - Change Wealth in Q#3 to Bank, Add Wealth to Q.
Gaia - Add Mrkt-Lib-Cav to Q. <--------------Can’t put in WC
Port Rouge - Change Longbow in Q#2 to Musket.
Termina - Add Aqueduct to Q.
Rheims - Add Temp-Court-Wrk-Wealth.
Lyons - Add Settler to Q. Only this in Q, to be disbanded & moved.
Sell Barracks for 5L.
Arbela - Add University to Q.
Timeline - Add University to Q.
Tessagrad - Add Musket to Q.
WF allocations:
Macross City - IF SCIENCE SLIDER IS CHANGED - WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-13-14-13-17.
Another Glorious City - WF to 2-8-9-18.
Boomtown - WF to 1-2-6-8-15.
Shiberport - WF to 4-5-6-8-18.
Neon Uber City - WF to 5.
Muncie - WF to 2-3-4-10-11-13-18.
Here It Is - WF to 1-2-4-8-9-12-13-16-20.
Banana HQ - WF to 2-4-5-6-7-8.
Gaia - WF to 1-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-16.
Port Rouge - WF to 1-2-4-5-6-7-8.
Termina - WF to 3-4-8-10-12-19.
Rheims - WF to 2-5-6-16.
Opiadom = WF to 3-4-5-7-11-13.
Arbela - WF to 2-3-4-6-7-16.
Tessagrad - WF to 2-4-5-6-7-14-15-16-20.
Antioch - WF to 4-6-8-16.
Planned Rushes:
Willsbury - Rush Courthouse for 92L. WF to .1-2-3-5-6-8-12-13-14.
New York - Rush Cathedral for 220L. WF to 1-5-6-7-8-17-20.
Lyons - Rush Worker for 28L - No WF Change.
Turn 1 (830 AD)
WF allocations:
Willsbury - Courthouse built, Worker next in Q - No WF changes.
Ubergorsk - WF to 3-8-16-19-20.
New York - Cathedral built, Court next in Q - WF to 1-4-5-7-8-9-20.
Another Glorious City (grows to size 5)- WF to 2-5-6-8-18.
Boomtown (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-4-6-8-10-15.
Shiberport (grows to size 6) - WF to 4-5-6-7-8-18.
Here It Is - Settler built, Musket next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-4-9-11-20.
Apolyton - WF to 1-2-6-8-13-15-18.
Port Rouge - Cathedral built, Musket next in Q - WF to 1-2-5-6-7-8-19.
Rheims - Worker built, Temple next in Q - WF to 1-6-16.
Lyons - Worker built, Settler next in Q - WF to 5-8.
Timeline (grows to size 10) - WF to 2-3-4-5-6-11-13-14-19-20.
Tessagrad - WF to 3-4-5-6-7-14-15-16-20.
Planned Rushes:
Bacteria - Rush Courthouse for 112. WF to 3-8-9-10-11-20.
Muncie - Rush Court for 92L - WF to 2-3-4-5-8-11-18.
Turn 2 (840 AD)
WF allocations:
Chartres (grows to size 5) - WF to 1-2-3-5-12.
Bacteria - Court built, Cath next in Q. WF to 1-2-3-10-11-20.
Ubergorsk - Cathedral built, Library next in Q - WF to 1-3-8-19-20.
Another Glorious City - WF to 2-6-7-8-18.
Gotham - Library built, Worker next in Q - No WF changes.
Ghengistown (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-2-5-8-9-16.
Muncie - Court built, Cath next in Q - WF to 2-3-4-8-11-13-18.
Del Monte - Musket built, Library next in Q - No WF changes
Banana HQ - WF to 2-3-5-6-7-8. <--------Look at changing before this turn
Arbela - Worker built, Market next in Q - WF to 2-4-6-7-16.
Tessagrad - Caravel built, Library next in Q. WF to 2-4-5-6-7-14-15-16-20.
Planned Rushes:
Shiberport - Rush Courthouse for 168L - WF to 3-9-10-11-18-20. <--------Needs Approval
Antioch - Rush Courthouse for 148L - WF to 6-8-15-16. <--------Needs Approval
Lyons - Rush Settler for 116L - No WF Change.
Turn 3 (850 AD)
WF allocations:
Willsbury - Worker built, Cathedral next in Q - WF to 1-2-3-6-8-10-12-14.
Ubergorsk (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-3-8-11-19-20.
Another Glorious City - Cath built, Worker next in Q - No WF changes.
Gotham - Worker built, Market next in Q - WF to 1-4-5-6-8-15.
Shiberport - WF to 4-5-6-7-8-18.
San Cortez (grows to size 7) - WF to 1-2-6-7-8-10-17.
Neon Uber City (should grow to size 2) - WF to 5-6.
Del Monte - WF to 1-3-4-5-7-8-14-15.
Apolyton (grows to size 8) - WF to 1-2-3-4-6-13-15-18.
Gaia (grows to size 9) - WF to 1-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-16 + 1Tax.
Port Rouge (grows to size 8) - WF to 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-19. <----------------Needs looking at - 17 instead of 5
Lyons - Settler Built, ABANDON CITY! Move Settler 1 north and built New Lyons. <---------??MoIE??
New Lyons - Start on Temple, Add Court-Cath-Wrk-Lib to Q - WF to 13. Might be adding Pop to it soon?
Arbela (grows to size 6) - WF to 2-4-5-6-7-16.
Antioch - Court BUILT, Cath next in Q - WF to 2-6-15-16.
Planned Rushes:
Macross City - Market for 40L on turn 3 (850AD). Will waste 8 sheilds of not rushed.
Welsh Coast - Rush Court for 184L - WF to 5-6-9-15-16. <--------Needs Approval
Tarsus - Rush Court for 192L - WF to 3-4-5-6-7-13-14-15-16. <--------Needs Approval
Turn 4 (860AD)
WF allocations:
Jerusalem - Harbor built, Worker next in Q - WF to 1-2-4-5-15-19.
Another Glorious City (grows & shrinks this turn) - Worker built, Caravel next in Q - WF to 1-2-5-9-18.
Welsh Coast - if court rushed , court built, worker next in Q - WF to 1-8-9-15-16.
Gotham (grows to size 7) - WF to 1-4-5-6-7-8-15.
Apolyton - Harbor built, WC next in Q - WF to 1-3-4-5-8-13-15-18.
Banana HQ - Cathedral Built, Worker Next in Q - No WF changes
Susa ( grows to size 7) - WF to 1-6-7-8-16-17-20. <-------different WF if not productive
Timeline - Courthouse built, Palace next in Q - No WF changes.
Tessagrad - WF to 3-4-5-6-7-14-15-16-20.
Tarsus - Court built, Worker next in Q - WF to 4-5-6-7-13-14-15-16.
Planned Rushes:
Chartes - Rush Library for 48L - No WF changes. <-------conditional - Throughput
Loveshack - Rush Library for 68L - WF to 2-3-10-13-15 <-------conditional - Throughput
Thebes - Rush Court for 160L - WF to 3-5-12-13. <--------Needs Approval
Hole in the Wall - Rush Court for 212L - WF to 3-6-7-11-15-18. <--------Needs Approval
Turn 5 (870AD)
WF allocations:
Loveshack (grows to size 6) - WF to 2-3-4-7-10-13.
Amiens - Settler built, Disband City and move 1 tile south and build New Amiens. Built will be Temple, Set Q to Court-Cath-Harbor-Lib. WF to 8.
Thebes - If Court was rushed, court built, Granary next in Q - WF to 2-3-12-13.
Chiquta - Library built, Worker next in Q - WF to 3-5-6-12-13-14..
Welsh Coast (grows to size 6) - WF to 1-2-8-9-15-16.
Port of Malignance - Cath built, Worker next in Q - No WF changes.
Hole in the Wall - if Court was rushed, court built, Worker next in Q - WF to 3-6-11-12-14-15.
Here it is (grows to size 8) - WF to 1-2-3-4-9-11-13-20.
Banana HQ (grows & Shrinks this turn) - Worker Built, Library Next in Q - WF to 2-5-6-7-8-15
Contagion (Borders Expand) - Add Worker form Arbela to City - WF to 2-4-5-7-8-9-10-11-12-15.
Termina - Library built, Worker next in Q - WF to 4-6-10-12-19-20.
Tessagrad (grows to size 10) - WF to 3-4-5-6-7-12-14-15-16-20.
Planned Rushes:
Napoleton - Rush Court for 220L - No WF changes. <---------Needs Approval
Ghengistown - Rush Court for 168L - WF to 5-11-13-15-16. <---------Needs Approval