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Old November 1, 2002, 02:09   #1
Apolyton Storywriters' Guild
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Civ3 - Apolyton Empire: Great Library

We NEED and WANT more players! so come join, i'll be fun! Just look at the game go as it already as 30 pages since the game's beginning about a month ago. Don't need to read the entire story to play, just the last few pages atleast

Current game date is December 1402 and the military as control of the government Mainly bunch of propaganda wars happening...soon after the invent of the printing press

Game Settings and rules:

-starting game date is January 1st, 1400CE
-required to state the game date per game post, so we know when it happened, to make sure posts don't contradict to each other.
-average tech level is Late-Medieval
-focus on roleplaying, but not required to write up entire story posts or anything. Simple few sentence posts works, as long as the message is clear.
-be realistic, within reason and have fun
-rankings and positions is not base on posts anymore, but will be considered if more then one person wants a peticular position and cannot resolve it peacefull among themselves.
-There will be three threads for this game: Great Library, Discussion and Game. keep discussions and OOC stuff in the discussion thread and keep game posts within the game thread. don't discuss in the great library, as it is just a thread for information on different things for the game, like these basic and simply rules
-players end up being inactive for whatever reason will be treated as non-player characters with the game until another player with a higher post count takes their position in whatever roleplaying means.
-The gamemaster controls the actions and reactions of diplomacy and governments of the other non-player civs. What I mean by reaction is, a player can still play spy for example and go assassinate someone in their gov, and I will write up something in response.

-the writers slowly developes Apolyton and the world around her. If a detail or whatever as been mentioned before, it is considered canon. even with the limitation of past details, there is still other possibilities.

-do it for the story, not to win

PLayers in the Game:
[i]note: post counts and positions doesn't matter anymore, as positions and ranks changes very often in the game it seems, lol

-Mellian (technicly the gamemaster of this game)
-Giovanni Wine (temporally gone)
-jdd2007 (just came back)
-cbraund (missing)
-johncmcleod (missing)
-Lord Zalzabad
-majundar (only posted a few times...will he come back?)

Available Positions:

-All bunch of positions are available and that can be created, just ask in the Discussion thread.

-Anyone interested to be a Great Leader?

-Cool see somone playing the average folk in Apolyton society... like a Tax Collector, Scientist, ENtertaining Barb, Prostitute and etc

Apolyton Empire

Government: Military Oligarchy

Tech Level: Late-Medieval

Last edited by Mellian; December 5, 2002 at 12:01.
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Old November 1, 2002, 02:16   #2
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World Map
Monkey (Western) Continent

-Russia are brown
-Mongols are some weird green, beside the Russians
-Iroquois are purple
-Germans are blue
-English are Orange
-Americans are Light Blue
-Spanish are Gray
-French are Pink
-Aztecs are light green
-Incas are Pink-Red

Rock (Apolyton) Continent

-Apolyton are green

Alligator (Eastern) Continent

-Vikings are the top blue
-Celts are brown beside the Vikings
-Egyptians are yellow
-Greeks are Pink
-Romans are Red
-Babylon are dark blue
-Ottomans are purple-gray
-Carthage are dark brown
-Koreans are Aqua
-Arabs are purple-red
-Persia are orange
-Chinese are blue
-Japanese are red-brown
-Zulus are black (i know i know...)
-Indians are purple
Attached Thumbnails:
Click image for larger version

Name:	apolyton.gif
Views:	912
Size:	79.4 KB
ID:	28266  

Last edited by Mellian; November 3, 2002 at 13:22.
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Old November 1, 2002, 02:39   #3
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Territorial Map

Size: metropolis
Role: capital

(note: please provide names in the discussion thread for the rest of the cities, as i am terrible with names)

Apolyton Empire Territorial map

(note: to big for the forum)
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Old November 1, 2002, 10:48   #4
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Diplomatic Relations
Apolyton as of August 26, 1400

Leader: Moderator civman
Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: N/A
Feelings: N/A
Other: N/A


Leader: President Lincoln
Government: Republic
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: Apolyton Alliance
Feelings: Friends
Fur-Wine Deal, 14 years left (been renewed a few times)


Leader: Chief Hiawatha
Government: Tribal
Tech-Level: Mid-Medieval
Treaties: Apolyton Alliance
Feelings: Friends


Leader: Queen Elizabeth
Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: War
Feelings: Hatred, Naval Rivalries
Infiltrated (Sheep's spies mainly)
European Union


Leader: Emperor Caesar
Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: Peace
Feelings: Friends


Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: War
Feelings: Dislike
not much contact
European Union


Leader: Chancellor Bismark
Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: War
Feelings: Dislike
not much contact
European Union


Leader: Joan of Arc
Government: Republic
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: War (officially only)
Feelings: Friendly
Embassy (officially locked down, but still in contact with Mellian)
European Union


Leader: Queen Isabella
Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: War
Feelings: Dislike
not much contact
European Union


Government: Medieval Despotism
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: Apolyton Alliance
Feelings: Friends


Leader: Ghengis Khan
Government: Tribalism
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: Apolyton Alliance
Feelings: Polite
Embassy (recently established)


Government: Tribalism
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: Apolyton Alliance
Feelings: Polite
Embassy (recently established)


Leader: Cleopatra
Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: Peace
Feelings: Friends
Furs-Incense Deal, 4 years left


Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Mid-Medieval
Treaties: Peace
Feelings: Polite


Government: Monarchy
Tech-Level: Late-Medieval
Treaties: Peace
Feelings: Polite

(rest will be posted as we start mention what our relations are with the rest)

Last edited by Mellian; November 9, 2002 at 22:44.
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Old November 1, 2002, 11:03   #5
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Free Units Allowed

In General, per city on Monarchy: 10 units

Total Free Units Allowed: 300 units (30 cities)

(will improve the military stuff as the game goes on and i get requests for specific info. keeping it simple, so i don't have to play with to many numbers)



-3-5 defending Musket Infantry units per City
(90-150 in total)

-about 20 Knights


-about 50 Corvettes
(militarized Caravels, which can be upgraded to Frigates after acquiring Magnetism))

-about 20 Caravels



-about 40 Corvettes
(militarized Caravels)

-about 20 Caravels



-about 20 Corvettes
(militarized Caravels)

-about 10 Caravels

(Military Advisor as control of the Military, what kind of units it and so on... just that it once stated, we can't suddenlly change, only gradually within the game)

Last edited by Mellian; November 3, 2002 at 16:40.
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Old November 1, 2002, 11:07   #6
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2 Gems
3 Furs


1 Horses
2 Irons


1 Gold (producing 100 gold)
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Old November 1, 2002, 11:16   #7
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Technology Currently Available for Research
as of AUgust 26th, 1400

Free Artistry
Chemistry? (i think, i'll check later)

[b]Currently Researching...[b]

what are we researching Science Advisor?

Last edited by Mellian; November 9, 2002 at 22:57.
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Old November 1, 2002, 11:17   #8
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cool, just a quick note that all Neses are going to be moved to a new forum in the near future. Links will be posted when this occurs
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
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Old November 1, 2002, 14:29   #9
Civilization III Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy GameNationStatesNever Ending StoriesDiplomacyInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamPtWDG RoleplayC3C IDG: Apolyton Team
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Available Positions:

-Trade Advisor (responsible for the resources and trading relations with other civs)

-Economic Advisor (responsible for the gold we have, and the economy)

-Culture Advisor (responsible for the culture)

-Commander of National Defence (generally incharge of the defence forces)

-there is plenty of positions which one can choose and create, can cover any aspect of the Apolyton Empire.
Official Names:
Minister of External Commerce (Trade)
Minister of Internal Commerce (Economy)

Note that the appointment I made made cbraund also in charge of culture.
Ham grass chocolate.

"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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Old November 1, 2002, 22:52   #10
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I would like some information on our armies and navies. Like how many units are in the cities protecting them, how many units we have in the field, and how many units in the navy.
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Old November 2, 2002, 01:50   #11
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Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer
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Old November 3, 2002, 15:28   #12
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Resources Civs control


3 Furs
2 Gems


1 Horses
2 Irons
2 Saltpeter


4 Cattles
3 Fishes
3 Whales
1 Gold



3 Ivory


2 Iron
1 Saltpeter



2 Incenses


2 Iron
1 Saltpeter



1 Ivory
2 Spices


2 Iron
1 Horses
1 Saltpeter



5 Ivory


2 Iron



9 Spices





6 Gems
4 Wines


1 Iron
1 Saltpeter


2 Gold
1 Fish
1 Game
1 Whale



7 Dyes


2 Irons


3 Fishs
3 Game
2 Gold
1 Cattle



2 Wines


2 Horses
3 Saltpeter
1 Iron


3 Gold
2 Wheat
1 Fish





1 Iron
1 Horses
2 Saltpeter



4 Dyes
2 Ivory


2 Horses
1 Iron
1 Saltpeter



7 Gems


1 Iron
1 Saltpeter



5 Wines


1 Horses
1 Iron
1 Saltpeter


8 Cattles
3 Wheat
3 Fishes
5 Gold



1 Silk


1 Horses
1 Iron


4 Whales
2 Fishs
1 Wheat



2 Ivory




3 Cattles
1 Whale



1 Ivory





1 Ivory
1 Spices


1 Iron


2 Cattles
2 Whales
1 Fish



3 Incense


1 Horses
3 Irons
1 Saltpeter


4 Gold
4 Game
2 Whales
2 Fishes



8 Silks


1 Horses
1 Iron
1 Saltpeter


5 Whales
4 Gold
2 Fishs
1 Cattle



3 Silks


1 Iron
1 Saltpeter


4 Fishes
3 Gold
3 Whales
1 Wheat

(all of the western civs, those with Ivory and those that Apolyton can easily trade with...clear routes to them with military protection. The other resources are usefull because in this game they provide some stuff which i will list below. )

Gold: 100 gp
Fishes: 10 food
Wheat: 20 food
Whales: 10 food, 10 shields
Cattles: 5 food, 5 shields

Last edited by Mellian; November 3, 2002 at 15:39.
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Old November 3, 2002, 16:39   #13
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Great Library:
-acquire technology from two other civs who as it.
-after Education, requires embassies and research treatis in each the two civs that as the technology.


Magellan Wonder:
Naval ships gets an extra movement point.


-obsolete, but gets money from tourism
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Old November 3, 2002, 17:25   #14
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deleted and reserved for future use

Last edited by Mellian; November 11, 2002 at 14:57.
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Old November 3, 2002, 17:28   #15
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Top Five Biggest Navies
1. Apolyton
2. England
3. Spain
4. Ottoman
5. America
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Old November 4, 2002, 14:28   #16
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Date Calculation Formula
H=hour in GMT time
M=minute in GMT time
D=# of days in teh current month (11/1 was Jan. 1400)

Be sure to always round up.
If the result is negative, add D and it is the previous month still.
Ham grass chocolate.

"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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Old November 5, 2002, 06:20   #17
Lord Zalzabad
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Ok, at 10:14 i entered the numbers into your equasion

and I get

0.705555555555 and so on.

can anyone help me decipher this into days, years, and months, please?

(or is it 17/24? Im confused)
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Old November 5, 2002, 21:51   #18
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D is not the day #. D is the number of days in the current month. FOr example, on dayy 4, which would be april, D=30. Also, be sure that the H you use is GMT.
Ham grass chocolate.

"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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Old November 6, 2002, 01:48   #19
Lord Zalzabad
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Ok, then, so using the numbers

it comes out to be the 14th of April, correct?
Thanks for that!
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Old November 6, 2002, 08:45   #20
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where do we post character information??
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
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Old November 6, 2002, 09:16   #21
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No it comes out to be the 7th. REmember, H is in GMT. If you use any other time, you must eithre convert it to GMT first or change teh "-6" in the formula to the difference between your time and US Central Time.
Ham grass chocolate.

"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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Old November 6, 2002, 09:43   #22
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is this where we post the character thingys??
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
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Old November 6, 2002, 10:16   #23
Civilization III Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy GameNationStatesNever Ending StoriesDiplomacyInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamPtWDG RoleplayC3C IDG: Apolyton Team
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I guess's mine:
Moderator civman I
Positions Held: Moderator, 4 months. Crown Prince, 24 years.
Chief of Staff: Poweilan Apolenhei
Home: Apolitonkan Palace, Apolyton
Other Palaces: Irdhipal Palace, Edird City; Weinminhipal, Woewein; Komorhaka Palace, Trikomore.
Overview/Personality: Inconsistent. He likes making decisions with the help of his advisors, but he also enjoys showing who's boss. He lives a life of luxury but the focus of his life is ruling Apolyton with an iron fist.
Family: Mother, 2 older sisters are alive. Had a younger brother who died. Single. Chief of Staff Apolenhei is his 30-year-old cousin who was his mentor growing up, and a very close friend. His father was the late Moderator Kivinonka IV. He is the 9th Moderator of the Apoheiwomid Dynasty. All of the previous Apoheiwomid Moderators have died natural deaths, so civman is somewhat lax in security against assassination, vaguely believing that he is in the Gods' favor and they will protect him.
Ham grass chocolate.

"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal

Last edited by civman2000; November 6, 2002 at 19:29.
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Old November 6, 2002, 10:35   #24
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Characture of Liam Sheep
Name: Liam Sheep
Postion held: Director of ASIO (Apolyton Security Intellegience Oraganisations) and its sub- branch ASIS. 3 years
Age: 32
Resides: Unknown Location, however is almost always at his office in the Intellegience Agency buildings in the centre of Apolyton City.
Marital Satus: Married

Overview: He inherited his post from his father and fromer boss, nikos Sheep when his father retired 3 years ago. He is secretly asspiring to replace the moderator, although not many know of this yet. He is a ruthless man wishing to destroy all who stand in his path. At the moment he is content to follow the modertor's wishes, however this contentment is starting to crack, as his ambitions become more powerful. He is know of articipating in the torture of captured spies in the dungeons beneath the Intellegice organisation. He holds the rest of the government in veiled hostility, only admiring those that have direct links to the military. He has also set up the Secret Police with the intention of spying on everyone and everything. No-one yet knows of this shadowy organisation, not even the moderator.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

Last edited by Sheep; November 6, 2002 at 13:37.
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Old November 6, 2002, 10:59   #25
Giovanni Wine
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Name: Giovanni Del Vino AKA Giovanni Wine
Position held: Domestic Advisor of the Apolyton Empire
Age: 56
Residence: A huge villa in a small village near Apolyton City
Marital Status: Married with 2 children

Overview: A very wise man with good knowledge in every field of art and science. He has an enourmous respect for the moderator which he think is the only man at his same cultural level.
He hates war and blood, and he value peace as the only way for mankind to happily coexist.

History: His father was the commander in chief of the biggest Caravel of the Apolyton Navy... unfortunatly during a sea battle his ship sunked and his father died.
He was adopted by a very rich family, and he was able to study in the best universities of Apolyton.
He then met the old moderator Rah who granted him a place in the government as a Domestic Advisor.
Because of his skills he managed to stay in his place also after the abdication of rah, and the rise in power of civman I

"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else."
— Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
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Old November 6, 2002, 11:27   #26
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Name: Mark Thunderfire
Position: Commander of National Defense, Army General rank
Age: 34
Residence: Apolyton Army Headquarters, an old medieval castle in the north and a small villa on the southern coast.
Married: no

Overview: A man of duty. His skills of commander are widly known. He is often among his men on the battlefield and never refuses to fight. This cause some problems to his subordinates to contact him and some bad wounds. He still have got a long scare on the right of his face from the front to his chin.
Although he doesn't likeso much those new weapons, he understands they are weaponry of future and he is quite interested by those "cannons".
His bravery and friendship to his soldiers make him a loved leader.

History: From a long family of knights, he was the cadet of the family but his two brothers died. But his family has a long tradition of backstabing(occ: Beware civman...).

Traits: Brave and I would say quite intelligent and takes good initiatives.
Minus: Can be bribed and quite easily seduced. May go to far in repression and sometimes ambitious.
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Old November 6, 2002, 22:36   #27
Easthaven I
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Easthaven Beleriand I
Position: Minister of External Finances
Age: 29
Residence: Has a cabin deep in the Komore Forest near the city of Trikomore.
Marital Status: Widowed, once had a wife and son. Single now.

History: Grew up in Vegeimen City and worked in the Gem mines when he was a boy. When he was old enough he enlisted in the Apolyton infantry unit for two years. Showed gallantry in combat and was allowed to attend the military academy in the MarkG Province. He graduated 4 years later in the top 10% of the class. Served in a special military unit as company commander then was promoted to battalion commander. Reached the rank of Colonel at an early age of 27, living in a home in the city of Trikomore with his wife and son. His wife and son were murdered by an unknown prepetrator while he was away on an assignment. He did not extend his term in the military, became a drunk, sold his house and moved into his late father's cabin in the Komore Forest where he became a hermit. His uncle (former advisor to the moderator) visited him and convinced him to move on. He pulled some strings and was able to get Easthaven I a job as assistant to the assistant Minister of External Finances which was Luther Fem. The Minister of External Finances died an unusual death, then a few months later Luther Fem retired thus making Easthaven I the new Minister of External Finances 1 and a half years ago.

Traits: Was able to move on. Is adventuresome, loves to travel, became fearless after his family was murdered, not minding death if it meant taking him to his family. Introverted and likes to be alone and in silence. Is not self-ambitious, only wants to serve his country the best he can. Very loyal.

Minus: No ambition. Doesn't like to get involved much. Not very political. Can't stand being around civilians. He misses his army life in the dirt and mud of the field. Sometimes just wants to go back to the forest and live alone but feels obligated to stay and serve. Has a Death wish.
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Old November 7, 2002, 01:02   #28
Lord Zalzabad
Local Time: 10:11
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Australia
Posts: 245
Name Colonel Chuko, Lord of Zalzabad (no-one knows my 1st name)
Position Commander of the garrison in the capital city
Born 19th Febuary 1375
Married, two children

History. Born in the vilage of Zalzabad, south of Apolyton city, Chuko receved a sheltered bringing up as the son of a nobel. Misteriously, his parents were massicered by an unknown person, whith Chuko himself only surviving. Placed in the care of his Grandmother, he vowed he would hunt down and destroy those people who killed his father. He joined the millitary at the age of 18, and due to his high social status, was given the rank of Major. Due to a spectacular millitary victory against rebels in the south of the nation in the last year of the previous moderators riegn, he was promoted to Colonel, and placed in charge of the city garrison.

Traits: His superiors label Chuko as ambitious, and will get things done when asked. He is sympathetic to his troops

Minuses: Has an unding edge to find the assassins of his family
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Old November 7, 2002, 07:37   #29
Lord Zalzabad
Local Time: 10:11
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Australia
Posts: 245
Other Info about Colonel Chuko
Has large network of informats scattered throughout Apolytonia, and several other nations.
He beleves that the assassins of his family have somthing to do with the moderator

Facts that not even Chuko knows;
father had knowlage that could of crushed the power of the moderator, so he was elininated
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Old November 8, 2002, 16:00   #30
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Local Time: 04:11
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: May 2001
Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
Moderator civman I
Positions Held: Moderator, 6 months. Crown Prince, 24 years.
Chief of Staff: Giovanni WIne if he accepts
Home: Apolitonkan Palace, Apolyton
Other Palaces: Irdhipal Palace, Edird City; Weinminhipal, Woewein; Komorhaka Palace, Trikomore.
Overview/Personality: Inconsistent. He likes making decisions with the help of his advisors, but he also enjoys showing who's boss. He lives a life of luxury but the focus of his life is ruling Apolyton with an iron fist.
Family2 older sisters are alive. Had a younger brother who died. Single. Ex-Chief of Staff Apolenhei was his 30-year-old cousin who was his mentor growing up, and a very close friend. His father was the late Moderator Kivinonka IV. He is the 9th Moderator of the Apoheiwomid Dynasty. All of the previous Apoheiwomid Moderators have died natural deaths, so civman is somewhat lax in security against assassination, vaguely believing that he is in the Gods' favor and they will protect him.

Update: He is now obessed with obliterating England after the assassination of his mother. Some people close to him believe he is going insane.
Ham grass chocolate.

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"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
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