November 22, 2002, 03:18
Local Time: 20:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
Okay I hope this is better......
Some storythingy
Liam Sheep the founder of the Terrorist organisation the Social Republican Movment of Apolyton (SRA) in exile, has been quoted to saying that the whole Edko convention was a 'grand farce'.
However we will ask the rebel government in control of the Apolyton mainland to seriously consider a form of government where the people have their say, not the evil upsurper Moderator and her evil henchmen, the Chief of Staff.
If we do not see sufficent changes in the politics of Apolyton we will strike for the people.
Sheep's Diplomacy (all secret)
To Drako Chuko: (via Berlin from the SRA headquaters) We the true government of the people of Apolyton wish to see Apolyton given to the people who have long suffered from rule of an usurper. Your cousin the self-appointed Emperor Chuko was working towards this goal. I hope that a civil war hero such as yourself is willing to join with us. In this form of government the Moderator is elected by the people. I think personally you would be an ideal candidate.
Liam Sheep
To Colonel Giovanni Vodka (via agent in Occupied England) We know where the English hold your brother the illustrious Colonel Giovanni Cognac. He can be returned if Apolyton makes peace with the European Union, or you assist me in the overthrow of the military junta in control of the government in Apolyton. This is for the people. Are you with me or without.
Liam Sheep
To General Thunderfire: (via a secret letter from an anynomous agent) I have a propostion. If you would like to have complete control over the entire army under a democratic regime, We may have something to talk about. The rebel government of the usuper Moderator and her evil henchmen, the Chief of Staff, must be executed for their crimes against Apolyton.
Liam Sheep
To the Chief of Staff Melian: (via unknown means) Repent your sins against the gods of Apolyton. Withdraw yourself from the rebel goverment and you will be rewarded once the social democratic revolution begins
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
November 22, 2002, 03:19
Local Time: 20:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
occ: how will you take York, why don't you just say we need to occupy England nw, and let it be done....
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
November 22, 2002, 11:38
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
OOC: IROQUOIS IS ON THE ENGLISH-AMERICAN FRONT, not in the English-French one. They are attacking from the north, along with Apolyton and America, not with the Aztec and Zulus. jeez  Manchester is a coastal city near the English-French border.
Lets say George Washington was the first prez of america after leading the independence from england, but became a general again after loosing an election (which he doesn't mind). there a percentage of populace in the world that can live forever, as long they don't get themselves killed in battle or whatever.
Sheep, far better  SRA could be the militant republic movement, where the Apolyton Republic Movement (which Mellian is secretly par of) is the more peaceful one. of course, be careful with this terrorist stuff in the late-medieval.
Also, it is for the story that they are stretching the battle. Pretty boring just to state that apolyton troops went to york, and after a long full of casualties battle, they took York.
September 1401
TO Military Advisor
Nice to hear that your working on creating a new Intelligence Service, thats what i have been doing myself since i became Foreign Advisor again. Maybe we should combine our efforts? Apparently, there is still some ASIO agents out there that are still loyal to apolyton and the government, despite sheep's treachery.
TO Domestic Advisor
Are you refering to the mad-goat disease? Yes, there rumours of its spread, but at the moment, it is very minimal and there wasn't much reports if did crossover to Apolyton from the alligator continent.
As to how that started, not hundred percent sure, but was told by some Ambassadors that it started because of some disgusting beastsexuality cult playing around with Goats in Rome (makes since, there is a lot of sexual freedom there, with their bathhouses and so on).
Why do you ask?
When Mellian read the letter from Sheep, she was annoyed and relieved. Annoyed because Sheep thinks she is a Moderator suck-up, which she isn't, especially after being demoted. Yet, relieved that there isn't any spies in the Government or much of a spy network Apolyton anymore, else he would know that she isn't the Chief of Staff anymore., and that she is one of the main ARM organizers (that part no one knows, except the other organizers).
Anyway, she make sure the Military Advisor as look of the letter, as they are both working on organizing a new Intelligence Service.
Last edited by Mellian; November 22, 2002 at 21:53.
November 22, 2002, 13:55
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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September 16th, 1401
MEMO TO ALL DEPARTMENTS: It has come to my attention that agents of the terrorist rebel Liam Sheep have been distributing propoganda. If anyone receives such a letter, report it immediately to me and the Department of Intelligence.
To the Department of Intelligence: With all of these messages we should be able to piece together some information and catch at least a few SRA agents.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
November 22, 2002, 17:23
Local Time: 11:12
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
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Bah.. I had wrote a very long post.. but because of a stupid error from the site everything got missed.
I will write it again later, editing this post
Just letting you know that
Cognac was sent to the London Royal Prison, were he was interrogated from an officer.
Cognac was severly beaten by the big guards, he even broke his nose, but he didn't give up any secret.
Vodka started attacking Converty.
He ordered 1/4 of the fleet to bombard the city of Converty, 1/4 to bombard the forest nearby, in order that if any English troops his hiding in there they'll be destroyed, and in order to create a good landing spot for his armies.
The other 1/2 was ordered to guard the backside of the fleet from any possible Enlglish attack.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 22, 2002, 17:34
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 60
September 1401
Having finally arrived in Apolyton's seat of power Apep II decided to spend a night in a local inn, named 'The Flying Butcher's Knife'. It was a very dilapadated inn but Apep II was short of cash and it was cheap. It also sold large amounts of beer and Ostrich drumstick! Apep II had always been partial to foreign food and was tucking in when a large knife flew straight past his ear and inbedded itself in his shoulder. Wincing in pain, Apep II stood up and began to run even as a second knife wizzed past his ear.
Maybe he'd be going straight to the palace after all!
* * *
(About half an hour later)
Having run all the way through the inner city Apep II finally reached the palace only to be stopped by the guard,
"Sorry no entrance!"
"But I have an appointment, I'm the new advisor!"
"You're Apep II? Yeah ri--"
The guard fell to the ground a knife sticking into his heart. Apep II didn't need to be told twice, he ran right in and collapsed behind a desk.
* * *
"How could you muck up like that," Apep I asked the assassin who was strung up on some sort of torture wheel.
"I missed master, I wont do it again, sir"
"No you wont," Apep I shouted raising a knife to the assassin's throat...
November 22, 2002, 18:19
Local Time: 04:12
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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OOC: Might Apep I be in the SRA? That would be a nice twist.
September 21st, 1401
The Moderator is alarmed at the assassination attempts on the new Minister of Trade and the Economy. He will be given 2 bodyguards and he will be given 20 soldiers to use as he wishes for his safety, especially while he sleeps. The Department of Intelligence is also requested to investigate theses attempts and any possible link to the SRA they might have.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
Last edited by civman2000; November 22, 2002 at 19:16.
November 22, 2002, 18:39
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 60
Apep I was thinking, what was to be done, obviously his superiours would be informed, he had already sent a small coded letter to the council concealed inside a pound of butter. His son was probably quite safe now, that was unfortunate but it couldn't be traced to him. Indeed it would probably be traced to the renegade Liam Sheep.
He would have to find some way of contacting him too.
* * *
Apep II had decided that he was going to start his jobb quickly, he had already managed to talk the Moderator into renaming Porkton, but that hardly mattered now, this assassin must be thought about, he had been found in a pile of grain earlier this morning, dead. He wondered what would be done with the grain.
He looked at the knife which had been removed from his shoulder, it was bloodstained and he wasen't quite sure we he had kept it, it was rather ordinary, an iron blade with a brass hilt, it had something inscribed on it, he got out a piece of cloth, curious and cleaned it up a bit. Then he gasped, and read the inscription to himself just to check, "Long live the Council of Apolyton," Council of Apolyton? He ran straight down to the Moderator's office...
November 22, 2002, 19:20
Local Time: 04:12
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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September 23rd, 1401
"What is it Apep?"
"Look at this knife, look at this inscription!"
"Calm down. WHere did you find the knife?"
"A man, my assassin, it was in his back!"
"What?? Guards! Two of you go and find this assassin!"
"He was carrying some grain."
"Now that's odd."
"I know, but look at the knife."
"Council of Apolyton...very interesting. I'm sending this to the Department of Intelligence, this should be very useful. I wonder what the Council of Apolyton could be? Perhaps the council in charge of the SRA..."
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
November 22, 2002, 19:58
Local Time: 03:12
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Latentus hadn’t been working in the government long, and he was already thoroughly disgusted. At first he was only annoyed at the mix-up between him and Apep. Once he thought about it, however, he realized how indicative it was of the abysmal situation present in the administration. And this wasn’t the only thing, either. For months he had been witnessing similar kinds of screwups, only on a much larger scale, and the simple honest unimportant mistake of addressing a message to the wrong person had become the straw that broke the camels back. Even though the corruption and waste rampant in the Apolytonian bureaucracy certainly wasn’t anywhere near as bad as some, it wasn’t among the most efficient, either. Even with the new constitution, the aristocrats were almost uniformly interested in their own wealth. Latentus had been looking at reports from the few countries that ran under Republics and it was clear that wasn’t the answer either. The peasants just weren’t educated enough, they were too easily influenced by demagogues and always voted for welfare for themselves. No matter what government, it seemed that whoever was in charge only acted in their own short-term interest, which invariably didn’t help anyone, even themselves, in the long run. If only there was some way to teach the masses in a quick and effective way and encourage communication and discussion. Definitely something to talk to the science advisor about.
In the meantime, the domestic improvements were progressing slowly. Latentus and the culture advisor had worked out a scheme to promote science and building and art, as well as to get the individual aristocrats to help pay for it. One of the most promising people they were sponsoring was some guy named Michelangelo who was painting something or other, Latentus couldn’t remember what. Unfortunately, the war effort was taking so many resources that the budget had extremely little money to spare for cultural pursuits. At the rate it was going, Michelangelo wouldn’t finish until Latentus was and old man and that freak Copernicus, frustrated by his lack of funding, would probably be bought off by another country and finish his infernal machine somewhere else. No great loss, Latentus thought. Oh well. Maybe things would pick up again after the English were beaten and the war was ended.
November 22, 2002, 19:59
Local Time: 03:12
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To: Foreign Advisor Mellian
From: Domestic Advisor Latentus
I was merely concerned about the possible spread of disease to Apolyton. And I have already heard about the goat problem (typical for those romans) and the one I was talking about was different, from what I’ve heard it affects people often fatally and almost everyone catches it. The traders think it could be a repeat of that terrible 14th century bubonic plague that we were so thankfully spared from. (Good old Mathersprake and his isolation policy). What can you tell me about THAT diseases spread? It is of paramount concern that if it gets out of those countries we keep it out of our population and preferably away from our allies, though that is unlikely since they are on the mainland. Hey, maybe we could even find some way to use it against the English.
November 22, 2002, 20:39
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 771
September 1401
General Easthaven was beginning to role up his maps when a soldier came rushing in.
"Sire...General Jack has sent word." He handed Easthaven a note.
Easthaven read it, not showing any reaction whatsoever.
"Very well...we have our orders." He walked outside where his 2nd in command was waiting for him.
"What is it, my lord, the message?" The Colonel asked.
"It was from General Jack, he wishes for us to stay and take York, no matter the costs."
"But sire, this has probably been the biggest battle of the war so far, we were already outnumbered 3 to 1 and yes we were victorious but we did suffer casualties and my men report english reinforcements arriving into the city. Surely the Chief will understand if we..."
"No, Colonel, we have our orders and we will obey. We are getting reinforcements from America, General Washington is sending them. We are Apolytonians, Colonel, act like it. Spread the word, our morale is still very high and I'm sure they won't reject fighting either in York or Warwick, they are brave men. We will take that city. You're Dismissed Colonel."
"Yes my lord."
The armies were still inside the outerwall, they were beginning to pack up but now they will refortify their positions. They began to get ready once more for an attack into York. They will definitely take the city, Easthaven had no doubt, he just hoped he wouldn't suffer heavy casualties, he also hoped the Americans would arrive as fast as they could.
Easthaven gave the order for the continued bombardment of the city. Cannon balls will fall nonstop onto the innerwall and into the city itself. Hell itself is coming to York, and Field Marshall Easthaven is in front as usual.
November 22, 2002, 21:07
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
September 1401
To Field Marshall Thunderfire (secret):
I've gotten your request. I set up Fox Rider training camps in America before the offensive, we had a rush of 5,000 new troops when we started the offensive, Cognac took 3,000 I believe. Another 20 regiments should have been created by now if my calculations are correct, that's 20,000 riders, if the training hasn't been interrupted. Take however many you need. As for retreating, I got orders from General Jack to push forward into the meat grinder. Don't worry, I'm sure we will succeed, just get here when you can so that we may establish a firm defensive line between York and Warwick, right now all their is are the Cognac raiders in the forest now creating a fort. If you can spare men try to send some to reinforce the forest and help build the fort.
-Field Marshall Easthaven I
November 22, 2002, 21:19
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 60
September 1401
News soon got to Apep I of what had become of the assasin. He couldn't believe he had given the assassin his knife, much less that the assassin had used it, this must be blamed on the assassin somehow... Maybe he could get out of it somehow, the council would have his guts for garters (Only he didn't think they used garters, actually he wasen't even sure if garters had been invented).
Of course they wouldn't locate the council itself, it wasen't even in Apolyton. His spy had however managed to contact Sheep, and he began writing a letter,
To Sheep,
The Council of Apolyton requires your help. We know you have the best assassins in the world and we have control of several major institutions in Apolyton
It was all true of course. Sheep also apparently had control of huge amounts of gunpowder.
* * *
Apep II had been amazed at how quickly the Moderator set everything into reaction to find out exactly who this assassin was working for. The barbaric practice of the post-mortem had been used though it was thorougly unnessesary.
A message had been found in his pocket however, it read,
The Forgotten Government in Exile Apolyton.
There were also some knives in one pocket.
(OOC: I need to clarify, the knife was the one from Apep II's shoulder, then assassin the one who chased him last night who was found dead in a pile of grain.)
November 22, 2002, 21:56
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
OOC: Giovanni. bombarbed COventry without trouble from the English navy, who should be defending their coast?
foolish_icarus, sorry about that, lol. just keep in mind that we are not a republic yet, and the constitution hasn't been declared yet either.... will be so after the war ends.
TO Domestic Advisor
Oh! the skin-eating disease, quite a nasty one that one is. I only read a few reports on it in the past decade or so. It is believed to have started in the Alligator continent somewhere, and the first real report of it is is when one of our navy detected a drifting babylonian merchant cavavel, and found the crew dead, with their bodies rapidly rotting away by previously unknown disease, which later infected the sailors that investigated the ship. The Sailors skin were slowly being eating away, which became noticable the following day. The crew, being paranoid, killed the sailors and threw them off the ship to preventing it from spreading. They soon later sunk the diseased vessel and they stayed juts outside of port for week, to make sure no one else was infected.
Luckily, it is not very contagious mainly because it painfully kills the host within a day, and only spreads once their dead.
Last edited by Mellian; November 22, 2002 at 22:47.
November 23, 2002, 02:17
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
September 1401
Field Marshall Easthaven begins plans to organize a military intelligence unit made up of his wolf soldiers, it will complete once he's done with York.
Field Marshall Easthaven creates a team of Wolf soldiers to lead an investigation and search for Colonel Cognac behind enemy lines. They have set out on their journey posing as englishmen, and how perfectly they've succeeded in disguising themselves. Easthaven has told no one but the small team he created.
November 23, 2002, 02:29
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 219
The 3rd Apolytonian Army was now ready. Reports from Vodka were good and the huge offensive to take Warwick was launched.
The 1st Corps, had cross the river and took back former Apolytonian position. Artillery barrage was very effective and protected the advance of musket regiments.
The 34ft FRR outflanked English batteries and opened fire on retreating English troops. Some of them used the captured cannons. Enemy losses were very high and only a few of them could escape the pocket.
But it was part of Thunderfire plan. While the 1st Corps attack, five FRR had sneaked by and were waiting the 2nd and 3rd Corps main attack.
English were surprised to see along a hedge hundred of Apolytonian fox riders with some light cannons. They tried to run away before being noticed but the red uniform could be seen from far away. In a matter of minutes, a company was charging them.
Meanwhile, most of Thunderfire's cannons opened fire on English position.
His hidden batteries were devastating. A lot of them were among trees and couldn't be seen. They had been brought there during nights before attack.
Iroquois Expeditonnary Corps marched forwad, leaving the forest they advanced as Apolytonian gunners were blowing every moving English soldier high sky.
Thunderfire looked at the scene from a hill. He finally was back on the battlefield. All was moving perfectly. Army, corps, regiments or battalions were moving like chess pawns. Soon enough, the English would be mated.
Down hill were massed, the elite of the elite, the knight regiments. The knights were impetuous. Their leaders had difficulties keeping coordination. Every noble young man wanted to prove himself, to be the hero. Thunderfire perfectly knew it.
He looked once again at English positions. From the east, his left flank, were coming reinforcements from Banbury. English generals had also weakened their own left flanks, where the fox riders were hidden. That was the perfect moment.
-Unleash the nine hells! May God forgive them for their stupidity!
-Sir yes Sir!
A woodshed was set onfire. As soon as flames reached the sky, cheers came from the Fox Riders. They shot and then charge, swords forward.
Knight regiments rode to Banbury, one of the last bridge standing unhit, behind the forest while English musket regiments were leaving it.
Longbow regiments opened fire at shortrange.
Iroquois Corps brought barks and crossed the river...
(to be continued and edited)
November 23, 2002, 02:57
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 771
It was a full moon again, and sunrise was but an hour away. His men were ready, the cannons remained firing throughout the night.
Then one of Easthaven's scouts came riding into camp.
"Sire, sire...the english are mounting a counter-attack on our right flank sir, men from russia are within their ranks."
Field Marshall Easthaven quickly mounted his horse and prepared for battle once more.
"Good job rider, this could have crushed us were we to launch an attack without securing our flanks. Go keep an eye on them."
Then another scout came.
"Lord, enemy troops are massing at the gates of York, it seems they are going to attack."
The situation started to become urgent.
"Ok, carry on with your scouting, inform me of anymore changes."
"yes sire." off went the other scout.
He leaned forward on his horse to speak to his officer circle.
"Ok men, I want triple ranks of musketmen defending our right flank. and triple ranks defending our front. I want three groups of Fox regiments for each front. When the enemy fires their volleys our ranks will fire ours at the exact same time, so when both sides are reloading we send in our Fox Riders, two will go around the enemy and join up behind, surrounding the enemy on all sides keeping them contained, than the third group of Fox riders will charge the enemy-filled pocket and then two of the three ranks of musketmen will also charge, leaving the third rank to seal the pocket of each front. We're ending this, no retreats for the enemy. Now go do as I say, good luck."
The commanding officers left in all directions to get the plans in order. Then Easthaven turned to his Commander of artillery.
"Colonel, I want your cannons to split, one group for the right flank and one for the frontal. Establish a point on the field that the enemy will march through before they reach our lines, understand? Then you wait until the enemy gets closer and closer then you launch your barrages with their full might into that one section that was already established, maximum casualties should be the result. Exactly when the enemy is in the spot that you designated your cannons for begin firing. Understand, Colonel?"
"Yes sire."
"Also, stop firing the cannons now, make them think we ran out of ammo."
"Yes sire. I understand what you mean. Good move, I'll get right to it." The somewhat chubby fellow gave his crisp salute and left to do as he was ordered.
The battle was near, and the fighting that will take place shall determine the probable victor of the Battle of York.
Last edited by Easthaven I; November 23, 2002 at 03:06.
November 23, 2002, 04:07
Local Time: 20:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
occ: Don't have a lot of time, but I am posting something.
The council of the SRA, headed by the Liberator and President in exile Liam Sheep, has released through German sources, that he had nothing to do with the traitor's ApepII's death.
Although we did not love this traitor it was not us. For we proclaim what we do, and do not lie about what we do not.
To Mellian: (secret) It has come to our attention that secretly you are involoved in a republican movement. I will assist this movement and will let you retain you post when, the SRA army strikes Apolyton, and removes the traitor Moderator, with the SRA government.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
November 23, 2002, 09:11
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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OOC: Sheep, Apep didn't die, this is what happened: Knives are thrown at Apep three times. The third time hits, but it only makes a minor injury in his shoulder. The next day, the assassin is found dead with some grain, and Apep sees the writing on the knife that hit hit in the shoulder.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
November 23, 2002, 10:14
Local Time: 11:12
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Originally posted by Mellian
OOC: Giovanni. bombarbed COventry without trouble from the English navy, who should be defending their coast?
No... when I'll edit my post you'll see of my naval battle.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 23, 2002, 12:57
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Battle Of York
'Sire, they're on the move."
NCC armies were positioned and ready, their defensive positions seemed unpenetrable. They stopped firing their cannons hours ago making the english think they were either low or out of ammo. Easthaven also ordered the Fox regiments to stay behind the ranks to give a feel that they were low on Fox Riders as well.
Field Marshall Easthaven was on the small hill overlooking both the front and the right flank. He saw the english begin marching forward from the gates of York, musket infantry in the middle with knights for support on their flanks. He also saw the Anglo-Russo army doing in likewise fashion. Both were grand armies and would be difficult to contend with.
The enemy was marching closer and closer while the Apolytonians stood as still as a rock.
Closer...and closer...they marched...
Colonel Famose Strauter, Commander of artillery was also witnessing the events from his position on the hill.
"Closer...closer...almost there." He whispered under his breath, he knew exactly where they had to be. Each cannon group were split in 3 ranks, the first rank fires and reloads, the second rank fires and reloads the third rank fires and reloads then the first rank will be ready to fire again so on and so forth.
Both enemy armies were practically moving in unison as if they had rehearsed it, very organized opponents, but in this situation it would hurt them for both cannon groups could fire simultaneously catching both armies by surprise.
Closer...closer...only about 10 more yards......
Simultaneously hundreds of cannons fired releasing an enormous thunder-like sound that could be heard from hundreds of miles away. The shots were hitting the exact spot they were intended to hit, fortunately the enemy was also in those spots. Dozens were being ripped apart, quickly turning into hundreds. The english armies were caught totally off gaurd at the powerful cannon lightning strikes. And they wouldn't stop firing, there was no break in between barrages it was one after another.
Horses were throwing their knights off, musketmen were losing their heads and legs, the commanders were losing control.
The enemy army from the gates of York sounded a retreat.
"Noo! Fox Riders! Charge!! Do not let them escape back into the city! Go now, surround them!" Easthaven yelled as he was watching the mutilation of his enemy.
The Fox Riders were released...they raced forward, the two designated groups of Fox Riders raced on each side of the routed army and joined up cutting the enemy off from the city. They then took their muskets and fired well aimed shots at individuals. The enemy stopped not knowing what to do; they were inside a ring of Fox Riders.
Then the third Fox Rider group charged the enemy, firing their shots as they got in range then pulling out their swords. The two ranks of Musketmen followed with reloaded muskets. The third musket rank marched forward to seal the ring once the charging Apolytonians were inside.
Field Marshall Easthaven watched patiently, seeing his plan unfold. The enemy were routed and confused, while his forces were focused and determined. Then he saw the 3rd Fox Rider group clash into the enemy, then he saw the two musket ranks enmesh themselves as well into the fighting ring. Lastly, he saw the 3rd musket rank seal the huge circle as the Apolytonians and Anglos fought inside.
Easthaven was itching to enter the fighting but he had to wait for the right flank to settle.
The right flank enemy army was not so easily routed. They were being mutilated by the cannons but they continued marching. Finally the Fox Riders were released.
The right Fox Rider group was halted by Russian Knights charging a group of them but the Fox Riders improvised and just expanded the circle with other Riders. The two Fox groups successfully closed the pocket, the third Fox rider group charged the enemy followed by the two musket ranks followed by the sealing 3rd musket rank.
This front was more unstable, the enemy would try to charge into the Fox riders of the ring but they were barely repelled.
"Colonel! Call up the first Fox Rider reserves and the first medieval infantry reserves, send them into the right flank ring!"
"Yes my lord!"
The Fox rider reserve charged, the 3rd musket rank opened a gap in the ring to let the Fox riders in who were quickly followed by the medieval infantry reserve group, the gap was quickly closed. This substantially helped the situation.
The Fox riders of the ring would take well aimed snipe shots at the russians and english which demoralized the enemy making them desperate, paranoid and afraid. they began to get routed quickly.
"Colonel, send in another medieval reserve group."
"Yes sire, it looks like the more stonger willed enemy army is going to fall more quickly."
The medieval infantry reserve group was sent in.
The enemy numbers were dwindling, they made one last effort to strike out of the ring. They almost succeeded but forces from within the circle surrounded them and killed them all.
Finally, a commander from within the enemy forces yelled out for surrender, he blew his horn.
"Surrender! It is lost! Let not more lives be lost in vain!"
The enemy slowly held up their swords by the blades and one by one they dropped them. They were herded into a group and led behind Apolyton lines where a makeshift corral was created. Musketmen surround it with their weapons aimed towards the prisoners.
"Ok, hold our right flank secured in case they have any more suprises. Send the 1st and 2nd Fox Rider groups of the right flank to reinforce the York Front."
"Yes sire, where are you going?"
"To battle."
Field Marshall Easthaven launched his horse forward towards the battlefield like a kid itching to do something who was finally allowed to.
The musketmen quickly opened a little gap to allow their leader in.
General Easthaven swiftly flew through the gap, sword held high.
A knight was fighting a swordsman when he heard a loud cry,- "APOLYTON!"- He turned around to see the bloodfilled eyes of Field Marshall Easthaven just before the General's sword sliced through his neck, separating his head from his body...forever placing him in darkness...
Last edited by Easthaven I; November 23, 2002 at 13:03.
November 23, 2002, 15:29
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 60
October 1401 (?)
Apep I was fresh out of ideas, there was no way to get at the government. The Moderator had been poisoned about two weeks ago but the poison hadn't taken any effect.
Then there was the skin eating disease, apparently this was only contagious after the victim had died. He knew the palace had its own reservoir and he didn't think it would be too hard to find someway to get in.
* * *
Apep II had quickly discovered that the war with England was a very costly measure, what was more difficult was explaining this to the Moderator, after all they couldn't allow England to turn around and attack them.
Sheep's letter about his non-involvement in this plot was Melian said, reassuring because apparently it meant that Sheep had no spies in the country, or at least in the capital.
He was unsure as to why Sheep refered to him as a traitor.
November 23, 2002, 16:16
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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To Field Marshall Easthaven(secret):
I am glad to see that York is almost in your hands. I know that the orders I gave to you may have seen bad or not very though out. The General Washington has had much experience with fighting the English and has one many battles against there armies. He knows their weaknesses, thus use him and his men wisely, as I think they will help you as you futher advance. If you continue on, the English will be figthing on three fronts. That means as you advance futher into England they will be able to send less and less reinforcements. By the time you recieve this message, General Washington should be there with his men.
November 23, 2002, 17:09
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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October 20th, 1401
To the Military: I would like an update on the war. I intend to let you run the war as you wish, but i from now on i want an update from someone every two months.
OOC: [shameless plug] Vote in this poll![/shameless plug]
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
November 23, 2002, 17:14
Local Time: 02:12
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Originally posted by civman2000
October 20th, 1401
To the Military: I would like an update on the war. I intend to let you run the war as you wish, but i from now on i want an update from someone every two months.
To Moderator(secret):
Once I get reports from the Field Marshalls as to our dead and wounded I will compile a report and send it to you right away. I also ask you keep most of the report secret. Parts that would not hurt the war effort I would say we can release.
November 23, 2002, 22:46
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Battle of York (outcome of EU counterattacks)
"Ahhhh, die you infidel!"
Easthaven's breast armor dented and cracked as he was struck by a battle axe. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. He couldn't breathe.
The bearded russian swung his axe in the intention of chopping the General's head off. But speed once again saved Easthaven, he spun to his right avoiding the axe by mere tenths of a second. Another strike came and this time he rolled to his left, again avoiding death. He spotted a daggar attached to the man's ankle, he quickly grabbed it and thrusted it upwards into the man's groin before he could initiate another swing. The Russian howled in pain. Easthaven quickly got up and punched the big man in the throat causing him to choke and fall. The General beheaded him with his own battle axe.
He threw the axe aside and picked up his sword that he dropped when he was struck. He then took off his damaged armor and threw it aside as well.
"AHHHH!" an english swordsmen charged the General full speed with a sword in each hand. Easthaven ducked the man's sword strike and sidestepped his tackle bringing his longsword upon the man's back.
Another soldier came from behind and Easthaven thrusted his sword at him but it was deflected. The Anglo swung at him, Easthaven brought his sword up to block and once he did he elbowed the man in the face, breaking his nose. Blood squirted everywhere, the man lost focus which gave Easthaven enough time to thrust his sword into the man's gut, slicing through vital organs. The man collapsed in pain.
Field Marshall Easthaven was running out of men to fight. He looked around and all he saw were battle-hardened Apolytonians. The clash of metal began to fade away and soon it was all quiet except for the heavy breathing of warriors.
Easthaven looked around still being high on adrenaline. But no enemy, live one anyways, was in sight. He was covered in blood and he began to smell the rancid gruesome smell of tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of mutilated corpses. Dead bodies were everywhere sprawled in inhuman positions. Some soldiers' intestines were hanging out while others simply didn't have a head. Limbs were here and there, forever lost to its origin. There were a few fires burning here and there and as Easthaven looked beyond the flames he saw the ring of Fox Riders waiting patiently, witnessing the whole battle.
The exhaustion finally came, Easthaven spotted his horse 40 or so yards away. He ran to it and was surprised to see his horse standing on the head of an english knight. Somewhat amused, he mounted his horse and began walking through the battlefield heading back to camp.
"Get as many weapons you can from the dead, musketballs, muskets, swords, armor, anything you can get. Then head back to camp and resume your defensive positions. If you are wounded report to the medical tent, if you are tired then rest because you will need it. And if you are itching for more I'm sure you all are as am're just going to have to wait...but don't worry, you shall not have to wait long... we take the city at dawn." He galloped on and came across an officer.
"Captain, inform all the officers that I want reports on all of our casualties and our enemy's casualties if you can. How many wounded, dead, missing...and how many are still capable."
"Yes my lord."
Easthaven slowly marched his horse back to camp, pondering the events of that day and how it could effect the war to come. One thing was for sure, he was very proud the way his men performed that day...
November 23, 2002, 23:54
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
October 28th 1401
To Field Marshal Jack(secret):
These are estimates of the Battle for York. The first engagement for the outer city wall was the toughest.
We attacked with 202,000 men.
82,000 Fox Riders
100,000 Musketmen
20,000 Medieval infantry
400 cannons
The enemy had approximately 270,000 men, we think. It was a major victory for us but we suffered lots of casualties.
20,000 Fox Rider casualties. (Either dead or wounded, we haven't gotten those figures down yet. Out of action.)
50,000 Musketmen casualties.
10,000 medieval infantry casualties.
The enemy lost nearly 140,000 men, as you can see that is nearly a 2 to 1 kill ratio and we were highly outnumbered, we have great troops, Commander.
The second engagement was an English counter attack, an attempt to wipe us out. It failed of course. We were lucky. However, russian reinforcements arrived, we estimate nearly 30,000 to 40,000+ men reinforcements. Both enemy armies numbered from 60,000 to 68,000 men.
Anyways, I left 1,000 medieval infantry to gaurd the camp while I split our forces in two. The Front(the conflict outside York inner walls), our forces numbered 59,000 men; - 25,000 musketmen, 4,000 Medieval infantry and 30,000 Fox Riders. 200 cannons for artillery.
The Right Flank(our right flank), our forces numbered 62,000 men; - 25,000 musketmen, 3,000 medieval infantry and 30,000 Fox Riders with 2,000 medieval infanry in reserve and 2,000 Fox Riders in reserve. 200 cannons also for artillery.
The Right Flank ended first, we captured about 14,000 enemy soldiers, the rest were killed. We had losses of about 10,000.
The Front took longer, we captured no soldiers because we killed them all. Losses equalled 12,000 men, we estimate.
So in conclusion we are about to take the city, we now outnumber them because most of their forces have been annihilated. Our forces now equal about 100,000 or so men. A few thousand are estimated to return to duty, these are the wounded of course not the dead. We might reach 110,000 or so men.
This has been a costly battle but the English were dealt the more horrible end.
I must inform you that they expected us, we did not have one ounce of surprise, they waited for our attack of York for days. But we have destroyed an entire army of over 300,000 men, of course in return we lost half of our army. We had luck and God on our side General, and we also have the best soldiers of world fighting for us. So, we will take the city as you wanted but it did cost 100,000 Apolytonians. Casualties is what I always felt guilty about in every battle I've ever been. But we will succeed Commander, I know it.
By the way, I got a messenger from General Washington, he will arrive at York in about two days he said, we will have the city firmly in our hands by then and the 100,000 men he's bringing will help us tremendously.
-Field Marshall Easthaven, General of the Army, Commander of Apolytonian Forces in The Monkey.
Last edited by Easthaven I; November 24, 2002 at 00:02.
November 24, 2002, 00:06
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 2,407
Re: October 28th 1401
Originally posted by Easthaven I
By the way, I got a messenger from General Washington, he will arrive at York in about two days he said, we will have the city firmly in our hands by then and the 100,000 men he's bringing will help us tremendously.
-Field Marshall Easthaven, General of the Army, Commander of Apolytonian Forces in The Monkey.
To Feild Marshall Easthaven, he is sending 200,000 men to you. After he arrives he will take over guarding the city and you and your men can rest. I will try to find replacements for your men, so that when you attack again you will be at full strength. THe battle would have come sooner or latter, and but I feel by taking the city now we have saved more lives then would have been lost.
November 24, 2002, 00:12
Local Time: 03:12
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Latentus wasn’t sure whether his recent tour of some of the major parts of Apolyton would end up being more advantageous or more dangerous to him in the long run. Even though that kidnapping attempt had frightened him (who knew what those hooligans would have done if Latentus hadn’t happened to be talking with that ex-soldier when they struck), in a way he was glad that it had been tried by inferior operatives first, alerting him of the danger, rather than people who could successfully do the job. Now that he was aware of how vulnerable he really was he had taken certain precautions. Latentus knew that his sweeping denunciations of the aristocratic landowners who wouldn’t even invest in anything had earned him some animosity, though he had no idea whether or not one of them had sponsored the attempted kidnapping or if it was just some thieves looking for a ransom. His lack of certainty didn’t prevent him form playing it to the masses, however. Indeed: if anyone had been intending to hurt him politically their plan had backfired. Even though he certainly wasn’t as popular as those generals in the English campaign, at least he now had some recognition, which never hurts in the political world. Usefully for him, he had been raised, in the eyes of the commoners, from one of the many nameless administrators to someone that at least appeared to be interested in their plight. As for the muddy recollections that he was, in fact, an ex-civilian himself, it only served to raise the appeal in the common eye. As much as Latentus simultaneously loved and hated these uncouth peasants that he himself had so recently come from, he also knew that in the coming times they would be the only place he could find support and power. What had been a routine inspection had turned for him into a political campaign that sparked new ambition that, mixed with his discontent, had led to the formulation of grand plans. Oh yes. Grand plans that, eventually, everyone would know about.
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