November 26, 2002, 22:33
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
January 1402
Sanhopi Prison, still alone in the cell...
During the last several hours, she made as much noise as possible for the guards to come, wanting to talk to the general and so on. She kept kicking the Iron door, making more noise. Lucky for her she was wearing her usual clothes when she falled asleep, as would be freezing cold in here in her nightgown....
She goes on and on, until a Guard finally dared to tell her to shut up... of course, she continues to demand to see the generals...
November 26, 2002, 22:45
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Field Marshall Easthaven arrives at Sanhopi prison. His footsteps could be heard marching down the halls towards Mellian's cell. Finally, he arrives at his destination and the gaurds opened the door.
The door slammed shut behind, he saw Mellian leaning against the wall staring at him.
He stood still as a statue staring at Mellian with his hollow eyes, the eyes of a man who has seen many things, mostly unspeakably gruesome experiences...
He shows no emotion or mood...Finally...he speaks...
November 26, 2002, 23:33
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
He shows no emotion or mood...Finally...he speaks...
she stands up, while still looking into Easthaven's eyes and says...
"About time you got here...whats with you? You give the impression of man who hated my guts for some weird reason...."
Easthaven is still silent
"Why did you people arrest me for and what you three planning to do with me?"
(OOC: okay, she may of figured out that the military took over, but she'll just pertending she doesn't what is going on  )
November 26, 2002, 23:46
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 771
"Why did you people arrest me for and what you three planning to do with me?"
He remained silent for a few long seconds, never changing the absence of expression on his face.
"Mellian...I'm sure they told you what your charge is when they arrested you. As for hating you...well...I don't. Neither do I feel the need to worship your presence either. Well to let you know... we plan to protect the people of Apolyton...we plan to give the people stability and all the things they deserve. The people are not their to serve their leaders, the leaders are there to serve the people...and we shall. I have no crazy ambition for power, I just want to know my country is safe and the citizens are secure...then I shall retire to my cabin in peace. And as for what we plan to do with you, well... I have not decided. Now, I'm already going beyond being respectful by coming here and speaking to you, so make it quick, Mellian..."
He waited for her response, never moving, and never looking away...
November 27, 2002, 00:43
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 60
January 1402
Apep II had been surprised as to how much the 'moron' knew that he shouldn't. He did look vaguly familiar, Apep II had promised his alleigence to the last Moderator and was bound by oath to protect the Moderator's successor, that had been the condition of going back to Porkton. But... how?
* * *
Apep I couldn't believe that he had actually sent that person to tell his son how to save the Moderator, but a Monarchy was better than a Dictatorship and something had to be done and he was sure his son would do it.
November 27, 2002, 02:32
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
He remained silent for a few long seconds, never changing the absence of expression on his face.
"Mellian...I'm sure they told you what your charge is when they arrested you. As for hating you...well...I don't. Neither do I feel the need to worship your presence either. Well to let you know... we plan to protect the people of Apolyton...we plan to give the people stability and all the things they deserve. The people are not their to serve their leaders, the leaders are there to serve the people...and we shall. I have no crazy ambition for power, I just want to know my country is safe and the citizens are secure...then I shall retire to my cabin in peace. And as for what we plan to do with you, well... I have not decided. Now, I'm already going beyond being respectful by coming here and speaking to you, so make it quick, Mellian..."
He waited for her response, never moving, and never looking away...
"Yes, was arrested for being the ex-chief of staff of the Apolyton Republic that never existed, gee... some charges are they?" she says in a sarcastic tone
"What makes you think that I wasn't trying to serve the people by helping to change the government that serves them, not for their own gain? Have you ever seen me abuse whatever powers i had for my own gain or for anyone else other then the people? Your soldiers arrest me, and probably bunch other people, for having the same belief you just told me." she pauses, to let that sink in.
"Sooo, if you want to be a hypocrite by locking me up into my own very cell, which is worship in its own weird way, then fine. Just make sure to tell the populace what you done with me."
November 27, 2002, 02:56
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 219
1st article
Men and women are equals in rights. No thing should disavantage them to another.
2nd article
Every citizens can vote to elect a mayor which will speak for him to higher ranks people in the administration.
3rd article
Mayors meet with their superior governors named by the Three Consuls or elected by mayors of the district.
4th article
Governors meet in Sanhopi(ooc: it will be Apolyton City when situation will be better) and rule the Empire on laws and so on. Consuls must give their accords on every laws or decrets the governors voted.
5th article
Consuls, Lord Protectors of Apolyton Republic, are consuls for life and can give their place to whoever they want. They have supreme power. They can chose advisors to help them in their tasks.
6th article
Advisors have rights in their function. But they have to obey to their Consuls and must refer to them in everything they do.
7th article
Advisors, governors and mayors are surveyed by State Police, as known as the Wolf. Those men are under the direct control of Consuls especially Consul Easthaven.
In church and public places, icons of the Consuls are being set and they are just under Apolyton God in religious terms.
(ooc: well this is religion take over. Hostiles to this, will be arrested or shot.)
-Increasing of Military Budget. Accelerated building of ships and guns.
-Advanced military training of more men being drafted in army( those men before joining army must swear allegiance to Consuls).
-Officers are given marks. The more good marks, the more they can advance in ranks.
-Buildings of Battlefield Hospitals in the whole country. Men or women who want to be treated for wounds need to swear allegiance to the Consuls.
-Schools and universities are being built.
-Police posts will be established in every villages, towns, cities. Those policemen have same rights as judges.
-Heavy propaganda started
-Nobles can keep their lands if they accept to support us with men and money. They will get more favor if they help us well.
-Taxes must be payed by every citizen. The more you help Consuls, the less you will have to pay.(ooc: yet things referring to Consuls are not officials in this case).
-Shipyards will be built and merchants can ask to start the building of one to the state. If they don't, their boats will be confiscated.
-Cannons and rifles factories are increased and more iron mines being built.
-Peasants can buy lands from their former owners to a setted price. If owners refuse, they will be judged by Governors or Republic tribunals(ie: Wolf units). The price is decreased by 5% each year they work for their owner.
-Peasants have also the possibility to ask for using lands and must pay a small fee each year. Yet the benefits they get from these lands are their owns.
(ooc: peasants may sometimes be incited to attack nobles castle)
-Opponents are being arrest and sometimes getting killed.
-Plagues area are being guarded by troops and anybody trying to leave it will be shoot. This is to prevent any propagation of the plague.(ooc: cannons may bombard heavy plagued area to accelerate the death of infected people. Those people are not aware of the above).
Decrets signed by Consul Thunderfire, Lord Protector of Apolyton Republic.
Some governors are being arrested and replace by generals loyal to the Consuls (exemple Vodka get power at Newcastle, or Chuikomore getting control in a Republican district).
To Giovanni Vodka:
You are now Governor of Newcastle and its surrounding. You are also Lord of Admiralty.
To Mellian:
You will be treated more humanly if you accept to calm down your followers. Even may be exiled to a country you want, if you accept to support us.
I don't have anything against you but you must understand we did this for Apolyton survival. This is the price a few win, a lot lose.
(ooc: well Mellian you can deal this and propose some conditions etc...)
Charges are: Considering herself leader of Apolyton Republic (ie you were leader of Apolyton Movement) and taking back her place of Chief of Staff without accords of other governors.
Being treacherous to Republic by an illegal regroup of men and guns.
Actually, you rebelled against you very own Republic.
To Civman II:
Even if you are an usuper, we will set you free and give you a boat back home if you accept to sign this document. (ooc: document: Civman II and his descendants refuses their rights to the throne and gives it to the Consuls.)
If you don't sign it, we will have saddly to...remove you. said Thunderfire.
Other advisors not being arrested are being chased by fox riders through the countryside. Spies are also seeking them. They will be shoot at on sight.
November 27, 2002, 03:20
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
Consul Thunderfire(secret):
I would reather take the last two advisor alive and see what side they are on instead of shooting them on site. We can use all the support we can get. Also most of the people who worked in the palace when the skin eating dease was speard are dead, and it has not spread to any surrounding areas that I know of. This was due to the fact that I isolated everyone who worked in the palace right after it happened. Also the Palace is now burnt down. I would sugest that we rebuild the entire capital. Build a building for the majors and governers to meet and a Palace for each of us as well I think.
November 27, 2002, 03:30
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 771
"Sooo, if you want to be a hypocrite by locking me up into my own very cell, which is worship in its own weird way, then fine. Just make sure to tell the populace what you done with me."
When she finished rambling Field Marshall Easthaven almost revealed a slight grin of amusement but quickly removed it.
"Mellian, you are being held in our custody. You had underground movements opposing the government. You promoted yourself to head the country when the moderator was sick when it was the moderator who demoted you in the first place, you don't seem to consult with your fellow advisors in any of your doings.
Personally, I have nothing against you Mellian, you were indeed a great foreign advisor but you did not consult anyone when making your decisions, and you had a whole underground republican movement under your control whom were ready to erupt and topple the government at any time when you gave the order. If you gave the order, I predict a civil war would have erupted causing this great nation to crumble.
We prevented that by doing what you wanted to do in one fell swoop. When I think about you and your attempted movement I saw unstability. And that is what this country has had enough of. It is time The Rock became A rock. It is time we give Apolyton what it needs; stability, security, and liberty. But when you sacrifice stability and security for the sole purpose of acquiring liberty you lose it you understand that. And that is what I saw in your movement..."
He stood there for a few seconds then continued.
"So Mellian, you can either support us, or oppose us...and if it's the latter then it is obvious your ideals are all wrong..."
November 27, 2002, 03:38
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 60
January 1402
Apep II had already found out were both Civman II and Melian were imprisoned, and a small army of people that the 'moron' had known were sifting through the streets behind him.
In order keep himself safe from recognition he had dressed himself as a guard. He relieved a guard on duty of his post, despite the guards argument,
"It only feels like I've been on for half an hour!" however the guard was soon off to the pub. Apep II took some food and went to Melian, she was still screaming for hours at a time and had been locked behind an iron, soundproof door. Easthaven had finished his own conversation and walked out,
"Don't I know you?" he asked. Apep II was quite adament he had never spoken to Easthaven before. Apep II unlocked the door and went straight into the cell. After locking the door again he removed his helmet,
November 27, 2002, 03:45
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
To Field Marshalls (secret):
I support most of your constitution Thunderfire, but I also agree with Jack in that we should first capture and speak with the last two advisors. I also think a building should be constructed for military intelligence, the wolf soldiers. This could be included in my Palace if one were to be constructed. Also, I purpose we create more major projects so that more jobs are created. And for all the extremely poor peasants, some buildings should be contructed in each major city that will act as a food storage that will be given to the poor when needed. We should also increase the access to education to the populace, both peasants and nobles should have equal right to learn. The more educated our peasants are, the more prosperous we can make Apolyton be.
November 27, 2002, 06:13
Local Time: 20:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
SRA Response
We frown upon the efforts of the Field Marshalls in bringing about this new regime. The SRA and our army of mercanires, and Republican Apolytoners will soon march on Rock Continent. Before Long Apolyton will become a Republic.
To Mellian: (via spy in prison) : How much of the Undergound exists? I need your support if a Republic is to begin
To Apep: We need you to continue helping us. Spread your desease. Recruit many men to fight for the Republic against the Military Dictatorship.
To Giovanni Vodka (I know he isn';t here but hey): Your borther will be released if you help us against the Military Diciatorship. For your efforts you will be named Chief of Staff, Field Marshall of the Apolyton Armed Forces.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
Last edited by Sheep; November 27, 2002 at 06:22.
November 27, 2002, 07:53
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 219
As I said in my post anybody coming in the prison will be shoot at without warning. Only Consuls are allowed to directly meet prisoners. Apep you should be dead lying on the ground. First you have to ask the Wolf Commander of the prison which will see with superiors(Easthaven most commonly) and a basic guard will never be allowed to move in cells alone. Also I don't know where you found the key.... )
Sheep, Mellian can't reply to you....
Also this is Sanhopi prison where the whole 3rd Army is. I don't know how you can bring a people army there...
But I'm taking it so:
As Easthaven left, a guard came by.
"-Hey! What are you doing here? You already have been relieved.
-Uh! I have a half an hour left.
-Damn! That was a spy. Bring me up the whole battalion immediately. Close gates and issue but don't alert the whole base.
Quickly, meanwhile Apep was chatting with Mellian, troops gathered at each entrance and a company came at the cell.
"-Hiya my friend!
Apep turned back slowly.
-Guards arrest this man! And give him a nice beating... What an idiot he is!
(sorry easthaven but I had to find a way to screw this...)
To Consuls (secret):
Agreed about the two traitors. Right now, in every city, town and villages, our agents are spreading news that we are looking for them giving description and drawings.
I will give 5.000 Ap(Apolytonian? I don't know how the money is called) as a reward for any informations about them.
10.000 for their capture.
Capital is now Sanhopi as we control it. Apolyton City is too dangerous. A senat will be built there where Governors will meet. As palace and luxure, you won't have any right now.
There will be a huge increase of our Navy. We have now 7 ManoWar and I have ordered the building of 5 more base on their plans.
This should give our shipyards enough work.
More forest will be cut down to increase our woodstock. Granaries will be regroup in each capital district to gather food.
Peasants will be able to sell their products at this granary and this production will be then sold there or moved to different parts.
They can also sell it in their village but only in their village.
Increasing of Universities and schools has been ordered but won't take effect immediately. Peasants don't have the time to learn.
To Easthaven:
I'm aware of your capture of Apep II. I congratulate you for this.
We only have to get the last one now...
Last edited by mmtt; November 27, 2002 at 08:13.
November 27, 2002, 12:55
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
OOC: Will finish conversation with Easthaven before he poofs
currency is Apolyton dollars....because civman used the $ before...
"Mellian, you are being held in our custody. You had underground movements opposing the government. You promoted yourself to head the country when the moderator was sick when it was the moderator who demoted you in the first place, you don't seem to consult with your fellow advisors in any of your doings.
I HAD underground movements? what?
I promoted myself when I thought she was dead, for the sake of keeping the government together, else it would of stalled and probably collapse even before that stupid plague infected the Palace. If any advisors had any problems with that, they should of something! Whats with people getting the idea i would do something bad to them if they protest whatever i do? geez...
Personally, I have nothing against you Mellian, you were indeed a great foreign advisor but you did not consult anyone when making your decisions, and you had a whole underground republican movement under your control whom were ready to erupt and topple the government at any time when you gave the order. If you gave the order, I predict a civil war would have erupted causing this great nation to crumble.
Because i consult BEFORE making a decision you goof, and isn't my fault if some of the advisors are gallavanting all over Apolyton and or off killing people in England. You must agree that if one is to make important decisions, thy have to do it now, not several weeks to months later after FULLY consulting with advisors that don't stay put... so much for the good old days when we actually hav council meetings  Besides, you generals are not better, as you three took power without consulting with anyone either
I don't CONTROL any underground movements, was simply an single organizer. Rest of the organizers wanted me to chose the best time to begin the revolution, as i had the best position to know. I waited for the best opportune time where the least bloodshed and unstability will happen, and was quite relieved to have a moderator somewhat supporting the change to a republic. That is why i didn't simply called for a revolution during the civil war or during the war. (may as well come out with this, as Easthaven seem to figure out most of it already)
We prevented that by doing what you wanted to do in one fell swoop. When I think about you and your attempted movement I saw unstability. And that is what this country has had enough of. It is time The Rock became A rock. It is time we give Apolyton what it needs; stability, security, and liberty. But when you sacrifice stability and security for the sole purpose of acquiring liberty you lose it you understand that. And that is what I saw in your movement..."
Thats what YOU see, but you know me, I am not one to sacrifice stability and security, else I wouldn't of supported the Apolyton Republic Movement in the first place!
"So Mellian, you can either support us, or oppose us...and if it's the latter then it is obvious your ideals are all wrong..."
What do you think?
(OOC: hard for to give conditions when she doesn't hundred percent know what is happening out there)
Several minutes after Easthaven left, a guard came in and locked the cell again. Mellian was curious to who that was? If its a sicko, he doesn't what is com........
He takes off his helmet and she sees Apep II's head, who then ask "Mellian?"
"Apep? What the heck are you doing here?"
As soon as Apep gave a reply, Easthaven and bunch of guards came in, and arrested Apep. When some of the guards started beating up on them, she scream at them to leave him alone! She tried to pull them off him, but one bastard guards threw her into the wall.
When they took Apep away, Easthaven said something, which she didn't completly understood and left... locking up the cell again.
About a hour later, while sitting by the wall thinking... a piece of paper falled on her... "what the...?" She gets up and turns around to look up, and sees an air vent (medieval kind). She doesn't see anything there and then proceeds to reading the piece of paper, which happens to be a message from the annoying Liam Sheep. What makes him think i will give any information about ARM, even if she was able to write him a reply... then she heard someone say throught the vent.. "just tell me your answer and i will inform sheep.."
"What makes you think i will support Sheep?!?" she says
Whoever it was tried to say something, but she only heard other voices saying "What you doing there?" "Umm, uh, just cleaning this vent, yes, thats it.." "I believe your a spy, buh bye!" "no No NOOOOO!" and the next thing you hear is a disgusting crunch. Prison Security can quite brutal.....
She just shrugs and sits back on the floor... the adventures you have in a cell ment for psychopaths....
November 27, 2002, 14:00
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
February 15th, 1402
Unable to read the agreement, civman had no choice but to sign it.
Today he arrived at his home in Allegheny. He has contacted the Iroquois government with an account of what happened to him to get them to leave the Apolyton Alliance and invade.... (OOC: I'll be leaving over the Thanksgiving weekend so pretend i'm working on making an organzation against APolyton/getting the iroq govt to oppose Apolyton).
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
November 27, 2002, 14:31
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 219
(Reinforcements are coming to the prison, mainly guarding the surroundings. The Prison has been reinforced by new Wolf units and access to Mellian cell has been restricted. A guard has to show a paper signed by a Consul and the Commander of Wolf units. There are 3 guards at doors and 5 near the air vents.)
To Mellian:
Well, you don't see to understand whats going on. We are now in power and rule the country. Our soldiers are everywhere keeping order. We have established a Republic. We don't have anything against you but as you may understand you have influence which might ruin us if you rebel against our power.
So, as we don't know what will happen if we release you, we prefer to keep you under heavy surveillance until things get cooler.
But first, we need to know what you would do if we release you.
You will have your life spared if you give us names and adresses of your supporters. You may be released if you want to be exiled and won't take weapons against us ever again. So you will have a nice end for your life in whatever country you want.
Or you join us.
November 27, 2002, 15:02
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
Consul Jack_www went to Apep II cell.
"Guards I wish to see ApepII, open his cell."
"Yes sir!"
"I have come here today to give you chance ApepII. I know that you were no traitor to Apolyton. I also know of the assiantion attempts on you by the republic movement. Though before I cant trust you I must know what made you try and see Mellian and what you wanted of her?"
November 27, 2002, 15:40
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
But first, we need to know what you would do if we release you.
You will have your life spared if you give us names and adresses of your supporters. You may be released if you want to be exiled and won't take weapons against us ever again. So you will have a nice end for your life in whatever country you want.
Or you join us.
What I would do? Find out what is going on and make my decision what I really will be doing then.  So for the time being, i'll choose number three. I have never went against Apolyton, so won't start now.
November 27, 2002, 16:35
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
OOC: No problem controlling my character to arrest Apep, thats logical...but still everybody needs to calm down some in controlling my character...
TO Iroqoui government:
Fellow Allies. We have sent back your citizen, civman II. He was in no way fit to lead this great nation. For one, he is not even an Apolytonian. Two, he did not give a rat's bum on the status of our country or whether it would prosper or fail. Three, he didn't speak Apolytonian. So logically as you can see, it was best for us to send him back to where he belongs. He is an Iroquoi and that's where he shall stay. Besides the people were not happy that some man from another country was brought to rule them, it was more like an invader. So I am sure you agree and I am sure you would like to keep our long lasting alliance strong.
Field Marshall Easthaven I
Wolf soldiers have found the exact location of Colonel Cognac, awaiting the order for attempted rescue. Right now they are devising plans on how to attempt it. Cognac seems in ok shape, less beatings and such.
To Field Marshalls(secret):
What are you guys going to do to Mellian? Keep her there forever? Let her go free? or let her get her job back? I would like to know all decisions before they are made, all three of us are co-consuls so any major decisions must go through all of us before they are to be acted upon.
Military Intelligence has raised its tempo in hunting down Liam Sheep's spy rings as well as Apep I's terror group.
Pro-Mellian republicanists are being arrested.
Sheep's lap dogs and Apep I's playboys are being shot dead.
Last edited by Easthaven I; November 27, 2002 at 16:41.
November 27, 2002, 16:43
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
To Consul Thunderfire:
Just wanted to say you are doing a hell of a job creating a government fit for the people. I applaud you. The people are surely getting what is deserved. Stability, security, and liberty.
November 27, 2002, 17:02
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 219
To Consul Easthaven:
Thanks you but it's only my duty.
About Mellian, we have started to discuss the matter with Consul Jack_www. Yet, we are waiting your advices.
I have reserves about Mellian loyalty so times is needed.
November 27, 2002, 17:19
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 771
To Consul Thunderfire:
I am quite impartial on this matter. But if Mellian is to be reinstated we must keep an eye on her. We must let her know that she can't make such important decisions alone, she mustn't go out alone like that. She must consult with us. And no more underground more secrets. If she is as loyal and good as we think she is and as much as she says she is then she must see that the new government is for the people. Apolyton is growing faster and stronger than ever before. She must see that, if not...then it would have been the wrong decision to reinstate her. There is my two cents on the matter.
November 27, 2002, 20:03
Local Time: 03:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Too close to the sea
Posts: 1,827
February 20, 1402
Iyol was concerned that she had found no mention of Latentus in the records, so she had to go to the backup plan. She hoped that it would be successful enough for her to get some word about what really had happened to Latentus, and formulate her plans from there. Besides, if this hurt those dictator usurpers, she was all for taking the effort aside from anything else gleaned from this little exercise.
The generals and those in charge of guarding the political prisoners had been very methodical and thorough in ensuring that the prison was secure and that no one would get in or out who wasn't an approved guard. Unfortunately for the generals what they hadn't developed a foolproof method of was ensuring that none of their orders were lost, misinterpreted, or replaced. Several of these types of administrative screw-ups had occurred before and the administrators in charge of the prison were tired of undertaking extraordinary efforts to get things verified when the only result was that they would be berated and told to 'show some initiative'. So, naturally, when they received official-enough looking orders that the prisoners were to be individually taken out for interrogation, they approved it and sent the orders on to the lieutenants. The lieutenants, having received the orders from a higher-up, were not about to question orders. Recently, that kind of thing got you in a lot of trouble. And the soldiers were just doing their job, who the hell knew what the brass was thinking? So they began delivering the ex-government employees and administrators to the interrogation unit without much thought or question and no more than the usual grumbles. After all, the quacks could do whatever they wanted to those poor suckers; their shift was definitely over and it was cold outside.
OOC: I realize that what my auxiliary character is attempting isn’t realistic and is very unlikely to succeed very well, nonetheless, if at least some of the prisoners were to escape it would make things much more interesting. Anyway, I will leave it up to someone else to determine how successful she is.
November 27, 2002, 20:14
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
OOC: If you're trying to get Mellian out this way then you will fail utterly, nobody gets to see Mellian or even speak to her or even gets her out to interrogate but the Consuls themselves, that's three very recognizable men. As for the other prisoners, the security is just as tough. But I'll leave it up to the others to decide about this. You got to keep in mind that a whole army is based here, an experienced army. Also keep in mind that the prison is being run by Jack's secret police and Wolf soldiers, not regular chums of Private rank. But still, I'll leave it up to the others to decide the outcome of your attempt...
November 27, 2002, 20:49
Local Time: 03:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Too close to the sea
Posts: 1,827
Early March, 1402
Latentus was entirely at a loss. The triumvirate had thoroughly gotten a noose around any opposition in Apolyton, not that there was much. The soldiers certainly weren’t being smart by supporting the despots, but what did you expect? These men had lead them in battle for over a year and triumphed, it was no surprise they had the soldier’s loyalty. The peasants and citizens, though, that was another matter entirely. Every time Latentus thought about their attitude, he almost regained his old pessimism. How could they be so blind!? Had none of them even paid the slightest bit of attention to the kinds of things the triumvirate were issuing? “Consuls, Lord Protectors of Apolyton Republic, are consuls for life and can give their place to whoever they want. They have supreme power. They can chose advisors to help them in their tasks…Advisors have rights in their function. But they have to obey to their Consuls and must refer to them in everything they do… Advisors, governors and mayors are surveyed by State Police, as known as the Wolf. Those men are under the direct control of Consuls especially Consul Easthaven…” And that was just the official proclamations…
“In church and public places, icons of the Consuls are being set and they are just under Apolyton God in religious terms. (Hostiles to this, will be arrested or shot.) Police posts will be established in every villages, towns, cities. Those policemen have same rights as judges…” the list goes on and on. Had these people no idea of the tyranny being set up over them. The old government certainly wasn’t very dedicated to (or even entirely aware of the concept of) people’s rights, but at least there were checks on the moderator’s powers. And yet everyone went along with it, swept up in the frenzy of the hero worship for these power hungry madmen. And that was just with the current setup. Who knew what atrocities were going to happen when there was disagreement in the triumvirate and one of them tried to seize power over the others to become supreme despot. And yet no one would acknowledge the inevitable. The only support Latentus had found was some of the better educated citizens, but they certainly weren’t going to risk their hides for a doomed cause, not when half the population considered the triumvirate gods and another 45% was behind them almost as completely out of fear or admiration. And there was no way for Latentus to tell people this in an effective manner, that was one of the things that galled him the most. Despite the physical impossibility of him traveling around to tell everyone personally, he would instantly be caught and turned in for voicing those things, if he wasn’t stoned to death by the crowd first. If only there was some alternative. There had to be a way he could save these ignorant masses from themselves.
November 27, 2002, 21:32
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
March 1402
Field Marshall Easthaven marches throughout Apolytonia, visiting both villages and cities, accepting all the people's ideas and opinions and answering their questions.
He stops by Woawien City where he gives a speech to the masses.
"Great people of Apolyton, I know you are all probably wondering what is going on and most of you probably already know. Well it's obvious you know that the three Field Marshalls of both the Civil War and the Anglo war have took power. We sent civmanII back to his home and I'm sure all of you are glad. We took power because we saw Apolyton on the verge of collapse and ruin...We took power because we felt no government gave the people what they government would give the people service, security, stability or liberty. That is why. You've seen changes already I am sure. You've seen hospitals built by the military for you all. You've seen granaries created for the poor and homeless. You've heard of the statement that all men and women are equal, no matter their status or gender. You all are equal."
He paused for a few seconds, looking at the thousands of faces staring at him.
"I came to you, to show you that I am not some distant moderator that you never see, or some dictator who commands from afar. I am a protector and servant for the people! I come to hear from all of you. I come to see how you all live. No more corruption, no more crazy ambition, no more tyranny. The triumvirat will serve the people, and we will protect the people. My life is dedicated to the well-being of Apolytonia.
I also want to let you know I'm proposing a 15% decrease in taxes for all the peasants, and I'm raising the taxes for the wealthy and noble up is only fair. Hopefully my comrades will agree to this, and I'm sure they will. God bless you all, may Apolyton and Apolytonians prosper for generations to come!"
He quietly walked away from the podium not expecting an applause of any sort...but an applause he did recieve. Thousands upon thousands cheered and clapped at the young General, they chanted his name, smiles were across every face, young and old, rich and poor. The words of his speech will be spreading throughout all of Apolytonia by the people and even by Easthaven for he gave similar speeches throughout the villages and cities he visited.
Consul Easthaven also set up offices in the cities that will be for the sole purpose of recieving the opinions of the people and answering any questions they desire to ask.
Finally, Apolyton recieves servants as leaders, instead of rulers as leaders.
Last edited by Easthaven I; November 27, 2002 at 21:43.
November 27, 2002, 21:41
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
To Field Marshalls(secret):
I propose we lower taxes for the peasants 15% and higher taxes by 5% for the rich. We will gain more money this way and we will show the people we are truely here for them. This proposal has my full backing and I will be highly disappointed if both of you disapprove. This is something this country needs, so let us pass it.
November 27, 2002, 22:18
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
To Consul Easthaven(secret):
I have seen you tour of the cities has been given a great response. I think I too will due such a tour after you are back. I think all of us should have your attitude about the government.
November 27, 2002, 22:34
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
To Consul Jack (secret):
I am glad to hear such enthusiasm from you. I think it would be best if you did take a similar tour as mine. Being among the people gives a man much knowledge and understanding of the people they are leading. It is very much similar to personally meeting your troops. Much confidence and morale are raised just by a leaders presence among his people. Good luck.
November 28, 2002, 00:02
Local Time: 20:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
To the Moderator of Apolyton, Civman II (writin in Iriquois) Will you join the SRA. If you do so you will be the head of state of Apolyton and therefore, Apolyton would be a Constitutional Monarchy. Although you would hold little real power, you will hold the title which rightfully yours, has been taken from you by the Consuls.
Meanwhile in China, the SRA armies along with those troops from the NEw Apolyton Alliance and the European Union board ships bound for Apolyton. The aramada will soon reach Rock Continent.
occ: Russia, England, Germany and Turkey wouls support the Republican movement as I promise peace to them. France and Rome being republican would naturally support me. Iriqouis support me as I promise to give the Moderator Civman II a figure head postion of power. China and Japan support me as I will give the favoured nation trading status and the fact that I have them believing that I am the true government in exile. The SRA movements are still unkown to the Consuls
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