November 28, 2002, 23:30
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 60
April 1402
Apep II was looking out his window, he remembered what the 'moron' had said,
"This is a period of anarchy, and periods of anarchy are punctuated with civil unrest, and it is only a matter of time before the unrest reaches here, and of course the reports of the plague, wont help either!" The unrest had arrived and posters were probably circulating to calm it down, but from what Apep II could hear from his cell it wasen't working.
The plan had gone practically perfectly, he even got a note to Melian explaining this plan, and that of course was essentual. His alibi was that he had come because only Melian knew who had attacked his mother. Easthaven had taken this in but was still keeping Apep II in this cell, "For your own protection." Apep II had expected that.
* * *
Apep I had been quick to discover how easy it was to incite worried townspeople into a bit of a riot, especially when he claimed that the consuls were involved in the poisoning of the water supply (OOC: How's that for irony!). They had already bashed down a few minor buildings and now Apep I mentioned Sanhopi Prison. The mob had a soft spot for Melian, and had always disliked the ugly behemoth as it was a symbol of absolute power and in the same way that it had symbolised the horror of the Moderators, it now symbolised the militaries inccessant dislike of civilians,
"The building must be burnt to the ground, to obliterate oppression forever and hail in freedom!" Apep I cried, "Go, show the triumvate what we think of them!" Apep I turned toward the prison stuck his middle finger up in the air, and shouted "NOW!!"
The mob rushed forward, blazing torches orpitchforks in hand.
* * *
Meanwhile in Vegimen City and sevral others, Apep I had got servants of his to incite other riots, all of them apeared to be rather successful, after all, this wa total anarchy!!
(OOC: I personally think all I just made happen is perfectly reasonable, if you don't think so, please tell me)
November 29, 2002, 01:02
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
OOC: Reasonable, as you can't expect everybody to be happy to have the military as their rulers. I also think the rioters will get massacred too
Before Easthaven came to talk to her again...
Strangely enough, Apep II somehow sent her a note, which she found on her disgusting food. Of course, not sure how he can achieve his plan, but the best of luck to him. Hey, he succeeded in sneaking into this prison and getting her this note...
November 29, 2002, 01:13
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 60
April 1402
Apep I's bosses (OOC: The Counsel of Apolyton) had sent all the troops they had, all paid for by private money. They had all landed at the Southern tip of Apolyton from the counsel's tiny island HQ. They had quickly made their presence known...
(OOC: In game terms, like the barbarians that used land on the shore in Civ II)
November 29, 2002, 01:44
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
OOC: Its reasonable, of course there will always be the 'bad apples'  but still you have to agree that the great majority of Apolyton support the new Consuls. For one, they've done much for the people in the past few months that was never accomplished in even a lifetime. Two, they are public icons and heroes. You have to admit we are probably more popular and famous then even Mellian. Keep in mind we aren't really normal dictators, we are doing A LOT for the people. BTW, I reckon this ain't at all anarchy, there is order. Anarchy would equate to civil war which we are not at all in. So a bunch of riots erupting all over is well very unlikely I think. I also think the government would have more power to convince the populace in their favor. As for the military's 'inccessant dislike for civilians', wouldn't this be void if the military's building numerous hospitals all over the nation solely for civilians? Also, they lowered taxes for the poor and highered it for the rich. All other government and fantasy government were all talk, this government is actually doing.
To Mellian:
I'll stop making assumptions when you begin giving straight answers. As for answering your question, I did answer it, listen to what I say not what you think I say. Do you think we acquire stability, security, and liberty by sitting on our asses? We try to prevent catastrophies. If this republican movement were to be carried out then thousands will die, not just republicanists but innocent civilians as well. You don't seem to see the big picture here. Do you really believe causing widespread rebellion, and igniting a civil war will at all benefit this nation? As for your food, well I've ordered them to give you regular food that our soldiers eat, if you are absolutely appalled by it then I must say you've been in the palace away from the ground for far too long, too spoiled for your own good. As for being honest, well I am hardly a man to lie, I am already doing more then enough by speaking to you. I am trying to prevent civil war but it seems you're trying to make things difficult. Enough with your riddles and hogwash, give me straight answers. No flowery poetic statements, I am not impressed, tell me what I want to know.
Also, who attacked Apep II's mother, he seems to think that you know for some reason. Tell me and I shall tell him.
To Consul Thunderfire (secret):
I request we try some more to get Mellian to help us or at least not be against us. If we send her away she will come back, she will be a threat we put away because we didn't want to deal with it and in the future this threat will pop up when we least expect it. It would be dangerous to just send her off with ill feelings towards our government.
Also, I thank you for agreeing with the new tax reforms.
November 29, 2002, 01:56
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
The Armies of the south, being on high alert and all, quickly noticed the small invading army and immediately surrounded it into a pocket, how the invaders bypassed the fortified shores well who knows. Quickly the Apolytonians began tightening the pocket sending messages to the invaders to surrender or face death.
As for the ships that landed them, well by some insane miracle they managed to bypass the most biggest and strongest Navy in the world but were unable to escape, for the Apolyton Navy quickly flooded around them preventing any gaps to escape. They were sent messages ordering them to surrender or face the hundreds of cannon balls ready to pounce into the ships causing sheer destruction if they refused to surrender.
November 29, 2002, 02:08
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
To Apep II:
You've seen the country, correct? You saw that schools are being built, hospitals created, granaries constructed, taxes lowered, equality insured. So why do you move against us? If you truely just wanted to ask Mellian a simple question then you must be stupid...and I doubt you are stupid. Not very clever that you try to get into a super maximum security prison to speak to the most gaurded prisoner in the world but not stupid. If you just wanted to ask a simple question you could have easily just asked one of the Consuls. You were given a message from us explaining you can have your job back. But instead you hide and secretly move against us. Do you not see improvements in the nation? Do you not see the immense help and attention we are giving the people? When was the last time the last leaders walked among the people? Never until March of this year. If you truely believe in the good for Apolyton then you will see that we are not corrupt dictators, if you only wish to get attention and try to become some 'hero' then you are only doing what is bad for Apolyton. You are built into a trigger that can go off any moment and ignite a civil war. Why do you refuse to join us and instead aid in causing destruction and loss of innocent lives?
November 29, 2002, 02:28
Local Time: 20:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
Posts: 2,271
occ: I would like to point out one thing, to you all before I bow out, as one I neither have the time nor the energy to keep posting on this thread.
I never killed anyone, nor made anything final. I always left plots unfinnished and never cared if my schemes were used against me. But I have never been insulted more than what Melian has done to me.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
November 29, 2002, 02:42
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 219
Don't forget there are Fox Rider, Wolf police units, secret Jack police chasing you.
There is also rewards for your capture. You would have difficulties to get through all this.
I understand the supreme power we have is a little unbalancing but you could have tried to stop us in times. Now face the consequences...
As Easthaven said we aren't those bloodthirsty dictators trying to get lands by every mean, we are more here to help Apolytonians and, my very own goal, to make Apolyton a great naval and trading power.
-Merchants can bought ships from the state. Those ships will be run by Apolyton but to the benefit of the merchants.
-In exchange, the State is taking 15% of profit made by this boats. Yet, merchants don't have to pay taxes and customs.
We have traded Printing Press to European Union for a full legal peace treaty:
Giving York to Apolyton, Coventry to America, Warwick to Iroquois and Manchester to Aztec/(well the other allies. As EU didn't want France to get new countries they didn't get).
A special "engineer" Corps has been formed. Those men will help uneducated peasants to upgrade their agriculture methods.
Roads are being paved to help for communication (starting by Sanhopi-Apolyton City)
Apolyton Navy, under Lord of Admiralty command Giovanni Vodka, has fired warning shots at the small army.
Those men are suffering famine and haven't a lot of ammo.
The Apolytonian, the Apolyton gazette, is making fun of this army trying to take the Great Republic of Apolyton and his enlightened leaders, the Consuls!
(ooc: Propaganda starts to be very effective in churches and more young children sent to schools have chosen to join the young's organization of the Republic (ooc: Yeah it's look like a bit like the Hitler Jugend but it's not so fascist more like a Scout organization with Consuls as a slighty religious part).
-The illegal printing press have been found. The people using it have been sent for 'interrogation' to Sanhopi.
November 29, 2002, 02:42
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 219
Double Post
Last edited by mmtt; November 29, 2002 at 02:55.
November 29, 2002, 12:17
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
OOC: Mellian gets popularity because of her actions, not with words. Initially, the consuls may be popular, but doesn't mean it will last... especially if your hurrying bunch of improvements, which we don't have much gold in the treasury to do that... so the alternative is hurrying with hard labour, sacrificing the citizens and workers for... what would the people do if they realize what the new government is doing?
To Mellian:
I'll stop making assumptions when you begin giving straight answers. As for answering your question, I did answer it, listen to what I say not what you think I say. Do you think we acquire stability, security, and liberty by sitting on our asses? We try to prevent catastrophies. If this republican movement were to be carried out then thousands will die, not just republicanists but innocent civilians as well. You don't seem to see the big picture here. Do you really believe causing widespread rebellion, and igniting a civil war will at all benefit this nation? As for your food, well I've ordered them to give you regular food that our soldiers eat, if you are absolutely appalled by it then I must say you've been in the palace away from the ground for far too long, too spoiled for your own good. As for being honest, well I am hardly a man to lie, I am already doing more then enough by speaking to you. I am trying to prevent civil war but it seems you're trying to make things difficult. Enough with your riddles and hogwash, give me straight answers. No flowery poetic statements, I am not impressed, tell me what I want to know.
And i told you, if your providing security, stability and liberty, why should you worry about the republicans? They won't do anything if your new government does provide all three, but the impression you give me is that you sacrificed liberty for security and stability. I do not call arresting republicans and whoever opposses the triumvate liberty. Just because you provide some of what the people wants means they are free... If the impression holds true, then a civil war is unavoidable. May not happen now, but gradually, it will... without needing me to do a thing.
Also, your still making assumptions, as i haven't made a single complaint about my food to you and your not really listening to me either.
Also, who attacked Apep II's mother, he seems to think that you know for some reason. Tell me and I shall tell him.
I didn't get a single response from the security team i sent to investigate it before you military people took over.
Last edited by Mellian; November 29, 2002 at 12:36.
November 29, 2002, 14:39
Local Time: 03:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Too close to the sea
Posts: 1,827
The newest Awareness pamphlet read thus:
The response published by Easthaven is indicative of the way this glorious country will go if the consuls are allowed to practice their unchecked powers without restraint. It is arrogant, assuming, and ignores facts. He doesn’t address the fact that, even if somehow the country survives the Triumvirate, their successors are almost certainly not going to be as lucky. Its happened time and again; ambitious people thrust into positions of power without merit only want to advance their own well-being, not caring about the damage they do in struggling for power with others like them. Perhaps this isn’t our current triumvirate. Perhaps they will not bring the country down in this fashion, out of lack of concern for its well being. Yet what about their successors? Will they be as ‘concerned’ and ‘benevolent’ as our current consuls? If the way you achieve power, as demonstrated by our current leadership, is by taking it through force, then the answer is: Not likely. Does the triumvirate care about how capable someone is of actually ruling, not just perpetrating violence? You should ask them, because so far it seems that their accepted criteria for effective administration is “I’ve got an army and you don’t, so tough luck, sucker.” Might must make right in their minds. Is this going to produce decisions that are best for you? How long are they going to control themselves before they say, “It’s too much of a hassle to look out for the little people. The strong will survive.” Easthaven is right to dodge this subject in his speeches and responses because he knows it is damning to the triumvirate. And we have still yet to come to the fact that the triumvirate is not taking responsibility for their own shortcomings. People offer up criticism and suggestions and what do they get for it? Who knows? That’s the point. The consuls have issued edicts that specifically say they can do anything they want. They probably have military forces out hunting for dissenters like me right now. If no one can safely question and correct the consuls, we will inevitably be lead to our downfall. The attitude that they are incontrovertible is dangerous and harmful, for what happens when they are wrong and no one dares correct the problem, because they have been taught that the consuls are the next best things to gods? Such power in three men can only lead to harm for Apolyton and its people. As for Easthaven’s suggestion that I am ignorant because I am ‘in a cave’ and should come out to talk to him, that is the response that only someone who is used to confronting things with force rather than diplomacy would give. I would not be in a cave if the consuls were being reasonable. Perhaps they have forgotten about all the people they imprisoned or killed when they took over Apolyton. Have they mentioned anything about the former administration? Those ex-advisors that didn’t escape the city seem to have been awfully quiet recently. Are they still being kept in the prisons of the consuls, or have they already been dispatched? Most of them were people who, despite what the triumvirate would have you believe, the only crime they perpetrated was trying their best to keep Apolyton in the best shape possible. Was their corruption and mistakes in the former government? Absolutely. What is important here is that we don’t allow that to happen in this new government? I am not inherently opposed to having the three generals take part in the government in some fashion. What I am opposed to is having them be all-powerful despots who cannot be held accountable for any mistakes they might make. Similar to so many of the administrators now imprisoned, I was taking all the steps I could to keep Apolyton intact while the consuls were off battling on a foreign shore with the progeny of Apolyton. Was what these men did in England wrong, defending us from any harm that would befall our great nation? No. What was wrong was when the generals who now comprise the triumvirate took that trust that we had given them to protect Apolyton from usurpers and became what they were supposed to protect us from. It would have been one thing to send home civman II and put Apolyton back into proper working order. What Generals Jack_www, Thunderfire, and Easthaven did, however, was discard all that had been put in place to keep individual leaders from making costly mistakes. The whole point of a good government is that it functions in the best interests of the people with the best possible efficiency and ability. Any government with absolute despots cannot do this. Please, urge the consuls to place checks on their powers, for the good of Apolyton. The consuls aren’t incorruptible to making mistakes, but if they accept restrictions on their controls, we can get pretty close to the ideal. When they can be corrected and systems are in place to make up for the administrators inadequacies, then everyone can feel safe going to them to take part in our government to make Apolyton an even better place to live; in Justice, in Virtue, and in Freedom.
OOC: Concerning the fox riders closing in on Latentus, thanks for the heads up. I know that I haven’t posted anything about it so far, but you can assume that he and his few supporters have been making every effort to remain hidden and switch locations often. Since their numbers are only a dozen or so (not including the few dozens that support but not openly), I assume that it would be very difficult to find them, but if you really want your character to capture him, you can, though I would prefer he isn’t captured, at least not yet.
November 29, 2002, 15:59
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 60
May 1402
Apep II wanted to give in and take back his old job, but he had taken a sacred oath to protect the Moderators line and that was what he was going to do... somehow. But then, he had reason to give up, after all this was the most horrible prison in the world, all he could do now was wait and hope and pray.
* * *
The army in the south had been massacred when they refused to surrender, and Apep I had done all he could to make them be seen as martyrs. To some extent it had worked. Everyone still hated Sanhopi Prison. There would be another riot soon... he hoped.
November 29, 2002, 16:19
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Another letter from Consul Easthaven.
To the People:
Again, Latentus sends out another propoganda letter. Why doesn't he come out? We've told all the advisors they may have their jobs back but most fight against us while we do not wish to fight back. Yes in the beginning violence did present itself, but it was necessary. THe country was on the verge of civil war, too many groups wanted to rule the country in their own way and soon it would have erupted into total chaos. So naturally, us field marshalls did not want this to happen, Apolyton could not survive another destructive civil war, too many Apolytonians died for the safety of Apolyton so we felt it was our duty to prevent this. We took power in one fell swoop, lives were lost but lives were saved because of it. Yes we have much power, ultimate power even, but have you seen us abuse it? I live in a hut, now is that abusing my power? I'm usually traveling the country trying to answer questions and trying to figure out what else the people need. Latentus says that the purpose of a government was to meet the best interests of the people and to have the best efficiency, well is that not what has happened? Has the people been ignored, abused, or taken advantage of? Obviously not. He fails to see all the good we have been doing. Every man has the right to tell me his opinion, his views, I promise you no harm will fall upon anyman who asks the government questions. We are not corrupt men, we were never corruptible. We are not power hungry, or ambitious. We were happy where we were, we just want to see Apolyton and it's people safe. We are here to serve Apolyton and when Apolyton is clear of danger and safe from tyranny I will be so happy to go home and to be left alone, but until then things need to be done to ensure the people have rights and safety. I do not know what will happen when we are gone from the earth, we have not decided and we are discussing it, but that is still many years away. If any of you have suggestions we will gratefully hear them out. We are not oppressive, we are protectors, Fathers of Apolyton. We've looked out for the people since we were old enough to fight, and to this day we will look out for the best interests of APolyton. There is peace now, but Latentus wishes to invoke dissent and rebellion. Well I grew up in an uneducated family but I was smart enough to realize what was hogwash and what was truth. We took power to stop violence, to only use it when it is absolutely needed, so please no more violence. Any questions can come to the government and we shall answer them. Latentus, enough with your propoganda, come to the government and we shall discuss. Your old job is still available, do not incite another civil war, I have seen enough men die in my lifetime and I am still quite young.
Also, is it not best for the people's interest to have the most powerful on their side? Too many years went by where nobody listened to the people to see what they need, they only assumed the uneducated did not know what was best for them so they decided for them. Well that is all gone, the people will be heard, and the people will be protected. Any peasant young and old, rich or poor, send any letters to us or go to your local People's Office to ask any questions or insert any opinions, we gratefully accept any and all. All are equal. Please, listen to your instincts, see what has been going on around you, I am here to serve the people and to lead the people. Not to oppress them, as has been the case for many past government years. But that has ended.
November 29, 2002, 16:25
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
May 1402
Newspapers have been printed up about the army of the south. Considering they landed onto Apolyton the people saw them as an invading army, but thanks to the Field Marshalls once again they were repelled and defeated. The Consuls even had enough mercy to offer them the chance to surrender but since they refused and charged Apolyton lines the Armies had no choice but to open fire and charge back. ANother day is celebrated that Apolyton is victorious over barbaric invaders!
TO Apep II:
You seem to be more concerned about a foreigner taking power then the well being of APolyton! What is wrong with you? The People are more greater then any moderator could ever be! You should be ashamed of yourself.
November 29, 2002, 16:38
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
And i told you, if your providing security, stability and liberty, why should you worry about the republicans? They won't do anything if your new government does provide all three, but the impression you give me is that you sacrificed liberty for security and stability. I do not call arresting republicans and whoever opposses the triumvate liberty. Just because you provide some of what the people wants means they are free... If the impression holds true, then a civil war is unavoidable. May not happen now, but gradually, it will... without needing me to do a thing.
What we are concerned about are the fanatics. WE do not want an unnecessary civil war ignited because of a few fanatics who want a utopia and actually think its possible. We arrested fanatics. We have done much for the people but you don't care. I can not trust anyone who refuses to tell me the whole truth, who instead changes the subject and answers in riddles. I am trying to run this country the best I can and you still see me as an enemy and refuse to help. Well if that's the case I can do nothing more here speaking with you. The people are the ones I need to be listening to, not a riddly woman who refuse to give answers and instead gives more questions to questions. You want to help? Then help prevent war. Enough men and women have died, no more bloodshed needs be done, I do not wish to see anymore bloodshed for the rest of my life, but considering I'm still quite young I fear I might.
November 29, 2002, 17:00
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 219
OOC: I'm on irc and msn but not for long.
Mellian, sometimes making the first step isn't the worst thing to do. It would greatly easier your safety and surely we can deal with angry people.
Our cannons are being the finest ones on Earth. Some countries want to buy our guns.
1st Army has done a parade through Apolyton City. Leading it, were the newest Fox Rider Regiment composed of the Apolytonian Nobility. They are still cadets at the Academy but their skills already impressed their teachers.
2nd Army is in garnison at York and in some coastal fortress helped by the Wolf units. There are also helping peasants and forts are forming new villages.
3rd Army is following active duty training at Sanhopi. They are also being used as dockers and workers for ship. (ooc: they need to have some work).
Some privateer ships have been seen off the Iroquois coast and English ones.
To Consuls(secret):
As things are getting quiter, we may discuss about some new plans...
November 29, 2002, 18:04
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
What we are concerned about are the fanatics. WE do not want an unnecessary civil war ignited because of a few fanatics who want a utopia and actually think its possible. We arrested fanatics. We have done much for the people but you don't care. I can not trust anyone who refuses to tell me the whole truth, who instead changes the subject and answers in riddles. I am trying to run this country the best I can and you still see me as an enemy and refuse to help. Well if that's the case I can do nothing more here speaking with you. The people are the ones I need to be listening to, not a riddly woman who refuse to give answers and instead gives more questions to questions. You want to help? Then help prevent war. Enough men and women have died, no more bloodshed needs be done, I do not wish to see anymore bloodshed for the rest of my life, but considering I'm still quite young I fear I might.
Sorry if i am trying to determine if your worthy of my support! Apparently, your just a hard headed paranoid military commander that like to make assumptions. I am not going to release any names if your just going to declare them fanatics and arrest them. If the triumvate provides liberty, then you don't have to worry about Apolyton Republic Movement. If not, then your just asking for it. Your the one as to make the decision Easthaven, not me, as you have the power and I don't. So don't good off blaming me for all your problems.
November 29, 2002, 18:15
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
OOC: How can i do the first move when i am in prison? Against Mellian's character to simply give up and support a possibly tyrannical government that dissallows freedom of speach and liberty.
May 1402
TO: Consuls of Apolyton
FROM: American Ambassador to Apolyton
It as come to our knowledge that Mellian is being imprisoned by the orders of the Consuls, a long with other Advisors, pro-republicans and other people who speaks against the current military govrnment. America protests Apolyton's treatment of its own people, so we demand that they are to be released, else America may have to reconsider their relations with Apolyton.
(similar messages are sent from France and Greece)
November 29, 2002, 18:28
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
Mongolia asks Apolyton to help them in their war against the Russians, especially when they started as part of the Apolyton Alliance agreement...
Aztec asks Apolyton to help them in their war against Spanish, which they started as part of the same Apolyton Agreement...
Rome and Babylon declares war on Carthage, while Greece is still deciding wether they should as well or not.
Ottomans wants to make peace, despite their failed surprise attacking against the Apolyton Navy...
November 29, 2002, 18:37
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Sorry if i am trying to determine if your worthy of my support! Apparently, your just a hard headed paranoid military commander that like to make assumptions. I am not going to release any names if your just going to declare them fanatics and arrest them. If the triumvate provides liberty, then you don't have to worry about Apolyton Republic Movement. If not, then your just asking for it. Your the one as to make the decision Easthaven, not me, as you have the power and I don't. So don't good off blaming me for all your problems.
To Mellian:
You accuse me of making assumptions when you yourself make them. You get offended when I speak so bluntly, surely you've grown tougher skin over the years so cut the sensitivity. There are fanatics in your movement, you can't deny that, and I also believe there are worthy people in this movement as well. These are the ones I am giving an effort to save and get on our side. The fanatics won't see the truth if it stood right in front of them, they hear Generals so and so are the new leaders and they go berzerk and blow up their nearby army surplus store. These are the ones I want to prevent from going berzerk. As for calling me a hard-headed paranoid military commander, well an assumption. You are wiser then this but the words that come out of your mouth say otherwise. I was simply asking for your help, not blaming you for anything, but if you refuse to give it then we'll have to go on without you. I do not want to partake in bloodshed needlessly. Surely you agree.
To Consul Thunderfire:
I request we free some of the least extreme political prisoners to show good will. It is quieting down now and I believe some of the prisoners could be allowed to acquire their old jobs back, the prisoners we were wrong in imprisoning well I request we give them a small amount of gold for their troubles and send them on their way.
To America:
We do have Mellian in our custody for the time being, we are discussing matters with her. As for some advisors well they were extremists and plotting to overthrow the government. Some political prisoners have been released little by little to retain stability. We've granted equality and rights to the citizens and increased our attention and aid to the people, so do not suggest we do any harm to our own people. So do not 'demand' anything from us for you are not in any position to make demands. We have always been kind to you, we stopped the English advances into your country and sent thousands of men to die in that continent of yours so do not just ignore all this and label us enemies. You do not see or understand what has been happening for you do not live here and you are not Apolytonians. We did what was best and prevented civil war, stay in your own affairs and we shall stay in ours.
(similar messages have been sent back to france and greece)
November 29, 2002, 18:51
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
To Consuls (secret):
I propose we send a few expeditionary forces and military advisors as well as guns and cannons to aid the Mongolians and Aztecs.
I also believe we should start discussing peace terms with the Ottomans.
November 29, 2002, 18:56
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
To Mellian:
You accuse me of making assumptions when you yourself make them. You get offended when I speak so bluntly, surely you've grown tougher skin over the years so cut the sensitivity. There are fanatics in your movement, you can't deny that, and I also believe there are worthy people in this movement as well. These are the ones I am giving an effort to save and get on our side. The fanatics won't see the truth if it stood right in front of them, they hear Generals so and so are the new leaders and they go berzerk and blow up their nearby army surplus store. These are the ones I want to prevent from going berzerk. As for calling me a hard-headed paranoid military commander, well an assumption. You are wiser then this but the words that come out of your mouth say otherwise. I was simply asking for your help, not blaming you for anything, but if you refuse to give it then we'll have to go on without you. I do not want to partake in bloodshed needlessly. Surely you agree.
Mellian sighs.....
You try being in this cell for several months in the dark, eating not very healthy food. I don't make assumptions, I just stating how you are in front of me. As for the fanatics, i can't help with that, as i am not going to release names until i see things for myself. I know some of the organizers longer then we have known each other, and i very doubt they will do anything stupid... else i would never worked with them. Let me out Easthaven and I will see what I can do.
November 29, 2002, 19:10
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
You try being in this cell for several months in the dark, eating not very healthy food. I don't make assumptions, I just stating how you are in front of me. As for the fanatics, i can't help with that, as i am not going to release names until i see things for myself. I know some of the organizers longer then we have known each other, and i very doubt they will do anything stupid... else i would never worked with them. Let me out Easthaven and I will see what I can do.
If I do this you have to give me your word you won't leave my sight. We will take a tour across the nation and we will walk among the people. But don't use this as a reason to attempt to escape, for my wolf soldiers will also be among the people in disguise, they will prevent any such attempt, they are proffesional men I have worked with my entire life. We are not tyrants, we do not want bloodshed for any Apolytonian, republican ideals or not. And if this what needs to be done to let you see the truth, then so be it. Don't make me regret this, I've been too kind thus far, if you betray my trust I will seek vengeance...
To Consuls (secret):
I believe getting Mellian and her republican movement to stand down is possible. I am taking Mellian with me to tour the nation, she will see we do good and the people will see we aren't torturing her in some distant dungeon. Escape will be futile for there will be escort both in uniform and mostly in disguise, I will also be by her side and I am quite formidable with a weapon.
November 29, 2002, 19:32
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 60
May 1402
Apep I gasped, entirely exhausted having finally pushed the canon he had managed to purchase on the black market to the top of an abandoned building near Sanhopi prison.
He aimed it at the foundations as best he could and then stepped back as four former sailors lit, and fired the canon (OOC: That might not be how a canon is fired, but how would I know?).
* * *
Apep II was siting in his cell contemplating how nice the food was (OOC: i.e. "most disgusting thing in the world") when he heard an explosion and felt the whole prison shake slightly. Then it happened again, the building shook more. By the tenth and last shot the back wall of Apep II's cell had crumbled and the floor was shaking as if nothing was holding it up.
Taking a chance Apep II ran to the edge and jumped, straight into the river. From there he could see that Melian's cell, directly beside his had slipped away.
* * *
"Stop! I am arresting you in the name of the triumvate" an officer shouted. Apep I saw only one way out, through the officer and whoever was following him, he turned the canon around, so that it was facing the stairs (Almost breaking his thumb in the process!) the sailors st it all up and lit the fuse-thing and 'BOOM!' Apep I grimaced, it had missed and blown a hole in the wall. Suddenly he realised that if he ran out that hole he could probably sneak across the roof of the neigbouring house and jump into the river,
"Follow me!" Apep I shouted and ran, with the four sailors and two other 'followers.' Apep I was just about at the river when a 'Bang!' announced that there were now only three sailors. Apep I jumped.
November 29, 2002, 19:44
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
OOC: ......mmmhmmm............
November 29, 2002, 20:25
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
If I do this you have to give me your word you won't leave my sight. We will take a tour across the nation and we will walk among the people. But don't use this as a reason to attempt to escape, for my wolf soldiers will also be among the people in disguise, they will prevent any such attempt, they are proffesional men I have worked with my entire life. We are not tyrants, we do not want bloodshed for any Apolytonian, republican ideals or not. And if this what needs to be done to let you see the truth, then so be it. Don't make me regret this, I've been too kind thus far, if you betray my trust I will seek vengeance...
It is to be expected... besides, where i'm going to hide in this large island of ours? (OOC: Yes, she agrees)
Few days after Easthaven left, probably to go convince the other so called consuls to release her, she heard an explosion and then felt the Prison shook. It continued until the wall to her cell exploded, throwing her the next wall. When she tried to get back up, the entire side of the prison started to collapse (OOC: I assume this Prison as been around for a few centuries, so the structure and design is old  ). She tried to grab the handle on the iron door, which didn't exist... so she slipped away and crash falled into a very deep moat...
Hours later, various Guards and Soldiers was all over the place, hunting those prisoners that escaped and help rescue whoever got buried under the debry. Few couldn't be found, believed to be lost... a long with Mellian
OOC: Is Mellian dead? stay tune to same Mel Channel, at the same Mel time next week to find out....
Last edited by Mellian; November 29, 2002 at 20:40.
November 29, 2002, 21:03
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
To Consuls Thunderfire and Easthaven(secret):
I know that what we did was for the best of Apolyton. But there are people in Apolyton that do not like the powers that we have taken for ourselfs. I myself am more happy running the Millitary then running a whole country.
I would like to sugest sometime in the future making a new consitution when things are safer and take ideas form all the various groups with in the country to try and from a government that everyone can be happy about. I hope that you two have simmilar feelings and we can work something out.
Consul Jack_www started a tour of all cities of Apolyton, similar to the one Easthaven made a few months back.
In the first town he stoped at he made a speach to the people.
"I come to you today because there are some amoung you who are not happy with the current government and are trying to over throw it. Well I want to make clear hear and now, that who ever is unhappy with the government to speak out and spot their plots against us. I have devoted my life to protect Apolyton and its people, and I have no desire for power, only to serve the people and protect them. That is way I will propose to the other Consuls that we will make it law that anyone has the right to speak their mind, and that no one will harm them. In fact if you hate the government and come forth now I will insure that nothing will happen to you. I want to make Apolyton a better place to live, and I know that I cannot do this alone. I also know that our system that we set up may not be the best in the world, but the times required that we took such action. So I say again to you the people that you have the right to speak your mind and that nothing will happen to you. I am here to serve you not oppress you as so many other have done in the past. Let us not fight amoung ourselfs and seek power for ourselfs, instead lets work togather to make Apolyton the best place to live on Earth."
November 29, 2002, 21:49
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
To Consul Jack (secret):
I agree. I am sure niether of us cared for power, it was necessary and sometime in the future it will be necessary for us to step down and install a better government, but until then keep your heads up.
Considering an entire army was stationed at the prison, they have set up a big perimeter around the prison and the ruined part of the prison to prevent any further escapes. Apep I was running away when wolf soldiers killed his cadre and shot Apep I's leg. He is being searched for all over.(Considering where you were it would have been likely that you would have been killed or captured but I guess we must give you a chance to escape). Apep I is also believed to be wounded and in some rubble or other. He is also being searched for.
Field Marshall Easthaven led a raid onto a small cabin in the woods of Komore where Apep I's followers were stationed. 15 known criminals/ murderers and rapists were there. On tables and walls were pictures of Apep I and maps and diagrams of how to overthrow the government and execute the Consuls. Easthaven personally beheaded the 15 individuals on the spot. Nobody saw the event for it was inside the cabin and only close wolf soldiers were with Easthaven. But the event of the raid was published in the newspaper of Apolyton as the victory against crime. The pictures of the nation-wide known criminals were posted and their past crimes were posted as well. Not many details were given just that they were planning to overthrow the government and execute the Consuls. It was made known that these criminals worked for Apep I and therefore he is being shunned by the populace.
November 30, 2002, 00:00
Local Time: 03:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Too close to the sea
Posts: 1,827
The newest Awareness pamphlet read thus:
All right, here it is, simply put:
All my points still stand, and I hold with everything that I have printed thus far. In order to clarify what I am trying to get at with my stance, I will summarize and provide the central points that the consuls thus far have apparently been refusing to get.
I know of your capabilities and I suspect your benevolence. Unfortunately, what I suspect isn’t enough. If you consuls are so good and perfect, then you won’t object to limiting your power. I would love to take up your offer of returning to the government to discuss ways of improving the nation, but first it must be fixed in the ways I have suggested to make it safe for further improvement. It is not that complex. Why do you refuse to delegate power and let others place checks on what you can do? What you have accomplished for the good of the people so far has impressed me. To tell the truth, you have done much better than I expected you would right after the coup. Yet some doubt remains as to your intentions when you won’t accept limits to what you are allowed to do in your positions. How can anyone, especially a political nuisance such as myself, feel safe when your word is law, incontrovertible to anyone wishing to correct any mistakes. As it stands, you have absolute power, you can do whatever the hell you like! What happens when one of us pesky advisors suggests something to one of you demi-gods when you’re in a bad mood? What happens if one of your close friends or members of family gets hurt or killed? Let’s remember what got us into that English War in the first place. Maybe we won’t be so fortunate in the outcome the next time if we allow such personal whims to take precedence. Unlikely for anything such as those examples to happen with you three? Perhaps. But times change. The whole point is that we have to make sure to prevent even the possibility of such things happening. I applaud all the good things you’ve done, even if I don’t approve of how. That you are at least discussing these things, despite your obvious disdain for propaganda  speaks well of you. I urge you to take the last steps. Do the right thing. You aren’t gods, you cannot wield the power of gods. Give up your absolute powers for something moderate, manageable, and just. For the good of Apolyton.
November 30, 2002, 00:42
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
May 1402
Roger Wilco, the one incharge of the courier network established a century ago a Moderator an immediate mode of communication between cities and troops, very happy. Last couple of years as been quite profitable for the courier service, especially lately with the invent of the Printing Press. His couriers as been delivering a lot of propaganda pamphlets all over Apolyton, as well as the new newspaper concept, called the Apolyton Gazette. Of course, he doesn't have a Printing Press, but sure would like to have one for the Courier Service.
He is very proud of himself, and his couriers, as the network didn't faltered at all during the civil war, the war and the recent military take over. A few of these so called Wolf soldiers have bothered him a few times, requesting that he releases names, from and to of certaint messages and courier deliveries. He simply told he can't, as it is against their charter, written Moderator Lionhart IV a century before. Thankfully, they left him and his couriers alone afterwards..
At the moment, he is curious about a recent message sent to him, requesting to send multiple messages to various people. In the last several years, he was able to identify them as "organizers" of the apolyton republic movement... the first and truest of all of the "republic"movements he was able to personally identify. He as trouble understanding the message, as it is cryptic, but can make out Mellian, alive, rescued, and few other words related to Sanhopi Prison and Americans. Whatever it says, he is happy that Mellian is okay...
OOC: The courier service HQ is in Vegeimon City... and their strict about following their charter, which mainly state them being neutral, that they don't answer to anyone, providing service to anyone, keeping the from and to sources confidential, and so on.
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