November 11, 2002, 14:14
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
AFter a short battle on the beaches of the Western Coast General West's 2nd Corps surrenders. 20,000 prisoners (4,000 of them officers). Right now they are being held in a prisoner camp outside of Goein. General West is dead, blown to smithereens by a cannon ball.
General West was actually smuggled out and is now being held prisoner by Wolf Battalion in an undisclosed location. He will be interrogated for information.
To Gen. Jack:
I would also send the message through a loud bullhorn to CHuko's army, telling the grunts they will be granted amnesty and exile while their leaders who are responsible must be man enough to face their just punishments.
Last edited by Easthaven I; November 11, 2002 at 14:48.
November 11, 2002, 14:23
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
OOC: Wow! lot happens during the time i couldn't play, but as the quiet and not very restrictive game master, there is somethings that needs to be clear.
Sheep, you don't have spies all over the world  to some nations we are friends with and England, but not the whole world  ...and doubt the ones farther away and those that been undercover longer then you have been minister of intelligence are completly loyal. ASIS can be, but not completly ASIO. Second, i've stated that the American CIA spy ring in Apolyton as been hunting down english spies, so you will have less support from in Apolyton.
I will be updating our empire map with Names instead of numbers, as it uselessly confuses the matter.
A third of the Corvette/Caravel ships have Cannons to replace their Musket guns, by now. Our Navy hasn't defeated the English navy. maybe the few Man'O'Wars and Galleons that landed troops at Vikomore via the north directly from the English northern coast...else, the English wouldn't be able to penetrate the APolyton-American channel without our navies knowing. Because of the distance involved, the english forces wouldn't have a secure supply line...especially now that part of our navy blockaded the upper western coast. some of the first newly Constructed Frigates should start reinforcing our fleets.
Naval battles at the moment is hit and runs skirmishs, as our Navy was ordered to be on the Defencive by Mellian. So no way the English navy as been defeated, who are generally staying in the defensive as well.
As for Muskets, don't need tripods  This game shouldn't be completly make historically accurate,, because this is an alternate earth
English had Metallurgy before we had it from its allies, so they don't really need a specimen cannon from Apolyton... Man'O'Wars/Frigates and Galleons have Cannons.
Caravel are Transports and defensive ships. Corvettes are militarized versions of Caravels which cannot transport any units in exchange for more Offensive strength. Before Metallurgy, they used Muskets as their offensive/defensive ship weaponry... hey, sure better then catapults and ballistas. Can also be creative and have sling shot old fashion gunpowder grenades.
so like i said, doesn't have to be technologicly accurate to our own world historical past, so there is room for creativity.
Easthaven's Fox regiments uses muskets on horses, so are not Cavalry until they start being equip with Rifles, which still 50-100 game years away or so, but can sure be the precursors. just making this clear to the readers and players.
now, back to the game...
Edit: Easthaven, we don't have the Printing Press, so we can't distriute "pamphlets"
November 11, 2002, 14:24
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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October 17th, 1400
Secretly, in disguise, Moderator Manvolewa and her advisors have fled to Edkoro and established their government there.
The Moderator has begun to prepare her announcement of the creation of the Apolyton Republic following the end of the Civil War...
To the English (via the Foreign Advisor): Surrender your forces here immediately, and they will be allowed to return home. Also, we propose to open trade between our nations and become friendly.
Royal Decree: Anyone who has been discovered to have any relation with the ASIS shall be executed immediately. However, this fate may be avoided if you admit you involvement and give us information. Anyone who gives us useful information will be given a monetary reward and whatever position they want in the government.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
November 11, 2002, 14:45
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 771
Edit: Easthaven, we don't have the Printing Press, so we can't distriute "pamphlets"
OOC: lol, Ok I'll edit that.
November 11, 2002, 17:05
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
Summary update from Mellian's point of view
The last couple of months was crazy, with the English sneaked in from the North from the northern ocean in their damned Man'O'Wars and Galleons, eliminating he patrolling Corvettes and Caravels. They then proceeded to land troops at Vikomore, siding with the traitor Chuko. Afterwards, the Generals (Military Advisor, Commander of National Defence, and the ex-Trade Advisor) gradually defeated them. There was times that she was tempted to say to the hidden/blend in Republican Movement forces to reveal themselves to help fight the English, but that proved unecessary and not the best of circumstances to do so.
When Sheep started to be a menace, she ask the American Ambassador that their CIA agents, who have been successful in eliminating the English spy ring, to hunt down the ASIS and some ASIO agents in Apolyton. She ask the Republican Movement to do so the same. While civil war was happening in the heart of Apolyton, there was another in the background. She just starting to get reports that various ASIS lieutenants as been killed, but they still couldn't find Sheep.
The Foreign Advisor succeeded in establishing the Apolyton Alliance, at the cost of providing Magnetism, Gunpowder, Metallurgy and so on. Monguls have declared war on Russians, and instantly begun attacking them. They also declared war on the English along with the Iroquois, and their smallish Corvette navies begun harrassing English ships in the Hudson Bay (named by the English). Americans allowed the Iroquois to move their forces through american territory to the American-English frontline to Reinforce the American-Apolyton forces that started their invasion of England. Aztecs and Zulus will wait until they built up their forces, with the new techs, and sending them to France, who signed a Right of Passage treaties with them (OOC: France is part of the European Union, but they are also against Monarchy governments and supports the Apolyton Republican Movement. Aztecs as better relations with France since the French helped against the Spanish way back when) unknown to the rest of the EU nations.
Apolyton Repuiblican Movement (ARM) continues to secretly build up their forces and support base with the help of the Americans, Greeks and France (all republic and have interest on Apolyton being a republic, as that would start the ball rolling against monarchies. hey, who ever controls or atleast have the support of Apolyton, who happens to have the biggest power rating at the moment, the strongest diplomaticly thanks to Mellian, biggest navy and one of the biggest Armies...currently in disarray and fighting among themselves.) ARM is waiting for the go from Mellian on wether to start the revolution, but she still waiting for the best opportune time to do so. So far, they are starting to have a lot of support among the Apolyton Military (but not in the open else they risk being charged for treason and executed or something) as they are getting tired of the civman line of Moderators, as they are apparently insane and not capable to lead the empire properlly. ARM is also keeping themselves busy by hunting down english and sheep spies, agents and collaborators.
Meanwhile, since the change of guard, Mellian got to know Manvolewa better, especially when it is apparent that she is heavily depended upon. She is happen to learn that the Moderator is starting to sympathize with the republic movement, as it would make the revolution a lot easily. So she took the risk of starting discussing republic philosophy and ideals with her, without revealling any information on ARM, secret dealings with the Americans Greeks and French, and so on. Only concern she as about the Moderator is the anti-american and pro-european feelings which happens to contradict the republic sympathy. In Conclusion, Mellian can't trust Manvolewa as she is probably as insane as her brother and sister was.
October 17th, 1400
Secretly, in disguise, Moderator Manvolewa and her advisors have fled to Edkoro and established their government there.
October 20th, 1400
Chief of Staff Mellian, still at the Apolyton Palace, is quite annoyed with the Moderator, sneaking out to Edkoro with half the advisory staff. She was able to convince Manvolewa that she must stay at Apolyton with some of the Advisors (Foreign, Domestic, Trade, and Military Advisors) as that where all the embassies are, and the central node of the empire.
The Moderator has begun to prepare her announcement of the creation of the Apolyton Republic following the end of the Civil War...
Mellian is please and annoyed when she found out what the Moderator was up to. really, this is not the best of time to announce the Apolyton Republic as it would only continue the Civil War and bring the empire into Anarchy. As a precautionary measure, she suggested to the Military Advisory to go to America to lead the Apolyton forces against the English and to return once the homeland is back in Order. She also orders the Commander of the Navy (who is currently more loyal Mellian as she is the only he can really trust during these crazy times, as well the only one trying to prevent the government from going into disarray) to keep the Navy in the defence while escorting Caravels transporting troops and supplies to America. He is to also to ignore contact with everyone, except her and the military advisor directly, for the duration of the European War or the Civil War/Anarchy, which ever ends last. He is also to stay at sea in his new Frigate flagship and keep an eye for any foreign and sheep spies/agents in the navy.
Royal Decree: Anyone who has been discovered to have any relation with the ASIS shall be executed immediately. However, this fate may be avoided if you admit you involvement and give us information. Anyone who gives us useful information will be given a monetary reward and whatever position they want in the government.
After reading this, she secretally suggest to the rest of the advisors and commanders to simply give the monetary reward and not give them any government positions they want, as it would be a security risk.
November 11, 2002, 17:13
Local Time: 05:12
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Posts: 1,782
October 20th, 1400
To the English (via the Foreign Advisor): Surrender your forces here immediately, and they will be allowed to return home. Also, we propose to open trade between our nations and become friendly.
TO Moderator of the Apolyton Empire
FROM Queen Elizabeth of England (VIA the Foreign Advisor)
Yes, I agree, in exchange that you surrender your forces currently attacking England and give us the City of Apolyton.
(unknown to all players, Elizabeth had a laughing fit when she received the envoy from the moderator and another after writing her reply)
Chief of Staff Mellian made sure her Advisors and the "great generals" know about the Moderators proposal and Elizabeth's response.
November 11, 2002, 17:40
Local Time: 04:12
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October 21st, 1400
After reading the response of Elizabeth, the Moderator gave up any hope of ever becoming friends with England.
Orders to the Military: Start making preparations for a full-scale invasion of England as soon as teh traitors have been removed.
To teh Chief of Staff: Come see me in Edkoro, I want to discuss a few things with you. (OOC: THey are: creating a Republic, foreign relation planning, and moving the capital to Edkoro becasue of teh militarizaition of Apolyton)
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
November 11, 2002, 17:49
Local Time: 11:12
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
21 October, 1400
Giovanni Vodka finally landed, on Apolyton.
The English ship he was in sunked off the coast of the "rock", he was rescued by an Apolyton Corvette, and since he was speaking Apolytonian, his lafi was spared.
"You are a traitor aren't you?" said Admiral Goli
"no...I'm... I'm... I'm a spy (yeah that's the ticket), and I'm working for the great General Jack.... I was... I was supposed to be in is office by now, he won't be happy if he knows you obstacled me"
The Admiral started laughing.
"ah ah ah... you are a funny boy... but I can not believe you, general Jack only trust his very own men.. and I'm one of them, and I never saw you"
talking to a young sailor.. "put him in prison" I will advise General Thunderfire of this little traitor, there is no need of disturbing General Jack.
To: General Thunderfire
From: Admiral Goli
We have arrested an Apolytonian suspected of high treason, our men are sending him to yours, as we can not keep him on the ship, and we think is better if we don't kill him.. he doesn't look very strong, so he will probably reveal some good informations for you.
In the meanwhile, Giovanni Cognac was still in America, he managed to make friendship with a group of exiled englishman leaving there, who wanted to have revenge against their mother country.
His group was counting up to 100 men, everyone with very different skills.
Giovanni Cognac managed to become the leader of this group, with the promise that thanks to him, those people would have been able to go back in England, see their wives and children, and have their revenge against the English gov't who exiliated them.
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 11, 2002, 18:02
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 219
OOC: naming the three great generals Field Marshalls would help in nominating them and make me quite happy.
Ok for a slighty different history then I will ask a few things: How long gunpowder has it been discovered, is there a rifle technology (conscription?)?
Also as the republican movement will reveal himself, would like to know who leads it etc? Are there mostly rich people, peasants, a few nobles?
November 6th
And so it was finished. In a couple of months, a revolution began and was crushed. Apolyton Army was victorious against the English and new allies joined them.
What would happen next, Apolyton Alliance taking London? Mark was bored of these wars. His troops were tired and the bad weather wouldn't be the best time to start a new war.
The moderator didn't impress him much. She was nearly a pawn. The Generals had won, military and politics. They could easily take power but what would be the point? Without people support, your power wouldn'tt last long...Apolyton needed a strong leader, a wise men, an "enlightened moderator". A group of nobles would only try to kill each other.
He didn't see anybody fitting the role. Jack_www doesn't seem to be ambitious enough and he was only a military leader used to the administration of Apolyton Army.
Easthaven had changed. From a small post of Trade Advisor, he took control of half the army. Thunderfire was fearing he would a day take his place as the Commander of National Defense. He was a born leader but he didn't have the experience to rule the state.
Mellian, what to think about her? She was clever but not any men would bear her as a moderator.
(ooc: as there is a woman in charge I'm wondering if anybody can rule or if in a history way, only men can rule?)
Finally, Mark decided to wait. Time was needed to think.
Two questions: Will the war against Britain go on? What will happen to the shattered Apolyton?
Mark Thunderfire is in his villa and his army is helping to rebuild Apolyton City.
November 11, 2002, 18:18
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 771
November 6th 1400
General Easthaven I begins regrouping and organizing his forces which consist of the V Army Corps, Fiesmore's Brigade, the VII Army, the now 9th Army and X Brigade. He has began replacing casualties in all his forces. The VII Army, 9th Army and X Brigade is still containing Chuko forces, the V Army Corps will begin moving towards the red zone to reinforce the surrounding forces. He orders the Fiesmore's Brigade to run the Prisoners of War Camp by Goein. He requests military personnel from Gen. Jack to relieve Fiesmore's Brigade of the duty of camp gaurd.
To General Jack and General Thunderfire:
My Wolf Battalion have recieved information of a Republican movement and the possible transformation of Apolyton to a Republic. Many men have sacrificed their lives for the Moderator so it injures me to hear that the Moderator might be inclined towards a Republican transformation. I do not want Apolyton to go through another civil war. Therefore, I'm calling a meeting of the Triumvirat to discuss such matters, we control the military and our military is one of the most powerful in the world. Whoever wins our support would win the throne. Send me your decisions on a meeting.
To General Jack:
I request military units to relieve Fiesmore's Brigade at Goein Camp.
To General Thunderfire:
I am placing the Seventh Army Corps, garrisoned in Apolyton with your men, under your command now.
OOC: Also, since I am in command of a large portion of the army I request to be called General of the Army. Jack is General of the Armed Forces which is everything. So I would be second in command of the Armed Forces, while Thunderfire is 3rd and somewhat 2nd too ( they kind of fall under two different things), thus the Triumvirat.
November 11, 2002, 18:20
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 219
As he was taking some good time, some men riding horses came.
-General Thunderfire! saluted a lieutenant.
-At ease. What do you want?
-Here, we have a prisoner. Admiral Goli captured him. This traitor speaks Apolytonian and was aboard an English vessel.
-Yeah and what?
-Well Admiral Goli said he may had informations.
Moment later
-What's your name?
-Vodka, Giovanni... Giovanni Vodka..
-Apolytonian. Well, I was in exile...
-I don't mind where you were at and when. Facts are you have been captured on an English vessel and you claim to be Apolytonian. There is something odd, don't you think?
-Well I thought it was...
-Yes sir but...
Mark glared at Vodka, angrily.
-I hope you have some good informations. I'm losing patience.
-Well... -Giovanni thinks- I'm Giovanni Wine son!
-I don't care... Giovanni Wine you say? It can't be he is dead.
-I know but a soldier told us about his death in times and we exiled ourselves.
-Why didn't you say it earlier! Wine was a good friend of mine.-Mark hit Vodka's shoulder in a friendly manner but a bit too hard- But why did you say we?
-Well my brother and my family
-Where are they?
-My brother stayed in America. He wants to fight against the English there and refused to follow me.
-A fine man. Would have perfeclty fitted in my troops. -He sighed.- You should have told him about joining Apolyton Army.
-He didn't want to join British Navy.
-He is a proud man. Ah! Those knights are forgotten in our times. You know chivalry, those things.
-Ya sir but...
-No you don't. I see it in your eyes. I have to tell you about these things.
To be continued by you or me...
November 11, 2002, 18:54
Local Time: 11:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
"I didn't know you knew my father"
"well yes, he was a wise man, he gave everything for this country"
"I know, It was so much into his work, that I didn't saw him for 5 years, and I couldn't even saw his dead body"
Giovanni Vodka started cring.
"Don't be such a girl!" said Mark "Are you a man, or just a baby?"
But after saying this Field Marshall Thunderfire noticed that some blood was coming our from Giovanni Vodka's shoulder, the same shoulder were he patted him.
"How did you made that?, it wasn't me I hope?"
"Oh no sire, it wasn't you, it was the English"
"The English?"
"Yes, they told me I had to prove them I was on their side and wasn't a spy, and told me to hit myself with the sword"
"I'm impressed, you did that yourself?"
"Yes sire, that was the only way I could reach Apolyton, and the only way I could know the truth about my father's death"
"uhmmm... I think you better rest a little bit now, the camp doctor will take care of that, he is good, he madicated me, a long time ago"
Mark Thunderfire showed Giovanni his scarf on his face
"We will talk about your father later tomorrow"
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
November 11, 2002, 19:03
Local Time: 10:12
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Location: Australia
Posts: 245
19th October 1400
Regular soldiers surrender at the General's offer, but the officers don't massicaring 1000 civilians before being killed by Apolyton Forces
November 11, 2002, 21:47
Local Time: 05:12
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Posts: 1,782
OOC: In this Apolyton Earth, females can acquire power... mainly because there is so many female leaders in the world like Elizabeth, Isabella, Joan of Arc, and Cleopatra. There is still a majority of males in in the 1400s of this universe, but female rights and potential in having power or joining the military or whatever isn't is lot more possible then the 1400s in our real history. just because it is 1400s in this game means we have the sames techs, philosophies and so on as of historical real earth... plenty of room for creativity and originality.
I say Apolyton is one of the few nations in the world where females have a lot of rights and potential.
October 21st, 1400
To teh Chief of Staff: Come see me in Edkoro, I want to discuss a few things with you. (OOC: THey are: creating a Republic, foreign relation planning, and moving the capital to Edkoro becasue of teh militarizaition of Apolyton)
October whatever, 1400
Mellian had no choice but to go see the Moderator at Edkoro, and when she did, brought a company of knights to escort her.
Once there, she was surprise to see that the Moderator as somewhat matured (OOC: sure hope so...please don't be another goof ball  ) by the various discussions they had concerning setting up the Republic and so on. Mellian was polite and honest when advising her of the various problems they may face. Even mention to the Moderator that she may loose her title and power, but will be considered the main founder.
After some discussion, she suggested that they could setup a republic-monarchy hybrid called "constitutional monarchy" or something, where the monarchy of the family line as equal power (more or less) as the elected Moderator. Anyway, something that would need to be further discussed among the Advisors and work out.
As for when we can begin the Revolution, Mellian suggest that the internal threats are delt with and that no new would appear once Revolution begins. There several factors that needs to be considered: Advisors (definatly won't be a problem really), Military (to worry about the most), Nobles, Sheep, Foreign Spies and Influences, and so on.
As for moving the capital, Mellian suggest to leave it at Apolyton because of its central location and the risk of the government getting disarrayed during the move is to risky. Also, all of the embassies are at Apolyton. After discussing this further with the moderator, an idea as sprung in Mellian's mind. They could always leave the Main Palace at Apolyton and have a Secondary one at Edkoro or wherever (forgotten palace). That would work well for a 'constutional monarchy'... main palace is used by the elected leadership while the second is used by the birthright leadership.
Anyway, Mellian will sure end staying at Edkoro for a bit longer to discuss and organize it how a constitutional monarchy would work. Hey, it as a better chance of avoiding Anarchy and further civil war by pleasing all sides.
During her stay at Edkoro, she made the rank of Field Marshall official, as well as Eashaven's, Thunderfire's and Jack's promotion to it. Will make the ranking structure bit easier where Field Marshalls have big title like the Commander of National Defence (Thundefire), Commander of the Armed Forces...which is technicly Military Advisor...Commander of the Army (Easthaven) and Commander of the Navy. The rank of General will be reserved for those who command more then 2 units (regiments) while the rank of Colonel is reserved for those who command a unit (a regiment). Rank of Admiral is reserved for those who command more then 2 naval units (2 squadrons of 8-12 ships) and rank of Commodore reserved for those who command a single naval unit (one squadron).
Apolyton Republican Movement (ARM) forces are hidden and spread out throughout apolyton. Some of them are part of the Apolyton Army, who will temporally break off for the duration of the Revolution or whatever, unless the Military higher ups sides with ARM.
ARM doesn't have a leader per say, just group of organizers who works together for a common goal. Mellian is one of those organizers, the highest positioned and one who done the most for the movement during the last decade or so. Most of the organizers don't personally know or personally met most of the other organizers, just knows that they are at there somewhere, playing a role. They are connected via word of mouth and secret courier ring supported by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agents in Apolyton lead by the American Ambassador...whom Mellian made sure no one knows of, and these days it is routine which doesn't attract any notice.
Because of how ARM is setup, not even the organizers themselves know how big and powerful they are. Only way they will truelly know is when the Revolution begins. Until then, it is really Mellian who as the best idea of how big it is, and in the best position to know when it is the best time to begin the Revolution. Also, because of how ARM is setup and the amount of time they invested to organize (two or three decades at the most), no one really knows other then rumours about ARM, not even sheep's spies succeeded to know very much about it. For all everyone know's, ARM is comprise of most of the people of Apolyton or just a single city or whatever. The Republican ideals, philosophy and propaganda is spreaded by word of mouth via gossip, conversations and so on.
As for Mellian, she could be considered as one of the biggest organizers and one of organizers who been in ARM the longest. Personally, she wants to avoid as much bloodshed as possible and to avoid Anarchy as much as possible, or atleast keep it as short as possible. After being Foreign Advisor and part of the government for so long, she knows how much of a role, power and influence Apolyton as in the world, and she doesn't want Apolyton to lose that.
Last edited by Mellian; November 11, 2002 at 23:44.
November 11, 2002, 21:48
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
The world started having Gunpowder 50-100 years ago, before the Americans Independence War.
November 11, 2002, 22:42
Local Time: 02:12
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To Colonel Harris:
We accept your surrender of your troops. I will allow all English troops to go back to England, but we will take their weapons. We though ask all those who are citizens of Apolyton to be handed over to us, so that we can try them for treason.
November 11, 2002, 23:11
Local Time: 04:12
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Location: of the Martian Empire
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October 28th, 1400
As the Rebellion has now officially surrendered, October 27th, the day of the surrender, shall be a national holiday.
EDIT: Full-scale invasion order rescinded.
To the Chief of Staff: I think your idea of two capitals is a good one, though I would prefer it to be the otehr way around. Apolyton shall be the ceremonial/royal capital, while Edkoro or maybe some other city (Koahop or Chotrikan maybe?) would be the administrative capital. Oh, and one more thing: Your calendar seems to be off...
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
Last edited by civman2000; November 11, 2002 at 23:22.
November 11, 2002, 23:14
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
A lot has happen since I was gone for the day, wow!
A side note, if the moderator backs the revolution to Republic General Jack_www will also support the move.
To the Great Moderator of Apolyton:
The English now are week since most of the world is at war with them. The army grows tried of the constant fighting that it has been under the past few months and the men wish to return home. I sugest that we make peace with the English and call our forces back to Apolyton.
To General Thunderfire and Easthaven:
I too agree to your pact and to be loyal to the Great Moderator.
TO General Thunderfire(secret):
I know that the Moderator and her family seem to be insane and make very unwise dessions, but I would not want to move against her, especially after all we went through to prevent the traitors from killing her and taking over the government. But we can always try to talk sense in her if she makes an unwise move in the future.
November 11, 2002, 23:21
Local Time: 04:12
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Location: of the Martian Empire
Posts: 4,969
October 28th, 1400
To General Jack: Last time we offered peace they made absurd demands. Let's keep fighting and bring over some more troops for a few months before offering peace again, just to teach them a lesson. I agree though that we need to restore peace soon.
To the Foreign Advisor (Fwd'ed to all other departmetns so that they are aware of this): No negotiation with the English until December. In December talk to them and unless they are willing to make significant concessions and admit that we have one laugh at them and have no more communication until April.
Ham grass chocolate.
"This should be the question they ask you before you get to vote. If you answer 'no', then they brand you with a giant red 'I' on your forehead and you are forever barred from taking part in the electoral process again."--KrazyHorse
"I'm so very glad KH is Canadian."--Donegeal
November 12, 2002, 00:14
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 1,782
October 1400
I suggest Vegeimen City, near the mountains. It is a bit more central then Apolyton and would be close to the Royal capital. Lot easier to defend inland then on the coast. Also, not all allies and nations will be able to move their embassies right away. If you agree, then I suggest we rename Vegeimen City to Empyrean or Coruscant or something to that effect.
OOC: Civman, my calandar is always mess up...just terrible at math and still haven't figured out your date formula. even using my fancy calculator proves fruitless.
if result goes over 31 for October with 47, is it November 16 then??
Jack, most of the world ISN'T at war with England. all of the european ones are allied with them while the Iroquois, Monguls, Aztecs and Zulus (the technologically and socially behind who recently got updated tech from us) are allied with us. Iroquois already sent forces to help ours and the Americans with the Invasion of England while their smallish navy along with the monguls smallish navy is harassing english ships in the Hudson bay (the large bay at the northern part of Monkey continent). MOnguls begun attacking Russia, preventing, atleast delaying, their attempt to help the English against our American-Apolyton-Iroquois forces. Germany and Spain can still help england. Aztec and Zulus ar slowly sneaking upgraded units with our techs into France to later declare war on the European Union sometime next game year. France is trying to stay neutral, favouring Apolyton and Apolyton Alliance but still in the European Union...with Frigates and Galleons, we can easilly by pass the english coast via the Atlantic Ocean to go to france and the aztec empire.
As for attracting more players, i editted the rules and nearly remove the post count point now, as the game is moving a long we most of ya keep changing positions and power base, lol
November 12, 2002, 00:19
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
To Colonel Harris: We accept your surrender of your troops. I will allow all English troops to go back to England, but we will take their weapons. We though ask all those who are citizens of Apolyton to be handed over to us, so that we can try them for treason.
OOC: I'm assuming this doesn't include the prisoners in Goein Prisoner of War Camp since they're English soldiers and not Apolyton rebels, and we're still at war with the English. Or did you free them too?
November 12, 2002, 00:25
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Australia
Posts: 245
27th of October, 1400
A bloody bag arrived at General Jack_www's desk. There was a note attacked. The General took the note, and read it
"Now do you trust me?
Drako Chuko"
General Jack opened the bag, only to see the decapitated head of General Chuko staring back at him. He called for a guard, and told him "remove that... that object from here!"
"yes sir"
November 12, 2002, 00:33
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
October 29th 1400
To General Jack:
I request permission to take my armies overseas to the English front and take command of Allied Forces or Apolyton Forces. They need better leadership, I don't even know who is leading our men out there. I also request numerous Frigates for escort put under my command and as well as over 2000 cannons to take with me to The Monkey. I will be drafting up plans for our next offensive for when my armies arrive at the continent.
-Field Marshall Easthaven I
(OOC: Mellian, i need maps on current Apolyton army positions as well as other nations' positions on the English war front. Unless you just want me to make things up.)
November 12, 2002, 00:37
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
Originally posted by Easthaven I
OOC: I'm assuming this doesn't include the prisoners in Goein Prisoner of War Camp since they're English soldiers and not Apolyton rebels, and we're still at war with the English. Or did you free them too?
Well then we will send them back once the war is over, that is before I read all the post.
November 12, 2002, 00:37
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
TO General Jack (secret):
Also, I have General West in my custody. If you wish to interrogate him I'll tell you the location. Send word and one of my Wolf soldiers will be sent to you to show you the secret location.
-Field Marshall Easthaven I
November 12, 2002, 00:41
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
Re: October 29th 1400
Originally posted by Easthaven I
To General Jack:
I request permission to take my armies overseas to the English front and take command of Allied Forces or Apolyton Forces. They need better leadership, I don't even know who is leading our men out there. I also request numerous Frigates for escort put under my command and as well as over 2000 cannons to take with me to The Monkey. I will be drafting up plans for our next offensive for when my armies arrive at the continent.
-Field Marshall Easthaven I
(OOC: Mellian, i need maps on current Apolyton army positions as well as other nations' positions on the English war front. Unless you just want me to make things up.)
Well we already have a large force in England already. Before the civil war we sent 60 musketmen infantry units and 15 knights to the area. We also are sending now 10 more Knight units and 5 medieval infantry units to England to fight them. We are currently 5 miles into English territory. I suggest we make a move towards the Capital of England, but of course making sure our flank is secure. I would welcome any plans you may have.
Before we can make a detailed plan we need a map. I am not really sure how to post pictures, so if you could do it that would be great.
November 12, 2002, 00:44
Local Time: 02:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Southern California
Posts: 2,407
Originally posted by Easthaven I
TO General Jack (secret):
Also, I have General West in my custody. If you wish to interrogate him I'll tell you the location. Send word and one of my Wolf soldiers will be sent to you to show you the secret location.
-Field Marshall Easthaven I
As I am really busy running the millitary I would appericate it if one of your men could do that for me and provide me with a detailed report. I was also thinking we need a new Intelligence organization to replace Liam Sheep's one. We must also make sure to root out all of his spies.
November 12, 2002, 00:50
Local Time: 10:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Australia
Posts: 245
28th October 1400
To Chief of Staff Mellian
I write to you to ask if you will grant me a Monopoly on trade between the rich regions of the "aligator" contenent, and the Apolyton Empire. The opening up of these new trade routes will greatly improve the commerce of your empire, and increace standards of living for the people. As I played an intriate part in the Civil War, I beleve that the government owes me.
Sincerely, Drako Chuko
November 12, 2002, 00:59
Local Time: 04:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 771
Field Marshall Easthaven I has ordered a Wolf interrogation team to begin the interrogation of General West. They are to use all means necessary to acquire information that could save Apolyton lives.
Well we already have a large force in England already. Before the civil war we sent 60 musketmen infantry units and 15 knights to the area. We also are sending now 10 more Knight units and 5 medieval infantry units to England to fight them. We are currently 5 miles into English territory. I suggest we make a move towards the Capital of England, but of course making sure our flank is secure. I would welcome any plans you may have.
Is that a go ahead? or a limited go? or a no, you can not go, must stay here? If you wish I will stay here and draft offensive plans.
As for the intelligence agency, my Wolf Battalion have already been conducting such covert actions such as their tags, if you wish I could assign them to become the intelligence agency, there is over 600 men in that battalion. They're capable of regular spy games as well as their training as a special operations unit. I'll leave it up to you to decide. I will retain two companies however to act as my elite gaurd and will fight with me in battles.
November 12, 2002, 01:13
Local Time: 05:12
Local Date: November 1, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 1,782
OOC: Easthaven, make it up. the English-American coast front map is available in the Great Library... can use that to make up things up. Only thing is that the Allied forces started the invasion, but haven't taken any cities. English is about to have some German and SPanish reinforcements soon.
Keep in mind that one square in the Civ3 map is 100x100 miles.
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