First, I want to thank everyone who answered to my question "Do you cheat in deity/raging"

I got many good advices and started an ICS deity/raging game last night.
In the Dave's ICS manual is mentioned that if you have HG and a warrior in a 2-sized town it should keep it content even when you have over 20 little towns around. Normally 1. citizen is happy and 2. is red or even black and everything is okay.
Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Sometimes the 1. is only content and 2. in unhappy and the city riots. In the manual was said that if that happened you have to move one garrisioned unit out of town to turn make the 1. one happy. Sometimes this works but very oddly indeed I had to move ALL fortified unit out of the town to make it happy!! In the happiness chart there are then 2 black pirates and under that the HG-wonder makes one happy and one red. I don't understand that at all because HG is supposed to make one citizen content in every friendy city?
The most strange thing was that often I had to move all my 3 fort units out of the city to make it happy again

This is very counter-intuitive indeed!
Is this some kind of bug in Civ2 2.42 which I'm playing?
Btw, is this GLoA somewhere compiled yet? I'd like to learn how to make the SSC! (I'm just starting to get familiar with all those acronymes!)
[This message has been edited by Marko_Polo (edited January 10, 2001).]