Spit and polish?
Partly cause Vel mention's it alot, i thought i'd give Alpha Centuri a go.
A few things struck me about it that might be nice to try to attempt for CTP2. I suppose these are just considerations to polish the overall feel of CTP2, but just from my 8 hour bash at Smac, i was very impressed with the atmosphere the game managed to convey.
1. Some kind of throne room thingy - in smac it's represented by a kind of 'history monument' that give a picture and description of important events in your civs timeline(your first succsesful war for example).
This feature may be more relevent than just a decorative throne room,and really adds a sense of achievment, even after you have been through them all. It makes you give a damn about how well you are doing(more so than say a box with numbers in it). I think that's important.
2. The diplomacy in Smac really feels like its personal. I don't know exactly how clever it is, but it conveys a sense of personality very well - you really feel like you are talking to living,breathing opponants. I know the setup is different in that in Smac you have very distinct leaders, in CTP2 it's more openbook, but we do have leader personality traits. How easy(difficult?) would it be to tie personality to type of language used in diplomacy?
evil warmonger - 'Mighty leader of the Lemurs, let us combine our scientific knowledge to further our research into weapons so we can wage war on the weak nations and bring them under our heal.'
scientific pacifist - 'Great Leader of the Lemurs, let us combine knowledge to further our aims of a lasting peace amongst all peoples.'
This kind of thing,possible or not and if so where would the replacement text messages go?
One thing that is obvious about Smac is the attention to detail, and the huge amount of customisable options. In comparison to CTP2 it obvious(and from the unused commands in CTP2) which was rushed out without this extra spit and polish.
This is a shame.So much has been done by goodwill alone with CTP2, that has improved the game measurably, that the little finishing touches seem all the more desirable(to me at least!).
So any ideas on the throne/history room and a more personal diplo exchange? There may be more things like this that could do with attention,but these came to my attention first.
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