November 1, 2002, 22:20
Local Time: 02:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 570
Good Bye
I am going to end my participation in the original civ3 democracy game. I have never held an elected office and have certainly not affected the game like Unortho, Ninot, or Trip, but I like to think that my ever present ramblings have had an effect in the game. I joined the game before the first term began. My original intent was to bring a bit of the Dude into the game but jdd2007 took an cryptic message I posted to mean that I supported the Hawk party. Rather than correct the misunderstanding I ran with it and became one of the most active ultra-rightist in the game. After the creation of the DIA, I proposed the Popular Front, which Trip turned into the UFC. I later created the Apolytonian Racial Elitist when Reddawg put into one of his reports as a joke and ran for City Planner on a ARE platform taking 15% of the vote. Thanks to Unortho some of my ARE programs were implimented. In my most recent attempt at office, I lost by two votes to the leader of the DIA, Thud, for minister of science. I hope my gift to the game was a more playful approach to role-playing and a strong and fun party system. I would like to thank my Hawk brothers for making the game fun and the DIA for opposing us. My only regret is that I never got to name a city El Duderino.
yes, this post is egocentric. Why else would I have joined the game.
Ghengis can sell off my property in the mini-game.
Good luck to Meshelic and the Hawk party.
Last edited by Duddha; November 1, 2002 at 22:35.
November 1, 2002, 22:51
Local Time: 05:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Location: Of GOW's half of BOB
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You will be missed, I hope we call a city el duderino for you. Any chance you can be convinced to stay or are you decided on leaving and exploring new realms.
The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.
November 1, 2002, 23:24
Local Time: 06:15
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Duddha, all the roleplayers or party members will sorely miss your... interesting... presence. If it'll help you stick around for another term or so, I'll name you Official Deputy Science Minister.
Undoubtably, you will have more than enough work in that post to keep you interested
"The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
Former President, C3SPDGI
November 1, 2002, 23:44
Local Time: 05:15
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Re: Good Bye
Originally posted by Duddha
have never held an elected office and have certainly not affected the game like Unortho, Ninot, or Trip, but I like to think that my ever present ramblings have had an effect in the game.
Duderino, im quite honored you hold me in such high respects.
You influenced this game in a way that may not be changeable, and you were truly a formidable hawk.
good luck in all your endeavours
you were truly a good Apolytonian
Resident Sexy Lesbian Beauty Expert
November 2, 2002, 00:39
Local Time: 05:15
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I think (or at least hope) that I speak for many when I say that your influence upon the game and the thinking of its players has been greater than you seem to believe
For one, as you may have noticed, I have publicly noted that you actually brought a strong degree of capability (I think I even used the word "eloquence"  ) to the pro-war argument in multiple situations where you solely challenged the prevailing view and, indeed, several times reversed it. I believe my rewark was that you were the "de-facto leader" of the Hawk Party due to being its true heart and soul. This is a far greater achievement than the holding of any official position could convey upon someone who so revels in the real choices and conflicts of a setting like this... and for someone who so obviously revels in political combat as you.
For the most influential choices, and thus the largest conflicts, have been those made by the citizens through polls and thus argued over by citizens on these forums. This is the area where you have known so much success and where your considerable influence upon the game has been felt. Not in the ways that many record history, but in the ways that history is actually made.
The secret to your success in convincing many to your side of such arguments in this regard I believe has been from two factors:
(1) your ability to surprise people with the fact that you are a great deal more eloquent than people expect to you be when they learn you've chosen to be a far-right looney
(2) You remain so thoroughly committed to your side of the argument, even when completely outnumbered or when it is completely insensible to do so, that you force your opponents (who are not so committed to any specific policy) to doubt their position at the very least.... a few, the non-aligned yet easily convinced, even will be persuaded by the sheer attachment which you seem to hold for your side
Although I practice a somewhat different style (though at times equally rebellious and controversial  ), I have an admiration for the sheer effectiveness of yours... an effectiveness that has, upon occasion, taken me and others quite by surprise
I'm sorry to see you go, both because you've contributed so much and because you've been an extremely capable political adversary for what short time I've been here myself (and a very capable political adversary to many others far before I arrived!).
So I'll echo Ninot, "you were truly a good Apolyonian"
However, you do know that Thud, Ninot, myself, and others like us will now be attempting to get away with the rhetorical equivalent of bloody murder w/o those such as you and Unortho here to keep us in check
November 2, 2002, 00:45
Local Time: 04:15
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The Dude will be missed..........
November 2, 2002, 00:47
Local Time: 04:15
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Posts: 2,394
One of the greatest members of Apolyton has decided to peacefully retire.
If there is ever a oppurtunity for renaming a city I will vote El Duderino for the best pick of the crop their is.
Good luck in whatever it is you're going to do next.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
November 2, 2002, 05:06
Local Time: 22:15
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Dammit, Duddha.... with Trip (mostly) gone, Tass as well, UnOrthO and soon me too, this game needs more people like you to keep the fun in it.
There is a changing of the guard coming up; unless we demolish term limits Togas will not be FAM any longer, I am out, UnOrthO has retired from the Gazette and many of the past Exec will not be here. Of all of those with some major interest in this game, perhaps above all I hoped and expected you to keep this game going strong, perhaps with a more pure fun aspect to it seeing as it is becoming increasingly more obvious that we will win this game with no enormous effort.
I read your thread on the ARE, and took great amusement in much of what you posted - it was all in great fun.
And I voted the Dude for Science Minister too.
If you must go, I hope you come back. Take note, everyone, the Dude is one who has been injecting his own brand of enjoyment into this little game of ours, and I really hope that others can pick up the torch you have borne.
Farewell - I refuse to say goodbye,
November 2, 2002, 06:49
Local Time: 20:15
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Aw - why don't you just give him a big sloppy kiss
November 2, 2002, 06:56
Local Time: 11:15
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I am going to end my participation in the original civ3 democracy game.
Duddha, does that mean we'll see you in PTW DG?
i sure hope so, i don't think i can bear another "Giant" leaving the Civ3 community.
Best of luck in whatever you pursue.
Save the rainforests!
Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles
November 2, 2002, 10:12
Local Time: 07:15
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You will be missed, El Duderino. And a big sloppy kiss to you...
November 2, 2002, 12:05
Local Time: 05:15
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Location: Oak Ridge, El Niño, Apolyton
Posts: 423
Uhn, do you have to go? You really have been one of the quickest to take up the fun role-playing aspects of the game, and it's always made things interesting. Like a comedic relief, when things get too serious. Good luck and take care.
November 2, 2002, 12:10
Local Time: 04:15
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new to this demo game as I still am, I only knew you as a fellow hawk and long-lived member of the Democracy. It pains me to see the guard change.
There goes one of God's own prototypes --too strange to live, too rare to die.
"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." -- Abraham Lincoln
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." -- Albert Einstein, in regards to Mohandis Gandhi
November 3, 2002, 02:06
Local Time: 05:15
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I'm sorry to see you go. While I'm by no means an expert on the C3DG, I think you've had more affect than you realize, or at least more than you "egocentrically" stated.
November 3, 2002, 15:47
Firaxis Games Programmer/Designer
Local Time: 06:15
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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You were always one of the names I associated with the Demo Game, your presence and contributions to this fine enterprise will be missed. May the winds of fortune take you where you wish to be.  I salute you!
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