January 1, 2001, 14:12
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900 AD. After a very controversial election KJ3, distant son of KJ2 was elected to the throne. The whole nation had to wait for the results of the far away town of Lone Oak, before the results were complete. A few juridic battles were also fought which are of no interest for any serious historian of today.
What matters is that KJ3, was not, to put it mildly, very clever. His nickname was indeed the Stupid One. He didn’t understand much about ICS, size 5 strategy and any diplomatic subtilities. He just pretended he did, and went on with his business as best as he could, not much that is.
For only the most fanatics students of the history of our beloved nation, we give, despite the lack of interest a few informations about this blurred period : neither dark, nor bright, just plain stupid. And at last, we cannot help but smile at the “stupid pun” of those ancient times : KJ3 the SO(B).
940 AD, Barbarians unrest near SG 1. KJ3 pretends that everything is fine and refuses to allocate new forces to the region. 2 horsemen and a diplo shall be enough against elephants. Remember Pyrrhus, he added in a mixed up memory of the Roman history. The same year a hut yields 8 ferocious red horsemen. One of true brave horsemen meets his fate.
980 AD, Democracy is discovered. Next one will be chivalry. Caravans gather in Zamorna to Build the statue of Liberty. Not an easy task with a government who refuses to give subsides to anybody.
Barbarians again, from a hut again. This time the victims are settlers. Will KJ3 ever stop putting innocent to such a useless death. (as if death was ever useful, note of the historian of today).
1000 AD, a few military journalists report some troop movement near the Persian border. Octavius, Military spokeman of the KJ3 government explains that the soldiers like the sun and the beaches in this area.
1020 AD, Barbarians once more, from a hut once more. Diplomats left alone to an horrible death.
1060 AD, Tragedy strucks. The city of Naples is destroyed by barbarians. Government forces were unable to answer the barbarian threat, despite many warnings. A motion of destitution (impeachment for the modern reader) is discussed in the congress. KJ3 remains confident (or doesn’t understand the situation). He founds KJ3 City, it’s better than Naples he explains with his finest sense of psychology and then goes to Zamorna to supervise the building of the SoL.
1080 AD, The Statue of Liberty is build and in what many see as a fitting conjunction of events, KJ3 is impeached right thereafter, two turns before the next elections he was of course dreaming of winning. And so ended the reign of the Stupid One.
January 1, 2001, 14:14
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Watch out everybody !
My comments are on page 3 and my history is right here on page 4.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 1, 2001, 14:15
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Watch out everybody !
My comments are on page 3 and my history is right here on page 4.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 2, 2001, 08:19
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Julius - I have the game. Never fear - construction of the SoL is enough to ensure victory  !

[Originally posted by Paul on 11-04-2000 05:23 PM]
I'm not surprised, you are interested, DaveV. On the giga-map you should be able to bring ICS to the next level. The only problem should be the 255 city limit.
(unbelievably wide, frightening evil grin)
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited January 02, 2001).]
January 2, 2001, 10:10
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Julius, not to worry my friend. Stupid One? Au contraire, mon ami. Persistent one? Yes. Enlightened one? Yes. Unfortunate one? Yes. Stupid one? No. I never got around to my embellished narrative but if you look closely to my last turn, I lost the city of Scouston. I have walked in your moccasins and I feel your pain. Then again, maybe I was stupid, too.
Go get 'em, DaveV.
Frodo lives!
January 2, 2001, 12:50
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kcbob - You lost the city of Scouston?!
The papers regarding your Court Martial are in the post!
SG (2)
January 2, 2001, 16:09
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Yes, but...
A most beautiful metropolis know as New Scouston was built just one square away as soon as the barbarian hordes were defeated. So beautiful is this city that there are new found whales within the city limits and, what's more, a hundred statues honoring the noble Scouse Gits in Concert have been erected. Two hundred more are planned! Fourteen national holidays have been decreed within the city and all the young virgins between the ages of 18 and 21 have been ordered to appear before you en masse.
Now, about those papers...
Frodo lives!
January 2, 2001, 21:04
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Flattery ... and Dollar Bills will get you everywhere!
SG (2)
January 3, 2001, 09:20
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1080 - King Dave takes immediate action. Convinced that the AIs have no idea what to do with their excessive cash, he demands a slice. Both Shaka and Xerxes refuse to pay tribute. "We will have that money!" King Dave vows. In a controversial move, King Dave trades Gunpowder to Xerxes for Monotheism. Rushbuilt caravans are prepared, destined for a new wonder. In other news, the new cities of 151x117c54 and 89x133c54 are established.
1100 - Dave is declared Giga Priest of the new Giga Fundamentalism. Tax sliders at 40/10/50 for WLY days, libraries sold - future beakers will come from caravans. Zulus pony up 300 gold , Persians refuse. Xinning City A renamed to Caravan City A.
1120 - Michaelangelo's Chapel completed. Zulus gift 150 gold; Persians refuse. 71x119c54 built. Sliders changed to 60/10/30.
1140 - Zulus gift 75 gold; Persians refuse. Advanced tribe 137x117c50 size 4, temple, market!
1160 - Zulus gift 25 gold; Persians refuse. 115x107c54 built.
1180 - Zulus gift 25 gold; Persians refuse. Sliders changed to 20/50/30 to try to finish off Chivalry before the main body of caravans arrives.
1200 - Zulus gift 25 gold; Persians refuse.
1220 - Zulus refuse; Persians gift 275 gold. 141x141c54 built.
1240 - Zulus gift 25 gold; Persians gift 125 gold. 148x110c54 built.
1260 - Chivalry discovered. Theology is next. Zulus declare war; Persians gift 100 gold; Sioux gift 900 gold . 93x157c54, 136x114c54, 77x143c54
I decided to send the (zipped) save file to everyone so we all know how the game is going.
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited January 05, 2001).]
January 5, 2001, 12:43
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I sent the game to both andemagne and kcbob because I don't know if andemagne is already available to play. If we hear nothing from andemagne kcbob should play.
During the reign of Paul III we continued to expand with eight new cities, four of them from advanced tribes. Theology, Physics and Magnetism were discovered and Medicine was traded with the Persians. J.S. Bach's Cathedral was built in Caravan City A.
The Persians sneak-attacked us but quickly saw their error and paid 550 gold to end hostilities. We also made peace with the Zulus.
ICS now has a second meaning: Infinite Caravan sleaze. The rewards of indivual carvans are low, but put together we still get a decent income. Our treasury is well filled and it has a noticeable effect on science. Most caravans are sent to the Persians, but some have been sent to Avaris for shipping to Sioux cities.
January 5, 2001, 14:21
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3.5 hours? Impressive turnaround time, Paul! Nice list of techs, too - are you still in Fundy, or did you switch to a more science-friendly government?
January 5, 2001, 14:31
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I received the game and could play it tonight or tomorrow. I do have one other succession game in which I need to play my turn so I'll probably do that one first and thereby give Andemagne a little more time to respond. If we don't hear from him by tomorrow morning, I might go ahead with this one. He can always jump back in later.
And WAY TO GO, GUYS!! MCs and Bach's. Dyn-o-mite!!!
Frodo lives!
January 5, 2001, 15:11
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I'm still in fundy. The income from loads of caravans helped a bit with science, but only one or two gave more than 100 gold. Most were in the 30-80 gold range.
January 5, 2001, 15:51
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Originally posted by Andemagne on 12-28-2000 10:52 AM
when I received the game for the first time,
I played and sented it forward to maud'dib and SG.
maud'dib didn't have time to play and it seems that
SG didn't receive my savegame. so when SG sented the
latest savegame to Julius, he sented the same file
that I received, so my all ready played 20 turns
were erased. all my hard work is now gone.
why this allways happens to me?
We lost several turns in this game. On December 1, SG[2] sent out an AD600 save in which we were struggling without HG; on December 24, SG[1] sent out a 500BC save, Julius built HG, and we've been coasting to an easy win ever since.
January 5, 2001, 16:00
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Originally posted by DaveV on 01-05-2001 02:51 PM
We lost several turns in this game. On December 1, SG[2] sent out an AD600 save in which we were struggling without HG; on December 24, SG[1] sent out a 500BC save, Julius built HG, and we've been coasting to an easy win ever since.
Oh, swell. Put the pressure on me. When my turn is done, we'll probably be in despotism, down to 3 cities, a vassal state of the Persians, and researching Warrior Code due to some wierd time warp.
Frodo lives!
January 5, 2001, 17:40
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The SGs in concert
January 5, 2001, 18:28
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January 5, 2001, 18:55
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Originally posted by DaveV on 01-05-2001 02:51 PM
We lost several turns in this game. On December 1, SG[2] sent out an AD600 save in which we were struggling without HG; on December 24, SG[1] sent out a 500BC save, Julius built HG, and we've been coasting to an easy win ever since.
I rewrote history then !
I'm going to reread my HG Wells.
Well played SG, you fooled me then with some wrong game, or to be precise with some wrong time. 500 bc did seem early for a 2nd reign, but I didn't think about it enough.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 6, 2001, 04:42
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I'm not surprised, you are interested, DaveV. On the giga-map you should be able to bring ICS to the next level. The only problem should be the 255 city limit.
Dave, You might want to look at this thread in the Creation forum: http://apolyton.net/forums/Forum4/HTML/001055.html
January 6, 2001, 11:32
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Originally posted by Paul on 01-05-2001 05:28 PM
If you really screw up like that we could probably get SG to "accidentally" send out an old save again.
I'm going to give Andemagne about another hour to respond. I just received another succession game from Scouse Gits so I'll whip that one out first.
Back in a bit.
* edit *
I lied. The other game I received was actually sent to Smash to play. I merely received a "courtesy copy". Therefore, with apologies to Andemagne, I'll proceed with this one now.
Andemagne, when you resurface, I'm sure whoever is next will be happy to let you jump in front of them in the "succession" to get back in the swing of things. And now...
let's get conquering!!!
Frodo lives!
[This message has been edited by kcbob (edited January 06, 2001).]
January 7, 2001, 11:28
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Finished and sent to ScouseGits.
In the year 1540, the leadership of our great empire was turned over to kcbob, the Unworthy One. As he surveyed the kingdom, he saw that his predecessors had decided on a spiritual course of action, a Fundamentalist approach to governing. kcbob saw no reason to alter this course.
Thus, a holy Jihad was begun against the accursed Persians. In the end, their capitol, Persepolis, home of the Great Library, was taken. Great was the loss to our own forces and the names of the brave crusaders will long be remembered. Even so, the Persian empire now lays before our feet, its soft underbelly ripe for conquering or bribing.
And to that end, a great building campaign was begun. While the coffers of the empire were overflowing with gold due to the tithes being received, kcbob was filled with greed and began to erect marketplaces in as many cities as he could. Visions of coinage danced in his head, and perhaps that was what led to his downfall.
But before kcbob retired, the eastern reaches of the kingdom began to open. Numerous Sioux cities were also incited to rebellion and, thus, joined our mighty cause. It is only a matter of time before the remainder see the light.
And on the horizon, a fierce warlike nation that call themselves the Kelts were found in the north. Together with a strange orange-clad civilization in the southeast, these will pose a great challenge for the rulers who follow.
On his deathbed, with his dying breath, kcbob uttered one last question for the ages... "What the heck is with all those automaticized carvans???"
Frodo lives!
January 8, 2001, 15:01
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In response to the save I sent to Andemagne I got the following reply:

sorry, can't play.
for some technical reasons I cant post to apolyton so could you please post there and tell that I'm aveilable from 14th (sunday) of january onwards.
So he should be able to play again next week.
January 9, 2001, 14:03
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… we interrupt this broadcast for a newsflash from the Presidium at The Gigapool People's Centre ...
Solemn music being played …
Today, 9 January 1760, at around 03.30 hrs, IRONCLAD ONE was feared lost in a sudden gale off the Cape of Zimbabwe. All passengers are believed to have been lost, including both Gits. Our leaders were fellow travellers to take the salute of the cadets at The People's War Academy, recently liberated from the Zulus in Ulundi.
In a controversial reign of Communist scientific advancement and expansion the Gits modernised the rich but scientifically impoverished Fundamentalist Empire they inherited during the previous Century. Both advocated "Xinning", at the expense of surplus food for workers. In true Communist style they set about their Two-Year Plan, for a new advance every other year. This was more than achieved with the research of 8 techs, aided by Comrade Darwin's Voyage. (Chemistry/Steam Engine/Railroad/Explosives/Economics/Industrialisation/Communism/Espionage) The Presidium Beaker Chief expects The Corporation to be a reality in 1764.
In the field of foreign relations the Gits believed in Gunboat Diplomacy. Persia was their first target for desctruction. However, they did build the United Nations, not so much for diplomacy - but more for intelligence about the opposing powers. (Well what else do you do with a dozen surplus food caravans?) They also acquired the Wonders of Adam Smith (capitalists at heart!), The Pyramids and Sun Tzu. They conquered and bribed 18 cities whilst destroying one. 17 new cities were founded during their tenancy of Gigapool Centre.
The Presidium is pleased to announce it will erect a stone overlooking the water in Zimbabwe Bay where the Gits perished. It will have the simple but touching inscription: "Ulundi 27 miles".......
I think Julius is the next leader of the masses .. ?
Newsflash by SG(2)
January 9, 2001, 17:06
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Have sent all players a zipped file of the game up to 1760. (Julius; DaveV; kcbob; Paul)
January 10, 2001, 08:33
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 01-09-2001 01:03 PM
I think Julius is the next leader of the masses .. ?
Well, is not Andemagne still in it ?
I have found time to play the no-ICS gigamap today, but I cannot play this one before Sunday. Scouge Gits, you're the one in charge, what do you say ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 10, 2001, 09:59
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Andemagne ... would you like me to send you this game? We have reached 1760.
Julius - all the games always seem to arrive at one time! We may be able to have one or two people playing before Sunday - I will make sure you don't miss out.
[This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited January 10, 2001).]
January 10, 2001, 18:41
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 01-10-2001 08:59 AM
Julius - all the games always seem to arrive at one time! We may be able to have one or two people playing before Sunday - I will make sure you don't miss out.
Thanks, I’ll keep myself informed in the forum and by Sunday, I’ll catch up on the game.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
January 11, 2001, 18:33
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Andemagne has not responded after 24 hours so perhaps he is still unable to play.
Dave would you like to play next and then send to Julius for Sunday?
Then Paul will be after Julius, then kcbob. If Andemagne surfaces we will fit him in!
January 12, 2001, 09:03
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Let's just stick with the regular order - I won't have much time for the game this weekend anyway.
January 12, 2001, 16:25
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Julius You play next. Happy hunting!
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