Just thought i'd drop ya a Line

Its one of those games where one Player is 'commander' sees the Map in 2D and can order the Players wehre to go, to build and researches too...
and unless other games in this Game they should listen to him 'cause the Commander drops the Goodies Health n ammo and Weapons and so :=)
Whatelse? Its an marine vs Alien game where the two sides play totally different, the Aliens for example see all their comrades through Walls and 'evolve' into other Aliens.
the other Marines except commander are teh .. marines

who play like any other shooter.. or act like being Soldiers in C&C
('Waiting for Orders')
Graphics look okay, which means superb for HL-Engine
Well give it a shot its 90MB.
Oh of course its free which adds to his favour
negative side:
-spending too much time on it
- Everything over 8 Players makes Server lag like a Donkey brushing Teeth with Coconuts

will be patched i read today