View Poll Results: Presidential Run-Off
Hydey for President
12 |
50.00% |
Darkness' Edge for President
12 |
50.00% |
November 2, 2002, 22:19
Local Time: 05:17
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Presidential Run-Off
As current President, and as VP Darkness' Edge has not replied to my email to him about posting a poll for election of a President, I take it upon myself to post a poll. Vote for Hydey or Darkness' Edge. There is no banana in this choice.
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul
November 2, 2002, 22:34
Local Time: 05:17
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didn't we just go through this in the other thread? technically we should really wait for DE to post the poll, but i've a;ways been of the mind that if the VP is running in the particular election the president should post the election poll. So Cavebear as the outgoing president has more authority to post this poll than Atawa did, so this one stays.
its almost as if i'm the judicial system now
November 3, 2002, 08:28
Local Time: 11:17
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btw do we have a victm for the job of military advisor?
there wasn't an ellection-poll for that job and there are only 2 ppl left for a job while we still have 3 jobs:
prez, VP and SMC
ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
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November 3, 2002, 08:31
Local Time: 12:17
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Now this is nice CB, stepped on your toes?
From the closed thread:
It might have been a good idea to ask about doing this, first. I emailed Darkness' Edge today about getting a run-off poll up, but you have effectively superceded that.
It is 3 november, our country hasnt had a president for the last 3 days, and you're sending out a mail
I appreciate your desire to keep the game moving along, but this usurption of responsibility wasn't necessary or appropriate. Your position as October Minister of Imperial Expansion does not include election procedures and you are acting as a private Citizen now in November. As President, I would have acted if Darkness did not. And I will.
Read the above CB, you are minister of trade, seems to me this isnt one of your responsibility's either, and being president for october *might* give you this power but I dont recall seeing a thread where this procedure was implemented.
What is your problem with this?? We need a new president asap as now we dont have one.
The only *action* you took b4 I started the thread was sending out a mail to the former VP about this, witch could have resulted in another couple of days delay.
Seems to me the only reason this thread was ever started is becouse you feel * op je pik getrapt*
And from H-tower:
CB's right atawa, we should try and follow at least some of the guidelines that we set up, DE will be around shortly to set it up.
Read the above, can you please tell me in witch thread these guidelines were set up and voted on?
And *around shortly*  This could mean a whole week without president as DE stated he was going away for a couple of days in another thread.
Why didnt our former president remember this btw
As current President,
Current president  , dont you mean current minister of trade?
and as VP Darkness' Edge has not replied to my email to him about posting a poll for election of a President, I take it upon myself to post a poll. Vote for Hydey or Darkness' Edge. There is no banana in this choice.
So, its now the responsibility of the minister of trade to post this poll, only off course after the original poll was closed becouse it was posted by a concerned citizen.
didn't we just go through this in the other thread? technically we should really wait for DE to post the poll, but i've a;ways been of the mind that if the VP is running in the particular election the president should post the election poll. So Cavebear as the outgoing president has more authority to post this poll than Atawa did, so this one stays.
So...just becouse YOU think its the presidents duty you closed the other thread, but in all honesty, CB wouldnt have posted the poll for another couple of days probably, he would first wait for DE to come back.
This would have resulted in another couple of days without a leader for our great nation
But he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder and seeing my poll made him put up a poll of his own asap, how pathetic
A simple comment about it not being my responsibility in the thread would have been enough, now you create something like this..............
Oh and:
its almost as if i'm the judicial system now
No you're not, stop acting like it. In this game you are nothing more then a citizen. By closing the first poll you made up and enforced the rules as YOU see them.
This being a demogame I demand the people vote on these issues first.
November 3, 2002, 08:55
Local Time: 11:17
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Originally posted by atawa
What is your problem with this?? We need a new president asap as now we dont have one.
 we have a power-vacuum  does this mean we'll fall into anarchy sometime soon and Freeport will be declared an independent state?
The only *action* you took b4 I started the thread was sending out a mail to the former VP about this, witch could have resulted in another couple of days delay.
Seems to me the only reason this thread was ever started is becouse you feel * op je pik getrapt*
 how should we call this ?"euphimistic hidding in Dutch" 
c'mon ppl chill out...there might still be some chillpills from the first demogame lying around here somewhere...
Current president , dont you mean current minister of trade?
So, its now the responsibility of the minister of trade to post this poll, only off course after the original poll was closed because it was posted by a concerned citizen.
CB and atawa both of you have a point, the show must go on, but instead of fighting over who has the right to post this poll(when actually at this moment both of you don't have this right, but also this situation should have been resolved already) you should be cooperating. We need a new prez. No matter who posts the poll with only options DE and Hydey( where is the banana option  ) we should be using it instead of confusing the few ppl who are still voting on these polls.
ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
shameless plug to my site: home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)
November 3, 2002, 09:06
Local Time: 12:17
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Originally posted by shade
CB and atawa both of you have a point, the show must go on, but instead of fighting over who has the right to post this poll(when actually at this moment both of you don't have this right, but also this situation should have been resolved already) you should be cooperating. We need a new prez. No matter who posts the poll with only options DE and Hydey( where is the banana option ) we should be using it instead of confusing the few ppl who are still voting on these polls.
I agree with you, the only thing witch inspired me to write this rather lengthly post was becouse CB had H-tower close the poll and set up one of his own......
November 3, 2002, 11:21
Local Time: 11:17
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Where are programs of candidates? I'm a new in this game and just don't know on whom I should vote!
In this situation I see no point of voting!
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November 3, 2002, 13:03
Local Time: 05:17
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I expect that the President serves until replaced. Citizens do not set up election polls.
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
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Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
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November 3, 2002, 13:36
Local Time: 12:17
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I dont, and neither do ministers of trade.......
Might be an interesting question for a poll though.
November 3, 2002, 13:49
Local Time: 12:17
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As stated here under general guidelines in the index:
General Cabinet Rules
-Each person may hold 1 post at a time.
You posted polls as trade minister therefore stepping down as president.
November 3, 2002, 14:59
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We could always just compromise and have me post the runoff poll, as a former presidential candidate.
November 3, 2002, 17:48
Local Time: 12:17
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That would work
November 3, 2002, 17:48
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A vote for Hydey is a vote for a person who will be here everyday throughout the month of November. 
I have the experience as President in the earlier part of this game when we found ourselves behind in many ways but with my leadership we became the dominent force .
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man. :(
November 3, 2002, 22:38
Local Time: 21:17
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I'm back. And I, too, will be here every day from now on.
I apologise for not being able to post the poll. I was stuck in a small country town, and typically, the one internet terminal in the whole bloody place was out of order.
I'm a bit confused as to why there's a repoll though. I might have missed something, because I'm in kinda a hurry to get through everything before I've gotta do some other stuff, but the other election says I won by a vote.
November 4, 2002, 00:24
Local Time: 05:17
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Atawa: I'm not exactly happy with what happened either, CB asked me to close the thread because it violated the rules we've set forward about who posted elections. I agreed with that, and closed it.
Then CB went and started his own thread 
At the time, CB posting the poll seemed the most logical thing, he is still the president at the moment, waiting to hand over his position to the new pres when he is inducted. A plausible explanation for his actions. You on the otherhand had absolutely no basis for posting the poll besides the fact that DE doesn't post fast enough for you.
No you're not, stop acting like it. In this game you are nothing more then a citizen. By closing the first poll you made up and enforced the rules as YOU see them.
This being a demogame I demand the people vote on these issues first.
I said ALMOST and included a smiley next to that. There were two threads about the election run-off, what was i supposed to do? I picked the one which I thought fit best within the guidelines.
if you've got a problem with how i did things, call for my impeachment.
November 4, 2002, 00:56
Local Time: 21:17
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I don't see what all the fuss is about.
I posted before I went away, and said I was going to be away for four or five days, with probably no internet access, and that when I was back, I would be here all the time for the rest of the month. As it turned out, there was no access available in the town I was staying in, so I couldn't check in, which was no reason to halt the game. So cavebear did the next best thing, and posted it himself.
November 4, 2002, 01:16
Local Time: 05:17
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Back on topic now, It's going to be another close one, but that shouldn't be any suprise.
DE: you need to join the civ group soon or you won't be able to vote or even post in this forum.
November 4, 2002, 04:42
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What happens if we get anotherdraw? Bananas at ten paces?
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November 4, 2002, 09:56
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There is no banana option.
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
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November 4, 2002, 10:24
Local Time: 11:17
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If we get another draw my vote will count as two!
So, to preserve the secret I won't tell you who I have voted for.
googol... this is a number!
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November 4, 2002, 10:42
Local Time: 22:17
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DE: you need to join the civ group soon or you won't be able to vote or even post in this forum.
is that how those things are supposed to work?
If we get another draw my vote will count as two!
So, to preserve the secret I won't tell you who I have voted for.
it is a close one.
November 4, 2002, 10:55
Local Time: 05:17
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All this hoo-ha reminds me that tomorrow Nov.4 is election day in the US. Let's all remember to get out to the (RL) polls so that we will be justified in our inevitable criticism of the doofuses who will (just as inevitably) win.
(This has been a public service announcement from the perennially disappointed -Jrabbit. Now back to our regularly scheduled topic.)
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
November 4, 2002, 11:57
Local Time: 05:17
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Look, I'm sorry I did this, OK? I should have just ignored *who* posted the runoff poll and let it go. I'm too hierarchal, and sometimes I have no d*mn tact at all.
Here's what happened: When I saw a runoff was needed (neither candidate having gotten 50% of the total vote), I emailed Darkness' Edge in hopes that he *did* have internet access. When he didn't respond (because he couldn't), I decided that the current President was the only person who really *should* post the poll, and went to do so.
I found that a private Citizen had posted a runoff election poll, and got into a real snit about it. It's not the first time a Citizen has initiated electionactivities.
I asked H Tower to close the unauthorized poll and went ahead and posted the "official" poll so as to not delay the game further until Darkness' Edge returned.
Just chalk it up to a clumsy cavebear trying to do things "the right way".
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul
November 4, 2002, 13:56
Local Time: 12:17
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Lets just say we both had the best of intentions but went about it like a bull in a chinawareshop. 
(Sorry, this looses a lot in translation)
As far as I'm concerned no hard feelings, hope you feel the same way.
Now lets get on with the game, its an 8-8 tie right now
Let at least someone vote
November 4, 2002, 14:37
Local Time: 05:17
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Originally posted by atawa
Lets just say we both had the best of intentions but went about it like a bull in a chinawareshop. 
(Sorry, this looses a lot in translation)
It's familiar to me. But maybe it should "a cavebear in a china shop".
As far as I'm concerned no hard feelings, hope you feel the same way.
No hard feelings. You're one of my favorite people here.
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul
November 4, 2002, 14:47
Local Time: 05:17
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I would like to cautiously suggest that, if this runoff ends in a tie, the November Cabinet votes on it? Since there are 5 filled positions, there would be a decision. They could send their votes to forum administrator H Tower (whatever his title) and he could announce the results.
Hopefully, of course, some more Citizens will break the tie and make further procedures unnecessary!
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul
November 4, 2002, 16:56
Local Time: 12:17
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I agree, if the nation can't decide let the people they elected decide.
My second choice would be let them play a duel
November 4, 2002, 17:35
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looks like a tie........... AGAIN!
Former President, Vice-president and Foreign Minister of the Apolyton Civ2-Democracy Games as 123john321
November 4, 2002, 17:44
Local Time: 11:17
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Originally posted by atawa
Lets just say we both had the best of intentions but went about it like a bull in a chinawareshop. 
(Sorry, this looses a lot in translation)
 this is becoming a real zoo: an ellephant, a bear , a bull and all in that little porcelainshop...must cause damage...
-->note to our next president: maybe we can call our next city "Ellephant In Porcelainshop"(or zootown=Antwerpen  )...just to remember these difficult elections.
 its a tie
ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
shameless plug to my site: home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)
Last edited by shade; November 4, 2002 at 18:01.
November 4, 2002, 18:25
Local Time: 05:17
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There is still some time to go for late votes. But please, if you have a DL, don't use it to vote; that's not fair...  Some people don't visit the site as often as the rest of us, but if they do visit, their votes should count fairly.
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul
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