December 19, 2002, 15:51
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[list=1][*]Age of Empires[*]Civilization 3[*]Civilization 2[*]SMAC[*]Doom 2[*]Outpost[*]Sim City 2000[*]Castle Wolfenstein[*]The Sims[*]Michael Jordan In Flight[/list=1]
December 19, 2002, 17:02
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2. The Dig
3. C&C Tiberian Sun
4. Railroad Tycoon 2
5. Homeworld
6. Beneath A Steel Sky
7. Civ2
8. Settlers 2
9. Pharaoh
10. Monkey Island 2
Have spacesuit, will travel!
December 20, 2002, 07:13
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ADG, I would like to point out tho that MoM and MOO acronym shorthands are even used in FORUM TITLES in this same site....
... so they too should be immediately recognizable for a true apolytoner...
I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)
December 20, 2002, 07:17
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Re: Re: Re: Top games (not series)
Originally posted by ADG
That's right. Addons, expansion packs (Isn't that the same?) and mods doesn't count
Especially mods, I'd say, since if you CAN mod a game, then it's the game, that should have points for making it possible to make a good mod, it's not the mod that's the game, a mod can only change the game (like addons can)
So, you should merge with SMAC the SMAX votes (including your mistyped SMSX entry...  )
Merry Krishna & Hare Xmas to everybody!
December 20, 2002, 07:21
Local Time: 12:22
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ADG, can you open Excel files?
I'd have a present for you then...
I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)
December 20, 2002, 07:22
Local Time: 12:22
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Top games (not series)
Originally posted by MariOne
ADG, I would like to point out tho that MoM and MOO acronym shorthands are even used in FORUM TITLES in this same site....
... so they too should be immediately recognizable for a true apolytoner...
I never look at the forum titles. The only forums I visit is Civ3/PTW/Other games/OT...
Originally posted by MariOne
So, you should merge with SMAC the SMAX votes (including your mistyped SMSX entry... )
Merry Krishna & Hare Xmas to everybody!
You mean, it's the same game (and addon)? Didn't know that, I have only played like 10 turns of SMAC before I deleted it... (Correcting the mistake in a few minutes...)
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December 20, 2002, 07:23
Local Time: 12:22
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Originally posted by MariOne
ADG, can you open Excel files?
I'd have a present for you then...
Well... it worked last time I tried to open one
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December 20, 2002, 07:52
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You mean, it's the same game (and addon)? Didn't know that, I have only played like 10 turns of SMAC before I deleted it... (Correcting the mistake in a few minutes...)
SMAX = Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri : Alien Crossfire. Yes, an expansion pack.
December 20, 2002, 10:17
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I used Excel2000, but saved it in compatibility mode with the 97 and 5.0/95 versions, hope it works, never really tested it.
I did NOT check for names/versions, it could be done cross-checking it with some site keeping a games listing, like mobygames or many others....
I included geoffrey arnold's votes, taking out ToT which is not even an addon/expansion, but just a modpack (!). I thus shifted the other games up one notch.
On first row I calculated a "representativity index".
This is no exisiting official statistical index, it's a makeshift something I thought of on the spot.
It's the sum of the products (game per game) of your points time the total points of that game, divided in the end by the total points expressed overall.
It "should" give a hint of how much one voted "like the others", and thus of how much he alone could be taken as "representing" the voters population sample.
Actually, if one voted now the Top Ten in the order, he got the maximum representativity and it would be 4.58.
If one voted now the Bottom Ten in reverse order, he'd have the least representativity and it would be 0.30 or something....
I then ordered the voters columns according to that index...
Take it for what it's worth, one could as well be legitimately proud of having voted *different* games than the mainstream here... 
It's peculiar tho that Thrawn05 has no TBS in his top 10 games, one could wonder what does he find in a site like this
It's interesting also that CtP has the highest average, but not as much voters as the other main TBS (the Civs and SMAC).
This could mean that either you love it or you hate it.
Or that in this site there are effectively less posters who actually played it...
December 20, 2002, 10:29
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Stupid interface!
Double post...
December 20, 2002, 11:07
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Thx, great present
Though one thing puzzles me: Why did you make some fields yellow? I understand why you made geoffrey arnold's field yellow, though the other yellow fields, doesn't make much sense to me... (Some games, and some voter' points)... Ok, at closer look, then you made GTA3 and GTA Vice City yellow, and since those two are basicly the same game, they should be counted together (Will do that now, and post it here in a few minutes...)
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Last edited by Adagio; December 20, 2002 at 11:24.
December 20, 2002, 11:20
Local Time: 12:22
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Here's the list, for those who can't open excel files (Or just don't want to download it):
Position Game POINTS # Votes Average
1 Civilization 2 291 22 13.2
2 SMAC 159 14 11.4
3 Call to Power 2 155 9 17.2
4 Civilization 1 128 13 9.8
5 Civilization 3 108 11 9.8
6 Call to Power 101 9 11.2
7 Championship Manager 97/98 65 4 16.3
7 Doom 2 65 6 10.8
9 Europa Universalis II 57 6 9.5
10 Deus Ex 48 3 16.0
11 SimCity 3000 41 4 10.3
12 Diablo 2 38 4 9.5
14 Homeworld 35 4 8.8
14 UFO - Enemy Unknown 35 3 11.7
16 Baldur's Gate 2 34 5 6.8
16 Doom 34 6 5.7
18 Chrono Trigger 33 3 11.0
19 Final Fantasy 6 32 3 10.7
19 Shining Force 2 32 2 16.0
19 SimCity 2000 32 4 8.0
19 U.F.O. 32 2 16.0
23 TESIII: Morrowind 29 3 9.7
24 Panzer general 2 27 2 13.5
24 Sam 'N Max: Hit the Road 27 3 9.0
24 The Settlers 2 27 4 6.8
27 The Dig 25 2 12.5
27 Thief 25 2 12.5
29 Monkey Island 2 24 3 8.0
29 Total Annihilation 24 2 12.0
31 Caesar III 23 5 4.6
31 Riven 23 2 11.5
33 Goldeneye 22 3 7.3
33 Master of Magic 22 2 11.0
33 Pharaoh 22 2 11.0
33 Quake 22 2 11.0
33 Sensible World of Soccer 22 3 7.3
38 Age of Empires 20 1 20.0
38 Aliens vs Predator 20 1 20.0
38 Command & Conquer 20 3 6.7
38 Fallout 2 20 1 20.0
13 Grand Theft Auto III 37 6 6.2
38 M.U.L.E. 20 1 20.0
38 Master of Orion 2 20 3 6.7
38 Railroad Tycoon II 20 2 10.0
38 Ultima VII 20 1 20.0
46 Heroes of Might and Magic 3 18 2 9.0
47 American McGee's Alice 17 2 8.5
47 Master of Orion 17 3 5.7
49 Europa Universalis 16 2 8.0
49 fallout 16 2 8.0
49 Starcraft 16 2 8.0
49 The Settlers 3 16 2 8.0
53 Commandos 2 15 1 15.0
53 Gabriel Knight 15 1 15.0
53 Heroes of Might and Magic 2 15 1 15.0
53 Mario Kart 64 15 1 15.0
53 People's General 15 1 15.0
53 Pro Evolution Soccer 15 1 15.0
53 RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 15 1 15.0
60 Colonization 14 2 7.0
60 Final Fantasy 7 14 2 7.0
60 Nethack 14 2 7.0
63 Emperor 12 1 12.0
63 Escape Velocity 12 1 12.0
63 Half-Life 12 3 4.0
63 Lemmings 2 12 1 12.0
63 MDK 12 1 12.0
63 SSX Tricky 12 1 12.0
63 Stella Polaris 12 1 12.0
63 Super Mario world 3 12 1 12.0
63 System Shock II 12 1 12.0
63 Tecmo Superbowl 12 1 12.0
63 Theme Park 12 2 6.0
63 Warcraft 2 12 4 3.0
63 Wing Commander: the Prophecy 12 1 12.0
63 Worms 2 12 1 12.0
77 RollerCoaster Tycoon 11 2 5.5
78 Archon 10 1 10.0
78 Combat Mission 10 1 10.0
78 Freespace 2 10 1 10.0
78 Imperialism 1 10 1 10.0
78 Imperialism 2 10 2 5.0
78 Jagged Alliance 10 1 10.0
78 Micro Machines 2 10 1 10.0
78 Ogre Battle 10 1 10.0
78 Red Alert 10 1 10.0
78 Steel Panthers: World at War 10 1 10.0
78 Syndicate Wars 10 1 10.0
89 Age of Empires II 9 2 4.5
89 Myst 9 2 4.5
91 Baldur's Gate 8 1 8.0
91 Close Combat 2 8 1 8.0
91 Diablo 8 1 8.0
91 Earthbound 8 1 8.0
91 FIFA98: Road to France 8 1 8.0
91 Freespace 8 1 8.0
91 Grand Theft Auto 1 8 1 8.0
91 Grim Fandango 8 1 8.0
91 Screamer Rally 8 1 8.0
91 Start Trek Away Team 8 1 8.0
91 Stars! 8 1 8.0
91 Thief 2 8 1 8.0
91 Zeus 8 1 8.0
104 Quake 2 7 2 3.5
104 Transport Tycoon 7 2 3.5
106 Beneath a Steel Sky 6 1 6.0
106 Descent 6 1 6.0
106 Fifa 2000 6 1 6.0
106 Mega Man X4 6 1 6.0
106 Nibbles 6 1 6.0
106 Outpost 6 1 6.0
106 Pac Man 6 1 6.0
106 Perfect Dark 6 1 6.0
106 Railroad Tycoon 6 1 6.0
106 Sonic 1 6 1 6.0
106 Space Empires 4 6 1 6.0
106 SW: TIE FIGHTER 6 1 6.0
106 Warlords II 6 1 6.0
106 Worms World Party 6 2 3.0
106 X - Beyond the frontier 6 1 6.0
121 Caesar II 5 2 2.5
121 Duke Nukem 3D 5 2 2.5
121 Quake 3 5 2 2.5
121 SimCity Classic 5 2 2.5
121 The Sims 5 2 2.5
121 Warcraft 3 5 2 2.5
127 Command & Conquer 4 2 2.0
127 Curse of Monkey Island 4 1 4.0
127 DeadLock 4 1 4.0
127 Demon Stalkers 4 1 4.0
127 Donkey Kong 4 1 4.0
127 Dune 4 1 4.0
127 Final Fantasy 1 4 2 2.0
127 Independence War 2 4 1 4.0
127 Land Stalker 4 1 4.0
127 Machiavelli the Prince 4 1 4.0
127 mario cart 4 1 4.0
127 Nigel Mansell's Racing 4 1 4.0
127 Nights 4 1 4.0
127 SW: Force Commander 4 1 4.0
127 Syndicate 4 3 1.3
127 Tetris 4 1 4.0
143 Angband/Zangband 3 1 3.0
143 Archon 2 3 1 3.0
143 Bomb Fusion 3 1 3.0
143 Castle Wolfenstein 3 1 3.0
143 Desperados 3 1 3.0
143 Gauntlet: Dark Legacy 3 1 3.0
143 Historyline: 1914 - 1918 3 1 3.0
143 Neverwinter Night´s 3 2 1.5
143 Nobunaga's Ambition 2 3 1 3.0
143 Planescape Torment 3 1 3.0
143 SouldBlade 3 1 3.0
143 Star General 3 1 3.0
143 The Wheel of Time 3 1 3.0
156 Crusader: No Regret 2 1 2.0
156 Dig Dug 2 1 2.0
156 Empire Earth 2 1 2.0
156 Grand Turismo 2 2 1 2.0
156 Heroes of Might and Magic 4 2 1 2.0
156 Lemmings 2 1 2.0
156 Lords of the Realm 2 2 1 2.0
156 Maniac Mansion 2 2 1 2.0
156 Monkey Island 2 1 2.0
156 Sacrifice 2 1 2.0
156 Star Fox 2 1 2.0
156 The secret of Monkey Island 2 1 2.0
156 Utopia 2 1 2.0
169 Age of Wonders 1 1 1 1.0
169 Battle Isle 1 1 1.0
169 Commandos 1 1 1.0
169 Cossacks 1 1 1.0
169 FreeCell 1 1 1.0
169 Indiana Jones 1 1 1.0
169 Mario 64 1 1 1.0
169 Med: Total War 1 1 1.0
169 Michael Jordan in flight 1 1 1.0
169 Monkey Island 3 1 1 1.0
169 Pac-Mania 1 1 1.0
169 Panzer General 1 1 1 1.0
169 Panzer General 3 1 1 1.0
169 Pokemon Silver 1 1 1.0
169 Sega Rally 1 1 1.0
169 Sould Reaver 1 1 1.0
169 Space Empires 3 1 1 1.0
169 Super Mario Kart 1 1 1.0
169 Tactical Ogre 1 1 1.0 |
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December 20, 2002, 11:25
Local Time: 12:22
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I guess I'm not the one, to do the counting of votes, in next vote... I keep making mistakes
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December 20, 2002, 12:04
Local Time: 12:22
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Actually, I marked in yellow the entries that had pending issues, or that I just was unsure of the name/version etc...
For instance, the correct name and belonging of Morrowind.
About GTA3 and Vice City, actually, it looks like
VC is not just the porting og GTA3 to PS2, but a different game altogether.,167/
Or rather, it's not clear whether GTA:VC is an expansion or has somewhat different game mechanics than GTA3.
Hell, for what I know I have neither idea whether GTA2 nad GTA3 deserve the dignity of new games or are just the same game with new adventures, scenarios, car models.... :grin:
I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)
December 20, 2002, 12:12
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I'd say GTA: VC is more or less, the same thing as an expansion pack (Just as standalone). It uses the same game mechanics (Gameplay, graphics, etc, are the same) as GTA3 (and it's not called GTA4)
Or rather, it's not clear whether GTA:VC is an expansion or has somewhat different game mechanics than GTA3.
Hell, for what I know I have neither idea whether GTA2 nad GTA3 deserve the dignity of new games or are just the same game with new adventures, scenarios, car models.... :grin:
Well... if you say GTA2 is the same as GTA3, then you could also just say Civ2 is the same as Civ3 (Same gameplay, goal, units, etc)
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December 22, 2002, 16:33
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OK here is my games top list:
Call To Power 2
Civilization: Call To Power
Fallout 2
Diablo 1
Sim City 2000
The Settlers 2
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
December 22, 2002, 23:55
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1. Final Fantasy 6
2. Kirby 3
3. Warcraft 3
4. Avernum 2(it's such a touch decision..)
5. Angband
7. Diablo 2
8. Doom 2
9. Zelda: a Link to the past
December 23, 2002, 07:52
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List updated...
From now on, the list is avaliable here (Makes it easier to post)
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December 23, 2002, 10:16
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1. championship manager 97/98
2. Ceasar 3
3. Civ 3
4. Civ2
5. command & conquer 2
6. monkey island 3
7. commando 1
8. Gabriel Knight 2
9. Flashpoint
10. Broken sword
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
December 23, 2002, 16:23
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I'm deeply disturbed at SMAC being overtaken by every other game in the civ family, sans CtP 1. What is wrong with you people? *sigh* On to my pitch:
2) Thief II
3) Fallout 2
4) Baldur's Gate
5) Planescape: Torment
6) Betrayal at Krondor
7) Ultima VII
8) Privateer 2
9) Wing Commander IV
10) Princess Maker 2 (score one for Jap lifesims  )
"I wake. I work. I sleep. I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life is passed, and all I've been will never touch the earth again." --The Ballad of Sky Farm 3, Anonymous, Datalinks
December 25, 2002, 06:12
Local Time: 10:22
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Location: A real Master of CTP-PBEM - together with all the others.....
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1-10 on my all favorite list:
Call to Power
Civilization 2
Age of Empires I
Red Alert (a Command & Conquer game)
Age of Empires II
Med: Total War
Rebellion (a StarWar game)
Caesar III
SimCity Classic
Other games, that I have played (and still remember  ) .
Quake 2
Call to Power 2
Risk (an old DOS-game)
The Perfect General II (also an old DOS-game)
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
December 27, 2002, 04:34
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Here is my vote:
1. Birth of the federation
2. Master of Orion
3. Call to power
4. Civil War: Generals
5. Civ 3
6. Age of Empires II
7. Caesar 3
8. Reach for the stars
9. Europa Universalis
10. I-War
And much more
"Give us peace in our time",
Stuart Adamson, singer from Big Country, 1958-2001.
December 27, 2002, 07:48
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Updated, and still only avaliable here
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December 27, 2002, 12:53
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Count-down has started: 4 days left...
So for those, who haven't voted yet: VOTE!!!
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December 28, 2002, 13:05
Local Time: 04:22
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1. CTP2 as modified with Apolyton Pack
2. CIV2
3. Stronghold
4. CTP2 as modified with Medeival Mod
December 28, 2002, 15:10
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mnbryan37 >>
You can only vote for ctp2 once, which means you have only voted 3 games. You can vote up to 10 games...
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December 28, 2002, 22:38
Local Time: 04:22
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Sorry about that. My revised list would then be:
1. CTP2
2. Risk
3. Civ2
4. Panzer General
5. Stronghold
6. Tigers In The Snow
December 29, 2002, 07:35
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That's better, though there are still 4 votes left, but I could also just count those 6 votes in, if you wish (Will do that later today, unless you objects)
Countdown still running: 2 days left
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December 30, 2002, 08:26
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Damn... Somehow my newest version of the topGames is lost  , On the one I have at home now, the last one included is Qualicide's votes
Btw... there's only one day case you haven't noticed
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December 30, 2002, 14:26
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I don't play a lot of games. In fact the only game I've played in the last two years is CTP2. So, I will cast my one and only vote for it.
(Although I do sort of regret that I never got into AC. If so many people have been playing it for so long, there must be something to it.)
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