I understand what you mean Cagliostro.
Ok, I'll come clean and let you know that I was one of the 9 who has visited your thread. The reason why I didn't comment is because I had nothing of importance to help you. Let me break it down:
1. What I'm planning is to start a game (2 players, maximum # of ai-civs, huge world map with correct starting locations) as hotseat to get past the first few years quickly and then continue the game as play by email - is that possible?
MY ANSWER: I don't have any info on hotseat since I don't play it - I play LAN instead (of course, you need more than one computer). No help to your question.
2. Of what approximate size are the files exchanged in PBE-games? (one of the computers the moves will be made on is another computer then the one receiving the mails, so it will be necessary to copy the files to floppy - and I don't want to find out that after one year of playing, filesizes are becoming too big to continue playing...)
MY ANSWER: Again, I don't play PBEM, only LAN. No help to you.
3. Is there a huge world map (really huge!) with correct starting locations available for multiplayer or will I have to download something like marla's world map? (If so, which one is the best/biggest to date?)
ANSWER: As of yet, I have not played on any of the canned or set world maps. Again...No help.
But I do congradulate you on your wonderful sense of humor Cagliostro!