Local Time: 03:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 5,301
SMACX faction: Apolyton Off-Topic
Apolyton Off-Topic, The Merciless, Apolytoner, M, 2, Ming, M, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
Politics, Police State, POLICE
Politics, Democracy, nil
Apolytoner, Apolytoner,
Rah, Lancer, Rah and His Ferrets
Moderator, strict, dictatorial, witty, obviously Giant Squid's Double-Login
Ming The Pompous Censor
provide well-moderated area for discussion
to be kind of like evil version of Santa
ruling his petty forum with an iron fist
ruling your petty forum with an iron fist
ban people left and right, delete discussions and laugh maliciously
banning people with no apparent reason
banning people with no apparent reason
deleting posts only because they have word "Invasion" on title
brutal nihihihi, M1
forum discussions, M2
evil plans to take over all Apolyton, M2
post count slice, M1
watching over your forums so nobody acts naughty, has double logins or, god forbid, spams
Monk and Gregor, our frontline perverts
the Apolyton FAQ
Ming's Stormy Castle
KarstenWilli's Chimney
Docfeelgood's Hospital
Faboba's Stupid Name
Sergeant Sheets' Army
My Wife Hates Civ's America
Imran Siddiqui's Excellent Adventure
Monk's Nihihihi
Gregor's Bullfrog
Gibster's Austria
David Floyd's Conservatopia
Black Dragon's Cave
Starchild's Transcendence
Sir David's Whine
Iain Lindley's Britain
Eroberer's Manifesto
Theban's Forum
n.c's Home State
Evil Knevil's Anti-Bible
Wraith's Grave
Evan von Christoph's Rant
Albert Speer's Stadium
Trappist's Fight Club
Sahib's Story Thread
Atahualpha's Something
Intgrspin's Lab
Michael Jeszenka's Magyarsomething
Victor's Bible
Alexander's puny little Pony's Miniature Brain
Stefu's Superior Intelligence
Coug's Luv Shack
The Brain's Pinky
werefox's School
Djugashvili's Double Login
JohnT's Blandness
ProvostBug's Spam
AustralianJeremy's Australia
Dracon's Scenario
Alphaman's Diplomacy
connorkimbro's Something
Giant Squid's Asexualism
GS's Double-Log 1
GS's Double-Log 2
GS's Double-Log 3
GS's Double-Log 4
GS's Double-Log 5
So whip me, beat me...
^ -- Moderator Ming the Merciless,
^ "Ming Bashing"
^LEADER: {Ming the Merciless}
^BACKGROUND: {Chicago, Does Something With Computers}
^AGENDA: {Taking Over The World}
^TECH: {Planetary Networks}
^+2 POLICE: {Rules with iron fist}
^+2 RESEARCH: {As well-informed bunch of people as can be}
^-2 EFFICIENCY: {All free time goes to discussion}
^-2 GROWTH: {Only one woman, though we are not completely sure what ProvostBug is}
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Although certain members of forum wish to bomb you out of existence,
nuke you, starve you, and then cut your welfare, majority seems to think
we should make some kind of truce with you. Do you agree?"
"Umm... Okay... Let's just hope they stay as majority..."
"You are obviously bashing our faction! You crook! You liar! Prepare to be spammed till you die!"
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"We'd wish that you make peace with us and join our lively little forum.
Come... join... don't be afraid... resistance is futile... you will be
"Sure! Where do I sign in? Golly, I just can't wait to present my new solution to homelesness!"
"Err, no. That would be, like, betraying my Interesting World Of Woolsocks UBB Forum."
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"VE VILL KILL ALL YOU ALIEN SCUMS! Calm down EvC, he heh, bad puppy,
who let you out... Now, how about truce? "
"Truce: yes. EvC: solution: hit with something heavy."
"Scum: negative word. Truce: likeliness: MWHC praises Russia."
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"IP check has revealed that, against all possibility and common sense, you are
in fact not Giant Squid's double logins, so we must grudgingly accept you to our
merry little group - but to do that, you must sign this treaty - and read this FAQ."
"Okay, signing, signing... whoops... Sign: yes. Treaty: good."
"Spamming: Not allowed? Double Login's: Not allowed? ACOL: better place."