In order to test out the Apolyton mIRC chatroom that I have registered (and to stop MarkG from telling me off

), the next chat will be one turn long scheduled provisionally for Friday 2100GMT.
Chat time/date:
Sat 1000 NZ
Fri 2100 GMT
Fri 1600 EST
Fri 1500 CST
Fri 1400 MST
Fri 1300 PST
Fri 2300 Israel
Sat 0800 Australia East
You can access this chat two ways. One is through Java by clicking
this link.
You will be taken to a screen that asks you to fill in some details. These should mostly be done for you, but you may want to check these are right:
Nickname: Whatever you want to call yourself
Channel: #civ3dem
Real Name: Whatever you want
Server name:
Server port 6667
Then click on "Connect now" and you should go right to the room.
The other way is via mIRC, which is of course what we have been using until now. Thisis a little more work at the beginning:
1. Open mIRC
2. Go to File>Options.
3. In the "Connect" category, click on "Add" then fill in
Description: Apolyton
IRC Server
Port: 6667
ignore the rest of it.
4. Click "Add".
5. Go to the "IRC Network" option and choose "All" (right at the top of the list).
6. In the list of servers immediately below this, you can choose Apolyton (right at the bottom, probably).
7. Click "Connect to IRC server" and join #civ3dem in the usual way.