November 7, 2002, 14:36
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Tutorial - How to add a custom unit with PTW
I posted this in another thread, but don't think many saw it. This is from the perspective of a non-computer person (me), so hopefully it will help others are similarly not that computer savvy. I will try to clarify anything as needed.
Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Unit with PTW.
Okay, so you’ve just downloaded a cool new unit from online. How would you add it?
Here is a step-by-step guide. For the purposes of this guide, the unit is the “Napoleonic Rifleman” (available at
1) Create the Mod folder.
a.) In your PtW directory (under Civ3), there is a folder called “Scenarios.” Create a new folder here and name it whatever you want your mod to be called. Ours will be “Napoleon.”
b) Now, within that folder, you need to create a directory of several folders that the game will search for your files. The directory should look like this:
I. Napoleon
. |____A) Art
. | |___1) Civilopedia
. | | |____a) Icons
. | | |____i) Units
. | |__2) Units
. |____B) Text
Naturally, IGNORE the outline notation when naming the folders!
2) Place the Napoleonic Rifleman unit folder you’ve downloaded in the 2) Units folder (the one under Art, not the one under icons).
3) You may have a couple of .pcx files for the unit, depending on whether or not the creator made them. If you do (they are likely in the unit folder), copy and paste them into the i) Units folder under Art-Civilopedia-Icons-Units. If you don’t have pcx files for this particular unit, don’t worry—they aren’t necessary.
4) Go to the main Text folder under PTW. Among the text files there will be Civilopedia” and “Pediaicons.” Copy these and paste them in your B) Text folder
5) In the Pediaicons file, scroll to the section where you see a bunch of entries that say #ICON_PRTO_[Unit name]. Go to the end of this list and create a new entry named #ICON_PRTO_Napoleonic_Rifleman. If you have .pcx files for it, add the two lines underneath this one just like all the other units, substituting the names of the .pcx files with the nap. Rifleman pcx.files. If you don’t have custom .pcx files, you still must have something here, so just cut and paste another unit’s .pcx files (like the regular rifleman).
[What this is doing is telling the civilopedia which pictures to use when you display the new unit during the game]
6) Also in the Pediaicons file, way down near the bottom, there is a section for the units where the entries start #ANIMNAME_PRTO_[Unitname]. At the end of this list, add a line that says #ANIMNAME_PRTO_Napoleonic_Rifleman. Now underneath this line, enter the name of the unit exactly how it should appear in the editor/game – Napoleonic Rifleman (no underscores).
7) This step is optional for if you want a detailed civilopedia entry for the new unit. Open up Civilopedia.txt and find the section that is giving the unit descriptions. This is pretty easy—just copy the exact format of other entries, substituting the PRTO_Napoleonic_Rifleman i.d. and adding text as you wish. Even if you don’t do this, that’s ok…the unit should still work.
8) Let’s go to the PTW editor. Start a new PTW scenario. In order to be able to edit the rules for units, you have to check the “Custom Units” option. It’s under one of the toolbars up top (I forget which). Once you do this, open the rules and go to units.
9) On the units screen, press the “Add” button. When prompted, enter “Napoleonic Rifleman” as the unit name. Now you can set all the values, requirements, etc. for the unit as normal.
10) BE SURE to fill in the text box on the unit screen that says “Civilopedia” the name of the unit like this: PRTO_Napoleonic_Rifleman –this is critical! Now you should be done with the units screen.
11) Back in the main editor, go to the “Scenario Properties” screen. There is an icon for it on the toolbar that looks like the army standard the armies in Civ3 carry. On this screen, on the left side underneath the large text box is a smaller one which says something like “Scenario Search files” (I am not at home, so this is from memory). Enter in the name of the MOD folder you created: Napoleon – this tells the scenario to look for modifications in these folders when you load it.
Once you do this, save and exit, you should be set. I usually set up a test scenario for all my custom units—you can add the unit to the map and start the game with it to test it out.
If you encounter and crashes where the game just drops to the desktop with no message, then things are likely not right in the .txt files you edited. If you get an error message like “Cannot find file Art/Unit/ etc.,” that probably means something is screwy in the ini file for the unit in its folder (this is also a text file you can alter—make sure the .flc and .wav files it is referencing are spelled correctly/in proper folders and that the .ini file itself is named EXACTLY what the unit name is as it appears in the game).
Thanks to korn469 and Warpstorm for their help. Any additions/changes to this guide welcome. Like I said, I’m not at home, so this is from memory. And if there is a better thread to post this in, let me know.
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November 8, 2002, 22:50
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November 9, 2002, 15:12
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Sn00py, if I have a tiny graphics request, would you consider it, pretty please?
Tutto nel mondo è burla
November 9, 2002, 16:07
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Re: Tutorial - How to add a custom unit with PTW
Nice guide definitely -
Two minor issues though:
Originally posted by Boris Godunov
6) Also in the Pediaicons file, way down near the bottom, there is a section for the units where the entries start #ANIMNAME_PRTO_[Unitname]. At the end of this list, add a line that says #ANIMNAME_PRTO_Napoleonic_Rifleman. Now underneath this line, enter the name of the unit exactly how it should appear in the editor/game – Napoleonic Rifleman (no underscores).
Actually, what you enter under the #ANIMNAME_xxx line for your unit, only tells the game which folder to look for animations in. You can give the unit any Name you want in the BIX.
The good part of that, is that you don't have to create a new folder and copy artwork if you want several units using the same artwork.
If you add in 3 new types of Settlers with fancy new names, but want them all to use the same artwork, you can just type in Settler under each one of their #ANIMNAME entries, and this will tell the game to look for animations in the first folder named 'Settler' it finds.
11) Back in the main editor, go to the “Scenario Properties” screen. There is an icon for it on the toolbar that looks like the army standard the armies in Civ3 carry. On this screen, on the left side underneath the large text box is a smaller one which says something like “Scenario Search files” (I am not at home, so this is from memory). Enter in the name of the MOD folder you created: Napoleon – this tells the scenario to look for modifications in these folders when you load it.
You only need this step if you're giving the BIX file a different name than the Main Folder you created. The game automatically checks the Scenarios directory for any folders with the same name as your BIX file, so if you name the BIX file Napoleon, it finds your folder named Napoleon, without anything entered in the Scenario Search Folders.
November 9, 2002, 17:26
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What's your request Boris?
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November 9, 2002, 18:07
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You rock Bory!
November 10, 2002, 12:22
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Originally posted by Sn00py
What's your request Boris?
Someone earlier created a mine graphic for the terrain that was, instead of a mine entrance, a cluster of little buildings. So instead of ugly mines surrounding my city, it looks like urban sprawl.
However, I'm not really satisfied with the graphic. I was wondering if you would try your hand at your own version? The buildings would have to be era-generic enough to look ok from ancient through modern times, of course, since mine graphics don't update.
What do ya think?
Tutto nel mondo è burla
November 10, 2002, 13:31
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Thanks for the clarifications, isak!
Tutto nel mondo è burla
November 10, 2002, 17:05
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So you want me to make the mines look like small mining village/towns?
Something like the western cowboy sort of buildings might fit all era's the best?
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November 10, 2002, 20:35
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Originally posted by Sn00py
So you want me to make the mines look like small mining village/towns?
Something like the western cowboy sort of buildings might fit all era's the best?
Yeah, that sounds like it would be pretty cool. ...I guess generic is the only way I can think of to describe it, but I'd love to see what your talent can do.
Tutto nel mondo è burla
November 11, 2002, 02:14
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Wat if u wanna declare both ww2 scenario AND japan scenario in one bix for example?
Will naming bix Napoleon and setting scenario search parameter Dinobarb, allow you to play with Napoleon scenario units AND dino units?
November 11, 2002, 10:57
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Originally posted by Calc II
Wat if u wanna declare both ww2 scenario AND japan scenario in one bix for example?
Will naming bix Napoleon and setting scenario search parameter Dinobarb, allow you to play with Napoleon scenario units AND dino units?
Seperate the folder names with a semicolon, no spaces:
Dinobarb;Medival Japan
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November 11, 2002, 16:57
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Hey Boris, I'll put it on my list, I've got a deadline at the moment with a website by Thursday, so I should be able to do it after then.
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November 12, 2002, 16:44
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Originally posted by Amadan
Seperate the folder names with a semicolon, no spaces:
Dinobarb;Medival Japan
I couldn't use semi-colons ";", I had to use a Back-slash "/"
I know it says to use ; but for som reason my game wont allow that.
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November 18, 2002, 21:30
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Calc and Sprnv:
Look at the Scenario Properties in the TETurkhan Scenario. See how he did it? Do it the same way, only with the folders you want to include.
December 12, 2002, 17:16
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Erm i was wondering how i used the terrain graphics with PTW. You see I'm making a small scenario with map and i wanted to use the Warpstorm Watercolor Terrain because i think it looks more like the old colonization style maps so if any one could tell me i would be very greatful
December 20, 2002, 10:41
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Bump for Kramerman's benefit.
Tutto nel mondo è burla
April 2, 2003, 13:57
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I'm almost positive you would do it in the same manner as with units (i.e. place the appropriate files in your mod's directory). If you see how PTW installed the warpstorm graphics in your computer, look at its directory structure and copy that same structure and files to your mod's directory.
mine is
\Warpstorm Watercolor Terrain\art\
under \art\ there are two subdirectories \cities\ and \terrain\ and a resources.pcx. if you see what I'm talking about you're in the right area.
Now just move the art subdirectory to your mod's directory, and you should be right (as long as you set the scenario properties to point to your mod's directory.
April 3, 2003, 11:53
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Thanks Boris and isak. This cleared up several questions that I had. This was really helpful!
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April 3, 2003, 15:36
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This is a really helpful thread. I just wanted to post so so I'm subscribed and privvy to new messages posted here.
Now that y'all have cleared up for us simpletons how to "install" new units, how about how to MAKE them?
I refer to the drawing/animation process. I don't have to buy some animation software, do I?
April 12, 2003, 13:33
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Don't ask me about drawing/animating units... I know nothingk!
Tutto nel mondo è burla
April 12, 2003, 13:44
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You don't need any software that you have to pay for. Go look for the program 'Flicster' in the files section here on the board. With that, 'all' (as if it was easy  ) you need to do is be able to edit static PCX files, and you can use Flicster to 'collect' them into FLC animation files. If you have a program like Animation Shop (comes with Paint Shop Pro) I've heard it should be helpful too, but it's not necessary.
For details on what to do, I guess it's better to ask in the Flicster thread - i'm not exactly a wizard with animations either
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April 14, 2003, 10:32
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Thanks for the reply... do you know if you can make .PCX files with CorelDraw?
April 14, 2003, 10:42
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Yahweh :
I don't know for Corel draw, but I use Paint shop pro when I goof around with units. You can download the fully-functional 30 day trial here
April 14, 2003, 10:48
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Thank you for the link.
April 16, 2003, 16:11
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hi ,
wow , great stuff , this thread should be topped
have a nice day
June 14, 2003, 06:16
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I am trying to add a unit named "F-14D Tomcat"... the folder and .ini file are named the same way. Will the space be a problem? What necessary steps do I have to take? Thanks!
June 14, 2003, 13:51
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You rock snoopy! I only use your tile set for SP games. Can't wait to see what you can do with those ugly mines.
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