Originally posted by SultanofATL
1. The AI seems to better understand and respect borders in PTW. Anyone else notice this?
Not really - everyone's penetrating my borders, and as soon as I tell them to leave, They declare war (monarch level)
4. The game code seems to have really been cleaned up! I don't get nearly as much slowdown with all 24 civs on a huge map.
Mmh - I didn't play civ3 for quite some time, so I don't exactly remember, but right now, I'm on a 256x256 worldmap with 31 civs, it's about 1200 AD and the AI moves take about 10 minutes on an athlon XP 1800+, 512 MB cl2-timed ddr-ram and winxp pro (It's allways good to have a book next to you when playing - I allways read while the AI moves

For SP PTW is definitely a
but still, I'd agree on the last one