Ok, I've just finished my first game as this faction, so here's the lowdown.
Played on Librarian with a Huge random all average map. Started out on a large continent shared with the Spartans. Discovered that growth bonus + slow research + starting tech gives rec commons + 1st citizen is a talent = forced period of rapid expansion - this is good, since usually I don't. Spartans eventually declared war and I took them down to 1 base before surrender. The morale boost was seriously useful. Unfortunately, a mindworm ate their last base before they could do anything useful for me.
Due to research hit, was unable to research quickly enough to gain several vital early to mid-game projects - notably Empath Guild, Ascetic Virtues and almost crucially HSA (to Zak

) and Planetary Datalinks. However, rapid growth meant later research was seriously quick on knowledge.
Seemingly content faction - with Psych at 0% until about 2350, my first Rec Commons was in 2309.
Eventually at war with all factions. Extensive use of Locusts + Dream twister + the morale bonus meant Zak, Morgan, Yang all surrendered. I was seriously worring Miriam and had taken a couple of Deirdre's main bases when I transcended. Miriam was being really nasty with probe teams - shame about the HSA - but thankfulliy the Artificial Idiot didn't do much with them (why do the AI infiltrate your datalinks about 3 times/turn?)
Transcended MY 2388, rating 207% (Zen and Miss Rov Maint). Score 3313.
Soon going to try playing against them, see how AI plays 'em.
Any results from my (only) two playtesters yet? And anyone else interested?
[This message has been edited by Chowlett (edited March 09, 2000).]