After being gone for a few months, I'd like to return to the Demo game, and I was just wondering if you have the site up yet. And if not, could someone give me a brief summary of what's happened since August?
Welcome back! We've defeated Persia and eliminated France and Amercia, and built some wonders with GLs. GG now, sorry; check out Back from the dead and Update Required for more info.
Wow, looks like I picked a good time to return. I'm glad we're doing so well, at least compared to the situation we were in at the beginning! Anyway, is there any news on the website yet? Didn't Sn00py or someone have a design they were going to use?
We still don't have a website. Snoopy was taken away by RL when it was going to set it up, IIRC, and I don't think I've seen Sirotnikov around either; he had a pretty cool design he was working on. We're managing pretty well without it, though. Presidential report & admin threads are more organized, and the directory that Unortho began as VP in Term 3 helps a lot.