First let me admit I was an EverQuest fan. Yes I Was one of those guys that helped it get the nick name, "EverCrack". I still to this day have no idea how it happened, the game isn't even really that good. Anyway, I broke the addiction around a year ago, and haven't gone back since.
I have played lots of MMORPGs, Ashron's call 1 (and the beta for 2) Anarchy Online, and Lineage, yet for some reason no game has been able to capture me with the magic that EQ did, until today.
My partner came home a few nights ago with a game called Earth and Beyond (which I had never heard of) I installed it, bought and account, and have been playing ever since. It was the first MMORPG I have ever played that installed and played without a hitch. I was one of the people that was in Beta for Anarchy O, and started playing when the game first went live, that launch was a mess. Everquest was always going linkdead on me. E&B on the other hand has given me no problems at all (well one CTD, but that's all).
On their web page they have put up a char gen that lets you go through the process of making a char that can be used in the game.
Blisterz give this game 5 spikes.

(Only other game I have ever given that make to is Morrowind)