I problaby wont get Alien Crossfire until it comes out for mac so im curious, can you give me a list of all the new sp's, units, and base facilities i might find in the expansion pack new techs would be nice too.
And I asked him,
What is thy name?
And he replied saying:
My Name is iMac: for we
are many..
There are several new base facilities
Aquafarm : enhances output from sea kelp
Brood Pit : Makes for cheaper & better mind worms (and improved Police value in base)
Covert Ops Center : Better Probe teams in the base
Fleschette Defense System : Base SDI system
GeoSynchronius Survey Pod : 3-radius sensor array
SubSea Trunkline : Enhances sea mineral production
Thermocline Transducer : Enhances Tidat power stations
Subspace generator : If aliens build 6 of these, they win a Progenitor victory
Secret Projects
Cloudbase Academy : Free Aerospace comples in each base
Manifold Harmonics : enahnces production from fungus, based on Planet level
Nethack Terminus : Free Covert Ops center each base - all probe teams have a special enhancement which can (sometimes) beat the HSA
Planetary Energy Grid : Free Energy Bank each base- Bases doing Stockpile Energy produce 25% more credits