Directives of the Apolytonian Labor General
(Public Works)
For Example, if the city was Timeline, the Green tile would be "Timeline wnw", and the blue tile would be "Timeline S".
Worker(s) in red represent Apolytonian (Egyptian) Workers which work twice as fast as Foreign Nationals.
940 AD
6 Foreign workers ne2 of Gotham move W, then SW, then SW
2 Workers ne2 of Gotham move NE, then NE, then NE
First Jungle Corps
14 Workers wsw of Gotham move NW
4 Workers SW of Chartres clear jungle {3 turns}
Foreign worker NW of Chartres moves W, then W, NW
3 Foreign workers 2 tiles N of Port Rouge move SW then clear jungle {8 turns}
6 Foreign workers SE of Rheims clear jungle {4 turns}
Worker W of Rheims moves W, then SW, then SW
6 Foreign workers se2 of Macross City move W, then build mine {complete}
7 Frenchies ne2 of Here It Is move N, then N, then N
3 Workers 2 tiles N of Here It Is clear jungle {4 turns}
2 Frenchies NW of Macross City move E
Frenchie N of Tours clear jungle {12 turns}
1 Frenchie NE of Tours moves NW
6 Frenchies NE of Tours moves N
Frenchie in Grenoble moves E, then NE, then NE
Does anybody have a 5-legged cat?
Worker SE of Hole in the Wall irrigates {2 turns}
Worker nnw of Jerusalem moves NW, then NW, then NW
2 Foreign workers SW of New York move N, then NE
Worker in New York moves S, then SE, then E
3 Foreign workers sw2 of Oak Ridge clear jungle {4 turns}
3 Foreign workers NW of Loveshack build road {complete}
2 Foreign workers NW of Loveshack build mine {3 turns}
3 Workers NW of Loveshack move W
12 Workers ese of Ghengistown move S
2 Workers nw2 of Willsbury move NE
1 Worker nw2 of Willsbury builds road
Foreign worker nw2 of Willsbury builds road {complete}
4 Foreign workers nne of Contaginon build mine {2 turns}
Worker nw 2 of Susa builds mine {6 turns}
Worker W of Chiquita builds road {2 turns}
3 Workers nnw of Boomtown move W
Worker SE of Boomtown moves S, then SE, then S
2 Workers ene of Thebes move W
950 AD
First Jungle Corps
12 Workers ne2 of Chartres clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers ne2 of Chartres build road {complete}
First Jungle Corps, Mining Auxiliary
6 Foreign workers W of Gotham move SW, then build mine {complete}
5 Workers 2 tiles N of BHQ clear jungle {3 turns}
3 Foreign workers NW of Loveshack build mine {1 turn}
Worker NW of Seeberg moves S, then S, then SW
2 Foreign workers N of New York build road {2 turns}
Worker SE of Ghengistown builds road {2 turns}
Second Jungle Corps newly formed
12 Workers nnw of Willsbury clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers nnw of Willsbury build road {complete}
Worker nw2 of Willsbury moves NE then irrigates {2 turns}
Foreign worker nw2 of Willsbury moves N, then N, then NW
Worker S of AGC moves S, then SE
3 Workers ssw of Neon Uber City build mine {2 turns}
Worker in Shiberport moves SE
Worker SW of Shiberport moves E
2 Workers NE of Thebes build road {complete}
Worker in Chartres moves SW
Foreign worker nnw of Port Rouge clears jungle {6 turns}
Chain Gang of French Nobles: "The Nine Toads"
6 Frenchies NE of Macross City build mine {complete}
3 Frenchies NE of Macross City build road {complete}
6 Frenchies S of Macross City move NW, then NW, then NW
Worker 2 tiles N of Here It Is clears jungle {3 turns}
Worker NE of Here It Is moves N, then NW
What's the connection between butterflies and butter anyway?
Frenchie S of Tours moves N, then N
Frenchie N of Tours clears jungle {7 turns]
6 Frenchies SW of Heliopolis(Ferropolis) clear jungle {4 turns}
960 AD
Worker ne2 of Gaia moves SW, then SW, then S
2 Workers ese of Seeberg move W, then SW, then SW
Worker W of Chiquita moves E, then E, then SE
Chain Gang of French Nobles: "The Nine Toads"
9 Frenchies NE of Macross City move NW
6 Workers wnw of Macross City clear jungle {2 turns}
Frenchie N of Tours clear jungle {5 turns)
Worker 2 tiles N of Here It Is clears jungle {1 turn}
Worker SW of Chartres clears jungle {1 turn}
First Jungle Corps
14 Workers ne2 of Chartres move NE
First Jungle Corps, Mining Auxiliary
6 Foreign workers wsw of Gotham move NW, then build mine {complete}
Worker SE of Hole in the Wall moves NE, then NE, then E
5 Foreign workers NW of Loveshack move E, then SE, then SE
Worker in Ghengistown moves SE
Foreign worker NE of Ghengistown moves NW
Second Jungle Corps
14 Workers nnw of Willsbury move N
Worker in Willsbury moves NW, then NW, then builds mine {3 turns]
6 Foreign workers nnw of Contaginon build road {complete}
Worker in Bacteria moves W, then NW, then builds mine {2 turns}
Worker ne2 of Neon Uber City builds road {2 turns}
2 Workers NE of Thebes move NW
Worker NE of Whelsh Coast builds road {2 turns}
2 Workers SE of Shiberport build road {2 turns}
970 AD
Worker S of Gaia moves S, then E
5 Foreign workers wnw of Ubergorsk clear jungle {5 turns}
2 Workers ssw of Seeberg move SW, then S, then SW
2 Foreign workers N of New York irrigate {2 turns}
Worker ese of Chiquita moves E, then SE, then SE
Worker SW of San Cortes builds road {3 turns}
Chain Gang of French Nobles: "The Nine Toads"
6 Frenchies N of Macross City build mine {complete}
3 Frenchies N of Macross City build road {complete}
2 Workers 2 tiles N of Here It Is build road {complete}
2 Workers 2 tiles N of Here It Is irrigate {complete}
Worker 2 tiles N of Here It Is moves N, then NW, then NW
2 Workers SW of Chartres build road {complete}
3 Workers SW of Chartres move E, then NE, then NE
6 Foreign workers ne2 of Chartres move W, then SW, then clear jungle {4 turns}
First Jungle Corps
12 Workers wnw of Gotham clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers wnw of Gotham build road {complete}
Worker W of Memphis moves S, then SE
Worker in AGC moves S, then S, then SE
3 Workers ssw of Neon Goober City build road {complete}
2 Workers N of Thebes build road {complete}
6 Foreign workers nnw of Contaginon move S, then W
Second Jungle Corps
12 Workers ese of Ghengistown clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers ese of Ghengistown build road {complete}
2 Workers SE of Ghengistown move E, then irrigate {complete}
Foreign worker N of Ghengistown builds mine {2 turns}
Worker nnw of Willsbury moves SW then builds mine {1 turn}
980 AD
6 Foreign workers SE of Rheims build mine {complete}
First Jungle Corps
14 Workers 2 tiles S of Timeline move NW
3 Workers wsw of Gotham move NE, then NE, then NE
2 Workers SW of Chartres move N, then W, then W
2 Workers wnw of Loveshack build road {complete}
3 Workers wnw of Loveshack build mine {complete}
1 Worker wnw of Loveshack moves N
Worker in Loveshack moves W then NW, then N
Worker ssw of Memphis irrigates {2 turns}
3 Workers ssw of Neon Goober City move SE, then SE, then S
2 Workers N of Thebes move E
Worker NE of Whelsh Coast moves S
2 Workers SE of Shiberport move SW
2 Workers ne2 of Neon Uber City irrigate {complete}
Worker in Loveshack moves NW, then N, then W
Worker in Oak Ridge moves S, then SW, then W
6 Foreign workers 2 tiles N of Loveshack build mine {complete}
2 Workers SE of Gaia move SE
Worker SE of Del Monte moves S, then SE, then SE
Second Jungle Corps, Augmented
16 Workers ese of Ghengistown move N, then NW
2 Workers nw2 of Willsbury move NW, then N, then N
6 Foreign workers wnw of Contaginon build mine {2 turns}
2 Workers nw2 of Susa move E, then SE
3 Workers 2 tiles N of Here It Is move S, then W, then build mine {3 turns}
Chain Gang of French Nobles: "The Nine Toads"
9 Frenchies N of Macross City move E
Worker wnw of Macross City clears jungle {2 turns}
990 AD
3 Foreign workers SE of Rheims build road {complete}
3 Foreign workers SE of Rheims move E
Chain Gang of French Nobles: "The Nine Toads"
9 Frenchies ne2 of Macross City clear jungle {3 turns}
3 Frenchies SW of Heliopolis (Ferropolis) build road {complete}
3 Frenchies SW of Heliopolis (Ferropolis) irrigate {2 turns}
Worker in Jerusalem moves NW, then NW, then NW
First Jungle Corps
12 Workers ssw of Timeline clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers ssw of Timeline build road {complete}
2 Workers N of Port Rouge move NW, then NW, then NW
3 Workers N of Gotham move E, then NE, then NE
Worker W of Gaia moves SE, then E, then SE
4 Workers se2 of Gaia clear jungle {3 turns}
5 Workers wnw of Loveshack move N
Worker nnw of Loveshack moves W
3 Foreign workers 2 tiles N of Loveshack build road {complete}
3 Foreign workers 2 tiles N of Loveshack move S, then SE, then SE
2 Workers NE of Ghengistown move N
3 Foreign workers N of Ghengistown build road {2 turns}
Second Jungle Corps, Augmented
12 Workers ne2 of Ghengistown clear jungle {complete}
2 Workers ne2 of Ghengistown build road {complete}
2 Workers ne2 of Ghengistown irrigate {complete}
2 Workers NE of Susa build mine {3 turns}
2 Foreign workers N of New York move NW
2 Workers ne2 of Neon Goober City move SW, then SW, then SW
2 Workers SW of Boomtown move S, then S, then SE
1 Worker SW of Boomtown moves S, then SE, then irrigates {2 turns}
2 Workers ne2 of Thebes build road {complete}
2 Workers S of Shiberport build road {2 turns}
Worker SE of Whelsh Coast builds mine {3 turns}
1000 AD
3 Foreign workers E of Loveshack move SE
7 Workers se2 of Gaia clear jungle {1 turn}
3 Foreign workers 2 tiles N of Loveshack move SE, then SE, then SE
2 Workers nne of Ghengistown build mine {3 turns}
Second Jungle Corps, Augmented
16 Workers ne2 of Ghengistown move NE
6 Foreign workers wnw of Contaginon build road {complete}
2 Foreign workers nnw of New York irrigate {2 turns}
Worker SW of San Cortes moves NE, then NE
Worker in Macross City moves SW, then SW, then S
2 Workers N of Port Rouge move W, then W, then SW
3 Frenchies wnw of Macross City build road {complete}
3 Frenchies wnw of Macross City build mine {2 turns}
Worker wnw of Macross City moves S, then S, then S
1 Frenchie SW of Heliopolis (Ferropolis) irrigates {complete}
5 Frenchies SW of Heliopolis (Ferropolis) move NW
Worker se2 of Here It Is moves NW, then NW, then NW
3 Foreign workers SE of Rheims move E
Worker in Rheims moves W, then SW, then SW
3 Foreign workers SW of Opiadom clear jungle {8 turns}
First Jungle Corps
14 Workers ssw of Timeline move NW
2 Workers nnw of BHQ move NE, then N
2 Workers SW of Neon Goober City build road {complete}
2 Workers ne2 of Thebes move N
2 Workers wsw of Shiberport build road {complete}
Worker ssw of Memphis builds road {2 turns}