this is the report emailed to our great president hydey.
Capitol: Fin University Then lets get either aqueduct or build caravans (Mr. Pres discretion)
Codoba: Fin Library go for harbor next
Freeport: Change from warrior production to van or diplo.
Granada: Finish diplo for exploration, Begin Library
Leon: Build library, when the city pops please see that we make use of the minned grapes
Malanga: Finish Harbor and lets build a market to ease the unhappyness.
Obladi: Finish Vans and begin library
Pamplona: Build a Van to carry those gems

, Have the setler build a road in his current square, and move the worker stationed on the grassland to the IRRIGATED grassland.
Panama canal: Fin Musketeer and begin on a second for defense.
Salamanca: Fin Bans Start building Library
Santander: Fin Van(copper

)build a market
Saragossa: have settler irrigate the Special for a boost in food production. Then build more roads

we should build a library in the city.
Seville: Finish Vans and begin Library. we need more roads and irrigation here sir
ST Praski: Finish Vans for that silver

and build a market
Valencia: Finish van for the attempt at unlimited hides Build library
Valladolid: Finish Library and build harbor
Vigo: Finish diplo and build market then harbor
Whale island: finish musketeer (rush if trade minister agrees) begin caravan produtiction.
Avila: Finish Van and build Library
Barcelona: Finish library and begin Harbor
bilbao: Build a market and try to irrigate the lands surrounding teh city.
Cadiz Finish dip and begin library. When population increases in the next couple turns, switch the forrest worker to the grassland with shield and a road, the new worker should be on teh grass+shield+irrigate+road. This gives same shield production but 4 extra trade arrows.