I just finished my first OCC game (I must have only ONE city during the entire game with deity/raging and win by landing to AC). For me it was a learning and practising game where I did loaded a couple of times (which is of course strictly forbidden in the OCC-rules!) as well as I had TWO cities for two turns!
So why did I had two cities? That happened when suddenly I found out that one my of precious mined hill tile was occupied by another city. I went out to find out and there was a newly built allied French city. I moved my military unit on that tile but that didn't help. Is this because of alliance? So I bribed that city and rush-built a settler to remove it and then I disbanded that settler. And my question, what should I have done to obey strictly OCC-rules? I really coulnd't afford losing permanently a city square?
The instance I loaded was that I really badly wanted an alliance with Aztek who had a lot of money and he demanded me to go to war with my neighbor French and I did that.. in a hope that I can negotiate a cease fire afterwards. Well, French really got mad with me and sent a bunch of dragoons to pest me
I really didn't want to wage war against them (I was building a wonder and didn't had too many defenging units) so I learned that NEVER EVER go to war with your neighbor!
I had an interesting end game

My long time ally English who was biggest and from whom I got thousands of gold as gifts got weary of our alliance when I got space flight and wanted it. I refused (of course!) and soon the evil queen of England

was sending a huge army of armors, artilleries and bombers towards my precious Washington. I was lucky that there were many no-road tiles between English empire and me

I had to stop building structurals and built barracs, then my own armors and bombers. Then I build a nice trap: I sent my engineer to build a fortress to a mountain choke point five squares from my city and fortified a couple of armors there. Then I watched how the pile of English iron rubbish grew under my mountain
I managed to land at 1894 and just for fun continued the game to see how I would do by conquest with my only city. My city built a howie every turn and a stealth bomber every second and it's really incredible how strong they are when enemy had all his cities railroad connected! I just went on conquering, rush-building barracks and then more howies/mech infantries in all my new cities and in 30 turns I had conquered the French and Babylonians, captured London and seeing England divide into two empires (half of her cities became Viking). I took all the main cities of both as well as the Azteks' I really had a lot of fun!!