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Old November 14, 2002, 12:29   #1
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Open PBEM Directory: Please help me keep this updated (read for how)
Open Games

  • Fast sets - 1-2 turns/day, accel production, up to 8 players
  • Saturday morning PBEM - 1. We would have three games to choose from with everyone ranking the games one to ten. We would choose a game that had everyone in the "decent start" zone.
    2. Saturday morning, from 8am Eastern Time to noon, would be set aside for intensive play. I bet we could turn over 5 turns per hour. Many of these games are not getting five turns a week.
  • PBEM with a twist
  • SSS 6 player scenario map with equal lands, all techs and resources.
  • Classic Trilogy Set of three games

Closed/Active Games

  • Mass Regicide game Players:
    Buster13 - Iriquois
    Aebbeka - French
    KingSponge - English
    Dominae - Indians
    Normlguy19 - Persians
  • Jack's PBEM game Players:
    Jack_www: Egyptians
    Aebbeka: Greeks
    Redstar: Celts
    msnyds1: Russians
    Dissident: Iroquois
    and one random AI
  • Small Map Game - Players:
    Dissident: Celts
    Eli: Persia
    notyoueither: Iroquios
    miccofl: Carthage
  • ***PBEM*** - Players:
    1- Sirosis
    2- SpencerH
    3- Brizey
    4- delmar
    5- Eli
  • spencers game Players:
    1. Spencer
    2. delmar
    3. Eli
    4. jschelr
  • Pandora PBEM Players:
    1. hot_enamel {Japanese}
    2. jsosiak {Romans}
    3. Conquorer {English}
  • PBEM: Veni, Vedi, Vici Players:
    SirOsis - Babylonians
    Clegg - Greeks
    jshelr - Egyptians
    Ananias - Scandanavians
    WarriorPoet - Celts
    Tom Red - Persians
    Swissy - Ottomans
    Conqueror - Arabs
  • I'll get to them all, if you want them tracked...
  • Short January Break Players:
    Anatolia - Koreans
    Alva - Persians
    CerberusIV - Ottomans
    GhengisFarb - Chinese
  • Islands in the stream-
    Player 1 - Anatolia - England
    Player 2 - Hot_Enamel - Rome
    Player 3 - Snotty - India
    Player 4 - SirOsis - Greece
    (I like mountains)-4 human players, no AI-Raging

I will keep this up to date as long as I get a little help. Please post a link here, or PM me when you start a game, and I will add it. PM or post when the game is full so I can move it.

Did I miss any (open)? Any suggestions? Would you like to track who is in what full game, and outcomes/list of winners?
One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
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An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; May 28, 2003 at 09:53.
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Old November 14, 2002, 14:15   #2
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Reserved, just in case...
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Old November 14, 2002, 16:53   #3
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Well I have already started a PBEM game. One of the players droped out and I need to replace the person.

here is the link
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Old November 14, 2002, 20:41   #4
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I'm up for it, in fact I'm up for all the games

It seems it is going to be the only way I will enjoy multiplayer until I can connect on the internet.
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Old November 14, 2002, 20:55   #5
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New game starting up. Small world - acclerated production. I want to move swiftly, but I do have a job and can't go too fast.

I figure 3 or 4 human civs max.

Focus, discipline
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Old November 15, 2002, 00:38   #6
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Dont forget to get back to me when these close or it defeats the purpose
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Old November 15, 2002, 02:29   #7
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the open spot in my pbem game has been filled.
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Old November 19, 2002, 00:14   #8
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I'm starting a game called: ***PBEM***
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Old November 19, 2002, 11:22   #9
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Spencers PBEM game:revised Mar 24

Game underway 21 Nov/02

Game characteristics:
- no accelerated production
- version 114f
- Monarch level AI
- everything random
- delmar proposed that players should score (0-10) their choices of three separate games, the best game for all (on average) would be chosen for further play
This little trick worked out quite well and I'd recommend it to all (even though I personally ended up with a less than stellar start position)

Host: SpencerH
player1: SpencerH, Spain
player2: Delmar, Mongols
player3: Eli, Koreans
player4: jshelr, Zulu
player5: AI, Romans
player6: AI, Iroquois
player7: AI, Vikings
player8: AI, Japanese

Current date/point leader
1100AD (Mar24/03)/Mongols(delmar; points leader since 400BC or so)

Highlights/Comments of the game so far

Posted by Isabella
975BC: The Mongols (Delmar) have the honour of destroying the first city (Roman).
550BC: The Spanish have the honour of building the first GW (The Great Library) in Madrid.
430BC: Intel suggests two large landmasses the first with two AI (Vikings and Japanese) and one human civ (Zulu). The other landmass appears to be 3 human (Korea, Mongol, Spain) and two AI civs (Rome, Iroquois).
250BC: Intel reports the Zulus have built the great lighthouse. Galleys have been seen sinking off the coast of our continent (obviously not a seafaring nation). No contact with civs from the second continent yet.
circa90BC: A ZUlu galley has crossed the great divide and made contact with the Spanish
90AD:The treacherous mongols and their lackeys the Romans have shown their true colours with a sneak attack upon our peaceful nation. Hopefully, other nations will learn from our misfortune that these sub-humans and their leaders cannot be trusted.
130AD:The treacherous mongols have captured one city and destroyed a second. Madrid is threatened.
150AD: Madrid and the Great Library have been destroyed by the Mongol hordes. Our offensive forces, previously conducting wargames near the Roman border are marching with all haste toward the Mongol cities.
300AD: The Spanish civ is eliminated by the Mongols
310AD: Delmar quits playing PtW. SpencerH takes over the Mongols (despite the irony).

Posted by Temujin
Circa 330AD: As evidence of our beneficence, we have signed a non-aggression pact with the small Korean civ to our south to last until 750AD.
500AD: Iroquois wiped out by the Mongols. Peace throughout the Mongol Empire.
750AD: We have asked the Koreans whether they wish to extend the non-aggression pact but have only received guarded replys.
810AD: A sneak attack by the Koreans catches our glorious armies in the midst of upgrades. For too long have I listened to left-wing liberal advisors who counciled building libraries and universities. 2 or 3 small cities were lost in the initial onslaught. The zulus have also declared war on the peaceful Mongol empire. Ploughshares are being beaten into swords throughout the empire.
850AD: Hispalis lost to the Korean madmen. A substantial Zulu army has been sighted on our continent. The left-wing liberal advisors are now minus their heads.
890AD: With two columns of our mighty army marching on Veii (Korea) the Koreans sue for peace. In our neverending quest for peace, and the presence of a large Zulu army near our capital, we accept. Redeployment commences.
910AD: The Korean perfidity becomes clear once again as they move a small army against our Beloved city 'Niagara falls'. The Koreans claim they used a Ferengi trick i.e. to declare peace in the middle of the war to confuse their enemies.
1100AD: The war continues. We have chosen to fight a defensive war for now and have only lost a few out-lying non-productive cities.

Posted by Shaka
circa 2230BC: We are apparently at the north end of a rather large land mass. I have not gone far enough north to prove that yet, but the minimap suggests it is so. The start included ample horse resources, rivers, a lux, and a decent way to expand in major directions. The Japs and Vikes are located to the south.
The game will therefore be like a normal AI game for awhile. I'm busy hording the gold necessary to ally with the Vikes and attack the middle-placed Japanese for my first haul of extorted tech. This will likely be the strat followed unless the far north shows a connection to one of you is possible.
1075BC: Reporting some military exercises using nearby barbarian horsemen, conscripts and huts. Troops performed in satisfactory manner but we felt no need to promote anyone for so casual an encounter.

The threads: spencers game
spencers game part duh
We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.

Last edited by SpencerH; June 24, 2003 at 08:41.
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Old November 19, 2002, 15:04   #10
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***PBEM*** is full. 5 players:

1- Sirosis
2- SpencerH
3- Brizey
4- delmar
5- Eli
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Old November 21, 2002, 18:35   #11
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Spencers game has begun

1. Spencer
2. delmar
3. Eli
4. jschelr
We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.
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Old November 22, 2002, 16:56   #12
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EDIT: sorry, double post
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Old November 22, 2002, 16:58   #13
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Our game has been going well for a couple of weeks now. Thought I would mention it, just for complete-ness. It is an active game that is currently full.

A Simple Normal Game (ASNG) -

1: Ayronis (Iroquois)
2: Random Passerby (Korea)
3: Clegg (Mongols)
4: Tragicus (Carthaginians)
5: Conqueror (Greeks)
6: Gyromancer (Japanese)
I keep a record of all my civ games here.

aštassi kammu naklu ša šumeri ṣullulu akkadû ana šutēšuri ašṭu
"I am able to read texts so sophisticated that the Sumerian is obscure and the Akkadian hard to explain" (King Assurbanipal of Assyria 7th century BC)
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Old November 22, 2002, 17:08   #14
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Yeah, I haven't got to all the active games yet, just moving the ones that have started since I began this.

Is there a desire to have the active games tracked? Possibly posting the winners of these games? Maybe even eventually comming up with a win/loss record type thing?
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Old November 22, 2002, 18:13   #15
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Sorry about that, my bad.

I would like to be able to see a list of all the active PBEM games. Naming PBEM games is important to avoid confusion, and seeing a list of them would make this task much easier, IMHO.

As far as tracking winners or a win/loss record.... PBEM games require a great deal of time. Tracking the winners and such would probably be more work than its worth. To my knowledge none of the PBEM games are anywhere near half way finished, let alone ending, to really begin considering this much anyways. Just my 2 cents.
I keep a record of all my civ games here.

aštassi kammu naklu ša šumeri ṣullulu akkadû ana šutēšuri ašṭu
"I am able to read texts so sophisticated that the Sumerian is obscure and the Akkadian hard to explain" (King Assurbanipal of Assyria 7th century BC)
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Old November 22, 2002, 22:09   #16
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Turkey PBEM
I am looking for people with lots of free time during Thanksgiving.

Let me see if I can make a link:

Turkey PBEM
Care for some gopher?

Did you know that in GalCiv, the AI makes you think you are playing against humans? Stop laughing, they mean it!!!
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Old November 23, 2002, 14:05   #17
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Part of my problem is that most the active games were simply labled "PBEM".

I'll slowly start adding them in in my spre time, though.
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Old November 24, 2002, 00:28   #18
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I am looking for a couple of players for the PBEM Pandora game

Pandora PBEM


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Old November 24, 2002, 17:15   #19
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I should've said before, this thread is very helpful. Thanks
We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.
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Old November 24, 2002, 18:36   #20
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Good job UnOrthOdOx.

Won-Lost might not be bad, but it will be a while before anyone can go 1 and 0.
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Old November 25, 2002, 09:41   #21
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Yeah, I know it will be a long time, but could be interesting to see in the WAAAAY long run.
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Old November 27, 2002, 08:05   #22
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This looks pretty much alike the Recruitment Center I created a year ago in CtP-Multiplaying forum. I intented to bring it here as well as soon as there was a European release of PTW but I guess you got me

Perhaps you should consider adding a permanent replacement section for open slots in games that people have dropped out as there will be many in the future.
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Old December 2, 2002, 08:38   #23
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Hugo's game is long dead.
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Old December 2, 2002, 09:18   #24
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even his emailadress is dead... doesnt exist...

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Old December 3, 2002, 08:01   #25
Civilization III Democracy GamePtWDG Glory of WarInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamPtWDG2 MonkeyC3C IDG: Apolyton Team
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Pandora Closed

Please close Pandora.

We have 3 players

1. hot_enamel {Japanese}
2. jsosiak {Romans}
3. Conquorer {English}

Many Thanks

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Old December 3, 2002, 14:36   #26
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PBEM: Veni, Vedi, Vici
New game starting 8 player large map. Random except for map and civs.
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Old December 5, 2002, 00:35   #27
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Update: Have 5 players need 3 more.

SirOsis - Babylonians
Clegg - Random
jshelr - Egyptians
WarriorPoet - Celts
Ananias - Scandanavians
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Old December 7, 2002, 17:14   #28
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PBEM: Veni, Vidi, Vici is full.

SirOsis - Babylonians
Clegg - Greeks
jshelr - Egyptians
Ananias - Scandanavians
WarriorPoet - Celts
Tom Red - Persians
Swissy - Ottomans
Conqueror - Arabs

Last edited by SirOsis; December 10, 2002 at 15:19.
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Old December 15, 2002, 06:24   #29
Civilization III PBEM
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Double or nothing:

- hot_enamel (Arabia)
- Flandrien (China)
- jshelr (Egypt)
- Imtoops (Carthage)

Moderator = Delmar


Last edited by Flandrien1; December 19, 2002 at 07:55.
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Old January 2, 2003, 18:28   #30
Civilization III PBEMPtWDG2 Cake or Death?PtWDG Gathering StormInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton TeamC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamC4DG Gathering Storm
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PBEM with a twist



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Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
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