November 15, 2002, 23:16
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Scenario creators needed
I am the author of an alternative civ game based primarily on Civ2.
The game is "Turnless", but not real-time either.
Anyways, I'm finishing up a huge update that will add diplomacy and scenario support to the game, and unfortunately I have niether the time nor the historical know-how for making ideal scenarios.
I'm still planning on releasing the update with scenarios included that I will probably make rather quickly. Afterall, what good is scenario support without any scenarios?
Well, at least the map and scenario editor will be released along with it, and that's where you hopefully come in. I would like help from the Civ2 scenario community in making good scenarios to be distributed with the game (to replace the not-so-good ones I will be making, and to fill out the voids of scenarios that need to be done). Also, I would very much like suggestions and comments on what can be done to make the scenario creation and execution a better part of the game.
If you have never heard of my project before, you can click the link in my sig to read up about it and to download an early alpha version. Keep in mind that this update that I'm working on now will completely change the way the game is played, both visually and in the gameplay.
November 16, 2002, 04:13
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Any chance for this working on a mac in the near future?
Probably not
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November 16, 2002, 11:44
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unfortunately, no
November 16, 2002, 11:59
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BTW, for those of you who are somewhat interested, I have posted a screen shot of the scenario editor at the end of the Civiliza Alpha thread here
November 16, 2002, 14:58
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oh, and just so you know, the scenario editor doesn't look anything close to what the game looks like (different view and different sizes)
here is an in-game screen shot of the very first scenario (just a test scenario from the editor loaded into the game)
November 16, 2002, 16:00
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What do the numbers corresponding to the units represent?
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November 16, 2002, 18:59
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they are movement countdown timers. they represent how long you have to wait before you can move that unit. the number is mostly based on the number of units you control.
November 18, 2002, 02:13
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Here is the new diplomacy/treaty setup menu featured in the scenario editor.
Extremely easy to use, and all changes are bi-directional.
November 19, 2002, 16:43
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Looks interesting. It is easy to build scenarios?
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November 19, 2002, 19:16
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Is this a paying job or do you expect volunteers?
Lost in America.
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November 19, 2002, 19:57
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Hey is that 8 civs with or without the barbarians?... that is, of course, if there are barbarians...
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November 19, 2002, 20:10
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Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
... that is, of course, if there are barbarians...

If you look carefully you'll see that the first civ is America.
As a matter of interest how far through is this project? How long to the playable demo stage for example?
November 19, 2002, 20:25
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Originally posted by jasev
Looks interesting. It is easy to build scenarios?
I don't have much to compare it to, but yes I think it is very easy to create scenarios. You just adjust the map size, paint the terrain onto the map (with adjustable size cursor), and then place the units and cities. After that you can adjust the rules that are saved into the scenario (such as Locked Teams, etc), and the diplomatic relations. The game is not very complicated yet, and so niether is the scenario creating.
There are cool and interesting features though.
You need not have cities in your scenario, and you can even save an option in the scenario to not allow settlers to be built. This makes a whole set of new types of scenarios possible, including OCC.
Also, the new Base model: In scenarios you can place Bases that produce a single type of unit. Army Bases produce land units, Naval Bases produce sea units (when they make it into the game), Air Bases produce air units, and Military Bases produce all types of units. When these bases are placed, they have a reinforcement counter that is set to the # of units it can create. The counter decreases each time a unit is created until there are no units left to create. Once again, this opens up a whole range of scenario options.
For example, in the Battle of Britain scenario, England has control of a small island with a few cities. The Germans have Air Bases located in the sea south-east of the English cities. The english must use Mobile AA guns and their own fighters to withstand the constant waves of bombing runs made by the Germans. The English cannot capture or destroy the German Air Bases, they simple are there to represent the limited incoming air forces of Germany. Germany wins by bombing the English cities into submission and England wins by lowering the German reinforcement counters down to zero.
BTW, you don't have to make the bases not capturable. This is another option availabe to be saved.
So in the end, the scenario editor provides the means of creating some very unique scenarios, but the editor itself is easy to use.
November 19, 2002, 20:28
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Re: Hmmmm.
Originally posted by Exile
Is this a paying job or do you expect volunteers?
Whoever helps and has their scenarios featured in the game will be in the credits, but that's about it
November 19, 2002, 20:30
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Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
Hey is that 8 civs with or without the barbarians?... that is, of course, if there are barbarians...

Barbarians are not in the game, but I have some intersting ideas regarding barbarians and multiplayer play.
November 19, 2002, 20:42
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Originally posted by ravagon
If you look carefully you'll see that the first civ is America.

<--- American flag
As a matter of interest how far through is this project? How long to the playable demo stage for example?
A very early Alpha (and a small update) was released almost a couple months ago. Athough it has obvious problems, it also has functional multiplayer.
I suggest waiting for the next Alpha version that I'm working on now, which will be out within a week or two.
It will be a full download anyways, not an update.
I am nearly working full-time on this project, and I hope to have it finished during Q1 2003.
If you guys are interested, I'll do what I can to get this next version out as soon as I can, so that I can get help with the scenarios and with fixing the game itself.
November 19, 2002, 21:48
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Originally posted by ravagon
If you look carefully you'll see that the first civ is America.
Ahhhh, touché.
December 4, 2002, 21:00
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I have finished the update I was talking about. The game now also finally has a real name: Global Contention.
The zip file (including scenario editor) is less than 2mb, so please give it a try even if you are only somewhat interested.
Unfortunately I only had time to make one quick scenario, Battle of Britain. It's very innaccurate and unpolished. You can still play random maps of course, so this doesn't mean there's nothing to do after you download  . Anyway, this is close to how the scenario starts out:
(u can tell by the screenshot that i need some help with this  )
December 4, 2002, 23:28
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this shot is of the game setup screen. it shows all the options available for each game.
December 4, 2002, 23:30
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here's the game setup screen after 'scenario...' is selected. notice u cant modify the items in the white area. they are the scenario-specific settings that cannot be changed.
i am now updating everything for multiplayer, and you will of course be able to play scenarios in multiplayer, so keep that in mind
December 5, 2002, 03:45
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Originally posted by neonext
Unfortunately I only had time to make one quick scenario, Battle of Britain. It's very innaccurate and unpolished. You can still play random maps of course, so this doesn't mean there's nothing to do after you download . Anyway, this is close to how the scenario starts out:
I'm dling as I post this but it may be a while before I get the chance to do much with it as I'm in the middle of a bit of a computer crisis (yes another one of those  ) at present.
PS: Don't feel too bad about the map. At least you didn't put the Uk just off Gibralter like some developers.
December 7, 2002, 00:55
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thanks to you and anyone else who downloads and gives it a try.
i have already played the Battle of Britain scenario in multiplayer over the LAN here. it was fun, but not as fun as the random map mode because not enough time was put into the scenario. i'm really starting to like the idea of multiplayer vietnam and multiplayer ww2 (with up to 8 players, that would be nice!)
all the game features are tying together nicely. the AI needs a little more work, but it's very cool playing with someone else and 6 other AI's (very hard too, but getting beaten by the AI is always a good thing)
December 8, 2002, 00:41
Local Time: 11:07
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R u still looking for people to do some senarios for u? if u r im interested......
December 8, 2002, 03:03
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yes I am definitally still in need of scenario creators. the scenario editor should be compatible with the up and coming multiplayer update, so no converting will be necessary. just keep in mind the multiplayer aspect of the scenario, as all scenarios will be able to be played in multiplayer. unfortunately sea units are not in the game yet, so that limits the range of scenario possiblities a little, but there are still plenty to be done.
any ideas on what you would like to create?
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