November 20, 2002, 10:07
Local Time: 05:19
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newZupdate NEEDED! Post what has happened please.
We need an update, period. This is now making ME personally look bad, and I do not appreciate that one bit.
I have not been around, so please tell me what has happened, and I will write an update.
This is for everything that has happened since the last one, which was: 10-17-2002
Elections have begun. Term Five polls have opened, and we have several fierce battles for positions in the government. Polling booths for each position can be found at the following locations.
- President
- Vice President
- Supreme Military Commander
- Foreign Affairs Minister
- City Planner
- Public Works Minister
- Imperial Expansion Minister
- Minister of Science
- Minister of Economy
The Constitutional Convention, founded several terms ago to revamp and rewrite the Code of Laws of Apolytonia, has just released its first draft to the public for comments. The draft cuts the number of elected positions to four, and makes major changes to the structure of the government. The committee consisted of Togas, Apocalypse, NotYouEither, and adaMada. "I`m both exhilarated and exhausted. I`m very proud of this document. I think we all are. I hope that Apolytonia embraces this new Constitution with as much enthusiasm as we have for it." Togas commented.
War has returned to Apolytonia yet again. The Apolytonian Military, with help from our allies the Aztecs, was able to resoundingly defeat the Americans, taking New York in the process. The American Civilization crumbled between the mighty Apolytonian and Aztec armies, and their culture has ceased to exist.
The Apolytonian monarchy has been very successful over the past years, but apparently that was not enough. A rebellion has taken place, and angry citizens have overthrown the King while the Military, under the command of General Aggie, stood by. Our deeply religious nature made the transition less severe then it could have been, however, and we are now living under a Republican system of Government.
Mr. Orange has just published the first volume of the Apolytonia Defense Review. This document covers the military of ourselves and many Foreign nations, and gives an excellent feel for the state of our military, as well as that of the other nations around us. Big Furry Monster has produced his normal Game Report (covering the events of the last turnchat), and Reddawg has released an up to date version of his economic report. The Jungle Gazette: Volume XXIV is now for sale at most local shops. Current maps are always available by going to, and most official threads are cataloged in the Directory.
Join the game today! - MarkG
So far, all I really know is:
NewCon passed, link to it
New government takes office
November 20, 2002, 10:28
Local Time: 13:19
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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We have begun researching techs on our own instead of buying them from the AIs.
Our nation's golden age has ended.
We have entered the industrial era.
We are preparing an army of cavalry and cannons to blow a big hole through Otto von Bismarck's pants. It's possible that we'll try to disconnect Berlin from the rest of the German empire using suicide explorers in order to disallow Bismarck any luxuries and strategic resources. In any case, military planning is still underway.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
November 20, 2002, 10:33
Local Time: 07:19
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We went to war with France in 790AB. We accieved our GA in 800AB, when a WC defeted a Swordsman. Joan d'Arch is now a maid for one of our former Presidents, and the war was short.
Midway throught the GA, we tried to research Democracy and beat the other Civs to it, but failed and went back to minimul Research and max money. With further building on our resrearch capibilities, we tried to raise the slider again, which was successful (we still purchaced the tech, but at a greatly reduced price) in that we got to the Industrial Age before our GA (and term) was complete. We have now changed to the Government of Democracy, right when the End of the Term (V) was apon us.
We also completed the Forbidden Palace in Contaginon in 940AB. With the New Palace their, there is now debate about changing the cities name.
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
November 20, 2002, 10:41
Local Time: 05:19
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Ok, trying to get this all in order:
Term 5 Government:
War on France, obtained golden age, destroyed france completely, obtained Great leader, built army, bought our way into the Industrial age despite some failed attempts at actual research. Passed the NewCon.
Term 6:
New government structure takes office, entered democracy, preparing assault on Germany with possible use of suicidal Explorers to pillage Otto, as the science leader, back to the dark ages, thereby making US the Science leaders.
That about right?
November 20, 2002, 11:08
Local Time: 07:19
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Democracy was right at the end of term V.
Don't forget radifing the new con and the current election crisis.
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
November 20, 2002, 11:39
Local Time: 05:19
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Location: As cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an eel.
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Ok...Here we go:
Much has happened since the last update. The delay has resulted from many of the active members becoming occupied with issues outside the demo game and a lack of responsibility as to WHO was in charge of doing the update. This issue is being resolved within this thread to avoid similar situations in the future.
Term 5 had a productive term under the leadership of MrWhereItsAt, the first to be elected president twice, and Arnelos, the fiery newcomer turned VP. They were supported by Togas, a long running staple at Foreign Affairs, Aggie, our terrifying Military Commander, Reddawg as Minister of Economy, Thud as Science minister, Jonny as Minister of Expansion, E_T as City Planner, and Ghengis Farb controlling Public Works.
The Term began with MrWhereItsAt finishing what he started during his last term, declaring war on France once again. This time there would be no mercy, however, as our forces continued to utterly wipe them from the face of the planet, gaining yet one more Great Leader in the process, and initiating our Golden Age.
With the increased revenue from our Golden age, we were able to rush up numerous libraries, courthouses, and marketplaces. We built our Forbidden Palace, and eventually buy our way into the Industrial age. A few attempts to out research the AI proved fruitless, but at least reduced the cost of our purchases.
With the end of our Golden age just inside the Industrial Era, we took advantage of our Religious trait and quickly switched to Democracy, and are now in a position that we can compete with the AI head on in research while we enjoy WLTK day in nearly all our cities.
The New Constitution or NewCon, as we call it, was ratified and has taken effect with it's first elections. With Aggie elected the first President under it, Togas the VP, Thud our Military Commander, and Arnelos in charge of Foreign Affairs.
These did not go off without controversy, however. The Domestic Minister election came out in a tie. There seems to be some confusion as to how to proceed, with the court seeking to analyze the votes, the President declaring himself in charge, and one of the candidates wishing to simply drop out to prevent the confusion.
Things are gearing up for war once more. This time our focus is Germany. Targeted because they are the leaders amongst the AI in research. To slow them down will assure ourselves becoming the undisputed technological leaders of the game. In order to do this, our forces are going to carry with them many cannons and suicidal Explorers with the intent to pillage whatever we leave of Germany back into the dark ages.
Anything I am missing? I will be sending this at roughly 4 PM EST time if you have any changes, please make them before then.
Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; November 20, 2002 at 13:00.
November 20, 2002, 12:37
Local Time: 07:19
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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A couple of spelling errors, but looks good. Do you want to include the recent court case?
We mostly rushed Courthouses, as the GA provided the extra production to not have to rush the other stuff, and we had Pampiant Corruption & Waste issues to address before we continued.
We also have WLKD in almost all of our cities that can support that with more to join them soon.
Don't forget the Forbidden Palace
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
November 20, 2002, 13:28
Local Time: 05:19
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Location: As cuddly as a cactus, as charming as an eel.
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Fixed spelling (I think), added everything but the court case.
Don't know how to add that. To cut and paste portions of the ruling would take everything out of context, to simply add a link would not be interesting. Suggestions?
November 20, 2002, 14:15
Local Time: 07:19
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Looks good to me. Leave out the court case if your unsure as to how to present it.
Worship the Comic here!
Term IV Deputy Foreign Minister for Trade of Apolytonia, Term V CP & Term VI DM of Apolytonia, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI
Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game
November 20, 2002, 20:03
Local Time: 06:19
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I'm very, very sorry I never got this done. There just seems to be so little time for the C3DG these days -- something I'm very sorry for. My biggest regret, however, is that UnOrthO's projects went neglected, which isn't acceptable. I obviously need to reconsider my involvement in this game, and (more importantly) the amount and level of responsibilities I've taken on.
In the meanwhile, UnOrthO, if you haven't sent this yet, I'd be happy to write any parts that are needed, or to try to come up with a paragraph dealing with the court case. (There was a small something about it in the Jungle Gazette which might help, though that was b efore the resolution.)
Again, I apologize. In the future, I clearly need to consider what responsibilities I take on, and my ability to care for these responsibilities.
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
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November 20, 2002, 20:13
Local Time: 05:19
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No need for apologies. I didn't charge any one person with this, it is the responsibility of the NATION, not any individual. And I am taking steps to instill that in everyone's mind.
And, I already sent this off.
November 20, 2002, 21:11
Local Time: 06:19
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Posts: 608
Even tho I'm too late to add corrections, wasn't Trip the first president to be elected twice? Not sure on this.
aka, Unique Unit
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November 20, 2002, 21:13
Local Time: 05:19
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Nope, Trip lost the second election to Ninot.
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